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  1. Tragedy as both personal and political: review of The First Last Man by Eileen Hunt. [REVIEW]Ben Jones - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
    The First Last Man is the third installment of Hunt’s trilogy on Shelley’s thought. It deftly weaves together different interpretive and political theory methods. Her careful archival work in particular stands out. She uses Shelley’s journals as an entry into the author’s psyche and motivations for writing The Last Man. While walking the reader through the journals, Hunt convincingly shows the cathartic role that writing The Last Man had for the young Shelley after her husband drowned and her first three (...)
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  2. Cook Wilson on judgement.Simon Wimmer - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (1):126-149.
    John Cook Wilson is increasingly recognised as an important predecessor of ordinary language philosophy. He emphasizes the authority of ordinary language in philosophical theorizing. At the same time, however, he circumscribes the limits of that authority and identifies cases in which it threatens to mislead us. My aim is to consider in detail one case where, according to Cook Wilson, ordinary language has misled philosophical theorizing. Judgement was one of the core notions of the logic, epistemology, and philosophy of mind (...)
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  3. John Cook Wilson on the indefinability of knowledge.Guy Longworth & Simon Wimmer - 2022 - European Journal of Philosophy 30 (4):1547-1564.
    Can knowledge be defined? We expound an argument of John Cook Wilson's that it cannot. Cook Wilson's argument connects knowing with having the power to inquire. We suggest that if he is right about that connection, then knowledge is, indeed, indefinable.
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  4. John Venn's Logic of Chance.Wesley C. Salmon - 1981 - In Jaakko Hintikka, David Gruender & Evandro Agazzi, Probabilistic Thinking, Thermodynamics and the Interaction of the History and Philosophy of Science: Proceedings of the 1978 Pisa Conference on the History and Philosophy of Science. D. Reidel. pp. 125--138.
  5. A Pragmatist Reboot of William Whewell’s Theory of Scientific Progress.Ragnar van der Merwe - 2023 - Contemporary Pragmatism 20 (3):218-245.
    William Whewell’s philosophy of science is often overlooked as a relic of 19th century Whiggism. I argue however that his view – suitably modified – can contribute to contemporary philosophy of science, particularly to debates around scientific progress. The reason Whewell’s view needs modification is that he makes the following problematic claim: as science progresses, it reveals necessarily truths and thereby grants a glimpse of the mind of God. Modifying Whewell’s view will involve reinventing his notion of necessary truth as (...)
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  6. The Guise of the Good: A Philosophical History.Francesco Orsi - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This is the first book to trace the doctrine of the guise of the good throughout the history of Western philosophy. It offers a chronological narrative exploring how the doctrine was formulated, the arguments for and against it, and the broader role it played in the thought of different philosophers. -/- In recent years there has been a rich debate about whether value judgment or value perception must form an essential part of mental states such as emotions and desires, and (...)
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  7. Anxiety: A Philosophical History.Bettina Bergo - 2020 - New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    "This is a study of the unlikely 'career' of anxiety in 19th and 20th century philosophy, above all. Anxiety is an affect, something more subtle, sometimes more persistent, than an emotion or a passion. It lies at the intersectiona of embodiment and cognition, sensation and emotion. But anxiety also runs like a red thread through European thought beginning from receptions of Kant's transcendental project. Like a symptom of the quest to situate and give life to the philosophical subject, like a (...)
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  8. ‘Why we should maintain the socialist objective’: Agnes Heller on the ALP (1981) – A document.Peter Beilharz - 2022 - Thesis Eleven 171 (1):91-101.
  9. Exploring the Ecological Philosophical Implications of the Marxist Concept of Nature and Its Contemporary Value. 姜平平 - 2022 - Advances in Philosophy 11 (5):866.
  10. On the Characteristics and Laws of the Sinicization of Marxism.Xiao Ping - 2022 - Philosophy Study 12 (8).
  11. Atravesando el desierto. Balance y perspectivas del marxismo en el siglo XXI.Manzanera Salavert Miguel - 2015 - Barcelona: El Viejo Topo.
    La crisis financiera, que ha llevado a la recesión económica con sus secuelas sociales, no es más que un aspecto de la problemática a la que hoy nos enfrentamos. Se nos presenta además una crisis de la hegemonía del centro del sistema capitalista a favor de países periféricos, especialmente la República Popular China. Una tercera crisis se hará visible a más largo plazo como la destrucción de la biosfera terrestre. Esos fenómenos hunden sus raíces en el actual modo de producción (...)
