Results for 'Leonardo Marcelino'

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  1.  54
    Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo, filósofo.Marcelino Ocaña García - 1997 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 14:185-202.
    Sin ningún afán polémico, el presente artículo aspira a presentar algunos rasgos de Menéndez Pelayo, que puedan legitimar su caracterización como filósofo ; faceta esta, quizá, la menos vistosa de este gran historiador y crítico, incansable lector y escritor fecundo. Rastreando sus obras más específicas sobre el particular, se expone su pensamiento al respecto, no solo para saber como entiende los conceptos filosóficos más básicos, sino también para ver la posibilidad de enmarcarlo en alguna corriente filosófica que admita su clasificación.
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  2. What makes biological organisation teleological?Matteo Mossio & Leonardo Bich - 2017 - Synthese 194 (4):1089-1114.
    This paper argues that biological organisation can be legitimately conceived of as an intrinsically teleological causal regime. The core of the argument consists in establishing a connection between organisation and teleology through the concept of self-determination: biological organisation determines itself in the sense that the effects of its activity contribute to determine its own conditions of existence. We suggest that not any kind of circular regime realises self-determination, which should be specifically understood as self-constraint: in biological systems, in particular, self-constraint (...)
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  3. Situating homeostasis in organisms: maintaining organization through time.William Bechtel & Leonardo Bich - 2024 - Journal of Physiology (x):1-18.
    Since it was inspired by Bernard and developed and named by Cannon, the conceptof homeostasis has been invoked by many as the central theoretical framework for physiology. Ithas also been the target of numerous criticisms that have elicited the introduction of a plethoraof alternative concepts. We argue that many of the criticisms actually target the more restrictiveaccount of homeostasis advanced by the cyberneticists. What was crucial to Bernard and Cannonwas a focus on the maintenance of the organism as the goal (...)
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    Motor modules of human locomotion: influence of EMG averaging, concatenation, and number of step cycles.Anderson S. Oliveira, Leonardo Gizzi, Dario Farina & Uwe G. Kersting - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  5.  28
    Role of the Cingulate Cortex in Dyskinesias-Reduced-Self-Awareness: An fMRI Study on Parkinson’s Disease Patients.Sara Palermo, Leonardo Lopiano, Rosalba Morese, Maurizio Zibetti, Alberto Romagnolo, Mario Stanziano, Mario Giorgio Rizzone, Giuliano Carlo Geminiani, Maria Consuelo Valentini & Martina Amanzio - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  6. Russellian Physicalists get our phenomenal concepts wrong.Marcelino Botin - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (7):1829-1848.
    Russellian physicalism is becoming increasingly popular because it promises to deliver what everybody wants, realism and physicalism about consciousness. But Russellian physicalists are not the first to swear on “the promise”, standard Type-B physicalism is a less fanciful view that also claims to give everything and take nothing. In this paper, I argue that our hopes should not be placed on Russellian physicalism because, unlike Type-B physicalism, it cannot explain how phenomenal concepts can reveal the nature of phenomenal properties without (...)
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    Time-Series Analysis of Embodied Interaction: Movement Variability and Complexity Matching As Dyadic Properties.Leonardo Zapata-Fonseca, Dobromir Dotov, Ruben Fossion & Tom Froese - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  8.  20
    Cognitive Predictors of Precautionary Behavior During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Volker Thoma, Leonardo Weiss-Cohen, Petra Filkuková & Peter Ayton - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:589800.
    The attempts to mitigate the unprecedented health, economic, and social disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic are largely dependent on establishing compliance to behavioral guidelines and rules that reduce the risk of infection. Here, by conducting an online survey that tested participants’ knowledge about the disease and measured demographic, attitudinal, and cognitive variables, we identify predictors of self-reported social distancing and hygiene behavior. To investigate the cognitive processes underlying health-prevention behavior in the pandemic, we co-opted the dual-process model of thinking (...)
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  9. Locke's Diagnosis of Akrasia Revisited.Samuel C. Rickless & Leonardo Moauro - 2024 - Journal of Modern Philosophy 6:1-24.
