[author unknown]
Book reviewed in this article: The Celtic Church in Britain. By Leslie Hardinge. Cardinal Contarini at Regensburg By Peter Matheson. Newman and the Common Tradition By John Coulson. Baron Friedrich Von Hügel and the Modernist Crisis in England By Lawrence F. Barmann. The Bible and the Ancient Near East By Roland DE Vaux. Understanding the Old Testament. Edited by O. Jessie Lace. The Making of the Old Testament. Edited by Enid B. Mellor.Exodus. By Ronald E. Clements. Isaiah 1–12: a Commentary By Otto Kaiser. The Rediscovery of Apocalyptic By Klaus Koch. Translated by Margaret Kohl. The Future of the World. By Matthias Rissi. Herod Antipas. By Harold W. Hoehner. Revelation and Theology: An analysis of the Barth‐Harnack correspondence of 1923. By H. Martin Rumscheidt. Protestant Theology in Nineteenth Century. Its Background and History. By Karl Barth. Theologie vor Gericht. Der Fall Wilhelm Koch—Ein Bericht. By Max Seckler. L'Esprit Saint et L'Église. By E. Trocmé and others. Ecclesia a Spiritu Santo Edocta. Mélanges théologiques: Hommage à Mgr Gérard Philips. By J. Coppens and others. Forbid Them Not: The Importance and History of General Baptism. By R. R. Osborn. Meaning and Method: Prolegomena to a Scientific Philosophy of Religion and a Scientific Theology. By Anders Nygren. The Ontological Argument. By Jonathan Barnes. The Argument from Design. By Thomas McPherson. Religious Experience. By T. R. Miles. The Concept of Worship. By Ninian Smart. Logical Analysis and Contemporary Theism. By John Donnelly. Knowing the Unknown God. By William Joseph Hill. The Culture of Unbelief. Edited by Rocco Caporale and Antonio Grumelli. Work, Society and Culture. Edited by Vukan Kuic. The Social Reality of Ethics: The Comparative Analysis of Moral Codes. By John H. Barnsley. Agent, Action and Reason. Edited by Robert Brinkley, Richard Bronaugh and Ausonio Marras Praxis and Action. By Richard Bernstein. The Problematic Self in Kierkegaard and Freud. By J. Preston Cole. Histoire et Absolu: essai sur Kierkegaard. By Jacques Colette. Freud: Living and Dying. By Max Schur.