Results for ' Kant's “Transcendental Aesthetic” and “Amphiboly” ‐ formulated by Evans'

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  1. Intuition and concrete particularity in Kant's transcendental aesthetic.Adrian Piper - 2008 - In Francis Halsall, Julia Alejandra Jansen & Tony O'Connor (eds.), Rediscovering Aesthetics: Transdisciplinary Voices from Art History, Philosophy, and Art Practice. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. pp. 193-212.
    By transcendental aesthetic, Kant means “the science of all principles of a priori sensibility” (A 21/B 35). These, he argues, are the laws that properly direct our judgments of taste (B 35 – 36 fn.), i.e. our aesthetic judgments as we ordinarily understand that notion in the context of contemporary art. Thus the first part of the Critique of Pure Reason, entitled the Transcendental Aesthetic, enumerates the necessary presuppositions of, among other things, our ability to make empirical judgments about particular (...)
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  2. (7 other versions)Intuition and concrete particularity in Kant's transcendental aesthetic.Adrian Piper - 2008 - In Francis Halsall, Julia Alejandra Jansen & Tony O'Connor (eds.), Rediscovering Aesthetics: Transdisciplinary Voices from Art History, Philosophy, and Art Practice. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    By transcendental aesthetic, Kant means “the science of all principles of a priori sensibility” (A 21/B 35). 1 These, he argues, are the laws that properly direct our judgments of taste (B 35 – 36 fn.), i.e. our aesthetic judgments as we ordinarily understand that notion in the context of contemporary art. Thus the first part of the Critique of Pure Reason, entitled the Transcendental Aesthetic, enumerates the necessary presuppositions of, among other things, our ability to make empirical judgments about (...)
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  3. Kant's Copernican Revolution.Sanjay Kumar Shukla - 1999 - Allahabad: Snigdha Publication.
    The present work is a beautific monograph over Kant’s philosophy. It begins with the proper analysis of nature and significance of content copernican revolution. The author has systematically formulated the epistemic and non-epistemic implications of Kant’s Philosophy the epistemic implications cover the philosophical issues and seminal significance: the notion of space and time, the nature and function of categories, distinction of phenomena and noumena, refutation of idealism and Kantain transcendental idealism, transcendental unity of pure apperception, nature function and limitations (...)
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    Kant's First Critique and the Transcendental Deduction.F. C. White - 1996
    Presenting the text of the transcendental deduction of the categories part by part, often only a few lines at a time, this book follows each part with explanation, commentary, and criticism where this is necessary in bringing out Kant's thought. It also contains chapters on the Transcendental Aesthetic and the Metaphysical Deduction, and a chapter on the contemporary philosophical relevance of Kant's arguments.
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  5. The Transcendental Aesthetic and the Leibnizian Theory of Space.Dai Heide - forthcoming - Journal of the History of Philosophy.
    In considering Kant’s response to the Leibnizian theory of space in the Transcendental Aesthetic, scholars have overwhelmingly emphasized Kant’s response to Leibniz’s relationalism. They have largely missed the metaphysically realistic aspects of Leibniz’s theory with which Kant is primarily concerned. As such, scholars have failed to appreciate the threat Leibniz’s theory poses to Kant’s idealism, a point made publicly as early as 1786 by H. A. Pistorius. I argue that the Aesthetic does indeed contain a compelling argument against the Leibnizian (...)
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    Dissertatio 15C revisited: Concept and Body in Kant’s Problems of Directionality.Guillermo Villaverde López - 2024 - Kant Studien 115 (4):410-432.
    This article focuses on the relationship between Kant’s reference to our own body in the context of problems of directionality and the type of resources that, according to him, are necessary to distinguish left and right and to orient ourselves in space. It challenges the almost universally accepted idea that the principle formulated in Dissertatio 15C (namely, that two incongruent counterparts cannot be distinguished by notae) is fatally flawed. While arguing that this principle is correct in its strongest formulation, (...)
