Categorical Modeling of Natural Complex Systems. Part I: Functorial Process of Representation
We develop a general covariant categorical modeling theory of natural systems’ behavior based on the fundamental functorial processes of representation and localization-globalization. In the first part of this study we analyze the process of representation. Representation constitutes a categorical modeling relation that signifies the semantic bidirectional process of correspondence between natural systems and formal symbolic systems. The notion of formal systems is substantiated by algebraic rings of observable attributes of natural systems. In this perspective, the distinction between simple and complex systems is reflected in the appropriate qualification of their corresponding rings of observables. The crucial distinguishing requirement with respect to the coordinatizing rings of observables has to do with the property of global commutativity. The global information structure representing the behavior of a complex system is modeled functorially in terms of its Spectrum functor.
Due to the fact that, the fundamental process of representation is bidirectional by construction, it admits a precise categorical formulation in terms of the syntactic language of adjoint functors, constituting thus, a categorical adjunction. The left adjoint functor of this adjunction signifies the process of encoding the information related with phenomena of natural systems in terms of coordinatizing rings of observables, whereas, the right adjoint functor signifies the inverse process of information decoding, which, can be used for making predictions about the
behavior of natural systems.