Results for ' Hatha yoga as a sacred art'

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  1.  5
    Contemporary yoga and sacred texts.Susanne Scholz & Caroline Vander Stichele (eds.) - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book explores the textual traditions that authorize the history, legitimacy, and authenticity of today's physical posture practice. The volume focuses on why and how yoga communities have adopted various texts they consider sacred or spiritually meaningful. Among the texts discussed are Yogananda's Autobiography, Sri Aurobindo's Savitri, Patanjali's Yoga Sutra, the Bhagavad Gita, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the Upanishads, the Vedas, and the YoginīTantra. Famous thinkers referred to include Aurobindo, Yogananda, Osho-Rajneesh, Sogyal Rimpoche, Charles Johnston, (...)
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    The Feeling of Beauty.Nicole Dunas - 2011 - In Fritz Allhoff & Liz Stillwaggon Swan, Yoga ‐ Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 94–105.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Inspiration History Inside the Beauty Question.
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    Sacred Art Between Tradition and Personal Expression: The Orthodox Icon and Artistical Transgressions of the Canon.Andreea Stoicescu - 2021 - Diakrisis Yearbook of Theology and Philosophy 4:61-78.
    The aim of this article is to present a personal reflection regarding the theoretical/philosophical relation between the generally accepted theological grounding of icon painting and other contemporary artistical endeavours to integrate the religious feeling – of Christian-Orthodox inspiration. This reflection is based on a mixture of ideas from different thought-frameworks which have as common ground the need for speculating on issues such as ‘tradition understanding’, ‘personal expression’, ‘art and religiousness’, exactly those key-themes that are constituting the fundamental threads of my (...)
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    Radiant bodies: the path of modern yoga.Max Popov - 2014 - Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
    * Hatha yoga is commonly thought to be a pure, ancient Indian spiritual discipline that transcends cultural, temporal and spatial boundaries or a spiritual discipline corrupted by Indians (for export) or Westerners (for import) to accommodate Westerners. Calling these beliefs into question, Max Popov's Radiant Bodies shows how hatha yoga was transformed from sacred practice into a health and fitness regime for middle-class Indians in India in the early and mid-20th century. Popov tells the story (...)
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    Yoga and the sacred fire: self-realization and planetary transformation.David Frawley - 2004 - Twin Lakes, Wis.: Lotus Press.
    Explores the evolution of life and consciousness according to the cosmology and psychology of fire, viewing fire not only as a material but also as a spiritual principle.
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    Hide and seek: the sacred art of indirect communication.Benson P. Fraser - 2020 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    As bearers of the divine image, all of us are storytellers and artists. However, few people today believe in truth that is not empirically knowable or verifiable, the sort of truth often trafficked through direct forms of communication. Drawing on the works of Soren Kierkegaard, Benson P. Fraser challenges this penchant for direct forms of knowledge by introducing the indirect approach, which he argues conveys more than mere knowledge, but the capability to live out what one takes to be true. (...)
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    Modernity as Apocalypse: Sacred Nihilism and the Counterfeits of Logos by Thaddeus J. Kozinski.Mehmet Ciftci - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (3):966-970.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Modernity as Apocalypse: Sacred Nihilism and the Counterfeits of Logos by Thaddeus J. KozinskiMehmet CiftciModernity as Apocalypse: Sacred Nihilism and the Counterfeits of Logos by Thaddeus J. Kozinski (Brooklyn, NY: Angelico, 2019), 231 pp.Whether the names Adrian Vermeule, Fr. Edmund Waldstein, and Sohrab Ahmari provoke anxiety or glee in readers' minds will depend on where they stand on integralism, the brand of Catholic traditionalism that all (...)
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    Sacred Interconnections: Postmodern Spirituality, Political Economy, and Art.David Ray Griffin - 1990 - SUNY Press.
