Results for ' Kant in nineteenth-century philosophy'

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  1.  27
    The Nineteenth Century Philosophy Reader.Benjamin D. Crowe (ed.) - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    The nineteenth century was one of the most remarkable periods in the history of philosophy and a period of great intellectual, social and scientific change. Challenging philosophical thought of earlier centuries, it caused shock waves that lasted well into the twentieth century. The Nineteenth Century Philosophy Reader is an outstanding anthology of the great philosophical texts of the period and the first of its kind for many years. In presenting many of the major (...)
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    A Companion to Nineteenth Century Philosophy (Blackwell Companions to Philosophy).John Shand (ed.) - 2019 - Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Investigate the challenging and nuanced philosophy of the long nineteenth century from Kant to Bergson Philosophy in the nineteenth century was characterized by new ways of thinking, a desperate searching for new truths. As science, art, and religion were transformed by social pressures and changing worldviews, old certainties fell away, leaving many with a terrifying sense of loss and a realization that our view of things needed to be profoundly rethought. The Blackwell Companion (...)
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    Nineteenth-Century and Early Twentieth-Century Post-Kantian Philosophy.Paul Franks - 2016 - In Herman Cappelen, Tamar Gendler & John Hawthorne (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophical Methodology. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    This article examines three moments of the post-Kantian philosophical tradition in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries: Kantianism, Post-Kantian Idealism, and Neo-Kantianism. It elucidates the distinctive methods of a tradition that has never entirely disappeared and is now acknowledged once again as the source of contemporary insights. It outlines two problematics—naturalist scepticism and historicist nihilism—threatening the possibility of metaphysics. The first concerns sceptical worries about reason, emerging from attempts to extend the methods of natural science to the study of (...)
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  4. Nineteenth-Century Philosophy: Revolutionary Responses to the Existing Order.Alan D. Schrift & Daniel Conway - 2010 - Routledge.
    The second half of the 19th Century saw a revolution in both European politics and philosophy. Philosophical fervour reflected political fervour. Five great critics dominated the European intellectual scene: Ludwig Feuerbach, Karl Marx, Soren Kierkegaard, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and Friedrich Nietzsche. "Nineteenth-Century Philosophy" assesses the response of each of these leading figures to Hegelian philosophy - the dominant paradigm of the time - to the shifting political landscape of Europe and the United States, and also (...)
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    Central Works of Philosophy V3: Nineteenth Century.John Shand (ed.) - 2005 - Routledge.
    Central Works of Philosophy is a major multi-volume collection of essays on the core texts of the Western philosophical tradition. From Plato's Republic to the present day, the five volumes range over 2,500 years of philosophical writing covering the best, most representative, and most influential work of some of our greatest philosophers. Each essay has been specially commissioned and provides an overview of the work, clear and authoritative exposition of its central ideas, and an assessment of the work's importance. (...)
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    Thinking the unconscious: nineteenth-century German thought.Angus Nicholls & Martin Liebscher (eds.) - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Since Freud's earliest psychoanalytic theorisation around the beginning of the twentieth-century, the concept of the unconscious has exerted an enormous influence upon psychoanalysis and psychology, literary, critical and social theory. Yet prior to Freud, the concept of the unconscious already possessed a complex genealogy in nineteenth-century German philosophy and literature, beginning with the aftermath of Kant's Critical Philosophy and the origins of German Idealism, and extending into the discourses of Romanticism and beyond. Despite the (...)
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  7. Nineteenth-Century Philosophy of Religion: The History of Western Philosophy of Religion, Volume 4.Graham Oppy & Nick Trakakis - 2009 - Routledge.
    This is the fourth volume in our five volume history of western philosophy of religion. It covers the nineteenth century, and includes chapters on: Fichte; Schleiermacher; Hegel; Schelling; Schopenhauer; Comte; Newman; Emerson; Feuerbach; Mill; Darwin; Kierkegaard; Marx; Engels; Dilthey; Edward Caird; Nietzche; Royce; Freud; and Durkheim.
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  8. Nineteenth-century philosophy: revolutionary responses to the existing order.Alan D. Schrift & Daniel Conway - 2010 - In The History of Continental Philosophy. London: Routledge.
