Results for ' Child sexual abuse by clergy'

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  1. The church's lament: Child sexual abuse and the new evangelisation.Henry Novello - 2015 - The Australasian Catholic Record 92 (3):298.
    Novello, Henry We all know that these are difficult times for the Catholic Church in Australia as it grapples with the scandalous and painful issue of child sexual abuse by some clergy, religious, and lay church personnel. The Commonwealth Royal Commission investigating institutional responses to child sexual abuse, announced by Prime Minister Julia Gillard on 12 November 2012, has made life for the faithful even more difficult, as the Catholic Church in Australia comes (...)
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  2. Framework for a Church Response, Report of the Irish Catholic Bishops' Advisory Committee on Child Sexual Abuse by Priests and Religious.Child Sexual Abuse - forthcoming - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs.
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    Prudent Policy Formation for Minimizing Clerical Child Sexual Abuse.Stanislaus J. Dundon - 2013 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 13 (2):299-311.
    This article provides Catholic authorities with a useful framework for forming prudent and just policies to minimize clerical child sexual abuse, exploiting the 2011 John Jay College report Causes and Context while not ignoring its shortcomings. The framework is St. Thomas Aquinas’s treatment of prudence, and a “profile” of the clerical perpetrators is developed that uses their narcissism as a middle term to explain why these men behaved the way they did. The author concludes by recommending a (...)
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  4. Is Sexual Abuse by Catholic Clergy Related to Homosexuality?D. Paul Sullins - 2018 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 18 (4):671-697.
    Sexual abuse of minors by Catholic priests has been a persistent and widespread problem in the Church. Although more than 80 percent of victims have been boys, prior studies have rejected the idea that the abuse is related to homosexuality among priests. Available data show, however, that the proportion of homosexual men in the priesthood is correlated almost perfectly with the percentage of male victims and with the overall incidence of abuse. Data also show that while (...)
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  5. Robotic Rape and Robotic Child Sexual Abuse: Should They be Criminalised?John Danaher - 2017 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 11 (1):71-95.
    Soon there will be sex robots. The creation of such devices raises a host of social, legal and ethical questions. In this article, I focus in on one of them. What if these sex robots are deliberately designed and used to replicate acts of rape and child sexual abuse? Should the creation and use of such robots be criminalised, even if no person is harmed by the acts performed? I offer an argument for thinking that they should (...)
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    The virtual simulation of child sexual abuse: online gameworld users’ views, understanding and responses to sexual ageplay.Carla Reeves - 2018 - Ethics and Information Technology 20 (2):101-113.
    This paper explores cultural understandings of virtual sexual ageplay in the online world of Second Life. Online sexual ageplay is the virtual simulation of child abuse by consensual adults operating in-world with child computer characters. Second Life is primarily governed by Community Standards which rely on residents to recognise sexual ageplay and report it, which requires an appreciation of how residents view, understand and construct sexual ageplay. The research presented drew on 12 months (...)
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    Religious F aith in the Unjust Meantime: The Spiritual Violence of Clergy Sexual Abuse.Theresa Weynand Tobin - 2019 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 5 (2).
    Clergy sexual abuse is both sexual and psychological violence, but it is also a paradigmatic case of spiritual violence that rises to the level of religious trauma. In this paper I argue that the spiritual violence of clergy sexual abuse diminishes, and in some cases may even destroy, a survivor’s capacities for religious faith or other forms of spiritual engagement. I use and illustrate the value of feminist methodology, as developed and advanced by (...)
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    Obstacles in the Process of Dealing With Child Sexual Abuse–Reports From Survivors Interviewed by the Independent Inquiry Into Child Sexual Abuse in Germany.Wiebke Schoon & Peer Briken - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Obstacles in dealing with child sexual abuse can hinder survivors in the process of coming to terms with their experiences. The present study aims to identify and analyze factors that may pose obstacles in the long-term process of dealing with CSA. It is part of a larger research consortium “Auf-Wirkung,” funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, and was conducted in cooperation with the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in Germany. (...)
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    Hans Küng, Can We Save the Catholic Church!? London, William Collins, 2013, 345 pp. An Open Letter to Pope Francis? or ‘Sleepers Awake!’. [REVIEW]Patrick Hutchings - 2014 - Sophia 53 (3):401-410.
    Hans Küng is a well-known, and harsh, critic of doctrine of papal infallibility declared at Vatican I, 1870–1871. It leads—he argues—not to transparent certainty, but away from it. A propos ‘infallibility’ and the still-running scandals of child sexual abuse by members of the Catholic clergy, he writes:…While Rome no longer dares to proclaim formally infallible doctrines, it still envelopes all of its doctrinal pronouncements with an aura of infallibility, as though the Pope’s words were a direct (...)