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    The Faculties of the Human Mind and the Case of Moral Feeling in Kant's Philosophy.Antonino Falduto (ed.) - 2014 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    In the past few decades a remarkable change occurred in Kant scholarship: the "other" Kant has been discovered, i.e. the one of the doctrine of virtue and the anthropology. Through the rediscovery of Kant's investigations into the empirical and sensuous aspects of knowledge, our understanding of Kant's philosophy has been enriched by an important element that has allowed researchers to correct supposed deficiencies in Kant's work. In addition, further questions concerning the nature of Kant's philosophy itself (...)
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    Kant’s Argument for Transcendental Idealism in the Transcendental Aesthetic Revisited.Damian Melamedoff-Vosters - 2023 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 105 (1):141-162.
    This paper provides a novel reconstruction of Kant’s argument for transcendental idealism in the Transcendental Aesthetic. This reconstruction relies on two main contentions: first, that Kant accepts the then-ubiquitous view that all cognition is either from grounds or consequences, a view he props up by drawing a distinction between logical and real grounds; second, that Kant, like most of his contemporaries, holds that our representations are the most immediate grounds of our cognition. By stressing these elements, the most threatening objection (...)
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  9. Kant’s Neglected Alternative and the Unavoidable Need for the Transcendental Deduction.Justin B. Shaddock - 2019 - Kantian Review 24 (1):127-152.
    The problem of Kant’s Neglected Alternative is that while his Aesthetic provides an argument that space and time are empirically real – in applying to all appearances – its argument seems to fall short of the conclusion that space and time are transcendentally ideal, in not applying to any things in themselves. By considering an overlooked passage in which Kant explains why his Transcendental Deduction is ‘unavoidably necessary’, I argue that it is not solely in his Aesthetic but more so (...)
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    Kant’s Attack on the Amphiboly of the Concepts of Reflection.Andrew Brook & Jennifer McRobert - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 45:41-46.
    In the neglected 'Amphiboly of the Concepts of Reflection,' Kant introduces a new transcendental activity, Transcendental Deliberation. It aims to determine to which faculty a representation belongs and does so by examining the representation's relationships to other representations. This enterprise yields some powerful ideas. Some of the relationships studied have great interest, numerical identity in particular. Indeed, seeing Kant discuss it here, one wonders why he did not include it in the Table of Categories. Kant gives a solid argument for (...)
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    Aesthetic Ideas and Art Interpretation in Kant’s Third Critique and Schelling’s ‘System of Transcendental Idealism’.Ekin Erkan - forthcoming - British Journal of Aesthetics.
    This paper argues for a metacognitive reading of Kant’s doctrine of ‘aesthetic ideas’, according to which they enjoy the functional role of licensing a theory of art interpretation. I begin by offering a textualist reading of Kant’s doctrine of ‘aesthetic ideas’ and contest the received ‘semantic paradigm’ according to which aesthetic ideas either approximate the form or content of a rational idea. After showing the relationship between aesthetic ideas and artistic interpretation, I assess whether Kant’s theory delivers what we want (...)
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    Review: Sassen, Kant's Early Critics: The Empiricist Critique of the Theoretical Philosophy. [REVIEW]Curtis Bowman - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (3):447-448.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 39.3 (2001) 447-448 [Access article in PDF] Brigitte Sassen, translator and editor. Kant's Early Critics: The Empiricist Critique of the Theoretical Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Pp. ix + 331. Cloth, $54.95. Brigitte Sassen has translated and edited an extremely useful collection of texts dating from the years 1782 to 1789. Most of the texts were written by Kant's (...)
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  13.  13
    Kant’s Intuitionism: A Commentary on the Transcendental Aesthetic.Lorne Falkenstein - 1995 - University of Toronto Press.
    This book presents a paragraph-by-paragraph analysis of all of the major arguments and explanations in the "aesthetic" of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. The first part of the book aims to provide a clear analysis of the meanings of the terms Kant uses to name faculties and types of representation, the second offers a thorough account of the reasoning behind the "metaphysical" and "transcendental" expositions, and the third investigates the basis for Kant's major conclusions about space, time, appearances, (...)
