Results for ' Efficient Reasoning'

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  1.  54
    Efficient reasoning about rich temporal domains.Yoav Shoham - 1988 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 17 (4):443 - 474.
    We identify two pragmatic problems in temporal reasoning, the qualification problem and the extended prediction problem, the latter subsuming the infamous frame problem. Solutions to those seem to call for nonmonotonic inferences, and yet naive use of standard nonmonotonic logics turns out to be inappropriate. Looking for an alternative, we first propose a uniform approach to constructing and understanding nonmonotonic logics. This framework subsumes many existing nonmonotonic formalisms, and yet is remarkably simple, adding almost no extra baggage to traditional (...)
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    Efficient solution techniques for disjunctive temporal reasoning problems.Ioannis Tsamardinos & Martha E. Pollack - 2003 - Artificial Intelligence 151 (1-2):43-89.
  3. Reasons, impossibility and efficient steps: reply to Heuer.Bart Streumer - 2010 - Philosophical Studies 151 (1):79 - 86.
    Ulrike Heuer argues that there can be a reason for a person to perform an action that this person cannot perform, as long as this person can take efficient steps towards performing this action. In this reply, I first argue that Heuer's examples fail to undermine my claim that there cannot be a reason for a person to perform an action if it is impossible that this person will perform this action. I then argue that, on a plausible interpretation (...)
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    Reasoning with minimal models: efficient algorithms and applications.Rachel Ben-Eliyahu-Zohary & Luigi Palopoli - 1997 - Artificial Intelligence 96 (2):421-449.
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    Nonmonotonic Reasoning: From Theoretical Foundation Towards Efficient Computation: Diss.Gerhard Brewka - 1989 - [S.N.].
  6.  35
    Overloading intentions for efficient practical reasoning.Martha E. Pollack - 1991 - Noûs 25 (4):513-536.
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    Efficient algorithms for qualitative reasoning about time.Alfonso Gerevini & Lenhart Schubert - 1995 - Artificial Intelligence 74 (2):207-248.
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    Constraint-based reasoning and privacy/efficiency tradeoffs in multi-agent problem solving.Richard J. Wallace & Eugene C. Freuder - 2005 - Artificial Intelligence 161 (1-2):209-227.
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    Off-line reasoning for on-line efficiency: knowledge bases.Yoram Moses & Moshe Tennenholtz - 1996 - Artificial Intelligence 83 (2):229-239.
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  10. The right way to efficient thinking, reasoning and conversation.Thomas Arthur Ryder - 1949 - Kingswood, Surrey,: A. G. Elliot.
  11.  15
    Experiments as the relative efficiency of men and women in memory & reasoning.Arthur I. Gates - 1917 - Psychological Review 24 (2):139-146.
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    Is efficiency a vice?Kieran Setiya - 2005 - American Philosophical Quarterly 42 (4):333 - 339.
    Argues against the form of instrumentalism on which being practically rational is being efficient in the pursuit of one's ends. The trait of means-end efficiency turns out to be a defect of character, and therefore cannot be identified with practical reason at its best.
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    Sound and efficient closed-world reasoning for planning.Oren Etzioni, Keith Golden & Daniel S. Weld - 1997 - Artificial Intelligence 89 (1-2):113-148.
  14.  27
    Relative efficiency of propositional proof systems: resolution vs. cut-free LK.Noriko H. Arai - 2000 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 104 (1-3):3-16.
    Resolution and cut-free LK are the most popular propositional systems used for logical automated reasoning. The question whether or not resolution and cut-free LK have the same efficiency on the system of CNF formulas has been asked and studied since 1960 425–467). It was shown in Cook and Reckhow, J. Symbolic Logic 44 36–50 that tree resolution has super-polynomial speed-up over cut-free LK. Naturally, the current issue is whether or not resolution and cut-free LK expressed as directed acyclic graphs (...)
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  15. Families, efficiency, gender, and justice.Samantha Brennan - manuscript
    I'm going to focus my comments on a relatively small part of Joe Heath's book, the section on the household division of labour. Although it's a small piece of a much larger picture, I've chosen this area for two reasons: First, it connects with my own interests in issues of family justice. Second, I think for me it highlights a potentially larger problem concerning the relationship between justice and efficiency. When Heath puts the contrast between those who place rights before (...)
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    Overall Efficiency of Four-Stage Structure with Undesirable Outputs: A New SBM Network DEA Model.Nasim Roudabr, Seyyed Esmaeil Najafi, Zohreh Moghaddas & Farzad Movahedi Sobhani - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-16.
