Results for ' BIRTHMARKS'

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  1.  52
    Essaying the Mechanical Hypothesis: Descartes, La Forge, and Malebranche on the Formation of Birthmarks.Rebecca Wilkin - 2008 - Early Science and Medicine 13 (6):533-567.
    This essay examines the determination by Cartesians to explain the maternal imagination's alleged role in the formation of birthmarks and the changing notion of monstrosity. Cartesians saw the formation of birthmarks as a challenge through which to demonstrate the heuristic capacity of mechanism. Descartes claimed to be able to explain the transmission of a perception from the mother's imagination to the fetus' skin without having recourse to the little pictures postulated by his contemporaries. La Forge offered a detailed (...)
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    “Marked” Bodies, Medical Intervention, and Courageous Humility: Spiritual Identity Formation in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Birthmark.Keith Dow - 2022 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 47 (5):625-637.
    Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Birthmark offers a sharp lens through which to examine power, purity, and personal identity. Scientist and spiritual idealist, Aylmer, is obsessed with “correcting” the only flaw he perceives in his wife Georgina, the imprint of a small red hand on her pale cheek. For Alymer, this one “imperfection” reaches deep into Georgina’s heart, a sign of sin, decay, and mortality. It is the natural that must be overcome with science. Drawing on Hawthorne’s tragic fiction, this paper questions (...)
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    GNAQ mutations drive port wine birthmark-associated Sturge-Weber syndrome: A review of pathobiology, therapies, and current models. [REVIEW]William K. Van Trigt, Kristen M. Kelly & Christopher C. W. Hughes - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:1006027.
    Port-wine birthmarks (PWBs) are caused by somatic, mosaic mutations in the G protein guanine nucleotide binding protein alpha subunit q (GNAQ) and are characterized by the formation of dilated, dysfunctional blood vessels in the dermis, eyes, and/or brain. Cutaneous PWBs can be treated by current dermatologic therapy, like laser intervention, to lighten the lesions and diminish nodules that occur in the lesion. Involvement of the eyes and/or brain can result in serious complications and this variation is termed Sturge-Weber syndrome (...)
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    Reincarnation and Biology: A Contribution to the Etiology of Birthmarks and Birth Defects.Christopher F. Roth - 1998 - Anthropology of Consciousness 9 (2-3):64-68.
    Reincarnation and Biology:. Contribution to the Etiology of Birthmarks and Birth Defects. Ian Stevenson. Westport, CT, and London: Praeger, 1997. volumes. 1192 pp. $195.00 (cloth).
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    Current treatment options for port wine stain birthmarks.K. M. Kelly - unknown
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  6. From gazing to understanding: Experiencing a methodological shift.Ishan Santra - 2023 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 27:575-585.
    As a mathematics education researcher from India, I try to capture glimpses of a messy terrain named education— or maybe field-notes from experiential tours, humbly inviting the MES community to engage and together become more reflexive towards our collective practices and baggage. This paper would, nonetheless, ask questions pertaining to mathematics education. However, it would not start with asking them, marking them as research questions. In this paper, I would rather try to trace the birthmarks of certain research questions; (...)
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  7.  92
    The Evidence for Reincarnation.David Cockburn - 1991 - Religious Studies 27 (2):199 - 207.
    There are significant numbers of well-documented cases of the following general kind. At the age of 3 or 4 a child starts to make claims about his past which clearly do not correspond to anything that has happened in his present life. He claims to remember living in a certain place, doing certain things, being with certain people, and so on. It is then found that these memory claims fit the life of a person who died shortly before the child (...)
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  8.  42
    Rigorous Unreliability.Barbara Johnson - 1984 - Critical Inquiry 11 (2):278-285.
    As a critique of a certain Western conception of the nature of signification, deconstruction focuses on the functioning of claim-making and claim-subverting structures within texts. A deconstructive reading is an attempt to show how the conspicuously foregrounded statements in a text are systematically related to discordant signifying elements that the text has thrown into its shadows or margins; it is an attempt both to recover what is lost and to analyze what happens when a text is read solely in function (...)