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    The Perils of Strong Social Constructionism: The Case of Child Sexual Abuse.David Pilgrim - 2017 - Journal of Critical Realism 16 (3).
    This article tests the adequacy of social constructionism from a critical realist standpoint by examining a single social problem in some detail: child sexual abuse. A continuum of positions in the research literature is explored, ranging from strong social constructionism and its justificatory emphasis deriving from social and historical relativism to a position that, while accepting ‘weak constructionism’, prioritizes the real abiding features of sexual violence against children and the proven harm it creates in any social (...)
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    Et pourtant j'y crois...!: religion, science, infox.Claude Thélot - 2022 - [Sucy-en-Brie]: Éditions Lazare et Capucine. Edited by Claude Thélot.
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    Characteristics of Juvenile Delinquency with Special Emphasis on Juveniles as Child Sexual Abusers.Ebru Ibis & Vedije Ratkoceri - 2021 - Seeu Review 16 (1):80-92.
    The paper is composed of two parts. The first part covers juvenile delinquency with all its characteristics. When analyzing the delinquency, we gave a special place to the socio-pathological phenomena which is more and more present and the rate is higher from year to year. Social pathology is a huge issue that requires special commitment, first, for its detection and then prevention. Within the delinquency, we also cover the most common crimes committed by juveniles. In the second part of this (...)
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  13.  17
    Re-thinking rapport through the lens of progressivity in investigative interviews into child sexual abuse.Lisa Kettler, Martha Augoustinos & Kathryn Fogarty - 2013 - Discourse Studies 15 (4):395-420.
    Building rapport is considered important in investigative interviewing of children about alleged sexual abuse, but theoretical understanding of the nature of rapport and how to judge its presence remains sketchy. This article argues that the conversation analytic concept of progressivity may provide empirical tractability to the concept of rapport and indeed may be partially what people are detecting when they judge the presence of rapport. A single case is analysed, drawn from a corpus of 11 video-taped interviews with (...)
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  14.  13
    The Lived Experiences of Mothers whose Children were Sexually Abused by Their Intimate Male Partners.Brandon Morgan, Audrey Patricia Chauke & Gertie Pretorius - 2011 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 11 (1):1-14.
    Child sexual abuse is a global phenomenon that affects many families and appears to be increasing dramatically in South Africa. The literature on child sexual abuse focuses mainly on the victims and perpetrators while largely ignoring the experiences of non-offending mothers. The objective of this study was to explore the lived experiences of mothers whose children were sexually abused by their intimate male partners. Existential phenomenology was employed in the study, and Braun and Clarke’s (...)
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  15.  33
    The Lived Experiences of Mothers whose Children were Sexually Abused by Their Intimate Male Partners.Gertie Pretorius, Audrey Chauke & Brandon Morgan - 2011 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 11 (1).
    Child sexual abuse is a global phenomenon that affects many families and appears to be increasing dramatically in South Africa. The literature on child sexual abuse focuses mainly on the victims and perpetrators while largely ignoring the experiences of non-offending mothers. The objective of this study was to explore the lived experiences of mothers whose children were sexually abused by their intimate male partners. Existential phenomenology was employed in the study, and Braun and Clarke’s (...)
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  16. In Margo Rivera, ed. Fragment by Fragment: Feminist Perspectives on Memory and Child Sexual Abuse. Charlottetown, PEI: Gynergy Books, 283-308.Shelley M. Park (ed.) - 1999
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  17.  24
    The Covid-19 Impact on Global Police Response in Relation to Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse.Tanja Miloshevska - 2023 - Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje 76 (1):511-522.
    In this paper we draw attention that there have been significant increases in activity relating to child sexual abuse and exploitation on both the surface web and dark web during the COVID-19 lockdown period. This paper aim is an analyse about how the COVID-19 pandemic is presently modifying the trends and threats of child sexual exploitation and abuse offences, which were already at high levels prior to the pandemic. This article highlights the trends and (...)
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  18.  18
    Non-abusing mothers’ agency after disclosure of the child’s extra-familial sexual abuse.Hanife Serin - 2021 - European Journal of Women's Studies 28 (4):532-546.
    This qualitative study analysed the agency of eight non-abusing mothers in the Turkish Cypriot Community after disclosure that their child had been sexually abused by someone outside the family. The aim was to discover how, after disclosure, such mothers act to protect their children in the contexts of their family and community. The data were gathered via semi-structured in-depth interviews and analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. In the nuclear family context, maternal agency emerged in the form of motherhood skills, (...)