    Matthew Leisinger (2020) argues that previous interpretations of John Locke’s account of akrasia (or weakness of will) are mistaken and offers a new interpretation in their place. In this essay, we aim to recapitulate part of this debate, defend a previously articulated interpretation by responding to Leisinger’s criticisms of it, and explain why Leisinger’s own interpretation faces textual and philosophical problems that are serious enough to disqualify it as an accurate reconstruction of Locke’s views. In so doing, we aim to (...)
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  10. The Lean Theorem Prover.Leonardo de Moura, Soonho Kong, Jeremy Avigad, Floris Van Doorn & Jakob von Raumer - unknown
    Lean is a new open source theorem prover being developed at Microsoft Research and Carnegie Mellon University, with a small trusted kernel based on dependent type theory. It aims to bridge the gap between interactive and automated theorem proving, by situating automated tools and methods in a framework that supports user interaction and the construction of fully specified axiomatic proofs. Lean is an ongoing and long-term effort, but it already provides many useful components, integrated development environments, and a rich API (...)
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    Multi-Scale Coordination of Distinctive Movement Patterns During Embodied Interaction Between Adults With High-Functioning Autism and Neurotypicals.Leonardo Zapata-Fonseca, Dobromir Dotov, Ruben Fossion, Tom Froese, Leonhard Schilbach, Kai Vogeley & Bert Timmermans - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Mathematical aspects of the periodic law.Guillermo Restrepo & Leonardo Pachón - 2006 - Foundations of Chemistry 9 (2):189-214.
    We review different studies of the Periodic Law and the set of chemical elements from a mathematical point of view. This discussion covers the first attempts made in the 19th century up to the present day. Mathematics employed to study the periodic system includes number theory, information theory, order theory, set theory and topology. Each theory used shows that it is possible to provide the Periodic Law with a mathematical structure. We also show that it is possible to study the (...)
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  13.  39
    Axiomatizing non-deterministic many-valued generalized consequence relations.Sérgio Marcelino & Carlos Caleiro - 2019 - Synthese 198 (S22):5373-5390.
    We discuss the axiomatization of generalized consequence relations determined by non-deterministic matrices. We show that, under reasonable expressiveness requirements, simple axiomatizations can always be obtained, using inference rules which can have more than one conclusion. Further, when the non-deterministic matrices are finite we obtain finite axiomatizations with a suitable generalized subformula property.
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    Impact of Artificial Intelligence as an Educational Resource in Teaching-Learning Processes in the Area of Biology: Significant Experiences with Eighth Grade Students of the CEA Cámbulos Adventist School.Leonardo Alberto Mauris De la Ossa, Mónica Liseth Susatama Esguerra, Samuel Andrés Saavedra Duque & Daniel Euclides Sánchez Moya - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:2209-2222.
    Artificial intelligence is a current tool that is used in different areas of the human life with the purpose of facilitating and directing the processes in distinct sceneries of society. This research aimed to use AI as an educational resource in teaching and learning process in the area of biology for students at the Adventist School CEA Cambulos in the city of Cali. A qualitative research methodology was used, with data collection techniques such as observation and interviews, presenting an action (...)
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    Time Translation of Quantum Properties.Roberto Laura & Leonardo Vanni - 2009 - Foundations of Physics 39 (2):160-173.
    Based on the notion of time translation, we develop a formalism to deal with the logic of quantum properties at different times. In our formalism it is possible to enlarge the usual notion of context to include composed properties involving properties at different times. We compare our results with the theory of consistent histories.
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    Assessing Actual Strategic Behavior to Construct a Measure of Strategic Ability.Ennio Bilancini, Leonardo Boncinelli & Alan Mattiassi - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:422425.
    Strategic interactions have been studied extensively in the area of judgment and decision-making. However, so far no specific measure of a decision-maker's ability to be successful in strategic interactions has been proposed and tested. Our contribution is the development of a measure of strategic ability that borrows from both game theory and psychology. Such measure is aimed at providing an estimation of the likelihood of success in many social activities that involve strategic interaction among multiple decision-makers. To construct a reliable (...)
