As one who writes from “the milieu of American university philosophy,” I should no doubt be grateful that Thomas O’Meara, a scholar who has “a slightly different perspective — one derived from medieval, German, and theological study” — has condescended to review my book Schelling: An Introduction to the System of Freedom. Indeed, I am grateful, for Father O’Meara has revealed to me some of the shortcomings of my own perspective. Limited by my “optic of the Enlightenment and modern American philosophy,” I approached Schelling by reading what he wrote, developing interpretations, and arguing in favor of them. O’Meara’s “slightly different” perspective apparently grants him direct access to Schelling’s thought, allowing him to dispense with the tedious business of citation and argumentation. O’Meara’s revelations also bring to light some surprising differences between what Schelling thought and what he wrote.