    This book shows the interconnections between postmodernism, religion, politics, economics, and art. It shows that the awareness of interconnectedness is at the center of the postmodern sensibility. Sacred Interconnections illustrates the rejection of the modern idea that these subjects can be discussed as separate disciplines. While the term "postmodern" has been widely used for deconstructive, cynical, even nihilistic attitude, especially in the world of art and literature, the book represents the emergence of a reconstructive, reenchanting postmodernism, even within the (...)
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    Sacred Space or Secular Rebellion? Religious and Ethical Reflections on the Evolution of Graffiti as Art.C. U. I. Xi - 2025 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 17 (2):389-400.
    Graffiti, as a form of artistic and social expression, has long been entangled in debates concerning its legitimacy, ethics, and cultural significance. Initially serving as a medium for creative expression and social communication, graffiti has evolved from an act of defiance to a widely recognized form of urban artistry. However, this transformation raises deeper philosophical and theological questions about the nature of artistic legitimacy, the moral implications of public space utilization, and the tension between transgression and sacred expression. Is (...)
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  10. Le hatha yoga: ou. l'Art de vivre selon l'Inde mystérieuse.Félix Guyot - 1936 - Paris: J. Tallandier.
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    Numinous fields: perceiving the sacred in nature, landscape, and art.Samer Akkach, John Powell & Jeff Malpas (eds.) - 2024 - Boston: Brill.
    Numinous Fields has its roots in a phenomenological understanding of perception. It seeks to understand what, beyond the mere sensory data they provide, landscape, nature, and art, both separately and jointly, may mean when we experience them. It focuses on actual or potential experiences of the numinous, or sacred, that such encounters may give rise to. This volume is multi-disciplinary in scope. It examines perceptions of place, space, nature, and art as well as perceptions of place, space, and nature (...)
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  12. Art and the Religious Experience: The Language of the Sacred[REVIEW]D. L. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (1):147-147.
    How can the sacred be artistically expressed? The answer to this question depends greatly on the precise relation of the aesthetic to the religious experience. F. David Martin considers them both to be participative experiences which reveal the ontological beyond the ontic. Yet while the aesthetic experience and its artistic expression only implicitly attain Being as transcendent, religious art conveys an explicit awareness of transcendence. Religious expressiveness is achieved by a strong embodiment of the iconic element present in all (...)
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    From sacred ritual to theatrical protest: interdisciplinary spectrum of theater studies in Indonesia.Dede Pramayoza - 2022 - Perseitas 11:447-474.
    This paper approaches the spectrum of theater studies in Indonesia in an interdisciplinary manner, encompassing both descriptive and normative perspectives. From a descriptive standpoint, the spectrum is shaped by various ways of attributing meaning to theater as an entity. In a normative approach, various disciplines offer perspectives that contribute to creating a spectrum of meaning for theater in relation to the life of Indonesian society. Through a literature review, the research identifies at least three approaches to constructing theater studies in (...)
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    Image and Spirit in Sacred and Secular Art by Jane Dillenberger.Michael Morris - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (4):738-740.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:738 BOOK REVIEWS tical ruin, for what is required is a proper legal response to their illegal acts and a properly political response to their political acts. Burtchaell is usually close to the truth in his ethical judgments, hut one is often uneasy with these judgments either because of some glaring inconsistencies or because they do not seem grounded on a solid theoretical basis. He is possessed of some (...)
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    The sacred and the limits of the technological fix.Alan R. Drengson - 1984 - Zygon 19 (3):259-275.
    Three points are discussed: first, that limits of technological fixes are revealed by current economic, social, and environmental problems; second, that these problems cannot be solved by a technological fix but require alternative forms of activity and being; third, that realizing these limits makes possible the re‐emergence of the sacred. Two attitudes toward technology, nature, and the sacred are described: Technocrats desacralize nature and strive to shape it technologically for human ends alone; pernetarians resacralize nature and develop a (...)
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    Sacred geometry: your personal guide.Bernice Cockram - 2020 - New York, NY: Wellfleet Press.