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  12. Contemporary Chinese Marxism: Basic research orientations.Liu Xiang, Liu Ying, Yang Liyin, Lei Chen, Xue Ji, Zhang Libo, Nie Jinfang, Wu Xiangdong, Wang Yichuan, Michael A. Peters & Chengbing Wang - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (11):1740-1753.
    Chengbing WangShanxi University, Taiyuan, ChinaMichael A. PetersBeijing Normal University, Beijing, ChinaContemporary Chinese Marxism is not only an important theory in the humanities and social sc...
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  13. Marxism as Spinozism? One episode in the history of Soviet philosophy.Maja Soboleva - 2021 - Studies in East European Thought 74 (3):319-332.
    This paper seeks to reconstruct philosopher Aleksandr Bogdanov’s approach to the philosophy of Spinoza in the context of the debate against Plekhanov. I demonstrate that the Soviet interest in Spinoza’s theory has never been purely historical, but rather, it served an important function in developing the theoretical foundations for Marxist philosophy. However, Bogdanov was one of only a very few who objected strongly to Plekhanov’s attempt to relate Spinoza’s philosophy to Marxism in a direct way. Two principles underlie Bogdanov’s critique: (...)
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  14. Psychology and Time in Boole’s Logic.Andrew Stone - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic 44 (1):1-15.
    In the Laws of Thought, Boole establishes a theory of secondary propositions based upon the notion of time. This temporal interpretation of secondary propositions has historically been met with wide disapproval and is usually dismissed in the modern literature as a philosophical non-starter. What was Boole thinking? This paper attempts to give an answer to this question. Specifically, it provides an account according to which Boole’s temporal interpretation follows from his psychologistic conception of logic, in addition to certain background assumptions (...)
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  15. Cook Wilson on knowledge and forms of thinking.Simon Wimmer & Guy Longworth - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-22.
    John Cook Wilson is an important predecessor of contemporary knowledge first epistemologists: among other parallels, he claimed that knowledge is indefinable. We reconstruct four arguments for this claim discernible in his work, three of which find no clear analogues in contemporary discussions of knowledge first epistemology. We pay special attention to Cook Wilson’s view of the relation between knowledge and forms of thinking (like belief). Claims of Cook Wilson’s that support the indefinability of knowledge include: that knowledge, unlike belief, straddles (...)
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  16. (6 other versions)Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy.Gianfranco Pellegrino - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
  17. (6 other versions)Capitalism, Socialism, Populism: Continuing the Conversation.Gianfranco Pellegrino - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
  18. Theatre and Drama of Socialist Realism in the Context of Cryptotexts.Anna Wiśniewska-Grabarczyk - 2016 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 37 (7):73-84.
    The main goal of the article is to offer a description of cryptotexts of theatre staging handbooks and dramatic works created in Poland during the socialist realism period. A cryptotext is a secret text which is the result of a purposeful act of subterfuge. In the article, I present selected cryptotexts – reviews produced in the Ministry of Culture and Art and censorship reviews of the dramatic works submitted for evaluation to the Voivodship Control Bureau for Press, Main Office of (...)
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  19. David Ricardo: An Intellectual Biography.Sergio Cremaschi - 2021 - Abingdon: Routledge.
    "David Ricardo has been acclaimed - or vilified - for merits he would never have dreamt of, or sins for which he was entirely innocent. Entrenched mythology labels him as a utilitarian economist, an enemy of the working class, an impractical theorist, a scientist with 'no philosophy at all' and the author of a formalist methodological revolution. Exploring a middle ground between theory and biography, this book explores the formative intellectual encounters of a man who came to economic studies via (...)
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  20. S. T. Coleridge and the Transcendence of Reason.Peter Cheyne - 2022 - Heythrop Journal 63 (3):349-366.
    The Heythrop Journal, Volume 63, Issue 3, Page 349-366, May 2022.
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  21. Manual of Ethics, 4th edition.John S. Mackenzie - 1901 - New York: Hinds & Noble.
