This chapter introduces the subject of design cybernetics from the perspective of its origins in Conversation TheoryConversation theory – interweaving descriptions of cybernetic artefacts, cybernetic design concepts, their socio-cultural implications, and their possible consequences for a cybernetic theory for design. Conversation TheoryConversation theory was initially developed by the British cybernetician Gordon PaskPask, Gordon, and later by his students Ranulph GlanvilleGlanville, Ranulph and Paul Pangaro. With a view to opening up strands and avenues for design education and design practice, this chapter positions the act of designing as an embodied conversation between designersDesigners, the subject matter and the object to be designed. An introduction to cybernetics and design is followed by a discussion of machines developed by Pask, including MusicolourMusicolour and Colloquy of MobilesColloquy of Mobiles. The chapter then offers an overview of Pask’sPask, Gordon Conversation TheoryConversation theory as based on circular causalCircular causality, interactiveInteraction, feedback-basedFeedback epistemologicalEpistemology processes. It constructs and explicates a design reality of interactionInteraction, learningLearning and design education. PaskPask, Gordon explained Conversation TheoryConversation theory rhetorically, arithmetically and graphically. Pask’sPask, Gordon entailment meshesEntailment meshes, n-dimensional cyclical network graphs, describe conversationConversation topics, paths, attributes and partners of interactionInteraction. They are examined and related to contemporary digitally driven systems and societies. The chapter concludes by discussing design cybernetics in view of socio-cybernetic ecologies and the shifting paradigm of design authorship.