    With In Focus Sacred Geometry, learn the fascinating history behind this ancient tradition as well as how to decipher the geometrical symbols, formulas, and patterns based on mathematical patterns. People have searched for the meaning behind mathematical patterns for thousands of years. At its core, sacred geometry seeks to find the universal patterns that are found and applied to the objects surrounding us, such as the designs found in temples, churches, mosques, monuments, art, architecture, and nature. Learn the (...)
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  17.  82
    The Sacred and the Person.Albert Borgmann - 2011 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 54 (2):183-194.
    The sacred has survived where religion has not. The sacred is acknowledged by prominent atheists and agnostics. They emphatically agree that the person is sacred and less clearly that nature is as well. Closer examination of their remarks shows that today the sacred comes in two versions, the rightful sacred, best known under the heading of human rights, and the graceful sacred of concrete reality?things and practices of nature and art particularly. The division of (...)
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  18.  31
    Sacred Exchanges: Images in Global Context.Robyn Ferrell - 2012 - Columbia University Press.
    As the international art market globalizes the indigenous image, it changes its identity, status, value, and purpose in local and larger contexts. Focusing on a school of Australian Aboriginal painting that has become popular in the contemporary art world, Robyn Ferrell traces the influence of cultural exchanges on art, the self, and attitudes toward the other. Aboriginal acrylic painting, produced by indigenous women artists of the Australian Desert, bears a superficial resemblance to abstract expressionism and is often read as such (...)
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    Ethics and the Sacred: Can Secular Morality Dispense with Religious Values?Richard Norman - 2017 - Analyse & Kritik 39 (1):5-24.
    In this paper I explore the role that the concept of the sacred can play in our moral thinking. I accept that the assertion that ‘human life is sacred’ can be one way of articulating the special value of individual human lives as in some sense inviolable. I cautiously allow that the idea of ‘sacred value’ might also apply to other things such as certain kinds of human commitments, uniquely precious art-works, and some other kinds of living (...)
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    O êxtase de Teresas: o sacro e o profano na Literatura e nas Artes (The ecstasy of Teresas: the sacred and the profane in the Literature and in the Arts) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2013v11n31p843. [REVIEW]Flávia Vieira da Silva do Amparo - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (31):843-866.
    No altar da Igreja de Santa Maria della Vittoria, encontramos a bela escultura de Bernini, denominada “O êxtase de Santa Teresa”. Símbolo da entrega ao gozo espiritual, a escultura do artista italiano representa Santa Teresa de Ávila recebendo do anjo a seta do amor divino, reprodução perfeita do êxtase místico e religioso. Esse trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a ocorrência de Teresas na literatura brasileira, como heroínas divididas entre o sacro e o profano. Propomos o estudo do romance Tereza Batista: (...)
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    Sacred Symbols and Modernity: The Influence of Tang Dynasty Mural Clothing Patterns on Contemporary fashion's Philosophical and Religious Expressions.Luoping Zheng, Changchun Gao, Qiong Luo & Zheng Xu - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (2):103-120.
    The Tang Dynasty is renowned for its cultural richness and openness to external influences, which significantly impacted the aesthetics of its costume designs, as depicted in contemporary murals. This paper explores the intricate clothing patterns and shapes featured in Tang Dynasty murals, utilizing high-definition microscopic analysis to uncover the profound artistic and symbolic significance embedded within these garments. The study reveals that the clothing patterns are predominantly linear and elongated, with wide cuffs and streamers, while the shapes primarily encompass triangular, (...)
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    Genetic engineering and the sacred.Bernard E. Rollin - 2005 - Zygon 40 (4):939-952.
    Genetic engineering of life forms could well have a profound effect upon our sense of the sacred. Integrating the experience of the sacred as George Bataille does, we can characterize it as a phenomenological encounter with prelinguistic, noncategoreal experience. This view of the sacred is similar to Friedrich Nietzsche's Dionysian experience or Rudolf Otto's mysterium tremendum and diminishes one's sense of self. It seems similar to the eighteenth‐century aesthetic categorization of “the sublime.” Despite the dominant rational approach (...)
