Results for ' $\Omega$-logic'

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  1.  26
    Omega.Christoph Benzmüller, Armin Fiedler, Andreas Meier, Martin Pollet & Jörg Siekmann - 2006 - In Wiedijk Freek, The Seventeen Provers of the World. Springer. pp. 127-141.
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  2. Naar omega.J. H. Andriessen - 1967 - Den Haag,: Tong Tong.
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    Omega.Clifford C. Cain - 1984 - Faith and Philosophy 1 (3):327-335.
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    (1 other version)Cosmology from alpha to omega.Robert John Russell - 1994 - Zygon 29 (4):557-577.
    This paper focuses on four passages in the journey of the universe from beginning to end: its origin in the Big Bang, the production of heavy elements in first generation stars, the buzzing symphony of life on earth, and the distant future of the cosmos. As a physicist and a Christian theologian, I will ask how each of these passages casts light on the deepest questions of existence and our relation to God, and in turn how these questions are being (...)
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    Vico Alpha and Omega.Andrea Battistini - 2004 - New Vico Studies 22:15-22.
  6. Will transhumanism reach point omega?Ilia Delio - 2022 - In Arvin M. Gouw, Brian Patrick Green & Ted Peters, Religious Transhumanism and Its Critics. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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  7. Will transhumanism reach point omega?Ilia Delio - 2022 - In Arvin M. Gouw, Brian Patrick Green & Ted Peters, Religious Transhumanism and Its Critics. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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    Obésité morbide et fonction oméga.Terezinha Féres-Carneiro & Maria Do Carmo Cintra De Almeida-Prado - 2009 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 3 (3):103-116.
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    Alpha and Omega.Jared S. Moore - 1935 - The Monist 45 (2):161-185.
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  10. Alpha et omega.John W. Moran - 1935 - Vigornii: (Worcester) Mass., Harrigan Press.
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    From Alpha to Omega.N. G. Wilson - 1969 - The Classical Review 19 (03):365-.
  12.  39
    Alpha Et Omega. [REVIEW]W. J. McGarry - 1936 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 11 (3):512-514.
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  13. M. RISSI: "Alpha und Omega". [REVIEW]R. Schaerer - 1968 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 18:196.
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    Crucified with Christ: The Ego and the Omega.Thomas McCall - 2020 - Journal of Analytic Theology 8 (1):1-25.
    In the second chapter to his Galatians letter, Paul makes some striking statements. He says that he has been “crucified with Christ,” and indeed that he no longer lives but that Christ lives “in” him. Such claims raise fascinating exegetical and metaphysical issues that are important for theology. Just who is this “I”, and what is the relation of this “I” to Christ? How are we to understand union with Christ – indeed, is the relation spoken of here something stronger (...)
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    Organisation, Transformation, and Propagation of Mathematical Knowledge in Omega.Serge Autexier, Christoph Benzmüller, Dominik Dietrich & Marc Wagner - 2008 - Mathematics in Computer Science 2 (2):253-277.
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    Whitehead and Teilhard: from organism to Omega.Ilia Delio & Andrew M. Davis (eds.) - 2024 - Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books.
    Whitehead and Teilhard scholars imagine a philosophical and theological encounter between the two.
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  17. La promesse accomplie, Jésus Christ Omega.J. Guillet - 1996 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 84 (2):177-190.
    Alors que l'eschatologie courante des religions archaïques se situe dans la croyance au retour éternel, au recommencement sans fin d'un monde sans issue, le Dieu d'Israël ouvre un avenir à la foi. Abraham découvre un commencement de l'histoire, un Dieu attentif et plus fort que la mort. Constamment menacé de périr, Israël apprend des prophètes à reconnaître le jugement de Dieu et à reprendre vie dans la foi. À l'horizon d'une histoire de violence, une espérance se profile. L'apocalyptique sera la (...)