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    A posteriori Russellian physicalism: a new solution to the meta-problem of consciousness.Marcelino Botin - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    The meta-problem of consciousness is the problem of explaining why we believe that there is a hard problem of consciousness. A solution to the former promises to take us one step closer to solving the latter. While many hope for a physicalist realist solution to the meta-problem, I argue that the two prominent physicalist realist positions in the literature, orthodox Russellian and type-B physicalism, cannot deliver a solution. I then introduce a posteriori Russellian physicalism, a Russellian version of the phenomenal (...)
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  18.  55
    An Unexpected Boolean Connective.Sérgio Marcelino - 2022 - Logica Universalis 16 (1):85-103.
    We consider a 2-valued non-deterministic connective \({\wedge \!\!\!\!\!\vee }\) defined by the table resulting from the entry-wise union of the tables of conjunction and disjunction. Being half conjunction and half disjunction we named it _platypus_. The value of \({\wedge \!\!\!\!\!\vee }\) is not completely determined by the input, contrasting with usual notion of Boolean connective. We call non-deterministic Boolean connective any connective based on multi-functions over the Boolean set. In this way, non-determinism allows for an extended notion of truth-functional connective. (...)
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  19. Ontologias para a Modelagem Multiagente de Sistemas Complexos em Ciências Cognitivas.Leonardo Lana de Carvalho, Franck Varenne & Elayne de Moura Bragra - 2014 - Ciências and Cognição 19 (1):58-75.
    Cognitive sciences as an interdisciplinary field, involving scientific disciplines (such as computer science, linguistics, psychology, neuroscience, economics, etc.), philosophical disciplines (philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, analytic philosophy, etc.) and engineering (notably knowledge engineering), have a vast theoretical and practical content, some even conflicting. In this interdisciplinary context and on computational modeling, ontologies play a crucial role in communication between disciplines and also in a process of innovation of theories, models and experiments in cognitive sciences. We propose a model for (...)
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  20. A Alma da (e na) Geografia Física de Kant.Leonardo Rennó Ribeiro Santos - 2020 - Doispontos 17 (1).
    O presente artigo examina a natureza da investigação antropológica que Kant executou nos seus cursos sobre geografia física. Se, por um lado, a sua relação com a física empírica é assegurada, por outro, a incorporação de ambos os objetos do sentido interno, alma e ser humano, na abordagem cosmológica da investigação empírica da natureza humana gera questionamentos sobre a articulação disciplinar e metodológica pressupostas no Conhecimento do Mundo. Será mostrado que a investigação antropológica de Kant desde o início procurou assegurar (...)
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  21.  5
    Evaluation of Artificial Intelligence as a Source of Motivation in the Teaching of Chemistry: A Study with Tenth Grade Students at the Adventist School of Ibagué.Leonardo Alberto Mauris De la Ossa, Nury N. Garzón, Celmira Pérez Pulido, Blanca E. García Herrán & Jorge H. Hoyos - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:2193-2208.
    The objective of this research has been to evaluate the effect of the integration of Artificial Intelligence on the motivation of students, in the area of Chemistry of tenth grade of the Adventist School of Ibagué. To this end, a methodology with a qualitative approach and a Participatory Action Research design with four phases were used: planning, action, observation and reflection. The information was collected through observation and interview techniques for which field diaries and structured script were used as research (...)
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  22. The Phenomenal Concept Strategy Cannot Explain Problem Intuitions.Marcelino Botin - 2022 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 29 (7-8):7-31.
    The meta-problem of consciousness is the problem of explaining why we think there is a hard problem of consciousness. The meta-problem promises to help us solve the hard problem. The Phenomenal Concept Strategy promises to solve both problems at once while allowing for a metaphysics of mind that avoids dualism, which is hard to defend, and illusionism which is hard to accept. I argue that the strategy fails to fulfil this promise. Standard accounts of the PCS cannot provide an adequate (...)
