Results for ' EMF'

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  1.  23
    EMF controversy in Chigu, Taiwan: contested declarations of risk and scientific knowledge have implications for risk governance.Shu-Fen Kao - 2012 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 12 (2):81-97.
  2. Cessation states: Computer simulations, phenomenological assessments, and EMF theories.Chris Percy, Andrés Gómez-Emilsson & Bijan Fakhri - manuscript
    The stream of human consciousness appears to be interruptible, in that we can experience a sensation of ‘returning to ourselves after an absence of content’ (e.g. sleep, anaesthesia, full-absorption meditation). Prima facie, such evidence poses a challenge to simple applications of theories of consciousness based on electromagnetic or neural activity in the brain, because some of this activity persists during periods of interruption. This paper elaborates one of several possible responses to the challenge. We build on a previous theory in (...)
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  3. The Facts. Just the Facts.William M. Goodman - manuscript
    Although at first glance, “facts” are the paradigms of straightforwardness, something about facts seems to invite perpetual controversy and dichotomizing. Innumerable bifurcations on the topic have included "Facts vs. Theories”, “Facts vs. Appearance”, "Facts vs. Values", ... and, popular nowadays, "(Real)Facts vs. Fake Facts". This paper most aligns with the facts vs. theories model, so far as whatever facts are, theories seem to be constructed stories that are necessary for connecting and interpreting the facts. Yet the boundary between the two (...)
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  4.  20
    Symptom Presentation in Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance With Attribution to Electromagnetic Fields: Evidence for a Nocebo Effect Based on Data Re-Analyzed From Two Previous Provocation Studies.Stacy Eltiti, Denise Wallace, Riccardo Russo & Elaine Fox - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:306883.
    Individuals with idiopathic environmental illness with attribution to electromagnetic fields (IEI-EMF) claim they experience adverse symptoms when exposed to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from mobile telecommunication devices. However, research has consistently reported no relationship between exposure to EMFs and symptoms in IEI-EMF individuals. The current study investigated whether presence of symptoms in IEI-EMF individuals were associated with a nocebo effect. Data from two previous double-blind provocation studies were re-analyzed based on participants’ judgments as to whether or not they believed a telecommunication (...)
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  5.  24
    Stwierdzanie związku przyczynowego w badaniach dotyczących wpływu słabych niejonizujących pól elektro-magnetycznych na rozwój zarodkowy człowieka.Agnieszka Pyrzyńska - 2004 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 52 (1):183-196.
    In a number of publications positive associations between the exposure to artificially generated nonionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF) and the reproductive risks in women were reported (abortion, birth defects, stillbirths). Yet, in another studies, claimed to be more careful, it has been shown that EMF should not be accounted for as a factor causing measurable increase in the above mentioned reproductive failures. In this context, of crucial importance is the determination whether the observed relationship between EMF and people is not of (...)
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  6. The Nature of Impossibility.Martin Vacek - 2019 - Bratislava, Slovakia: VEDA.
    Possible-worlds semantics proved itself as a strong tool in analysing the statements of actuality, possibility, contingency and necessity. But impossible phenomena go beyond the expressive power of the apparatus. The proponents of possible-worlds apparatus thus owe us at least three stories. The first one is the story about ontological nature of possible worlds, the second one is the story about the theoretical role such entities play and the third one is the story about the impossible. Modal Realism (MR) provides us (...)
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  7.  15
    Midwifing a Science of Consciousness: the Role of Kuhnian Paradigms: Kuhnian Paradigms and Neural Correlates of Consciousness.Susan Pockett - 2022 - Journal of Neurophilosophy 1 (1).
    It is argued that in terms of Thomas Kuhn's analysis of how different fields of science develop and progress, consciousness research is still in the pre-paradigm or pre-science phase that precedes the advent of any universally accepted paradigm. A means by which this long-standing situation may be escaped is here suggested. This is to treat each of the three distinct theoretical positions that presently drive experimental research on the nature of consciousness as mini-paradigms and then apply the same logic that (...)
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  8.  17
    Causing, Perceiving and Believing: An Examination of the Philosophy of C. J. Ducasse (review). [REVIEW]Raziel Abelson - 1977 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 15 (4):497-499.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 497 interaction and interdependence. Our practice can be governed by that ontological hypothesis. Much of Timpanaro's ranting and raving and name calling rests upon his unhelpful conflation of the epistemological and the ontological and upon a false dichotomy between materialism and idealism that no longer is or ought to be the basic and important issue in Marxism. DONALDC. LEE University of New Mexico Causing, Perceiving and Believing: (...)
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  9.  35
    The Science of Biogeometry.Jerry Gin - 2015 - Cosmos and History 11 (2):290-309.
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