Information from our senses, memories and thoughts is bound together into a unified whole that constitutes our experience of our world, our Umwelt. However, our ability to investigate our Umwelt through standard Western-derived neuroscience is limited, because of the third-person approach that undergirds the field. Achieving greater coherence in our understanding requires the addition of an approach which is fundamentally integrative. The most comprehensive first-person approach to the nervous system can be found in the introspective traditions of Tantric Hinduism. In this review, we explore the hierarchical ordering of the senses in Hinduism (from most gross to the most subtle, the latter being closer to consciousness), and how this may be linked to sensorimotor coupling in the parietal cortex. We demonstrate how this ordering parallels the developmental history of the sensory cortices over the course of vertebrate evolution. The synergy between biosemiotics and neurophenomenology is made clear, as the idea of a “Great Chain of Semiosis” can be very helpful in understanding the reasons behind the emergence of this sensory hierarchy. The structures of the Subtle body described in Hindu Tantra should be seen as semiotic nodes used by the conscious agent in interacting with the world around it. We propose that metaphor ties together the various sensory mappings of the body at the cognitive level. Integrating insights from Hindu Tantra will help modern science better investigate questions of agency, meaning and semiosis in organisms.