    The second half of the 19th Century saw a revolution in both European politics and philosophy. Philosophical fervour reflected political fervour. Five great critics dominated the European intellectual scene: Ludwig Feuerbach, Karl Marx, Soren Kierkegaard, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and Friedrich Nietzsche. "Nineteenth-Century Philosophy" assesses the response of each of these leading figures to Hegelian philosophy - the dominant paradigm of the time - to the shifting political landscape of Europe and the United States, and also (...)
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  9.  25
    The Routledge Companion to Nineteenth Century Philosophy.Dean Moyar (ed.) - 2010 - New York: Routledge.
    The nineteenth century is a period of stunning philosophical originality, characterised by radical engagement with the emerging human sciences. Often overshadowed by twentieth century philosophy which sought to reject some of its central tenets, the philosophers of the nineteenth century have re-emerged as profoundly important figures. The Routledge Companion to Nineteenth Century Philosophy is an outstanding survey and assessment of the century as a whole. Divided into seven parts and including (...)
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  10.  43
    Nineteenth Century Philosophy[REVIEW]R. M. K. - 1974 - Review of Metaphysics 28 (1):140-140.
    If there is an age in which philosophy seemed to experience a demise it is the nineteenth century, and yet this was not due to a lack of philosophy nor to the fact that there prevailed an attitude of estrangement from philosophy. Rather, what appeared to be a de-emphasis was merely a replacement of writings by "philosophers" with those by the natural scientist and the humanist. Tatarkiewicz divides his period into three phases distinguishing the era (...)
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  11.  64
    A Note on Nineteenth-Century Philosophy Today.Maurice Mandelbaum - 1981 - The Monist 64 (2):133-137.
    The past which the present acknowledges tends to be deceptively simple. Attention is most frequently paid to those of its aspects which appear to have anticipated the present, or to those which contrast with what the present takes to be most uniquely its own. Consequently, the past in which the present takes an interest tends to change, and it is unlikely that successive generations will assign equal significance to precisely the same aspects of what occurred in the past. This need (...)
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  12.  9
    Kant and Twentieth‐Century Philosophy.Tom Rockmore - 2006 - In In Kant's Wake: Philosophy in the Twentieth Century. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 155–169.
    The prelims comprise: Is Kant the Background of Twentieth—Century Philosophy? What was Accomplished in Twentieth—Century Philosophy? Hegel, the Kantian Aftermath, and Twentieth—Century Philosophy.
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  13.  31
    Elizabeth Hamilton's Scottish Associationism: Early Nineteenth-Century Philosophy of Mind.Samin Gokcekus - 2019 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 5 (3):267-285.
    This article compares early nineteenth-century English and Scottish theories of the mind and the way that it develops to findings in today's developmental psychology and neuroscience through a close observation of the work of Elizabeth Hamilton. Hamilton was a Scottish writer and philosopher who produced three pedagogical works in her lifetime, consisting of her carefully formulated philosophy of mind and practical suggestions to caretakers and educators. Although Hamilton has received relatively little attention in modern philosophical literature, her (...)
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  14. The Cambridge Companion to Hegel and Nineteenth-Century Philosophy.Frederick C. Beiser (ed.) - 2008 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The Cambridge Companion to Hegel and Nineteenth-Century Philosophy examines Hegel within his broader historical and philosophical contexts. Covering all major aspects of Hegel's philosophy, the volume provides an introduction to his logic, epistemology, philosophy of mind, social and political philosophy, philosophy of nature and aesthetics. It includes essays by an internationally recognised team of Hegel scholars. The volume begins with Terry Pinkard's article on Hegel's life, a conspectus of his biography on Hegel. It (...)
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    From Rationalism to Existentialism; the Existentialists and Their Nineteenth-Century Backgrounds. [REVIEW]G. W. - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (2):367-368.
    The author of this study declares as his purpose "to demonstrate the continuity and identity of projects between ‘traditional philosophy’ and existentialism," as against the view commonly held that existentialism constitutes "a radical break from traditional philosophy." The "radical break" in modern philosophy occurred, according to the author, when Kant reoriented philosophy to man, giving rise to the man-centered, human-life-centered deliberations of Hegel, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, and others in this line of descent. It (...)
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  16. Nineteenth-Century Wuerzburg: The Development of the Scientific Approach to Philosophy.Wilhelm Baumgartner - 1997 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 54:79-98.
  17.  48
    Nineteenth century analysis as philosophy of mathematics.Jeremy Gray - 2009 - In Bart Van Kerkhove (ed.), New Perspectives on Mathematical Practices: Essays in Philosophy and History of Mathematics. World Scientific. pp. 138.