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  23. Tantra and Yoga: an egg and the hen problem.Subhasis Chattopadhyay - unknown
    This is what Daniel Simpson has to say of it: An entertaining polemic that takes heartfelt swipes at Western scholars, accusing them of misreading Tantra. "Hinduism is Tantric in essence," the essay says, without proving that Tantra predates other influences, or that "Yoga in its various forms, arises out of Tantra". The latter seems at odds with the earliest descriptions of austerities, or the ascetic objective of bodily transcendence (which Tantric teachings later modified, as evinced by hatha (...) texts). Meanwhile, Patanjali is said to be Tantric because he describes a silent mind - despite not mentioning kundalini (as the author implies). And quoting Abhinavagupta does not mean that Vedanta is based on his framework. Yoga and experiential insight might be inseparable, but a history of ideas can still be written, however tangential it might seem to the practices it alludes to. If "that which is comprehensible is reductionist and is an exercise in structural scrutiny which is disastrous to Indology," then why compose an essay reducing Hinduism to Tantra, while dismissing all else as misguided archiving? Regardless, I enjoyed its invective. (shrink)
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    Sacred and Profane Beauty. [REVIEW]G. E. W. - 1965 - Review of Metaphysics 18 (3):594-594.
    Joining his monumental erudition in the phenomenology of religion with affinity and skill in the arts, Gerardus van der Leeuw has produced a really beautiful work. Tracing the genesis of the various arts from an original unity in expressive religious dance, through their assertions of independence as distinctive secular forms marked by the individualism of their practioners, he tries to show that each art form structurally expresses an aspect of the holy. His concern is to prepare for the reunification of (...)
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    Sacred space and the city: Greece and bhaktapur. [REVIEW]Michael H. Jameson - 1997 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 1 (3):485-499.
    Prompted by Levy’s observations and questions, our brief review of symbolic space in ancient Greece suggests that some features of Greek culture that at first sight seem rationalist and modernizing, signs of the transformation of the archaic city, were deeply rooted in the culture of the city-states from as early as we can study them.11 It may be that they are factors that contributed to the intellectual process referred to as the breakthrough or enlightenment which is not easily attributed entirely (...)
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  26.  20
    Bataille: Writing the Sacred.Carolyn Bailey Gill (ed.) - 1994 - Routledge.
    Georges Bataille's powerful writings have fascinated many readers, enmeshed as they are with the themes of sex and death. His emotive discourse of excess, transgression, sacrifice, and the sacred has had a profound and notable influence on thinkers such as Foucault, Derrida and Kristeva. Bataille: Writing the Sacred examines the continuing power and influence of his work. The full extent of Bataille's subversive and influential writings has only been made available to an English-speaking audience in recent years. By (...)
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    Light on yoga.B. K. S. Iyengar - 1965 - New York,: Schocken Books.
    "The definitive work by B.K.S. Iyengar, the world's most respected yoga teacher. B.K.S. Iyengar has devoted his life to the practice and study of yoga. It was B.K.S. Iyengar's unique teaching style, bringing precision and clarity to the practice, as well as a mindset of 'yoga for all', which has made it into the worldwide phenomenon it is today. 'Light on Yoga' is widely called 'the bible of yoga' and has served as the source book (...)
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    Beyond dualism: The sacred value of biological totems in Christian Platonic thought.Zhilong Yan & Aixin Zhang - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):13.
    The Christian Platonic theology and philosophy have been criticised for many years by various scholars. The dualistic perspective may belittle the value of plant and animal kingdoms, entangling humans in anthropocentric bias and promoting hierarchical systems. However, subsequent theologians and philosophers interpreted these works in ways that allowed negative perspectives and misunderstandings of the material world and its symbols to develop, leaving a mark on history. Therefore, the discussed Christian Platonic theology represents a specific spiritual gnostic view with a unique (...)