    Benchmarking is the major reason for the widespread use of DEA models for efficiency analysis. Determining the closest targets for DMUs, DEA models play a key role in benchmarking their best performance. In fact, these models help develop certain performance enhancement plans that need fewer attempts made by DMUs. Therefore, this study proposes a novel method based on the network DEA to determine the most appropriate target for every stage in addition to benchmarking the DMUs. The proposed model differs from (...)
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    Efficiency and Domination in the Socialist Republic: A Reply to O’Shea.Harrison Frye - 2020 - Political Theory 48 (5):573-580.
    In a recent essay in this journal, Tom O’Shea defends socialist republicanism, marrying the value of freedom as nondomination to public ownership of the means of production. In this reply, I argue that the efficiency costs that often attach to public ownership may undercut the ability of the socialist republic to combat domination by public agents. I provide two reasons in support of this claim. First, the economic gains provided by efficiency can insulate individuals from the discretionary power of other (...)
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  18.  18
    Equality, efficiency and hierarchy in the workplace.Alexander Motchoulski - 2024 - Economics and Philosophy 40 (3):711-730.
    Relational egalitarians argue that workplace hierarchy is wrong or unjust. However, even if workplace hierarchy is morally deficient in one respect, the efficiency of hierarchical cooperation might vindicate hierarchy. This paper assesses the extent to which relational egalitarians must make concessions to workplace hierarchy for the sake of efficiency. I argue that considerations of hierarchy provide egalitarians with reasons that make workplace hierarchy tolerable despite being unjustified, and, moreover, that under a predominantly hierarchical status quo, the practical import of egalitarian (...)
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  19.  44
    An efficient relational deductive system for propositional non-classical logics.Andrea Formisano & Marianna Nicolosi-Asmundo - 2006 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 16 (3-4):367-408.
    We describe a relational framework that uniformly supports formalization and automated reasoning in varied propositional modal logics. The proof system we propose is a relational variant of the classical Rasiowa-Sikorski proof system. We introduce a compact graph-based representation of formulae and proofs supporting an efficient implementation of the basic inference engine, as well as of a number of refinements. Completeness and soundness results are shown and a Prolog implementation is described.
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    Communication, Efficiency, and Fairness in the European Union.Isaac Taylor - 2016 - Public Affairs Quarterly 30 (2):129-147.
    Political integration in the European Union creates the need for a common means of communication among the various linguistic communities in Europe. One way of meeting this need is unilingualism: the use of a single language as a "lingua franca". While this option has been thought to be efficient, this does not mean that we should necessarily choose it. This paper argues that a unilinual Europe will inevitably be unfair despite recent attempts to show otherwise, since non-native speakers of (...)
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  21.  43
    Nonmonotonic Reasoning and Causation.Yoav Shoham - 1990 - Cognitive Science 14 (2):213-252.
    It is suggested that taking into account considerations that traditionally fall within the scope of computer science in general, and artificial intelligence in particular, sheds new light on the subject of causation. It is argued that adopting causal notions con be viewed as filling a computational need: They allow reasoning with incomplete information, facilitate economical representations, and afford relatively efficient methods for reasoning about those representations. Specifically, it is proposed that causal reasoning is intimately bound to (...)
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  22.  8
    First-order reasoning and efficient semi-algebraic proofs.Fedor Part, Neil Thapen & Iddo Tzameret - 2025 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 176 (1):103496.
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    Reasons and Causes.Timothy O'Connor - 2010 - In Timothy O'Connor & Constantine Sandis (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Action. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 129–138.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Reasons as Not (Efficiently) Causal, Underwriting Irreducibly Teleological Explanations Reasons as Efficient Causes Reasons, Causes, and Physicalism Causally Relevant, though Not Causes Structuring Causes Reasons, Causes, and Free Will References Further reading.
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  24. Efficiency, Opportunism and Pious Lies.Anthony de Jasay - 2003 - Etica E Politica 5 (2):1-5.
    Most social institutions are supposed to be relatively benign, so that if they did not exist, rational human beings would find it worthwhile to create them. It is comforting to believe that we have the social institutions we wish to have, and we wish to have them because they enhance the common good. The article claims that this belief is in some important cases either a self-delusion or a pious lie. The classic example is the state. We are taught that (...)
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  25.  18
    A history based approximate epistemic action theory for efficient postdictive reasoning.Manfred Eppe & Mehul Bhatt - 2015 - Journal of Applied Logic 13 (4):720-769.
  26.  30
    Probabilistic causation in efficiency-based liability judgments.Diego M. Papayannis - 2014 - Legal Theory 20 (3):210-252.