  18. Fichte's Moral Philosophy.Owen Ware - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    Owen Ware here develops and defends a novel interpretation of Fichte’s moral philosophy as an ethics of wholeness. While virtually forgotten for most of the twentieth century, Fichte’s System of Ethics is now recognized by scholars as a masterpiece in the history of post-Kantian thought and a key text for understanding the work of later German idealist thinkers. This book provides a careful examination of the intellectual context in which Fichte’s moral philosophy evolved and of the specific (...)
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  19. Tilottama Rajan and David L. Clark, eds., Intersections: Nineteenth-Century Philosophy and Contemporary Theory Reviewed by. [REVIEW]Philip J. Maloney - 1995 - Philosophy in Review 15 (4):279-281.
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    The History of Western Philosophy of Religion, Five Volume Set: V.1 Ancient Philosophy and Religion: V.2 Medieval Philosophy and Religion: V.3 Early Modern Philosophy and Religion: V.4 Nineteenth-Century Philosophy and Religion: V.5 Twentieth-Century Philosophy and Religion.Graham Oppy & N. N. Trakakis (eds.) - 2009 - Routledge.
    An international team of over 100 leading scholars has been brought together to provide authoritative exposition of how history's most important philosophical thinkers - fron antiquity to the present day - have sought to analyse the concepts and tenets central to Western religious belief, especially Christianity. Divided, chronologically, into five volumes, _The History of Western Philosophy of Religion_ is designed to be accessible to a wide range of readers, from the scholar looking for original insight and the latest research (...)
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    The History of Western Philosophy of Religion, Five Volume Set: V.1 Ancient Philosophy and Religion: V.2 Medieval Philosophy and Religion: V.3 Early Modern Philosophy and Religion: V.4 Nineteenth-Century Philosophy and Religion: V.5 Twentieth-Century Philosophy and Religion.Graham Oppy & Nick Trakakis - 2009 - Routledge.
    'The History of Western Philosophy of Religion' brings together an international team of over 100 leading scholars to provide authoritative exposition of how history's most important philosophical thinkers - from antiquity to the present day - have sought to analyse the concepts and tenets central to Western religious belief, especially Christianity. Divided chronologically into five volumes, 'The History of Western Philosophy of Religion' is designed to be accessible to a wide range of readers, from the scholar looking for (...)
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  22.  30
    Achtenberg, Deborah. Cognition of Value in AristotleLs Ethics: Promise of Enrichment, Threat of Destruction. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2002. Pp. xii+ 218. Paper, $20.95. Alexiou, Margaret. After Antiquity: Greek Language, Myth, and Metaphor. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2002. Pp. xvii+ 567. Cloth, $59.95. Bailey, Alan. Sextus Empiricus and Pyrrhonean Scepticism. New York: Oxford University Press, Clarendon. [REVIEW]Early Nineteenth Century - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (1).
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    (1 other version)More nineteenth century studies: a group of honest doubters.Basil Willey - 1980 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    CHAPTER I FRANCIS W. NEWMAN (i 805-1 897) I. Phases of Faith IN the history of nineteenth century English thought there is no story more striking, ...
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  24.  39
    The Relevance of Kant’s Philosophy for Nineteenth Century Sciences.Michela Massimi - 2008 - Metascience 17 (1):79-83.
  25. Nineteenth-Century Idealism and Twentieth-Century Textualism.Richard Rorty - 1981 - The Monist 64 (2):155-174.
    In the last century there were philosophers who argued that nothing exists but ideas. In our century there are people who write as if there were nothing but texts. These people, whom I shall call “textualists,” include for example, the so-called Yale school of literary criticism centering around Harold Bloom, Geoffrey Hartmann, and Paul De Man, “post-structuralist” French thinkers like Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault, historians like Hayden White, and social scientists like Paul Rabinow. Some of these people (...)
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    (1 other version)Nineteenth century studies.Basil Willey - 1949 - New York,: Columbia University Press.
    The late Professor Basil Willey's important and influential inquiry into the history of religious and moral ideas in the nineteenth century has become (since ...
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  27.  12
    Philosophy and revolution: from Kant to Marx.Eustache Kouvélakis - 2018 - New York: Verso. Edited by G. M. Goshgarian, Fredric Jameson & Sebastian Budgen.