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  14.  49
    Kant's Intuitionism: A Commentary on the Transcendental Aesthetic (review). [REVIEW]Manfred Kuehn - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (2):326-327.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Kant’s Intuitionism: A Commentary on the Transcendental Aesthetic by Lorne FalkensteinManfred KuehnLorne Falkenstein. Kant’s Intuitionism: A Commentary on the Transcendental Aesthetic. Toronto, Ontario: University of Toronto Press, 1995. Pp. xxiii + 465. Cloth, $70.00.This is the most substantial book on Kant’s Transcendental Aesthetic to appear in a long time. Though the Transcendental Aesthetic takes up only thirty-five pages of the six hundred sixty-five pages of the Critique of (...)
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  15.  31
    Kant on the Imagination: Fanciful and Unruly, or “an Indispensable Dimension of the Human Soul”.John Rundell - 2020 - Critical Horizons 21 (2):106-129.
    ABSTRACTKant is concerned to give meaning, depth and veracity to the notion of the subject, which he does on transcendental grounds, and also to shift it beyond purely cognitivist formulations. He opens the subject up to other dimensions of the world that he or she establishes – not only the cognitive, but also the political – ethical and the aesthetic. He does this by constructing and denoting different faculties and their principles that ought to be employed in the distinct domains (...)
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    Spatio-temporal Intertwining: Husserl's Transcendental Aesthetic.Michela Summa - 2014 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This volume explores Husserl's theory of sensibility and his conceptualization of spatial and temporal constitution. The author maps the linkages between Husserl's 'transcendental aesthetic', the theory of pure experience in empirio-criticism, as well as Immanuel Kant's transcendental philosophy. The core argument in this analysis centers on the relationship between spatiality and temporality in Husserl's philosophy. The study interrogates Husserl's understanding of the relationship between spatiality and temporality in terms of stratifications, analogies and parallelisms. It incorporates a discussion of the (...)
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  17.  20
    Matters of Taste: Kant’s Epistemological Aesthetics.Zoltán Papp - 2020 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (12):402-428.
    This paper is concerned with what I believe is the epistemological mission of Kant’s doctrine of taste. The third Critique inherits two problems from the first. The evident one is that the categorial constitution of nature must be complemented with the notion of purposiveness. The less evident one is that the transcendental theory of experience needs a common sense in order to secure a common objectivity. The judgment of taste, conceived of by Kant as a ‘cognition in general’ not restricted (...)
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  18.  28
    Transcendental aesthetics as failed apodictic aesthetics: Kant, Deleuze and the being of the sensible.Alessandra Campo - 2022 - Studi di Estetica 22.
    In Difference and Repetition, Deleuze defines his transcendental empiricism as an “apodictic” aesthetics, by which he means a science not simply of the sensible, but of the being of the sensible. Yet, to the extent that the sensibility which is at stake in the Transcendental Aesthetics is a sensibility without sensation, Kantian aesthetics is not apodictic. Sensation is the only contact we have with the being of the sensible, namely that which is exterior with respect to the interior of representation. (...)
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  19.  50
    Kant’s Original Space and Time as Mere Grounds for Possibilities.Thomas Raysmith - 2022 - Kantian Review 27 (1):23-42.
    In the Critique of Pure Reason Kant appears to make incompatible claims regarding the unitary natures of what he takes to be our a priori representations of space and time. I argue that these representations are unitary independently of all synthesis and explain how this avoids problems encountered by other positions regarding the Transcendental Deduction and its relation to the Transcendental Aesthetic in that work. Central is the claim that these representations (1) contain, when characterized as intuitions and considered as (...)