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    Spiritual trauma as a manifestation of religious and spiritual struggles in female victims of sexual abuse in adolescence or young adulthood in the Catholic Church in Poland.Jacek Prusak & Anna Schab - 2022 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 44 (1):40-65.
    Specialists on issues of sexual abuse in religious institutions unanimously stress that this kind of experience significantly affects the victims’ spirituality. Particularly devastating and distorting for their spirituality is sexual abuse committed by clergy. In order to explore this issue for the first time in Poland, the authors conducted a qualitative study in the form of semi-structured interviews with five women who had experienced sexual abuse by Catholic clergy and/or religious in adolescence (...)
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  20.  27
    Sexual Abuse of Women by Priests and Ministers to Whom They Go for Pastoral Care and Support.Margaret Kennedy - 2003 - Feminist Theology 11 (2):226-235.
    This paper documents the growing awareness of the sexual exploitation of women who seek help from priests and ministers. Over the six years that MACSAS has been in existence, 100 women and three men have contacted the organisation concerning sexual abuse as adults by clergy and ministers. Typically leaders of Christian denominations to whom they have reported this abuse characterise it as 'an affair' and often blame women for seducing male clergy. Drawing from literature (...)
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  21.  59
    Surgical castration, Texas law and the case of Mr T.William J. Winslade - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (9):591-592.
    Persons who commit crimes involving sexual abuse of children exploit their victims in several ways. Sex offenders use their power and authority over vulnerable children to whom they have easy access. Teachers, coaches, clergy, family members and childcare workers have been exposed as sex offenders. The Pennsylvania State University football coach, Jerry Sandusky, is now in prison for his many crimes. The widespread cover up of sexual abuse by Catholic priests in the USA and other (...)
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  22.  47
    Sexual abuse: A practical theological study, with an emphasis on learning from transdisciplinary research.Heidi Human & Julian C. Müller - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (3).
    This article illustrates the practical usefulness of transdisciplinary work for practical theology by showing how input from an occupational therapist informed my understanding and interpretation of the story of Hannetjie, who had been sexually abused as a child. This forms part of a narrative practical theological research project into the spirituality of female adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Transdisciplinary work is useful to practical theologians, as it opens possibilities for learning about matters pastors have to face, (...)
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  23.  19
    Sinéad Ring, Kate Gleeson and Kim Stevenson: Child Sexual Abuse Reported by Adult Survivors: Legal Responses in England and Wales, Ireland and Australia: London, Routledge, 2022, ISBN:978-1-138-60535-0 (hbk). [REVIEW]Anne-Marie McAlinden - 2022 - Feminist Legal Studies 31 (2):277-280.
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    The presumption of innocence in canonical trials of child sexual abuse, an historical analysis of the current law, by William Richardson,: Canon Law Monographs Series 6, Leuven, Walpole, MA, Peeters, 2011, xxiii + 324 pp., €45 , ISBN 978-90-429-2548-9. [REVIEW]Ton Meijers - 2013 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 74 (2):169-170.
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    Brain and Mind Integration: Childhood Sexual Abuse Survivors Experiencing Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment and Psychotherapy Concurrently.Rachel Lev-Wiesel, Yair Bechor, Shir Daphna-Tekoah, Amir Hadanny & Shai Efrati - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Due to evidence that traumatic experience impacts the brain, the body (concerning sensory sensitivity), and the mind, a recent study that attempted to answer the question of whether the effects of CSA can be reversed by using a multidisciplinary approach consisting of dual treatments: hyperbaric & psychotherapy, was conducted. Its results showed that in addition to improvement of brain functionality, symptoms of distress were significantly reduced. The current paper aims to present the process as experienced by the 40 female childhood (...)
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  26.  48
    The Judas Within: A Look at the Sexual Abuse Crisis in the Catholic Church.Christopher Chan & Brenda Scott-Ladd - 2014 - Ethics and Behavior 24 (4):326-339.
    Drawing from normal accident theory, high reliability theory, and systems theory, we analyze the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People that is promulgated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in response to the sexual abuses of minors by clergy members. Although the Charter is a step in the right direction, there remain some areas that require immediate attention. In spite of the goodwill processes, the safety of minors must remain the concerted efforts and (...)
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    Expert Evidence As Context: Historical Patterns and Contemporary Attitudes in the Prosecution of Sexual Offences.Fiona E. Raitt - 2004 - Feminist Legal Studies 12 (2):233-244.