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  23.  9
    Contingência, correlacionismo e realidade.Leonardo Domingos Braga da Silva - 2024 - Controvérsia 20 (2):99-114.
    Este trabalho examina as ideias filosóficas de contingência, correlacionismo e realidade, com foco nas críticas formuladas por Slavoj Žižek e Markus Gabriel ao projeto de Quentin Meillassoux. Žižek destaca uma crítica à absolutização da contingência em Meillassoux, argumentando que o filósofo não consegue verdadeiramente superar o correlacionismo kantiano. Žižek, ao contrário, defende a correlação transcendental como parte integrante da própria coisa em si, enfatizando a importância de entender a relação entre como as coisas são em si mesmas e como aparecem (...)
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    Collected papers, 1962-1999.Leonardo Tarán - 2001 - Boston: Brill.
    This book consists in a reprint of papers dealing mostly with Grecoroman philosophy, ranging from the 5th century BC to the 6th century AD, and concerned mainly ...
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    La reinterpretación radical del experimento de Michelson y Morley por la relatividad especial.Alejandro Cassini & Leonardo Levinas - 2005 - Scientiae Studia 3 (4):547-81.
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    Prolegomena to a Metaphysics of Real Estate.Barry Smith & Leonardo Zaibert - 1996 - In Roberto Casati, Shadows and Socio-Economic Units. Foundations of Formal Geography. Technical University of Vienna. pp. 151--155.
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    Nussbaum, M. (2020). La tradición cosmopolita. Un noble e imperfecto ideal. Ediciones Paidós.Hans Leonardo Florián Sánchez - 2021 - Praxis Filosófica 53:239-248.
    El presente texto reconstruye las ideas centrales del argumento de la filósofa Martha Nussbaum en su más reciente obra La Tradición Cosmopolita (2020), en la cual realiza un análisis del origen del cosmopolitismo con la escuela cínica y de los amplios desarrollos de algunos representantes del estoicismo, encontrando allí el germen de algunos problemas del cosmopolitismo contemporáneo. Es por ello que la autora rescata perspectivas cosmopolitas que han sido obnubiladas, reconociendo en Grocio y Adam Smith aportes que le ayudarán a (...)
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    The Asymmetry Between the Practical and the Epistemic: Arguing Against the Control-View.André J. Abath & Leonardo de Mello Ribeiro - 2013 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 17 (3):383.
    It is widely believed by philosophers that we human beings are capable of stepping back from inclinations to act in a certain way and consider whether we should do so. If we judge that there are enough reasons in favour of following our initial inclination, we are definitely motivated, and, if all goes well, we act. This view of human agency naturally leads to the idea that our actions are self-determined, or controlled by ourselves. Some go one step further to (...)
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  29. Challenges of understanding macroevolution among Brazilian biology students and continuing education efforts.Leonardo Araújo, Ronaldo Paesi & Voltaire Paes-Neto - 2019 - In Alandeom W. Oliveira & Kristin Leigh Cook, Evolution education and the rise of the creationist movement in Brazil. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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    A Bottom-Up Validation of the IAPS, GAPED, and NAPS Affective Picture Databases: Differential Effects on Behavioral Performance.Michela Balsamo, Leonardo Carlucci, Caterina Padulo, Bernardo Perfetti & Beth Fairfield - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:570363.
    The concept of emotion is a complex neural and psychological phenomenon, central to the organization of human social behavior. As the result of subjective experience, emotions involve bottom-up cognitive styles responsible for efficient adaptation of human behavior to the environment based on salient goals. Indeed, bottom-up cognitive processes are mandatory for clarifying emotion-cognition interactions. Accordingly, a huge number of studies and standardized affective stimuli databases have been developed (i.e., International Affective Picture System (IAPS), Geneva Affective Picture Database (GAPED), and Nencki (...)
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  31.  14
    Dispositivos da Formação Teórica Queer.Antonio Leonardo Figueiredo Calou & Maria Teresa Nobre - 2022 - Educação E Filosofia 35 (75):1457-1488.