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  20. Kant's Leibniz-Critique in the Amphiboly Chapter of the "Critique of Pure Reason".Robert Sears - 1999 - Dissertation, University of Ottawa (Canada)
    In this dissertation it is argued that Kant's critique of Leibniz as found in the amphiboly chapter of the Critique of Pure Reason derives from his theory of reflection. It is argued further that this unfocused and fragmentary amphiboly chapter, which contains the Leibniz-critique, can be seen to have a previously unsuspected unity to it. The keys to perceiving this unity are the appendix's purpose, structure and mosaic composition. ;The primary purpose of the appendix is not to present (...) criticisms of Leibniz as is commonly thought, but rather it is to sketch his theory of reflection. Not only is this attested to by Kant himself , it is also made evident by the structure of the appendix. Structurally, the appendix is built around an introduction to the operation of transcendental reflection and a discussion of the concepts of reflection, this being the structure of each of the first three sections. By means of each pair of concepts of reflection Kant claims to summarize the basic tenets and origin of Leibniz's philosophy. Kant also claims that Leibnizls whole philosophy rests on one seminal error, which will be shown to be the omission of the operation of transcendental reflection. To be sure, Kant claims Leibniz made a number of other errors, but these various errors all derive from the omission of transcendental reflection. ;While this omission can be used to explain the other more well-known epistemological mistakes with which Kant charges Leibniz, it is undeniable that there are certain textual difficulties with the appendix. These can be dealt with by the hypothesis that the different sections were composed at different times and than pieced together without detailed revisions. If such a mosaic composition is granted, then some allowance can be made for the noticeable incongruities between these sections and for occasional problematic passages. This does not, however, warrant the claim that the appendix is not properly placed or unimportant. On the contrary, supplemented by clearer statements of Kant's theory of reflection and of his Leibniz-critique, the following interpretation shows that the appendix is properly placed and integral to the primary aims of the Critique of Pure Reason. (shrink)
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  21. Kant's principle of purposiveness and the missing point of (aesthetic) judgements.Avner Baz - 2005 - Kantian Review 10:1-32.
    My plan in this article is to begin by raising the question of the point of judgements of beauty, and then to examine Kant's account of beauty in the third Critique from the perspective opened up by that question. Having raised the question of the point, I will argue, first, that there is an implied answer to it in Kant's text, and, second, that the answer is ultimately unsatisfying in that it falsely assumes that there is a ‘need’, (...)
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  22.  28
    Kant’s ›Critique of Aesthetic Judgment‹ in the 20th Century: A Companion to its Main Interpretations.Stefano Marino & Pietro Terzi (eds.) - 2020 - De Gruyter.
    Kant’s Critique of Judgment represents one of the most important texts in modern philosophy. However, while its importance for 19th-century philosophy has been widely acknowledged, scholars have often overlooked its far-reaching influence on 20th-century thought. This book aims to account for the various interpretations of Kant’s notion of aesthetic judgment formulated in the last century. The book approaches the subject matter from both a historical and a theoretical point of view and in relation to different cultural contexts, also exploring (...)
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    Kant on Intuition: Western and Asian Perspectives on Transcendental Idealism.Stephen Palmquist (ed.) - 2018 - New York, USA: Routledge.
    This anthology consists of 20 chapters, many of which feature engagements between Kant and various Asian philosophers. Key themes include the nature of human intuition (not only as theoretical—pure, sensible, and possibly intellectual—but also as relevant to Kant’s practical philosophy, aesthetics, the sublime, and even mysticism), the status of Kant’s idealism/realism, and Kant’s notion of an object. Roughly half of the chapters take a stance on the recent conceptualism/non-conceptualism debate. The chapters are organized into four parts, each with five chapters. (...)
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  24. Henrich on Kant's Transcendental Deduction of the Categories.Martin Francisco Fricke - 2008 - In Valerio Hrsg v. Rohden, Ricardo Terra & Guido Almeida (eds.), Recht und Frieden in der Philosophie Kants. de Gruyter. pp. 221-232.