    Throughout the nineteenth century, German philosophy was haunted by the specter of the French Revolution. Kant, Hegel and their followers spent their lives wrestling with its heritage, trying to imagine a specifically German path to modernity: a “revolution without revolution.” Trapped in a politically ossified society, German intellectuals were driven to brood over the nature of the revolutionary experience. In this ambitious and original study, Stathis Kouvelakis paints a rich panorama of the key intellectual and political (...)
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    Reinvigorating the Nineteenth Century Scientific Method: A Peirce-pective on Science.Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen & Majid D. Beni - 2023 - Perspectives on Science 31 (5):684-715.
    This paper proposes to recover the topic of the philosophy of scientific method from its late nineteenth-century roots. The subject matter of scientific method sprouted from key inferential ingredients identified by Charles Peirce. In this paper, the historical path is traversed from the viewpoint of contemporary Cognitive Structural Realism (CSR). Peirce’s semiotic theory of methods and practices of scientific inquiry prefigured CSR’s reliance on embodied informational structures and experimentation upon forms of relations that model generic scientific domains. (...)
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  29.  62
    The Nineteenth-Century Atomic Debates and the Dilemma of an 'Indifferent Hypothesis'.Mary Jo Nye - 1976 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 7 (3):245.
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    Twentieth-century intellectual life.Jacqueline Mariña - 2012 - In Charles Taliaferro, Victoria S. Harrison & Stewart Goetz (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Theism. Routledge. pp. 752.
    This paper examines how Kant's Copernican shift in philosophy had a decisive influence on philosophical religious thought; reflection on the nature of subjectivity shaped how the question of God was approached and understood. I examine three interrelated issues at the forefront of nineteenth and twentieth-century thought on subjectivity and the problem of God. These are a) the ontological nature of subjectivity and what it reveals about the conditions of possibility of a subject's relation to the Absolute; (...)
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  31. The Cambridge Companion to Kant and Modern Philosophy.Paul Guyer (ed.) - 2006 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The philosophy of Immanuel Kant is the watershed of modern thought, which irrevocably changed the landscape of the field and prepared the way for all the significant philosophical movements of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This 2006 volume, which complements The Cambridge Companion to Kant, covers every aspect of Kant's philosophy, with a particular focus on his moral and political philosophy. It also provides detailed coverage of Kant's historical context and of the (...)
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  32.  12
    Kant and Philosophy of Science Today.Michela Massimi (ed.) - 2008 - Cambridge University Press.
    What good is Kant's philosophy for current philosophy of science? There has been an increasing interest in Kant and philosophy of science in the past twenty years. Through the reconstruction of a variety of Kantian legacies in the development of nineteenth and twentieth century physics and mathematics, this edited volume explores the relevance that Kant's philosophy still has for current debates in philosophy of science, philosophy of mathematics, and (...) of physics. (shrink)
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    A History of Natural Philosophy: From the Ancient World to the Nineteenth Century.Edward Grant - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Natural philosophy encompassed all natural phenomena of the physical world. It sought to discover the physical causes of all natural effects and was little concerned with mathematics. By contrast, the exact mathematical sciences were narrowly confined to various computations that did not involve physical causes, functioning totally independently of natural philosophy. Although this began slowly to change in the late Middle Ages, a much more thoroughgoing union of natural philosophy and mathematics occurred in the seventeenth century (...)
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  34. Kant and Philosophy of Science Today: Volume 63.Michela Massimi (ed.) - 2008 - Cambridge University Press.
    What good is Kant's philosophy for current philosophy of science? There has been an increasing interest in Kant and philosophy of science in the past twenty years. Through the reconstruction of a variety of Kantian legacies in the development of nineteenth and twentieth century physics and mathematics, this edited volume explores the relevance that Kant's philosophy still has for current debates in philosophy of science, philosophy of mathematics, and (...) of physics. (shrink)
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    Kant and Eighteenth-Century German Philosophy: Contexts, Influences and Controversies.Andree Hahmann & Stefan Klingner (eds.) - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    The purpose of this anthology is to bring together in one volume some of the texts published in the series "Werkprofile", which focus on Kant’s relationship to his philosophical contemporaries and predecessors, and to make them accessible to a wider audience in English. In doing so, the volume is aimed at those who have an interest in better understanding the premises of Kant's philosophy, its historical context, and the development of many of Kant’s fundamental ideas. As (...)