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  9.  24
    On the many processes of chemical evolution.Christophe Malaterre - unknown
    The notion of chemical evolution is controversially defined in reference to Darwinian evolution: for some, it is nothing but natural selection applied to chemical systems; yet, for others, it is precisely what happened before natural selection, the latter being the birthmark of life. Taking into account a plurality of evolutionary processes, I propose to construe chemical evolution as a composite theory within which natural selection might only be one of several evolutionary processes.
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  10.  22
    Women who kill men: Gender, agency and subversion in Swedish crime novels.Tiina Mäntymäki - 2013 - European Journal of Women's Studies 20 (4):441-454.
    The article discusses how women murderers embedded in the victim-turned-avenger narrative function as vehicles of social criticism in three contemporary Swedish crime novels, Henning Mankell’s The Fifth Woman, Håkan Nesser’s Woman with Birthmark and Fredrik Ekelund’s Nina och sundet [Nina and the Strait]. The murderers’ performances of murder, based on parody and irony, question masculinity and its institutionalized practices. By rendering vulnerable the discourse of hegemonic masculinity, these performances prove their subversiveness and critical potential. At the same time they renew (...)
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    Personal Names: Embodiment, Differentiation, Exclusion, and Belonging.Gisli Palsson - 2014 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 39 (4):618-630.
    Because they are right under our nose, taken-for-granted, and essential to every person everywhere, personal names have often eluded the theoretical and analytical scrutiny they deserve. To what extent do naming practices exemplify or parallel the biopolitics of bodily inscriptions and markings such as tattoos, birthmarks, and presumed racial signatures? To what extent do names represent “technologies of the self” in the broadest sense, as both means of domination and empowerment, facilitating collective surveillance and subjugation, and the individual fashioning (...)
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  12.  54
    The Survival of Human Consciousness: Essays on the Possibility of Life After Death.Lance Storm & Michael A. Thalbourne - 2006 - McFarland. Edited by Lance Storm.
    According to several recent polls, more than 80 percent of Americans believe in life after death. Of those, many adhere to their beliefs because of religious faith. Beyond religion, though, there is increasing scientific examination of life after death hypotheses. Both religious and secular believers are more frequently using empirical research to answer the key questions of how consciousness may transcend corporeal life and death. These essays from leading survival theoreticians scientifically assay the issues and evidence. Interdisciplinary in nature, it (...)
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  13. Les « marques d'envie » : métaphysique et embryologie chez Descartes.Lynda Gaudemard - 2012 - Early Science and Medicine 17 (3):309-338.
    This paper explores the interaction between medicine and metaphysics in modern natural philosophy and especially in Descartes ' philosophy. I argue that Descartes ' hypothetical account of birthmarks in connection with his embryology provides an argumentative proof of the metaphysical necessity of a substantial union between mind and body, which however does not threaten his doctrine of the real distinction between these two substances. It would appear that his argument relies on a temporal conception of alethic modalities and provides (...)
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  14.  27
    Mad Scientists, Narrative, and Social Power: A Collaborative Learning Activity. [REVIEW]Sarah L. Berry & Anthony Cerulli - 2013 - Journal of Medical Humanities 34 (4):451-454.
    Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short stories “The Birthmark” (1843) and “Rappaccini’s Daughter” (1844) encourage critical thinking about science and scientific research as forms of social power. In this collaborative activity, students work in small groups to discuss the ways in which these stories address questions of human experimentation, gender, manipulation of bodies, and the role of narrative in mediating perceptions about bodies. Students collectively adduce textual evidence from the stories to construct claims and present a mini-argument to the class, thereby strengthening their (...)
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  15. Is There Adequate Empirical Evidence for Reincarnation? An Analysis of Ian Stevenson’s Work.Leonard Angel - 2015 - In Keith Augustine & Michael Martin (eds.), The Myth of an Afterlife: The Case against Life After Death. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 575-583.
    This article reviews the research of “top rebirth scientist” Ian Stevenson on spontaneous past-life memory cases, focusing on three key problems with Stevenson’s work. First, his research of entirely anecdotal case reports contains a number of errors and omissions. Second, like other reincarnation researchers, Stevenson has done no controlled experimental work on such cases; yet only such research could ever resolve whether the correspondences found between a child’s statements and a deceased person’s life exceed what we might find by chance. (...)
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