This thesis is a post qualitative inquiry that explores a different research approach concerning climate change and what Bruno Latour calls the Terrestrial. We are now living in a New Climatic Regime or locked-down age, according to Latour, where life continues – yet is ever more suspended and disorienting. This frozen image of modern life is drawn in our new landscape – that is political, organizational and it concerns terrestrial sustainability – along with an emerging worldview (of Gaia) that is challenging to understand and manage for. It also reorients how we are managing sustainability and what we connect to it. This new landscape – that is also a mapping of dominant trajectories for organizing and Terrestrial reorientation with the world – is traversed, extended, and explored with two blockchain projects for sustainability. The projects are organizing their own currency for putting-on-chain, tokenizing, or attaching to nature, carbon and other actors. The key coordinates and blockages of this new landscape for sustainability are also drawn from these two cases – mapping their organizing trajectories and Terrestrial reorientation. The research and writing of this inquiry gathers with Terrestrial earth-bound movement for managing, living and organizing in connection with the common world for habitability.