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  36. The nineteenth century conflict between mechanism and irreversibility.Marij van Strien - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 44 (3):191-205.
    The reversibility problem (better known as the reversibility objection) is usually taken to be an internal problem in the kinetic theory of gases, namely the problem of how to account for the second law of thermodynamics within this theory. Historically, it is seen as an objection that was raised against Boltzmann's kinetic theory of gases, which led Boltzmann to a statistical approach to the kinetic theory, culminating in the development of statistical mechanics. In this paper, I show that in the (...)
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    Nineteenth-Century Perceptions of John Austin: Utilitarianism and the Reviews of The Province of Jurisprudence Determined: Wilfrid E. Rumble.Wilfrid E. Rumble - 1991 - Utilitas 3 (2):199-216.
    In 1954 H. L. A. Hart wrote that Austin's work has ‘never, since his death … been ignored’. If it never has been completely ignored, interest in it has periodically waxed and waned. The interest definitely waxed in the 1980s. More books were published about Austin in this period than in any other decade since his death in 1859. Although this literature contains discussions of some of the nineteenth-century responses to his work, they are not the focus of (...)
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  38.  65
    Lovejoy's Readings of Bruno: Or How Nineteenth-century History of Philosophy was "Transformed" into the History of Ideas.Leo Catana - 2010 - Journal of the History of Ideas 71 (1):91-112.
    Arthur O. Lovejoy made rather grand methodological statements about the nature of history of ideas in his Great Chain of Being (1936). These statements were, it is argued, rhetorical declarations, intended to produce the conviction in the minds of his readers that history of ideas was distinct from history of philosophy and thus deserved institutional independence; they were not adequate descriptions of the method actually practiced. Instead, Lovejoy's historiographical practice can be contextualized within nineteenth-century general histories of (...)
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  39.  13
    The dual truth: studies on nineteenth-century modern religious thought and its influence on twentieth-century Jewish philosophy.Ephraim Chamiel - 2018 - Boston: Academic Studies Press. Edited by Avi Kallenbach.
    This book explores three schools of fascinating, talented, and gifted scholars who absorbed into their thought the Jewish and secular cultures of their respective homelands. They include halakhists such as Rabbi Ettlinger and Rabbi Eliezer Berkowitz; Jewish philosophers from Isaac Bernays to Yeshayau Leibowitz; and biblical commentators such as Samuel David Luzzatto and Rabbi Umberto Cassuto. Running like a thread through the analysis of the different scholars, is the attempt to conciliate Jewish orthodoxy with a wish to connect with Western (...)
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  40. F. A. Trendelenburg and the Neglected Alternative.Andrew Specht - 2014 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 22 (3):514-534.
    Despite his impressive influence on nineteenth-century philosophy, F. A. Trendelenburg's own philosophy has been largely ignored. However, among Kant scholars, Trendelenburg has always been remembered for his feud with Kuno Fischer over the subjectivity of space and time in Kant's philosophy. The topic of the dispute, now frequently referred to as the ?Neglected Alternative? objection, has become a prominent issue in contemporary discussions and interpretations of Kant's view of space and time. The (...)
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  41.  12
    The Quantification of Life and Health from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century. Intersections of Medicine and Philosophy.Simone Guidi & Joaquim Braga (eds.) - 2023 - Palgrave Macmillan.
    This edited volume explores the intersection of medicine and philosophy throughout history, calling attention to the role of quantification in understanding the medical body. Retracing current trends and debates to examine the quantification of the body throughout the early modern, modern and early contemporary age, the authors contextualise important issues of both medical and philosophical significance, with chapters focusing on the quantification of temperaments and fluids, complexions, functions of the living body, embryology, and the impact of quantified reasoning on (...)
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  42.  23
    The Nineteenth century.C. L. Ten (ed.) - 1994 - New York: Routledge.
    This volume in the Routledge History of Philosophy series discusses the philosophers belonging to both the `analytical' and `continental' traditions, as well as the now influential American pragmatists. Each chapter is written by a different author who presents the issues in the context of the period when they arose, while also keeping an eye on their relevance to current philosophical interests. A few philosophers are discussed in multiple chapters in different but mutually illuminating contexts.
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  43.  12
    The Nineteenth-Century World. [REVIEW]P. S. S. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 18 (1):188-188.
