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Thane Naberhaus [4]Thane M. Naberhaus [2]Thane Martin Naberhaus [2]
  1. Husserl’s Transcendental Idealism: Husserl, Edmund. Transzendentaler Idealismus: Texte aus dem Nachlass Edited by Robin D. Rollinger and Rochus Sowa. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004 , ISBN 1-4020-1816-9. €115.00, $127.00 US.Thane M. Naberhaus - 2007 - Husserl Studies 23 (3):247-260.
    Book review of Rollinger & Sowa's 2004 translation of Husserl's own later collection of manuscripts on transcendental idealism (and realism): It has long served the interests of certain partisans to paint Husserl as a Cartesian philosopher of consciousness, as a man who, like his early modern predecessor, was obsessed with demonstrating that the ‘‘data’’ of conscious experience constitute an epistemological fundamentum inconcussum. Husserl thus becomes a stock character in those narratives of modern philosophy which see it as having been dominated (...)
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  2. Does Husserl have an argument against representationalism?Thane Martin Naberhaus - 2006 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 73 (1):43-68.
    It is often said that by rejecting the representationalist model of mind, phenomenology makes a decisive advance over empiricism. Yet despite such pronouncements, the arguments Husserl uses to refute representationalism have received scant critical attention, and upon examination many turn out to be obscure. I argue here that some of Husserl's best known anti-representationalist arguments fail. I end the paper, however, by suggesting that if these unsuccessful arguments are paired with certain methodological considerations taken from Husserl's mature philosophy, they may (...)
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    David Woodruff Smith, Husserl: Routledge, New York, 2007 , US-$100.00 , US-$27.95 ; €67.27 , €20.99 , ISBN 978-0-415-28975-7.Thane Naberhaus - 2009 - Husserl Studies 25 (1):81-88.
  4.  47
    The Problem of the Motivation for the Phenomenological Reduction.Thane Martin Naberhaus - 2005 - Philosophy Today 49 (Supplement):212-221.
  5. The Problem of Transcendence in Husserl's Early Philosophy.Thane M. Naberhaus - 2004 - Dissertation, Georgetown University
    The main aim of this dissertation is to trace the systematic development of Husserl's early theory of intentionality, particularly as it reflects and influences his understanding of the mind-world relation. The dissertation is divided into two parts. ;In the first part, I trace the historical roots of phenomenology back to Husserl's teacher Franz Brentano. I argue that for Brentano, intentionality is a purely mental relation between a mental act and a mentally immanent intentional object or content. I also argue that (...)
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    Human Predicaments and What to Do About Them. [REVIEW]Thane Naberhaus - 2017 - Review of Metaphysics 70 (3).
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    Phänomenologie der Phänomenologie. [REVIEW]Thane Naberhaus - 2004 - Review of Metaphysics 57 (3):635-636.
    Despite its title, then, Derrida and Husserl is primarily about Derrida, and only secondarily about Husserl. A reader who approaches the book with the hope of gaining some perspective on the Husserl–Derrida debate will come away disappointed: the Husserl one finds is in every case Derrida’s Husserl, and no attempt is made to see things through Husserl’s eyes. Consequently, where Husserl is concerned, Lawlor’s analysis comes off as a something of a broadside. Where Derrida is concerned, on the other hand, (...)
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    The Essence of Human Freedom. [REVIEW]Thane Naberhaus - 2005 - Review of Metaphysics 58 (3):662-665.
    These volumes make available for the first time in English the full texts of two of Heidegger’s most significant lecture courses: Vom Wesen der menschlichen Freiheit: Einleitung in die Philosophie, delivered in the summer semester of 1930, and Vom Wesen der Wahrheit: zu Platons Höhlengleichnis, delivered in the winter semester of 1931–32. They contain full translations of Volumes 31 and 34 of the Gesamtausgabe of Heidegger’s works. Coming at a crucial turning point in Heidegger’s career, the lecture courses treat two (...)
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