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    Kritik über Pape, Wilhelm & Sengebusch (1914/2005): Griechisch-Deutsch. Altgriechisches Wörterbuch Handwörterbuch der griechischen Sprache. Griechisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch Alpha-Kappa Lambda-Omega. [REVIEW]Thomas Zimmer - 2005 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 10 (1):258-259.
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    Lexicon Platonicum.Friedrich Ast - 1835 - New York,: B. Franklin.
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    Continuity of solutions to a basic problem in the calculus of variations.Francis Clarke - 2005 - Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa- Classe di Scienze 4 (3):511-530.
    We study the problem of minimizing $\int _\Omega F)\, dx \;$ over the functions $u\in W^{1,1}$ that assume given boundary values $\phi $ on $\Gamma := \partial \Omega $. The lagrangian $F$ and the domain $\Omega $ are assumed convex. A new type of hypothesis on the boundary function $\phi $ is introduced: the lower bounded slope condition. This condition, which is less restrictive than the familiar bounded slope condition of Hartman, Nirenberg and Stampacchia, allows us to extend the (...)
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  21.  26
    Transforming the Nature of Health: A Holistic Vision of Healing That Honors the Earth, Each Other, and Ourselves.Marcey Shapiro - 2011 - North Atlantic Books.
    Love-alpha -- Language and life -- Premises -- Respect -- On conscious co-creation -- Interrelationship -- A map of the worlds -- Balance -- Trust : viruses -- Messengers -- Cooperation/community -- Truth -- The spirits of things -- Harmony -- The deva of fleas -- Communication -- Love : omega.
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    Il valore cristiano del mondo in Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.Francesco Bertoldi - 1985 - Communio 83:44/51.
    Although revolutionary, Teilhard de Chardin's true thought was not contradictory with the Christian dogma. This is what Henri de Lubac, authoritative interpreter of Teilhard, claims. In this article we report its essential theses.
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  23. L'«enigma» delle «dottrine non scritte». Aristotele e la tradizione indiretta.A. Aguilar - 1999 - Alpha Omega 2 (2):291-318.
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  24. La strutturazione dell'intelligibile in Platone secondo la tradizione indiretta: Uno studio tematico comparativo delle Testimonia Platonica di Hans J. Krämer.A. Aguilar - 1999 - Alpha Omega 2 (3):377-406.
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  25. Philosophari in Maria.Angela Ales Bello - 2000 - Alpha Omega 3 (2):301-309.
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  26. Aclarando un punto de la teología moral:¿ puede ser la abstinencia periódica una forma de anticoncepción? Análisis del pensamiento de G. Grisez.José Maria Anton - 2003 - Alpha Omega 6 (1):3-36.
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  27. El concepto de G. Grisez sobre la anticoncepción: un acto contra la vida.Cf Jm Antón, Cf G. Grisez-Jm Boyle-J. & Wemay Finnis - 2003 - Alpha Omega 6 (3):419-456.
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  28. La parabola filosofica del'900: dalle filosofie che proibiscono lo spazio della fede alla filosofie che conducono alla scelta di fede.Dario Antiseri - 2000 - Alpha Omega 3 (2):309-315.
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  29. Tres errores comunes al hablar de la anticoncepción y la crítica que de ellos ofrece G. Grisez.José Maria Anton - 2003 - Alpha Omega 6 (2):233-252.
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  30. L'educazione superiore ei valori.Giuseppe Baldanza - 2000 - Alpha Omega 3 (3):461-469.
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  31. Dimensione sapienziale della filosofia. Una rilettura della «Fides et Ratio» in chiave bonaventuriana.Amador-Pedro Barrajon - 2000 - Alpha Omega 3 (2):369-376.
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  32. Las formas de la sabiduría en Collationes in Hexaëmeron de San Buenaventura.Ap Barrajon - 1999 - Alpha Omega 2 (1):13-48.
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  33. La sabiduría multiforme y nuliforme en San Buenaventura.Amador-Pedro Barrajon - 2001 - Alpha Omega 4 (1):3-33.
