The "Critique of Justice" and the Freedom and Emancipation of Men
Marx and Engels' conception of justice is a "critical justice." This "critical justice" generally includes the following three main aspects: First, the criticism of Proudhon , Keyon Dooling, who "eternal justice" concept, establish justice, to understand the basis of production; Second, the abstract concept of human rights criticism of the bourgeois to establish human rights aspects of "transitional justice" in nature; three critical institutional structure of capitalist reality injustice of private institutional arrangements, the establishment of the future realization of the fundamental principles of social justice - each person's full and free development. Their aim is to abandon the property relations of capitalism under the narrow, one-sided concepts of justice, to establish a free development of each person and overall personality development of the liberation of their own and just society. For the construction of harmonious society in China is concerned, Marx and Engels' critique of justice "concept has an important reference