This chapter re-grounds subsidiarity (the objective principle in Catholic social doctrine regarding where authority properly rests in society) in the divine institution of the family, the first and fundamental structure of an authentic human ecology. The inquiry begins by locating the key articles of the Christian faith underlying Catholic social teaching before examining our intrinsic social nature. Next, this chapter takes up the doctrine of creation, an appreciation that our existence as human beings and the existence of the world we live in are gifts from a loving Creator, and the distinctively human capacity for wonder. The examination of creation and wonder illuminates the reality that marriage and family are the prototype of the social order. The primary function of subsidiarity is revealed to be the protection and promotion of the family. Thus, subsidiarity formally imposes obligations on the state and all intermediary organizations, including business firms, to support the family. This duty is the essence of subsidiarity as it applies to business owners and managers. The chapter discusses the application of the principle of subsidiarity in business in more detail and concludes with an organizational illustration.