    Dispositivos da Formação Teórica Queer: contribuições de Michel Foucault e Jacques Derrida Resumo: O presente artigo busca discutir as contribuições de Michel Foucault e Jacques Derrida para a formulação da teoria queer, apresentando algumas de suas propostas teóricas que passeiam e incorporam movimentos políticos e acadêmicos, bem como corpos em constante construção de si, incorporados por enunciados de gênero, suas oposições, mas também por suas Diferanças. Para isso, apresentamos inicialmente os itinerários históricos dos movimentos políticos queer, ou seja, uma pragmática (...)
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  32.  18
    El sistema de las ciencias de Kant.Mario Leonardo Calderón Rosas - 2021 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 13 (1):189-206.
    En su obra principal “Crítica de la razón pura”, Kant deja clara su intención de no solo investigar las cualidades epistemológicas del ser humano, sino también de fundamentar las ciencias naturales. Principalmente la física y las matemáticas. El libro “Fundamentaciones metafísicas de las ciencias naturales” continua este proyecto. En su prólogo se excluye aún más a ambas ciencias, al catalogarlas como las únicas portadoras de conocimientos sintéticos a priori. Los problemas surgen con la “Crítica del Juicio” y su apartado “Crítica (...)
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  33.  28
    Dos parientes dentro de la familia semanticista en la filosofía de la ciencia.Leonardo Cárdenas Castañeda - 2014 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 55 (130):561-576.
    Este artigo se inicia com a declaração de Díez e Moulines, segundo a qual é preferível dizer ‘família semanticista’ e não ‘concepção semanticista’, desde que, entretanto, os membros dessa família partilhem uma estratégia modal de apresentação e análise das teorias e, claro, de problemas metafóricos ligados a eles, ainda, entre eles não deve haver qualquer unanimidade em relação à natureza dos modelos. O estruturalismo, por exemplo, pensa os modelos como estruturas de conjunto teórico , enquanto para van Fraassen elas são (...)
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  34. Buscando un nuevo "piso" para el derecho: el giro de Gustav Radruch en la filosofía alemana: de los campos de exterminio alemanes al abandono del positivismo jurídico. Constitucionalismo y democracia. De la tensión al falso dilema.Guido Leonardo Croxatto - 2017 - In Robert Alexy, Argumentación, derechos humanos y justicia. Buenos Aires: Astrea.
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    Cinismo e Falência da Crítica.Leonardo Jorge da Hora & Hélio Alexandre Silva - 2010 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 2 (3):385-396.
    O livro de Vladimir Safatle Cinismo e Falência da Crítica (6 capítulos, 216 páginas) procura realizar um diagnóstico da realidade contemporânea apontando para a noção de cinismo como chave conceitual capaz de amarrar os vários campos do saber, desde a política até as artes passando pela psicanálise.
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    (1 other version)A fair allocation approach to the ethics of scarce resources in the context of a pandemic: The need to prioritize the worst‐off in the Philippines.Leonardo De Castro, Alexander Atrio Lopez, Geohari Hamoy, Kriedge Chlare Alba & Joshua Cedric Gundayao - 2021 - Developing World Bioethics 21 (4):153-172.
    Using a fair allocation approach, this paper identifies and examines important concerns arising from the Philippines’ COVID‐19 response while focusing on difficulties encountered by various sectors in gaining fair access to needed societal resources. The effectiveness of different response measures is anchored on addressing inequities that have permeated Philippine society for a long time. Since most measures that are in place as part of the COVID‐19 response are meant to be temporary, these are unable to resolve the inequities that have (...)
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    Bioethics in Asia—Global Bioethics.Leonardo D. de Castro - 2009 - Asian Bioethics Review 1 (1):1-4.
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    Commentaries from Different Perspectives: Even in the Face of Similarities, Differences Matter.Leonardo D. De Castro - 2013 - Asian Bioethics Review 5 (2):81-84.
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    Commercial Surrogacy, Compensation for Research Participants and Other Arguments for Public Education in Bioethics.Leonardo D. De Castro - 2014 - Asian Bioethics Review 6 (1):1-7.