    In this paper I argue that economic theories have never been able to provide a coherent explanation of the causation requirement in tort law. The economic characterization of this requirement faces insurmountable difficulties, because discourse on tort liability cannot be reduced to a cost-benefit analysis without a loss of meaning. More seriously, I try to show that by describing causation in economic terms, economic theories offer an image of the practice in which the participants incur in logical contradictions and develop (...)
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  27.  39
    Aristotle on How Efficient Causation Works.Tyler Huismann - 2022 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 104 (4):633-687.
    I argue that, in light of his critique of rival theories of efficient causation, there is a puzzle latent in Aristotle’s own account. To show this, I consider one of his preferred examples of such causation, the activity of experts. Solving the puzzle yields a novel reading of Aristotle, one according to which experts, but not their characteristic arts or skills, are efficient causes.
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    Creation as Efficient Causation in Aquinas.Julie Loveland Swanstrom - 2019 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly.
    In this article, I explore Aquinas’s account of divine creative activities as a type of efficient causation. I propose that Aquinas’s works hold a framework for understanding God as an efficient cause and creating as an act of divine efficient causation that makes explicit what Aquinas views to be implicit in Aristotle’s account of efficient causation. I explore Aristotelian efficient causation in depth, offering a detailed analysis of the components of Aristotelian efficient causation. After (...)
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  29.  14
    Reason and Rationality in Health and Human Services Delivery.John T. Pardeck, Charles F. Longino & John W. Murphy - 1998 - Psychology Press.
    Reason and Rationality in Health and Human Services Delivery is the first book to discuss the topic of decisionmaking and services from a multidisciplinary approach. It uses theory and social considerations, not just technology, as a basis for improved services. Health and human service students and professionals will learn how to form rational and reasonable decisions that take their clients'cultural backgrounds into consideration when identifying an illness or appropriating any kind of intervention. With a particular emphasis on theories, models, organizational (...)
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  30. Rational dynamics in efficient inquiry.David Barack - forthcoming - Analysis.
    Which premisses should we use to start our inquiries? Which transitions during inquiry should we take next? When should we switch lines of inquiry? In this paper, I address these open questions about inquiry, formulating novel norms for such decisions during deductive reasoning. I use the first-order predicate calculus, in combination with Carnap’s state description framework, to state such norms. Using that framework, I first demonstrate some properties of sets of sentences used in deduction. I then state some norms (...)
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  31.  21
    Does collective rationality entail efficiency?Paul Weirich - 2010 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 18 (2):308-322.
    Collective rationality in its ordinary sense is rationality’s extension to groups. It does not entail efficiency by definition. Showing that it entails efficiency requires a normative argument. Game theorists treating cooperative games generally assume that collective rationality entails efficiency, but formulating the reasoning that leads individuals to efficiency, and verifying the rationality of its steps, presents challenging philosophical issues. This paper constructs a framework for addressing those issues and reaches some preliminary results about the prospects of rational agents achieving (...)
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  32. Efficiency, Practices, and the Moral Point of View: Limits of Economic Interpretations of Law.Mark Tunick - 2009 - In Mark D. White (ed.), THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF LAW AND ECONOMICS. Cambridge University Press.
    This paper points to some limitations of law and economics as both an explanative and a normative theory. In explaining law as the result of efficiency promoting decisions, law and economics theorists often dismiss the reasons actors in the legal system give for their behavior. Recognizing that sometimes actors may be unaware of why institutions evolve as they do, I argue that the case for dismissing reasons for action is weaker when those reasons make reference to rules of practices that (...)
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  33. Cooperative duties of efficiency and efficacy.Niels de Haan - 2022 - Journal of Global Ethics 18 (3):330-348.
    I argue that agents can have duties to cooperate with one another if this increases their combined efficiency and/or efficacy in addressing ongoing collective moral problems. I call these duties cooperative duties of efficiency and efficacy. I focus particularly on collective agents and how agents ought to reason and act in the face of global moral problems. After setting out my account, I argue that a subset of cooperative duties of efficiency and efficacy of collective agents are duties of justice (...)
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    Praxiology and the Reasons for Action.Piotr Makowski, Mateusz Bonecki & Krzysztof Nowak-Posadzy (eds.) - 2015 - New Brunswick, (U.S.A.): Transaction Publishers.
    This volume explores two traditions in practical philosophy: action theory, which concerns the nature of motivation for human action, and praxiology, the study of human action. By bringing different perspectives together, the volume strives to contribute to the international debate on theories of reasons for action as a philosophy of action. The volume consists of three main parts. The first part, “Reasons for Action," bridges the gap between reasons for action theories and praxiology. The second part of the volume, titled (...)