  22. Amelia Bonea; Melissa Dickson; Sally Shuttleworth; Jennifer Wallis. Anxious Times: Medicine and Modernity in Nineteenth-Century Britain. (Science and Culture in the Nineteenth Century.) vii + 312 pp., notes, bibl., index. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2019. $50 (cloth). E-book available. [REVIEW]Sander L. Gilman - 2020 - Isis 111 (3):677-678.
  23. Associationism in the Philosophy of Mind.Mike Dacey - 2020 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Association dominated theorizing about the mind in the English-speaking world from the early eighteenth century through the mid-twentieth and remained an important concept into the twenty-first. This endurance across centuries and intellectual traditions means that it has manifested in many different ways in different views of mind. This article traces associationist themes as they developed over the years by presenting the views of central historical figures in each era, focusing specifically on their conception of the associative relation and how it (...)
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  24. Malthus, l'utilitarismo teologico e il baule. [REVIEW]Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi - 2006 - Storia Del Pensiero Economico 3 (2):213- 219.
    I discuss Malthus, Thomas Robert "The unpublished papers in the collection of Kanto Gakuen University", Pullen, John; Parry, Trevor Hughes (eds). I argue that the theological dimension in Malthus’s overall project may be stressed in the light of some of the original materials published here for the first time. -/- .
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  25. Science and Religion in Nineteenth‐Century Europe: Non‐Anglo‐American Perspectives.Jaume Navarro & Kostas Tampakis - 2019 - Zygon 54 (4):1045-1049.
    This is an introduction to the thematic section on “The Historiography of Science and Religion in Europe,” which resulted from a symposium held at the eighth Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, University College London, UK, from September 14–17, 2018. The introduction provides a brief argument for the decentering of science and religion from the Anglo‐American discourse. It concludes by previewing the contributions of the section's essays.
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  26. Herbert Spencer: Libertarian Prophet.Roderick Long - 2008 - Ideas on Liberty 54 (7):25-28.
  27. The Philosophy of History of the British Idealists: Preliminary Observations.J. Karabelas - 2018 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 24 (1):71-89.
    British idealism is usually regarded as having been, in the main, indifferent to the problems of the philosophy of history. The interest in the philosophy of history found in German, and later in Italian, idealism was allegedly not shared by the early generations of the British idealists. At best they are regarded as unwitting precursors of things to come, some of their reflections paving the way for subsequent advances in historical thinking. The British idealists, however, were not as economical with (...)
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  28. A Lógica de Lewis Carroll.John L. Lindemann - 2017 - Dissertation,
    The present dissertation presents an examination of the Carrollian logic through the reconstruction of its syllogistic theory. Lewis Carroll was one of the main responsible for the dissemination of logic during the nineteenth century, but most of his logical writings remained unknown until a posthumous publication of 1977. The reconstruction of the Carrollian syllogistic theory was based on the comparison of the two books on author's logic, "The Game of Logic" and "Symbolic Logic". The analysis of the Carrollian syllogistics starts (...)
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  29. William Whewell’s philosophy of architecture and the historicization of biology.Aleta Quinn - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 1 (59):11-19.
    William Whewell’s work on historical science has received some attention from historians and philosophers of science. Whewell’s own work on the history of German Gothic church architecture has been touched on within the context of the history of architecture. To a large extent these discussions have been conducted separately. I argue that Whewell intended his work on Gothic architecture as an attempt to (help) found a science of historical architecture, as an exemplar of historical science. I proceed by analyzing the (...)
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  30. Whewell on classification and consilience.Aleta Quinn - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 1 (64):65-74.
    In this paper I sketch William Whewell’s attempts to impose order on classificatory mineralogy, which was in Whewell’s day (1794e1866) a confused science of uncertain prospects. Whewell argued that progress was impeded by the crude reductionist assumption that all macroproperties of crystals could be straightforwardly explained by reference to the crystals’ chemical constituents. By comparison with biological classification, Whewell proposed methodological reforms that he claimed would lead to a natural classification of minerals, which in turn would support advances in causal (...)
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  31. William James.Damian Ilodigwe - 2010 - In William Sweet, Biographical Encyclopedia of British Idealism. New York: Continuum.
  32. Love and Ethics in the Works of J. M. E. McTaggart.J. Bieber Trevor - 2015 - Dissertation,
    This dissertation attempts to make contributions to normative ethics and to the history of philosophy. First, it contributes to the defense of consequentialist ethics against objections grounded upon the value of loving relationships. Secondly, it provides the first systematic account of John M. E. McTaggart’s ethical theory and its relation to his philosophy of love. According to consequentialist ethics, it is always morally wrong to knowingly do what will make the world worse-off than it could have been. Many consequentialists also (...)
