Categorical Modeling of Natural Complex Systems. Part II: Functorial Process of Localization-Globalization
We develop a general covariant categorical modeling theory of natural systems' behavior based on the fundamental functorial processes of representation and localization-globalization. In the second part of this study we analyze the semantic bidirectional process of localization-globalization. The notion of a localization system of a complex information structure bears a dual role: Firstly, it determines the appropriate categorical environment of base reference contexts for considering the operational modeling of a complex system's behavior, and secondly, it specifies the global compatibility conditions of local contextual information. A localization system acts on the global information structure of a complex system, partitions it into sorts, and eventually, forces the consistent sheaf-theoretic fibering of the latter over the base category of commutative reference contexts. In this manner, the sheafification of the Spectrum functor of a complex information structure takes place by imposing on the uniform and homologous fibered structure of elements of the Spectrum presheaf the following two requirements of coherence in relation to the localization-globalization process: [i]. Compatibility of information under restriction from the global to the local level, and [ii]. Compatibility of information under extension from the local to the global level. Correspondingly, the options of local and global receive a concrete mathematical meaning with respect to a suitable notion of topology (categorical Grothendieck topology) defined on the base category of commutative reference contexts. Finally, the accurate functorial process modeling of a complex system's behavior, respecting the processes of representation and localization-globalization, is being effectuated by means of establishing a categorical dual equivalence between the category of complex information structures, and the
topes of sheaves over the base category of partial or local information carriers, equipped with the categorical topology of epimorphosis families.