Emerging of European Multi-level Governance and the Future of Nation State
From the multi-governance perspective, the history of European integration, the European Union is actually multi-evolving system of governance and political history. EU's multi-layer system of governance can be seen as a new political system model, it is both similar to the characteristics of the nation-state politics, has its own unique place. Nation-state model in this new form of government need to reposition their roles, find a reasonable position. From the perspective of multi-level governance, the history of European integration, was, in fact, the history of the process of the creation and the formation of European multi-level governance structure. The multi-level governance structure of the European Union can be seen as a new model of polity, which has not only the similar characteristics of the national political system but also has its own special features. Nation state within the new polity needs to redefine its role and seeking for an appropriate position