    Dieter Henrich’s reconstruction of the transcendental deduction in "Identität und Objektivität" has been criticised (probably unfairly) by Guyer and others for assuming that we have a priori Cartesian certainty about our own continuing existence through time. In his later article "The Identity of the Subject in the Transcendental Deduction", Henrich addresses this criticism and proposes a new, again entirely original argument for a reconstruction. I attempt to elucidate this argument with reference to Evans’s theory of the Generality Constraint and (...)
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    Russell’s doctrine of space and time in connection with Kant’s transcendental aesthetics.Viktor Kozlovskyi - 2024 - Sententiae 43 (2):6-32.
    Author demonstrates that Russell’s conception of space and time diverges from Kant’s transcendental aesthetics and leans towards logical and mathematical topology. Russell’s approach is grounded in analytical rather than synthetic judgments, contrasting with Kant’s perspective. The British philosopher develops a subjective-psychological model of space and time that complements the logical-mathematical model, serving as the foundation for human experience and cognition. This Russellian model considers the psychological aspects of perceptual and tactile space and time, highlighting their intersection in human perception, which (...)
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  26. Transcendental Idealism and Material Reality: Metaphysics of Scientific Objectivity in Husserl, Deleuze, and Kant.Bilge Akbalik - 2018 - Dissertation, University of Memphis
    This dissertation engages critically with the metaphysical implications of the respective transcendentalisms of Husserl, Deleuze, and Kant in an attempt to disclose their largely untapped resources for a renewed consideration of the ability of science to grasp reality as it is in-itself. Chapter 1 examines the metaphysical implications of Husserl’s critique of natural scientific objectivity in his later transcendental philosophy in connection to his early formulations of phenomenological objectivity around the axis of the distinction between metaphysics as the science of (...)
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    I.Kant's Transcendental Philosophy and Research in the Field of Artificial Intelligence: Points of Intersection.Darya Kozolupenko - 2024 - Studies in Transcendental Philosophy 5 (1-2).
    The article considers I.Kant's transcendental philosophy as a possible basis for further research in the field of artificial intelligence. It is demonstrated that the main criticism of transcendentalism associated with the exclusion of ontology "in its pure form" in I.Kant's philosophy is irrelevant if artificial intelligence is understood by "pure reason", since one of the features of the latter is the absence of an "ontological assumption". A number of I.Kant's propositions quite adequately describe the basic mechanisms of (...)
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    Kant's Three Conceptions of Infinite Space.Reed Winegar - 2022 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 60 (4):635-659.
    Abstractabstract:Kant's treatment of infinity seems to be plagued by two contradictions. First, the Transcendental Aesthetic claims that space is an infinite given magnitude, whereas the First Antinomy argues that the spatial world cannot be infinite. Second, the Transcendental Aesthetic claims that the representation of infinite space belongs to sensibility, but the third Critique seems to argue, instead, that infinity is an Idea of reason. This paper resolves these apparent contradictions by noting that Kant groups his various conceptions of space (...)
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  29.  56
    Performative versus Orientational Hermeneutics. Gadamer’s Criticism of Kant’s Sensus Communis and its Hermeneutical Rehabilitation by Makkreel.Marcello Ruta - 2019 - Kant Yearbook 11 (1):61-79.
    In a series of works published over the last thirty years, Rudolf Makkreel accomplished what can be called a hermeneutical rehabilitation of Kant’s Critique of Judgment. Such a rehabilitation has been formulated in explicit opposition to the negative hermeneutical image of Kant’s aesthetics which originated in the work of Hans-Georg Gadamer, and according to which the subjectivization of aesthetics perpetrated by Kant reduced aesthetic judgments to a mere communication of feelings, sanctioning thereby their hermeneutical irrelevance. In this essay I (...)
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    “Descriptive Metaphysics”, Descriptive Analytics, Descriptive Aesthetics. The Structure of Cognition in Kant's Critique of Pure Reason.Mukhutdinov Oleg - 2020 - Studies in Transcendental Philosophy 1 (1).