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  34. Quale futuro per l'antropologia cristiana? Guardando il secolo XXI dalla prospettiva di Giovanni Paolo II.A. Pedro Barrajon - 2003 - Alpha Omega 6 (3):457-484.
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  35. Sapiential dimension of philosophy a reading of fides et ratio from the perspective of St. Bonaventure.A. -P. Barrajon - 1999 - Alpha Omega 2 (3):363-375.
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  36. Fundamental problems and solutions concerning genetic testing (2nd part).Tierney Bennet - 2002 - Alpha Omega 5 (3):473-497.
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  37. Fundamental problems and solutions concerning genetic testing (first part).Tierney Bennet - 2002 - Alpha Omega 5 (2):337-362.
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    L’antropologia teologica nella Caritas in veritate di Benedetto XVI.Alberto Carrara - 2013 - Alpha Omega 16 (3):371-388.
    The human being has always held a central place in reflections on faith and, from the beginning, has been the main centre of concern within the pastoral activity of the Church. This fundamental reality emerges from Benedict XVI’s social encyclical, Caritas in veritate, in the context of a grave economic crisis at the global level, marked at the same time by the fact that it is a true and proper “crisis” of humanity, both cultural and moral. In this work, after (...)
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  39. L'Unità del sapere per l'attuazione di «Fides et Ratio».Lluis Clavell - 2000 - Alpha Omega 3 (2):211-225.
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  40. «Fides intellegentiam sibi adsumit. Some reflections on faith and reason from Hilary of Potiers' De Trinitate.Donal Corry - 2002 - Alpha Omega 5 (1):3-30.
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  41. «La riscoperta della metafisica»(Fides et Ratio n. 83).Georges Cottier - 2000 - Alpha Omega 3 (2):227-237.
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  42. Chiesa e diritti umani: percorsi.Se Mons Giampaolo Crepaldi - 2003 - Alpha Omega 6 (2):163-176.
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  43. L'analogia antropologica. Riflessioni sui concetti di anima e corpo in alcuni testi patristici.Don Carlo Dell'osso - 2003 - Alpha Omega 6 (2):215-232.
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  44. Newman's concept of natural religion in the Oxford University Sermons.Cathal Deveney - 2001 - Alpha Omega 4 (2):207-230.
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  45. Good & Evil Actions. A Journey through Saint Thomas Aquinas. [REVIEW]Dominic Farrell - 2011 - Alpha Omega 14 (3):468-470.
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    Is God Just? Aquinas’s Contribution to the Discussion of a Divine Attribute.Dominic Farrell - 2017 - Alpha Omega 20 (3):467-507.
    Justice is a divine attribute to which the sacred texts of the Abrahamic religions attest frequently and to which people attach great importance. However, it is the express subject of comparatively few contemporary studies. It has been argued that this is symptomatic of a long-standing trend in Christian theology, which has tended to conceive justice narrowly, as retributive. This paper makes the case that, mediaeval theologians, from Anselm to Aquinas, address the divine attribute of justice in depth and with philosophical (...)
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    Natural Teleology and Human Dignity: Reading the Second Vatican Council in the Light of Aquinas.Dominic Farrell - 2014 - Alpha Omega 17 (3):543-567.
    In Gaudium et Spes and Dignitatis Humanae the Second Vatican Council not only presents the dignity of the human person as the parting point for its moral teaching but also grounds human dignity in natural teleology. Natural teleology is the view that the good of any thing corresponds to, and so can be discerned from, the ends to which it is directed by its nature, both that end which is proper to it and those ends that it has as part (...)
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  48. Fides et ratio: L'enciclica che immette nel terzo millennio.R. Fisichella - 1999 - Alpha Omega 2 (1):3-12.
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  49. Nessuna filosofia senza teologia?Rino Fisichella - 2000 - Alpha Omega 3 (2):341-351.
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  50. La Sábana Santa y la Tilma de Juan Diego en la nueva evangelización.Javier García - 2011 - Alpha Omega 14 (3):445-461.
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