Due to the fact that advertising is produced, distributed, and received together with other elements of mass media, it stands to reason to include advertising in the media system – as did Niklas Luhmann. Given that most advertising is for commercial purposes, however, one might as well model advertising as a subsystem of the economica system – as did Siegfried J. Schmidt. Most advertising is indeed commercial, yet advertising is not necessarily limited to commercial purposes. Advertising neither follows the guiding values of the media system nor those of the economic system exclusively. Therefore, advertising can reasonably be regarded as an autonomous social system – as did Guido Zurstiege. To emphasize the fact that, as a service provider, advertising has to account for different system logics, it can also be considered a zone in which the guiding principles of different systems are brought down to a common denominator – Gabiel Siegert and Dieter Brecheis have explicated this approach. Against the background of these four different systems theoretical approaches to advertising research this paper focuses on the power struggles and conflicts inherent in the advertising process.