    In H.M. Advocate v. Grimmond1 the judge in a Scottish High Court trial refused permission for expert psychological evidence to be admitted on behalf of the Crown in a prosecution involving sexual offences against two children. The Crown had sought to lead an expert witness to explain to the jury about patterns of disclosure in child sexual abuse cases. The case was remarkable, not so much for the strict application of the longstanding rule in R. v. (...)
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    Researching sex and lies in the classroom: allegations of sexual misconduct in schools.Patricia J. Sikes - 2010 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Heather Piper.
    Why we have done this research and written this book -- Immoral panics -- A courageous proposal, but this would be a high risk study : ethics review procedures, risk and censorship -- Truths and stories -- Confused, angry and actually betrayed : it was time to get out -- Timpson versus Regina -- How do you tell teenage children that their father's been -- Accused of sexual abuse?? -- It didn't take long for the rumour mill to (...)
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  29.  10
    Innocence denied: a guide to preventing sexual misconduct by teachers and coaches.William L. Fibkins - 2006 - Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Education.
    Issues in facing and solving the problem of sexual misconduct -- Cases of teachers who become involved in consensual relationships -- Cases of coaches who become involved in sexual misconduct -- Cases of predator teachers -- Training teachers, coaches, and students to avoid sexual misconduct.
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    Child abuse and neglect: ethical issues.J. Harris - 1985 - Journal of Medical Ethics 11 (3):138-141.
    Children may be abused physically, sexually, emotionally and by omission or commission in any permutation under these headings. This is discussed in terms of the separate and overlapping responsibilities of parents, guardians, the community in which they live and the network of professional services developed to care for, protect and educate children. An attempt is made to place these issues within an ethical framework, with regard to the legislature of England and Wales. It is argued that professionals working within this (...)
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    The Interconnected Approach in Mitigating the Escalation of Child Sexual Exploitation in Indonesia: Strategies and Challenges.Ida Lestiawati, Maisa, Kaharuddinsyah, Syamsul Haling & Irmawaty - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1214-1227.
    The sexual exploitation of children in Indonesia is a serious crime that threatens the fundamental rights of children and their physical, emotional, and mental development. Cases of child sexual exploitation continue to rise, whether in the form of human trafficking, pornography, or sexual abuse, yet the response remains far from optimal. Although regulations and prevention programs are in place, the lack of coordination among law enforcement agencies and the low level of public awareness are major (...)
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    Child sexual abuse: The final report of the Australian Royal Commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse.Michael A. Peters - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (3):233-238.
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    Maternal and Child Sexual Abuse History: An Intergenerational Exploration of Children’s Adjustment and Maternal Trauma-Reflective Functioning.Jessica L. Borelli, Chloe Cohen, Corey Pettit, Lina Normandin, Mary Target, Peter Fonagy & Karin Ensink - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:447410.
    _Objective:_ The aim of the current study was to investigate associations, unique and interactive, between mothers’ and children’s histories of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) and children’s psychiatric outcomes using an intergenerational perspective. Further, we were particularly interested in examining whether maternal reflective functioning about their own trauma (T-RF) was associated with a lower likelihood of children’s abuse exposure (among children of CSA-exposed mothers). _Methods:_ One hundred and eleven children ( M age = 9.53 years; 43 sexual (...)
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    Sexual misconduct in the schoolhouse: prevention strategies for principals, teachers, coaches, and students.William L. Fibkins - 2017 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
    This book seeks to educate principals, counselors, teachers, coaches, support staff, and students about sexual misconduct, while providing a training model to prepare school staff to avoid sexual misconduct, to encourage school leaders to upgrade their supervision efforts, and to provide needed outreach and intervention before sexual misconduct occurs. To help eliminate sexual misconduct in schools, this book provides step-by-step training procedures that can be used as part of the schools' staff development program to teach educators (...)
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  35. Child sexual abuse in the Church: the ethics of throwing stones in glass houses.C. A. Gellert & M. J. Durfee - 1994 - Journal of Medical Ethics 20 (3):193-194.
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    Editorial: Child Sexual Abuse: Empirical Research on Understanding and Helping Victims and Offenders.Taina Laajasalo, Noora Ellonen, Robert Horselenberg, Cristina Izura & Nadia Wager - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Editorial: Child Sexual Abuse: The Interaction Between Brain, Body, and Mind.Rachel Lev-Wiesel & Denise Saint Arnault - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  38. Studying child sexual abuse-morality or science.Sue Clegg - 1994 - Radical Philosophy 66:31-39.
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    Child Sexual Abuse Within the Family.May Duddle - 1986 - Journal of Medical Ethics 12 (1):47-47.