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    Sounding the sacred in the age of fake news – Practical theology reflecting on the public sphere.Elsabé Kloppers - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (2):6.
    The public sphere, in which religion is lived and in which religious singing functions, is briefly discussed and related to manipulated truths and ‘fake news’ regarding the use of spiritual songs and hymns as religious and cultural offerings, with reference especially to texts displaying a disregard for responsible hermeneutical principles. A plea is made not only for a practical theology that engages critically with the fundamentals of the current culture and the use of religious symbols in public, but also for (...)
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  30.  45
    Is Nothing Sacred?Ben Rogers (ed.) - 2002 - New York: Routledge.
    We call many things sacred, from cows, churches and paintings to flags and burial grounds. Is it still meaningful to talk of things being sacred, or is the idea merely a relic of a bygone religious age? Does everything - and every life - have its price? Is Nothing Sacred? is a stimulating and wide-ranging debate about some of the major moral dilemmas facing us today, such as the value of human life, art, the environment, and personal (...)
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    The Bhagavata Purana: Sacred Text and Living Tradition.Ravi Gupta & Kenneth Valpey (eds.) - 2013 - Columbia University Press.
    A vibrant example of living literature, the Bhagavata Purana is a versatile Hindu sacred text written in Sanskrit verse. Finding its present form by the tenth century C.E., the work inspired several major north Indian devotional (bhakti) traditions as well as schools of dance and drama, and continues to permeate popular Hindu art and ritual in both India and the diaspora. Introducing the Bhagavata Purana's key themes while also examining its extensive influence on Hindu thought and practice, this collection (...)
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    Place Experience of the Sacred: Silence and the Pilgrimage Topography of Mount Athos.Christos Kakalis - 2024 - Springer Nature Singapore.
    This book explores the topography of Mount Athos, emphasizing the significance of silence and communal ritual in its understanding. Mount Athos, a mountainous peninsula in northern Greece, is a valuable case study of sacred topography, as it is one of the world’s largest monastic communities and an important pilgrimage destination. Its phenomenological examination highlights the importance of embodiment in the experience of religious places. Combining interdisciplinary insights from architectural theory, philosophy, theology and anthropology with archival and ethnographic materials, the (...)
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  33.  23
    The story of Yoga: from ancient India to the modern West.Alistair Shearer - 2020 - London: Hurst & Company (Publishers).
    How did an ancient Indian spiritual discipline turn into a £20 billion-a-year mainstay of the global wellness industry? What happened along yoga's winding path from the caves and forests of the sages to the gyms, hospitals and village halls of the modern West? This comprehensive history sets yoga in its global cultural context for the first time. It leads us on a fascinating journey across the world, from arcane religious rituals and medieval body-magic, through muscular Christianity and the (...)
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    Aesthetics and Sacred Music.Gordon Graham - 2014 - Faith and Philosophy 31 (3):243-255.
    This paper aims to show how philosophical debates about the nature of music as an art can throw light on one of the problems raised by Plato’s Euthryphro—how can human beings serve the gods?—and applies this to the use of music in worship. The paper gives a broad overview of expressivist, representationalist and formalist philosophies of music. Drawing in part on Hanslick, Nietzsche and Schleiermacher, it argues that formalism as a philosophy of sacred music can generate an answer to (...)
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    Sacred Movement: Connecting with the Divine Kathak as Axis Mundi.Hannah Stoltenberg - 2019 - Journal of Dharma Studies 1 (2):303-312.
    Mircea Eliade has contributed immense scholarship to the study of religion. His theories have been analyzed, utilized, and critiqued by many. This paper will apply Eliade’s concept of axis mundi in an interpretation of the North Indian classical dance form of Kathak. A foundational understanding of axis mundi will be established before applying the theory in interpreting Kathak. The foundation will be built by defining terms and ideas integral in Eliade’s writings and by examining his interpretation of Barabudur as an (...)