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    Patient Vulnerability and Professional Vulnerability.Leonardo D. de Castro - 2012 - Asian Bioethics Review 4 (3):167-170.
  41.  15
    Impacto de las TIC en los resultados de pruebas estandarizadas durante el COVID-19.Leonardo Alberto Mauris De La Ossa & Blanca Patricia Domínguez Gil - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-13.
    De acuerdo con estudios, los alumnos que durante el confinamiento causado por la pandemia contaron con la mediación de las TIC en su proceso de formación tuvieron mejores resultados en las pruebas estandarizadas. Esta investigación, de carácter documental, indagó el caso de Colombia y Panamá, hallando que el patrón efectivamente se repitió. Con el agravante que, en estos países, el porcentaje de estudiantes sin acceso a estos recursos superaban más del 50%. Por lo que se concluye, que los procesos de (...)
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    Elaboration in Dependent Type Theory.Leonardo de Moura, Jeremy Avigad, Soonho Kong & Cody Roux - unknown
    To be usable in practice, interactive theorem provers need to provide convenient and efficient means of writing expressions, definitions, and proofs. This involves inferring information that is often left implicit in an ordinary mathematical text, and resolving ambiguities in mathematical expressions. We refer to the process of passing from a quasi-formal and partially-specified expression to a completely precise formal one as elaboration. We describe an elaboration algorithm for dependent type theory that has been implemented in the Lean theorem prover. Lean’s (...)
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    Academica: Plato, Philip of Opus and the Pseudo-Platonic Epinomis.John Dillon & Leonardo Taran - 1980 - American Journal of Philology 101 (4):486.
  44.  10
    Hacia una nueva concepción ontológica de la Naturaleza.Leonardo Filippi Tome - 2021 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 13 (2):207-224.
    En este escrito realizaremos un aproximamiento al concepto de naturaleza, desde los primeros filósofos de la Physis hasta el Idealismo de Schelling. Para ello, seguiremos la interpretación que el pensador Merleau-Ponty realiza sobre este concepto a partir de las respuestas de Kant y Schelling al «argumento ontológico» de Descartes.
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    Desarrollo cognitivo y educación formal: análisis a partir de la propuesta de L. S. Vygotsky.Leonardo Gómez Martínez - 2017 - Universitas Philosophica 34 (69):53-75.
    The article explains the relationship between formal education and cog- nitive development in chapter 6 of Vygostky’s Thought and Language, “The development of scientific concepts in childhood; the design of a working hypothesis”. Subsequently, it frames the proposal of Vygotsky in Annette Karmiloff-Smith’s theory of cognitive development. The thesis is that formal education is fundamental in the child’s mental develop- ment because it enables the child to become aware of spontaneous thin- king, that is, to recognize spontaneous thinking as a (...)
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    Duelo divino. Libertad de conciencia y tolerancia religiosa.Leonardo González Valderrama - 2016 - Ideas Y Valores 65 (S2):107-120.
    Para defender la tolerancia religiosa, se muestra que no hay razones para considerar que unas religiones son más verdaderas que otras, del mismo modo que no es posible establecer que una religión es verdadera, ya que la creencia religiosa no tiene un valor objetivo absoluto. Se sostiene además que, al no ser posible el establecimiento de la objetividad de la creencia religiosa, solo si esta se funda en la libertad de conciencia es posible defender la tolerancia religiosa.
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  47. Tradicionalismo y neoescolástica.Leonardo Tovar González - 1988 - In Germán Marquínez Argote, La Filosofía en Colombia: historia de las ideas. Bogotá: Editorial el Búho.
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    Democrazia e rivoluzione nel pensiero politico di Carlo Pisacane.Leonardo La Puma - 1993 - Idee 22:43-66.
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  49. The Impact of Lacan's Teaching on Psychoanalysis with Children.Eric Laurent & Leonardo S. Rodriguez - 1990 - Analysis (Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis) 2:21.
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  50. El carácter histórico de la concepción cusana de verdad.Marcelo Leonardo Levinas & Aníbal Szapiro - 2011 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 37 (1):67-95.
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