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    Child Sexual Abuse and the Law.Elizabeth Woodcraft - 1988 - Feminist Review 28 (1):122-130.
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    Changing cultures: feminism, youth and consumerism.Mica Nava - 1992 - London: Sage Publications.
    Linked by the connection of feminism, sociology, and cultural studies, Changing Cultures assesses feminist theory, its transformations, and its ability to highlight issues and practices. This controversial yet stimulating volume explores the complex relationship between these three subjects, conceptual approaches, their political implications and their historical context. Nava analyzes utopianism of feminist thought on the family; sexuality and sexual differences in youth service provision; and the symbolic resonance of the urban and domestic education of girls. She also investigates the (...)
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  42.  29
    Child Sexual Abuse: Responding to the Abuse Should be a Priority, Not the Research.Anant Bhan - 2009 - Asian Bioethics Review 1 (3):304-307.
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    “All of Me Is Completely Different”: Experiences and Consequences Among Victims of Technology-Assisted Child Sexual Abuse.Malin Joleby, Carolina Lunde, Sara Landström & Linda S. Jonsson - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The aim of the present study was to gain a first-person perspective on the experiences of technology-assisted child sexual abuse (TA-CSA), and a deeper understanding of the way it may affect its victims. Seven young women (aged 17–24) with experience of TA-CSA before the age of 18 participated in individual in-depth interviews. The interviews were teller-focused with the aim of capturing the interviewee’s own story about how they made sense of their experiences over time, and what impact (...)
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    Institutional responses to child sexual abuse: how a moral conversation with its lawyers might contribute to cultural change in a faith-based institution.Tony Foley - 2015 - Legal Ethics 18 (2):164-181.
    ABSTRACTThis paper examines in detail the quality of the relationship the Catholic Church in its Sydney Archdiocese had with its lawyers in the John Ellis matter as revealed in the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse inquiry. It identifies the particular moral perspective embedded in its lawyers' adversarial approach and asks whether a different approach involving explicit moral conversations might have better served the Church's avowed pastoral ethos.
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    Clergy Sexual Abuse and the Work of Redemption: Gestures toward a Theology of Accompaniment.John N. Sheveland - 2021 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 41 (1):71-86.
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    Clergy Sexual Abuse: Is the Internal Adjudicatory Process Adequate?Meg Herbert & Keree Louise Casey - 1998 - Professional Ethics, a Multidisciplinary Journal 6 (3):137-154.
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    Weighing Ethical Considerations in Proposed Non-recent Child Sexual Abuse Investigations: A Response to Maslen and Paine’s Oxford CSA Framework.Jonathan A. Hughes & Monique Jonas - 2020 - Criminal Justice Ethics 39 (2):95-110.
    Questions about when it is right for police forces to investigate alleged offences committed in the more or less distant past have become increasingly pressing. Recent widely publicized cases of child sexual abuse (CSA) and exploitation, sometimes involving high profile individuals, have illustrated the ethical, psychological, and forensic complexities of investigating non-recent child sexual abuse. Hannah Maslen and Colin Paine have developed the Oxford CSA Framework to assist police to weigh the various ethical considerations (...)
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    Swedish and Norwegian Police Interviewers' Goals, Tactics, and Emotions When Interviewing Suspects of Child Sexual Abuse.Mikaela Magnusson, Malin Joleby, Timothy J. Luke, Karl Ask & Marthe Lefsaker Sakrisvold - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:606774.
    As the suspect interview is one of the key elements of a police investigation, it has received a great deal of merited attention from the scientific community. However, suspect interviews in child sexual abuse (CSA) investigations is an understudied research area. In the present mixed-methods study, we examine Swedish (n= 126) and Norwegian (n= 52) police interviewers' self-reported goals, tactics, and emotional experiences when conducting interviews with suspected CSA offenders. The quantitative analyses found associations between the interviewers' (...)
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    Doing retrospective child sexual abuse research safely and ethically with women: is it possible? Two perspectives.Jan Coles - 2004 - Monash Bioethics Review 23 (2):S50-S59.
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    Putting the Puzzle Back Together—A Narrative Case Study of an Athlete Who Survived Child Sexual Abuse in Sport.Allyson Gillard, Elisabeth St-Pierre, Stephanie Radziszewski & Sylvie Parent - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Denunciations of child sexual abuse in the sport context have been increasing in the last decades. Studies estimate that between 14 and 29% of athletes have been victim of at least one form of sexual violence in sport before the age of 18. However, studies suggest that many do not disclose their experience of CSA during childhood. This finding is alarming since studies have shown that the healing process usually starts with disclosure. Moreover, little is known (...)
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