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  35. Chapter 3 Efficiency and Wellbeing.Douglas MacKay - manuscript
    A principal rationale for public policy is to address market failures. Pareto efficiency is therefore a highly common and relatively non-controversial evaluative criterion for many policy analyses and is discussed at length in policy analysis texts. This makes sense, for Pareto improvements involve making at least one person better off without making anyone worse off. Who could object to that? But does efficiency deserve the prominence it enjoys in public policy? Is one policy option better than another, at least in (...)
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  36.  7
    Reasonable Self‐Interest.Thomas E. Hill - 2002 - In Thomas E. Hill (ed.), Human Welfare and Moral Worth: Kantian Perspectives. Oxford, GB: Clarendon Press.
    Contrasts common‐sense ideas of what is reasonable with current philosophical ideas of rational choice: maximizing self‐interest, efficiency and coherence in pursuit of one's ends, maximizing intrinsic value, and efficiency and coherence constrained by a Kantian ideal of co‐legislation. Contrary to the usual assumptions, the last corresponds more closely to common‐sense ideas than any of the other models do. This is not a proof of the Kantian ideal, or of common sense, but it calls for rethinking assumptions about self‐regarding and other‐regarding (...)
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  37.  68
    (1 other version)Morality, Reason, and Management Science: The Rationale of Cost-Benefit Analysis.David Copp - 1985 - Social Philosophy and Policy 2 (2):128.
    The Problem Economic efficiency is naturally thought to be a virtue of social policies and decisions, and cost-benefit analysis is commonly regarded as a technique for measuring economic efficiency. It is not surprising, then, that CB analysis is so widely used in social policy analysis. However, there is a great deal of controversy about CB analysis, including controversy about its underlying philosophical rationale. The rationales that have been proposed fall into three basic, though not mutually exclusive categories. There are moralist (...)
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  38. Skeptical Reason and Inner Experience: A Re-Examination of the Problem of the External World.David Macarthur - 1999 - Dissertation, Harvard University
    In contrast to the recent trend of taking external world skepticism as a narrow problem for a demanding conception of "objective" or "certain" knowledge about the world, my thesis offers a re-examination of the distinctively perceptual basis of the skeptical problem. On my view the skeptic challenges the very possibility of rationally justifying beliefs in so far as they are based on sense experience, a characterization that helps to explain the continuity into the modern period of the ancient skeptical challenge (...)
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    Novel Node Centrality-Based Efficient Empirical Robustness Assessment for Directed Network.Xiaolong Deng, Hao Ding, Yong Chen, Cai Chen & Tiejun Lv - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-14.
    In recent years, while extensive researches on various networks properties have been proposed and accomplished, little has been proposed and done on network robustness and node vulnerability assessment under cascades in directed large-scale online community networks. In essential, an online directed social network is a group-centered and information spread-dominated online platform which is very different from the traditional undirected social network. Some further research studies have indicated that the online social network has high robustness to random removals of nodes but (...)
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  40.  33
    Irresponsibly Infertile? Obesity, Efficiency, and Exclusion from Treatment.Rebecca C. H. Brown - 2019 - Health Care Analysis 27 (2):61-76.
    Many countries tightly ration access to publicly funded fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilisation. One basis for excluding people from access to IVF is their body mass index. In this paper, I consider a number of potential justifications for such a policy, based on claims about effectiveness and cost-efficiency, and reject these as unsupported by available evidence. I consider an alternative justification: that those whose subfertility results from avoidable behaviours for which they are responsible are less deserving of treatment. (...)
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  41.  72
    Reasoning with logical bilattices.Ofer Arieli & Arnon Avron - 1996 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 5 (1):25--63.
    The notion of bilattice was introduced by Ginsberg, and further examined by Fitting, as a general framework for many applications. In the present paper we develop proof systems, which correspond to bilattices in an essential way. For this goal we introduce the notion of logical bilattices. We also show how they can be used for efficient inferences from possibly inconsistent data. For this we incorporate certain ideas of Kifer and Lozinskii, which happen to suit well the context of our (...)
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  42. Avicenna's Conception of the Efficient Cause.Kara Richardson - 2013 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21 (2):220 - 239.
    The concept of efficient causation originates with Aristotle, who states that the types of cause include ‘the primary source of the change or rest’. For Medieval Aristotelians, the scope of efficient causality includes creative acts. The Islamic philosopher Avicenna is an important contributor to this conceptual change. In his Metaphysics, Avicenna defines the efficient cause or agent as that which gives being to something distinct from itself. As previous studies of Avicenna's ‘metaphysical’ conception of the efficient (...)
