The Philosophy and Role of "Ego" in Education and Management
In this paper, we study the most importing deriving power in human life which accompanies him throughout his life, and the one which controls his goals, efforts, behavior, views, interpretations, friendships and above all his perceptions, confirmation, and reasoning is studied. This deriving force is called the “ego” of individuals. The ego is believed to be the source of continuity and existence of every person. As a result of preserving this ego in a respectful manner, one gains his personality and respect, and he believes that this ego should exert its supremacy and be respected ceaselessly. The same attitude is extended to afterlife as he wants to leave a good name behind himself after this death. Otherwise, despair and misery would prevail and dominate his life. Each person pays tribute to this ego in his own way. Values gain respect only due to usefulness and greatness of this ego. The main goal of education is directing this element in a way that it brings happiness to individuals as well as society, and establishes a good relationship among them. The ego, in turn, responds positively to any help which it receives from others, and extends a helping hand towards them. In this paper, the method and ways of achieving such an important goal have been investigated, and some ways of penetrating in other people have been shown.