The article focuses on the argumentative character of the eulogy, a speech that is part of a funeral ritual and serves to console the community of the bereaved. It aims to contribute to the understanding of eulogy as a specific argumentative practice by identifying the argumentative patterns that occur in it. A pragma-dialectical approach to the study of argumentation is used, allowing for the description of prototypical (theoretically expected) and stereotypical (frequent in use) argumentative patterns. To probe the empirical plausibility of the argumentative character of eulogy, the research is limited to a type of secular eulogy that was historically established in Czechoslovakia during the communist period (1948–1989). This type is chosen here for pragmatic reasons (easy access to data and researcher’s familiarity with the language of the data). It is shown that in secular eulogy, arguments in favour of reconciliation with death and honouring the deceased are typically presented. Prototypical and stereotypical patterns are examined with concern for the structure of these arguments, and the argumentative and content analysis is extended by identification of specific propositional content of sub-arguments. It is also proposed examining the variability of argumentative patterns with respect to the type of the deceased (male/female, short/long life experience, significant/insignificant social status).