    The article considers possibility of applying the concept of descriptive metaphysics to the project of Kant's transcendental philosophy. According to analytical philosophy, descriptive metaphysics is the description of structures of thinking about the world. The basis for describing acts of thinking about the world from Kant's point of view is the description of forms of intuition. Transcendental (descriptive) analysis of understanding must be preceded by transcendental (descriptive) aesthetics as an investigation of pure intuitions of space and time. Phenomenon (...)
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    Marx and German idealism: Labour and the transcendental synthesis.Douglas Moggach - 1994 - History of European Ideas 19 (1-3):137-143.
    This paper disputes Habermas' accounts of labor as monological expressivist-aesthetic or instrumental action. It shows how tensions in Kant's account of experience, as developed by Fichte and Hegel, enable Marx to formulate two distinct intersubjective models of labor, teleological and structural. Marx elaborates the former in the 1844 Manuscripts, and the latter in the German Ideology. He combines the two models the two models in Capital. Each model has normative implications for theories of intersubjectivity and democracy.
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  32. The Concept of Time in Kant's Transcendental Idealism.Michael Wenisch - 1997 - Dissertation, The Catholic University of America
    Kant's concept of time forms an integral part of his mature system of transcendental idealism. That system is a critical response to his predecessors' treatments of time and related issues. Hence, a proper assessment of Kant's understanding of time requires an elaboration of its distinctive historical and systematic matrix. The aim of the dissertation is to examine critically Kant's mature conception of time in light of both the historical factors that shaped it and the role it plays (...)
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    Estética transcendental e o Ensaio de 1768: espaço e determinação completa1.Paulo R. Licht dos Santos - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-70.
    Resumo: É comum a literatura secundária reduzir o ensaio kantiano Do Primeiro Princípio da Diferença das Regiões no Espaço a um ataque à concepção leibniziana de espaço relativo em defesa da concepção newtoniana de espaço absoluto. Até que ponto, porém, essa imagem não é obstáculo para compreender o Ensaio como um todo e o alcance de sua reflexão? A pergunta se impõe, porque não é claro o que o Ensaio pretende provar, uma vez que propõe quatro diferentes formulações de uma (...)
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    The Free Harmony of the Faculties and the Primacy of Imagination in Kant's Aesthetic Judgment.Lara Ostaric - 2017 - European Journal of Philosophy 25 (4):1376-1410.
    This essay argues that, contrary to the prevailing view according to which reflection in Kant's aesthetic judgment is interpreted as ‘the logical actus of the understanding’, we should pay closer attention to Kant's own formulation of aesthetic reflection as ‘an action of the power of imagination’. Put differently, I contend in this essay that the rule that governs and orders the manifold in aesthetic judgment is imagination's own achievement, the achievement of the productive synthesis of the ‘fictive power’, (...)
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    The Transcendental Ideality and Empirical Reality of Kant's Space and Time.George A. Schrader - 1951 - Review of Metaphysics 4 (4):507 - 536.
    There is a second way in which the question is capable of a twofold interpretation. One might begin with a priori concepts which have no empirical reference and ask how they can apply to objects. Or, one might deny the dichotomy between the a priori and experience and inquire how synthetic a priori judgments about experience can be accounted for. Initially Kant regarded the problem of schematism in the former way as that of bringing together two divorced realms. From this (...)
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  36. On Kant's Conception of Inner Sense: Self‐Affection by the Understanding.Friederike Schmitz - 2013 - European Journal of Philosophy 23 (4):1044-1063.
    Among the extensive literature on the first Critique, very few commentators offer a thorough analysis of Kant's conception of inner sense. This is quite surprising since the notion is central to Kant's theoretical philosophy, and it is very difficult to provide a consistent interpretation of this notion. In this paper, I first summarize Kant's claims about inner sense in the Transcendental Aesthetic and show why existing interpretations have been unable to dissolve the tensions arising from the conjunction (...)
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    Kant’s Aesthetic Epistemology: Form and World. [REVIEW]Lara Ostaric - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 47 (1):pp. 147-148.