    This collection of 16 trenchant and informative essays chosen from the quarterly Journal of World History attempts to capture and expound the universal rather than the purely national significance of various realms of human endeavor in the nineteenth century. The method of selection reveals the editors' predilection for a primarily historical perspective; consequently the articles are arranged according to five important branches of human achievement: political and social trends, the evolution of science and technology, religious developments, the profile (...)
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    Poaching on men's philosophies of rhetoric: Eighteenth- and nineteenth-century rhetorical theory by women.Jane Donawerth - 2000 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 33 (3):243-258.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 33.3 (2000) 243-258 [Access article in PDF] Poaching on Men's Philosophies of Rhetoric: Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Rhetorical Theory by Women Jane Donawerth Although their discussions have often been ignored in histories of rhetoric, women did participate in the development of philosophies of rhetoric in the eighteenth century and nineteenth century. 1 Most, like Hannah More, left to men preaching, politics, (...)
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  45.  45
    Nineteenth Century British Logic on Hypotheticals, Conditionals, and Implication.Francine F. Abeles - 2014 - History and Philosophy of Logic 35 (1):1-14.
    Hypotheticals, conditionals, and their connecting relation, implication, dramatically changed their meanings during the nineteenth and early part of the twentieth century. Modern logicians ordinarily do not distinguish between the terms hypothetical and conditional. Yet in the late nineteenth century their meanings were quite different, their ties to the implication relation either were unclear, or the implication relation was used exclusively as a logical operator. I will trace the development of implication as an inference operator from these (...)
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    Early Nineteenth-Century Logic.James W. Allard - 2014 - In W. J. Mander (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of British Philosophy in the Nineteenth Century. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Formal logic was subjected to numerous criticisms during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and by the early nineteenth century was in serious decline in Britain. Its resurgence began when Edward Copleston defended it as useful for education in the liberal arts. His defense was continued by Richard Whately, whose Elements of Logic revived the study of logic in Britain. Although Whately gave the impression that he was merely restating Aristotle, he limited logic to the study of formal reasoning (...)
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    The Game of Contradictions: The Philosophy of Friedrich Engels and Nineteenth Century Science.Sven-Eric Liedman - 2022 - Historical Materialism Book. Edited by Jeffrey N. Skinner.
    One of the major contributions to scholarship on Marx, Engels and nineteenth-century science, Liedman's work is here presented in English translation and with a new preface by the author.
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  48. Winckelmann's Greek Ideal and Kant's Critical Philosophy.Michael Baur - 2018 - In Daniel O. Dahlstrom (ed.), Kant and His German Contemporaries: Volume 2, Aesthetics, History, Politics, and Religion. Cambridge University Press. pp. 50-68.
    Johann Joachim Winckelmann (1717–68) was not a philosopher. In fact, Winckelmann had a strong interest in distancing himself from academic philosophy as he knew it. As Goethe reports, Winckelmann “complained bitterly about the philosophers of his time and about their extensive influence.” Still less was Winckelmann a Kantian philosopher; the first edition of Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason did not appear until 1781, thirteen years after the fifty-year-old Winckelmann was shockingly murdered in Trieste. Nevertheless, many of Winckelmann’s (...)
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    Nineteenth-century American literature and the discourse of natural history.Juliana Chow - 2021 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    American cultural technologies of the early nineteenth century shaped Nature and the synonymous "native" in contradictory ways: celebrating the wilderness but then transforming it by cultivation, mourning lost "natives" (both people and species) while also naturalizing the succession of new Euro-American settlers. Settler colonial geopolitics understood its own territorial claims in association with the retreats, migrations, and expansions of select species populations: cattle replacing American bison or Euro-Americans replacing Indians on the western frontier. In this way, Euro-American descendants (...)
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    Idealism and Existentialism: Hegel and Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Philosophy.Jon Stewart - 2010 - Continuum.
    Hegel and the myth of reason -- Hegel's phenomenology as a systematic fragment -- The architectonic of Hegel's Phenomenology of spirit -- Points of contact in the philosophy of religion of Hegel and Schopenhauer -- Kierkegaard's criticism of the absence of ethics in Hegel's system -- Kierkegaard's criticism of abstraction and his proposed solution : appropriation -- Kierkegaard's recurring criticism of Hegel's The good and conscience-- Hegel and Nietzsche on the death of tragedy and Greek ethical life -- Existentialist (...)
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