Although the context, such as the social policies or the professional world in mutation, highlights the emergence of a new professional project for educators of young children during their training period, the process of professionalization and the identity building involved during the training period will be more especially studied, in relation to the practical experience gathered during the internships (Wittorski, 2009). This experience awakes in the subject a reflection and a situation of identity building through the encounter and the interactions with practical communities. While confronting with others, the student involves the realization, the self-continuity. Emotions and biographical facts are involved as well (Bourgeois et Barbier, 2006), thus maintaining the subject’s continuity and identity uniqueness through the perception of others. In this article, we will relate the process of professionalization and identity building to the concept of reliance, developed by Bolle de Bal (2003), within the scope of block-release training of educators of young children.