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  33. Anthony Quinton, "Utilitarian Ethics". [REVIEW]Donald F. Koch - 1975 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 13 (3):417.
  34. The Malthus library catalogue: The personal collection of Thomas Robert Malthus at Jesus college, Cambridge: Pergamon Press, 1983. [REVIEW]K. W. Back - 1983 - History of European Ideas 4 (4):473-473.
  35. Darwin and the novelists: Patterns of science in Victorian fiction : George Levine . x + 319 pp.. $27.50 H.C. [REVIEW]Sally Shuttleworth - 1990 - History of European Ideas 12 (3):428-429.
  36. The religion of humanity: The impact of comtean positivism on victorian Britain : T.R. Wright , xiii + 306, £27.50. [REVIEW]Richard Vernon - 1987 - History of European Ideas 8 (2):258-259.
  37. Sons of the Prophets Evangelical Leaders of the Victorian Church : Michael Hennell, London: S.P.C.K., 1979, £7.50. [REVIEW]Sheridan Gilley - 1981 - History of European Ideas 2 (2):163-169.
  38. Politics and the churches in Great Britain 1869 to 1921 : G.I.T. Machin , x + 376 pp., £35, H.C. [REVIEW]Elfrieda Dubois - 1990 - History of European Ideas 12 (2):294-295.
  39. A Perplexed Philosopher. [REVIEW]Henry George - 1892 - Ancient Philosophy (Misc) 3:482.
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  40. (1 other version)The Complete Works of Harriet Taylor Mill.Ruth Abbey - 2001 - Hypatia 16 (1):94-97.
  41. The Pragmatic Legal Philosophy of N. St. John Green.Philip P. Wiener - 1948 - Journal of the History of Ideas 9 (1):70.
  42. The Foundations of Belief.Arthur James Balfour.Bernard Bosanquet - 1895 - International Journal of Ethics 5 (4):506-509.
    This is Bosanquet's review of Balfour's book, Foundations of Belief.
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  43. Philip F. Rehbock, The Philosophical Naturalists: Themes in Early Nineteenth-Century British Biology. . Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press, 1983. Pp xv + 281. ISBN 0-299-09430-8. $30. [REVIEW]Janet Browne - 1985 - British Journal for the History of Science 18 (2):251-251.
  44. Obywatelska wolnosc w ujęciu Lorda Actona.Christopher Lazarski - 2012 - Politeja 9 (3 (21)):5-31.
    The article presents Lord Acton’s notion of liberalism and citizenship. Liberalism, as ordinarily understood, treats the individual as the founding stone of civil society and the measure of political order – man and woman and their rights are supreme. In the past, this allowed liberalism to delegitimize society of estates and absolutism, yet it raised the insoluble dilemma of how to reconnect the self‑sufficient individual with the society and the state. Furthermore, social engineering employed in service of equality and individual (...)
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  45. ENEMIES OR ALLIES: LIBERALISM AND CATHOLICISM IN LORD ACTON's THOUGHT.Christopher Lazarski - 2011 - Krakowskie Studia Miedzynarodowe 2:180-196.
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  46. Hatfield on American Critical Realism.Alexander Klein - 2015 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 5 (1):154-166.
    The turn of the last century saw an explosion of philosophical realisms, both in the United States and in the United Kingdom. Gary Hatfield helpfully asks whether we can impose order on this chaotic scene by portraying these diverse actors as responding to a common philosophical problem—the so-called problem of the external world, as articulated by William Hamilton. I argue that we should not place the American realism that grows out of James’s neutral monism in this problem space. James first (...)
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  47. Human history and deep time in nineteenth-century British sciences: An introduction.Efram Sera-Shriar - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 51:19-22.
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  48. David Lyons: In the Interest of the Governed.Otfried Höffe - 1976 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 58 (1).
  49. Karel Van Mander's "Grondt der Edel Vry Schilder-const".Hessel Miedema - 1973 - Journal of the History of Ideas 34 (4):653.
  50. The Normative Role of Science in Early Victorian Thought.Walter F. Cannon - 1964 - Journal of the History of Ideas 25 (4):487.
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