    In Kant’s Aesthetic Epistemology, Fiona Hughes argues that aesthetic judgment is exemplary of the subjective activity of judgment, the harmony of imagination and understanding, necessary for any cognition in general . Unlike ordinary empirical judgment, aesthetic judgment phenomenologically reveals to us the synthesizing activity of the power of judgment that remains concealed by the cognitive aim of ordinary empirical judgments . According to Hughes, aesthetic judgment is exemplary for cognition because, in aesthetic experience, the fit between mind and world, or (...)
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  38. The Discussion of Kant’s Transcendental Aesthetic.Francesca Biagioli - 2016 - In Space, Number, and Geometry From Helmholtz to Cassirer. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  39. Kant’s Transcendental Idealism and his Transcendental Deduction.Justin B. Shaddock - 2015 - Kantian Review 20 (2):265-288.
    I argue for a novel, non-subjectivist interpretation of Kant’s transcendental idealism. Kant’s idealism is often interpreted as specifying how we must experience objects or how objects must appear to us. I argue to the contrary by appealing to Kant’s Transcendental Deduction. Kant’s Deduction is the proof that the categories are not merely subjectively necessary conditions we need for our cognition, but objectively valid conditions necessary for objects to be appearances. My interpretation centres on two claims. First, Kant’s method of self-knowledge (...)
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  40. Beauty Makes Humanity: The Application of Kant’s Aesthetic Power of Judgment in Value Choice.Zhengmi Zhouhuang - 2022 - Kant Studien 113 (4):689-724.
    In this paper, I use Kant’s theory of the aesthetic power of judgment to solve the problem of nonmoral value choice, which Kant himself did not deal with, and prove that my reconstruction can fit into Kant’s philosophy and function as a harmonization and unification of morality and happiness. First, I revisit Kant’s early view of intellectualized happiness to establish the feasibility of this project in Kant’s ethics. Second, by analogy with the contemplative judgment of taste and practical artistic creation, (...)
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  41. Kant and the Leibnizian Conception of Mind.Corey W. Dyck - 2006 - Dissertation, Boston College
    In what follows, I will detail Kant's criticism of the Leibnizian conception of mind as it is presented in key chapters of the Kritik der reinen Vernunft . Approaching Kant with such a focus goes against the current predominant in contemporary Kant scholarship. Kant's engagement with Leibniz in the KrV is often taken as limited to the refutation of the latter's relational theory of space and time in the Aesthetic and the general criticism presented in the Amphiboly chapter, (...)
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  42. Kant's Critique of Pure Reason and the Method of Metaphysics by Gabriele Gava. [REVIEW]Charles Goldhaber - 2024 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 5 (2–3):145–50.
    Gabriele Gava's new monograph makes sense of Kant's obscure claim that the Critique of Pure Reason is a "doctrine of method" for the science of metaphysics. Gava does this by offering a reading of the whole Critique as aiming to show that metaphysics can become an "architectonic" science. The book shows impressive range; it covers diverse topics throughout the Aesthetic, Analytic, Dialectic, and Method, brings out appealing parallels between them, and relates them to the task of exhibiting metaphysic's architectonic (...)
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    “Making reason think more”: Laughter in kant’s aesthetic philosophy.Patrick T. Giamario - 2017 - Angelaki 22 (4):161-176.
    This article explores the surprisingly decisive role that Kant’s “incongruity theory” of laughter plays in his aesthetic and broader critical philosophy. First, laughter constitutes a highly specific form of aesthetic judgment in Kant. Laughter involves a discordant relation between the cognitive faculties characteristic of the sublime, but this relation obtains between the understanding and the imagination, the two faculties at play in judgments of taste on the beautiful. Second, laughter is the transcendental condition of possibility for both the beautiful and (...)
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  44.  48
    Space, Geometry and Kant’s Transcendental Deduction of the Categories by Thomas C. Vinci.Mary Domski - 2016 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 54 (1):174-175.
