[author unknown]
Book reviewed in this article: Neoplatonism. By R. T. Wallis. Contemporary Philosophy. Studies of Logical Positivism and Existentialism. By Frederick Copleston The Concept of Justice. By N. M. L. Nathan. The Concept of Miracle. By Richard Swinburne. Perplexity and Knowledge By Malcolm Clark. Aesthetics: An Introduction By Ruth L. Saw. The Thomism of Étienne Gilson: a Critical Study. By John M. Quinn. Agape: An Ethical Analysis. By Gene Outka. Die Wirklichkeit fassen. Zur‘induktiven’Normenfassung einer‘Neuen Moral’. By Philipp Schmitz. Catholic Moral Theology in Dialogue. By Charles E. Curran. Prohibitions and Restraints in War. By Sydney B. Bailey. The Place of Suffering By John Ferguson. Prayer and Meditation. By F. C. Happold Angels and Dirt. By John Drury The Need for Contemplation. By René Voillaume Letters from the Desert. By Carlo Carretto THE Tradition: An Ecumenical Breakthrough?. By Brian Gaybba ‘And the Two shall become One Flesh’: A Study of Traditions in Ephesians 5: 21–33. By J. Paul Sampley Studia Semitica By Erwin I. J. Rosenthal. Volume I: Jewish Themes. Maimonides and Abrabanel on Prophecy. By Alvin Jay Reines. Cyprian and the Bible: A Study in Third‐Century Exegesis. By Michael A. Fahey. The Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis: III, Books V and VI. Edited and translated by Marjorie Chibnall St Thomas More: Action and Contemplation. Proceedings of the Symposium held at St John's University, October 9–10, 1970. Edited with an Introduction by Richard S. Sylvester A Religious History of the American People. By Sydney E. Ahlstrom. Lexikon der christlichen Ikonographie. Edited by Engelbert Kirschbaum S. J. † Vol. III, Allgemeine Ikonographie, L—R. Idem, Vol. IV, Allgemeine Ikonographie, S‐Z, Nachträge.