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    Hermeneutics and the Sacred: Exploring Philosophical Dimensions of Piano Performance Teaching Within Religious Art Education.Zhen Xu - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (1):299-317.
    The philosophy of piano performance teaching, rooted in hermeneutic theory, represents a significant evolution from traditional pedagogical methods. This approach emphasizes a shift from mere knowledge transmission to a deeper, interpretative understanding of music, prioritizing the dialogic interaction between teacher and student. Such an educational framework underscores the ontological essence of music, advocating for respect for its historical and contemporary realities and elevating the interpretative role of the student within the learning process. In this context, piano performance teaching transcends conventional (...)
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    Yoga en yantra.P. H. Pott - 1946 - Leiden,: Brill.
    The author asks to what extent a knowledge of the concepts of yoga may prepare the way to a better understanding of Indian archaeology. The yoga at the basis of this study is that which forms the core of the Tantras. In the first chapter the author surveys the system of Tantrik yoga. He then continues with a discussion of the various forms of yantras, that is all the means employed by yogis in their meditational exercises as (...)
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    Yoga - Anticolonial Philosophy: An Action-Focused Guide to Practice.Shyam Ranganathan - 2024 - London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers (Hachette UK).
    Providing a decolonial, action-focused account of Yoga philosophy, this practical work from Dr. Shyam Ranganathan, pioneering scholar in the field of Indian moral philosophy, focuses on the South Asian tradition to explore what Yoga was like prior to colonization. It challenges teachers and trainees to reflect on the impact of Western colonialism on Yoga as well as understand Yoga as the original decolonial practice in a way that is accessible. -/- This book is accessible but thought (...)
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  39. Select English Bibliography of translated Sanskrit Texts on Hatha Yoga.Subhasis Chattopadhyay - 2023 - Esamskriti.
    This is a select annotated bibliography of the translations of primary sources of Hatha Yoga. The bibliography is important to understand the connection between Yoga and Tantra. The latter is the telos of the former.
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    The sacred art of joking.James Cary - 2019 - London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.
    Comedy is sacred—it's woven through the Bible. James Cary has rare first-hand experience of writing comedy for the BBC—and has a degree in theology. He and former actor and comedian, Barry Cooper (co-writer of Christianity Explored) do a weekly podcast called Cooper and Cary Have Words. This is an intelligent, funny, informative book for anyone who likes comedy.
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  41. Stravinsky's Poétique musicale: The composer as Homo faber. Antisemitism, Le Sacre du printemps and Adorno's critique.Antonia Tejeda Barros - 2024 - Arte, Entre Paréntesis 18 (1):18–33.
    Stravinsky considered himself a maker, a Homo faber, an artisan of the past. He confessed that he liked to compose music more than music itself, and argued that expression was not an immanent character of music. With this paper, I intend to discuss Stravinsky’s musical aesthetics (the Charles Eliot Norton Lectures given right after the outbreak of WWII –Poétique musicale), depicting and criticising his notion of expression and his view of the musician as mere “executant”. I will also point out (...)
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    Book Review: The Sacred Game: The Role of the Sacred in the Genesis of Modern Literary Fiction. [REVIEW]Andrew J. McKenna - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (1):189-191.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Sacred Game: The Role of the Sacred in the Genesis of Modern Literary FictionAndrew J. McKennaThe Sacred Game: The Role of the Sacred in the Genesis of Modern Literary Fiction, by Cesareo Bandera; 318 pp. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1994, $16.50.When we consider the early relations of philosophy and literature, we most often think of Republic X and about degrees of (...)
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    Dance of Divine Love: India's Classic Sacred Love Story: The Rasa Lila of Krishna.Graham M. Schweig - 2005 - Princeton University Press.
    The heart of this book is a dramatic love poem, the Rasa Lila, which is the ultimate focal point of one of the most treasured Sanskrit texts of India, the Bhagavata Purana. Judged a literary masterpiece by Indian and Western scholars alike, this work of poetic genius and soaring religious vision is one of the world's greatest sacred love stories and, as Graham Schweig clearly demonstrates, should be regarded as India's Song of Songs. The story presents the supreme deity (...)
