The optimistic perspective opened up by the preceding possibilities and promises
does not grant that everything in this research project is rosy. Phenomenology may
be a philosophy of infinite tasks, but it cannot pass for a philosophy of infinite
means. By its very methodological principle, this philosophy is restricted to the
elucidation of the phenomena in their horizontal and vertical (as it were) structure
or, otherwise put, in their synchronic/diachronic or static/genetic structuring. To this
extent, the specifically phenomenologically justified significance of Phenomenology’s discoveries and teachings is restricted to the phenomena themselves, to what
is phenomeno-logizable. To be sure, this restriction does not necessarily signal a
diminishing of Phenomenology’s dignity as a kind of philosophizing. As we will
see, what it signals is a more deeply entrenched self-awareness.
Both Husserl and Heidegger nonetheless flirted with (and were sometimes fully
enchanted by) the charm of the non-phenomenologizable. It is in the nature of our
truth-seeking process in philosophy to frequently find ourselves moving along the
boundary that separates the soundly intuitional from the merely speculative. According to Phenomenology’s strict rule, the possible drift into the merely speculative
is the philosophical original sin against truth and knowledge, yet Phenomenology
does not appear fully innocent of this drift. In this final chapter, we will have the
opportunity to see what I believe to be the most crucial trespasses of these self-posed
phenomenological limits. Generally speaking, this might be an expected result,
given philosophy’s own high expectations in the field of truth and knowledge. The
fact remains, however, that without any specific notice both Husserl and Heidegger
do on occasion pass from the domain of phenomenological description of the things
themselves into a speculative conjecturing of the phenomenologically unchartable.
In their efforts to further extend the elucidatory capability of Phenomenology, fully
absorbed in following the traces of the phenomena under investigation, they allow
themselves to fall down the rabbit hole.