    Those familiar with the Critique of Pure Reason will not at all be surprised that Thomas C. Vinci has found it fitting to dedicate an entire book to the Transcendental Deduction of the Categories, a chapter of the CPR that is as important to Kant’s argument for Transcendental Idealism as it is difficult to decipher. The purpose of that section is to establish the objective validity of the categories—to show, that is, that the pure concepts of the understanding apply to (...)
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    Cognition and Practice: Li Zehou's Philosophical Aesthetics by Rafal Banka. [REVIEW]Jana S. Rošker - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (3):1-5.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Cognition and Practice: Li Zehou's Philosophical Aesthetics by Rafal BankaJana S. Rošker (bio)Cognition and Practice: Li Zehou's Philosophical Aesthetics. By Rafal Banka. Albany, New York: SUNY, 2022. Pp. vii+ 230. Hardcover $95,00, isbn 978-1-4384-8923-4. In his book Cognition and Practice: Li Zehou's Philosophical Aesthetics, Rafal Banka delves into the cognitive philosophy of Li Zehou, one of the most significant and influential Chinese philosophers of our time. Banka not (...)
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  46. Kant's Transcendental Deduction and the Ghosts of Descartes and Hume.Corey W. Dyck - 2011 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 19 (3):473-496.
    This paper considers how Descartes's and Hume's sceptical challenges were appropriated by Christian Wolff and Johann Nicolaus Tetens specifically in the context of projects related to Kant's in the transcendental deduction. Wolff introduces Descartes's dream hypothesis as an obstacle to his account of the truth of propositions, or logical truth, which he identifies with the 'possibility' of empirical concepts. Tetens explicitly takes Hume's account of our idea of causality to be a challenge to the `reality' of transcendent concepts in (...)
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    Kant's Theory of Taste: A Reading of the Critique of Aesthetic Judgment (review). [REVIEW]Paul Guyer - 2002 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 40 (3):406-408.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 40.3 (2002) 406-408 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Kant's Theory of Taste: A Reading of the Critique of Aesthetic Judgment Henry E. Allison. Kant's Theory of Taste: A Reading of the Critique of Aesthetic Judgment. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001. Pp. xvi + 424. Cloth, $69.95. Paper, $24.95. In his new book, Henry Allison provides a study of the (...)
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    The Euclidean Tradition and Kant’s Thoughts on Geometry.Howard Duncan - 1987 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 17 (1):23-48.
    While not paramount among Kant scholars, issues in the philosophy of mathematics have maintained a position of importance in writings about Kant’s philosophy, and recent years have witnessed a rejuvenation of interest and real progress in interpreting his views on the nature of mathematics. My hope here is to contribute to this recent progress by expanding upon the general tacks taken by Jaakko Hintikka concerning Kant’s writings on geometry.Let me begin by making a vile suggestion: Kant did not have a (...)
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    Kant's Theory of Normativity: Exploring the Space of Reason by Konstantin Pollok. [REVIEW]Matthew C. Altman - 2018 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 56 (1):177-178.
    Konstantin Pollok's ambitious aim in this book is to formulate a unified theory of normativity that runs throughout Kant's three Critiques. Specifically, he argues that, on Kant's view, synthetic a priori principles structure "the space of reason" and determine the validity of our judgments. Such principles are constitutive of our epistemological, ethical, and aesthetic practices by setting the conditions for what makes a meaningful judgment in those areas, but they are also normative in that the particular judgments we (...)
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    Kant’s Transcendental Deduction: An Analytical-Historical Commentary by Henry E. Allison.A. B. Dickerson - 2016 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 54 (3):507-508.
    This is a monumental study of the transcendental deduction—that argument of legendary obscurity lying at the heart of Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. Allison begins from the methodological precept that “Kant’s argument can best be understood in light of the internal development of his thought”, and his book thus provides a systematic historical account of the deduction and its emergence from earlier texts. It begins with two chapters on the major pre-critical writings, which trace the emergence of Kant’s “methodological” (...)
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