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  43.  76
    Nonmonotonic reasoning: logical foundations of commonsense.Gerhard Brewka (ed.) - 1991 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this book the author gives a broad overview of different areas of research in nonmonotonic reasoning, and presents some new results and ideas based on his research. The guiding principles are: clarification of the different research activities in the area, which have sometimes been undertaken independently of each other; and appreciation of the fact that these research activities often represent different means to the same ends, namely sound theoretical foundations and efficient computation. The book begins with a (...)
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  44. Reasons Without Rationalism: A Virtue Theory of Phronesis.Kieran Setiya - 2002 - Dissertation, Princeton University
    An agent's character is often revealed in the contents of her practical reasoning, in the considerations to which she is sensitive and how she is moved by them, in the acts she considers, the ends she adopts, and in how she plans for the present and the future. According to an influential view, we can distinguish the assessment of practical thought as good or bad reasoning from its assessment as an expression of character. For instance, we might think (...)
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  45. From simple associations to systematic reasoning: A connectionist representation of rules, variables, and dynamic binding using temporal synchrony.Lokendra Shastri & Venkat Ajjanagadde - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (3):417-51.
    Human agents draw a variety of inferences effortlessly, spontaneously, and with remarkable efficiency – as though these inferences were a reflexive response of their cognitive apparatus. Furthermore, these inferences are drawn with reference to a large body of background knowledge. This remarkable human ability seems paradoxical given the complexity of reasoning reported by researchers in artificial intelligence. It also poses a challenge for cognitive science and computational neuroscience: How can a system of simple and slow neuronlike elements represent a (...)
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  46.  37
    Legal secrets: equality and efficiency in the common law.Kim Lane Scheppele - 1988 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Does the seller of a house have to tell the buyer that the water is turned off twelve hours a day? Does the buyer of a great quantity of tobacco have to inform the seller that the military blockade of the local port, which had depressed tobacco sales and lowered prices, is about to end? Courts say yes in the first case, no in the second. How can we understand the difference in judgments? And what does it say about whether (...)
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  47.  99
    Legal Necessity, Pareto Efficiency & Justified Killing in Autonomous Vehicle Collisions.Geoff Keeling - 2018 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 21 (2):413-427.
    Suppose a driverless car encounters a scenario where harm to at least one person is unavoidable and a choice about how to distribute harms between different persons is required. How should the driverless car be programmed to behave in this situation? I call this the moral design problem. Santoni de Sio defends a legal-philosophical approach to this problem, which aims to bring us to a consensus on the moral design problem despite our disagreements about which moral principles provide the correct (...)
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    Efficiency in data gathering: Set size effects in the selection task.Raymond S. Nickerson & Susan F. Butler - 2008 - Thinking and Reasoning 14 (1):60 – 82.
    Two experiments were conducted with variants of Wason's (1966) selection task. The common focus was the effect of differences in the sizes of the sets represented by P and not-Q in assertions of the form _If P then Q_ (conditional) or _All P are Q_ (categorical). Results support the conclusion that such set size differences affect the strategies people adopt when asked to determine, efficiently, the truth or falsity of such assertions, but they do not entirely negate the tendency to (...)
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  49. Unified complex-dynamical theory of financial, economic, and social risks and their efficient management: Reason-based governance for sustainable development.Andrei P. Kirilyuk - 2017 - In Theory of Everything, Ultimate Reality and the End of Humanity: Extended Sustainability by the Universal Science of Complexity. Beau Bassin: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. pp. 194-199.
    An extended analysis compared to observations shows that modern “globalised” world civilisation has passed through the invisible “complexity threshold”, after which usual “spontaneous”, empirically driven kind of development (“invisible hand” etc.) cannot continue any more without major destructive tendencies. A much deeper, non-simplified understanding of real interaction complexity is necessary in order to cope with such globalised world development problems. Here we introduce the universal definition, fundamental origin, and dynamic equations for a major related quantity of (systemic) risk characterising real (...)
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    Reasoning Methods of Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Situation Awareness Based on Ontology and Bayesian Network.Hongfei Yao, Chunsong Han & Fengxia Xu - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-10.
    When unmanned underwater vehicles perform tasks, the marine environment situation information perceived by their sensors is insufficient and cannot be shared; moreover, the reasoning efficiency of the situation information is not high. To deal with these problems, this paper proposes an ontology-based situation awareness information expression method, using the Bayesian network method to reason about situation information. First, the situation awareness information is determined in uncertain events when performing tasks in the marine environment. The core and application ontologies of (...)
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