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    Perceiving the sacred feminine: Some thoughts on the cycladic figurines and Jungian archetypes.T. V. Danylova - 2020 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 17:88-97.
    Purpose. Without claiming to explain the meaning and purpose of the Cycladic figurines of the canonical type in the context of the culture that created them, the author attempts to investigate the phenomenon of these ancient images and their impact on contemporary humans through the lens of Carl Gustav Jung’s theory of the collective unconscious and the archetypes. Theoretical basis. The primary meanings and purposes of the Cycladic figurines are ambiguous and incomprehensible to us. We cannot understand them in the (...)
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    The supreme art and science of Raja and Kriya yoga: the ultimate path to self-realisation.Stephen Sturgess - 2015 - Philadelphia: Singing Dragon.
    This unique book is a complete guide to spiritual Raja and Kriya Yoga. Beginning with historical and spiritual accounts of all Yoga traditions, it covers Raja and Kriya Yoga in depth, with instruction on the asanas, breathing techniques and meditations. The book is an invaluable resource for yoga practitioners, as well as spiritual seekers.
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    Ajornamento sacred art of Catholicism in the context of philosophical analysis.Maksym Melnychuk - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 66:364-371.
    An alternative to the traditional religious and religious art was the time, which, especially in the XX century, began to intensively transform the entire arsenal of sacred art into the art at a fast pace. All changed - architecture, fine arts, music, literature... There were new types of art, and traditional ones, under the pressure of socio-economic changes and globalization processes, experienced significant deformations in both form and content. Extrapolation of these tendencies to the life of the Christian church (...)
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    Touching difficulty: sacred form from Plato to Derrida.Daniel M. Price - 2009 - Aurora, Colo.: Davies Group Publishers.
    The sun -- The silence of art : Bataille's babbling sacrifice -- A map, of sorts -- Life's grave traces -- The clarity of method and its demands -- Truths of displacement -- Aristotle and the trace of phenomenology -- Encompassing flow or receding deformation ... a first tracing -- The formal force of presence -- The creative force of form -- The force of an impotent demand -- Limitation and light : creatures of the possible -- The intellect moves (...)
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    The sacred depths of nature: how life has emerged and evolved.Ursula Goodenough - 2023 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    When people talk about religion, most soon mention the major religious traditions of our times, but then, thinking further, most mention as well the religions of Indigenous peoples and of such vanished civilizations as ancient Greece and Egypt and Persia. That is, we have come to understand that there are-and have been-many different religions; anthropologists estimate the total in the thousands. They also estimate that there have been thousands of human cultures, which is to say that the making of a (...)
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  49.  8
    Sacred Sites and Staging Grounds.Ellen Posman & Reid B. Locklin - 2016 - In Forrest Clingerman & Reid B. Locklin, Teaching Civic Engagement. Oxford University Press USA.
    Arguably, there is no better place to acquire the civic capacities described in the previous chapter than in the theology or religious studies classroom. As individual religion courses emphasize different aspects of civic engagement, they serve a liberal arts education historically committed to producing good citizens; as these different approaches are themselves brought into shared conversation, religion provides a distinctive site for cultivating capacities of intellectual complexity, social framing, empathetic accountability, and motivated action, and thus for the broader civic project. (...)
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    The goddess pose: the audacious life of Indra Devi, the woman who helped bring yoga to the West.Michelle Goldberg - 2015 - New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
    The incredible story of the woman--actress, dancer, yogi, globetrotter--who brought yoga to America and to much of the rest of the western world. Born Eugenia Peterson in early 20th century Russia, Indra Devi was a rebel from earliest childhood. In the 1930s she fled to Berlin, and then--driven by her passion for yoga and a fascination with yogic philosophy (and Theosophy)--she journeyed to India, at a time when unaccompanied young European women were unheard of. In India she performed (...)
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