Results for ' Killmonger's pan‐Africanism'

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  1.  18
    T'Challa's Liberalism and Killmonger's Pan‐Africanism.Stephen C. W. Graves - 2022 - In Edwardo Pérez & Timothy E. Brown (eds.), Black Panther and Philosophy. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 42–49.
    The history of Wakanda began thousands of years ago when five African tribes fought over a meteorite containing vibranium. In the world of Black Panther, Killmonger's plan to arm African descendants across the globe represents the beginning stages of the Pan‐African ideal, where Blacks all over the world fight for liberation by any means necessary. Pan‐Africanism represents the expression of shared values and common interests of Africans across the diaspora. In a departure from liberalism toward a more realist (...)
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    June Givanni’s Pan-African Cinema Archive: A Diasporic Feminist Dwelling Space.June Givanni, Sarita Malik & Aditi Jaganathan - 2020 - Feminist Review 125 (1):94-109.
    What is the role of cultural archives in creating and sustaining connections between diasporic communities? Through an analysis of an audiovisual archive that has sought to bring together representations of and by African, Caribbean and Asian people, this article discusses the relationship between diasporic film, knowledge production and feminist solidarity. Focusing on a self-curated, UK-based archive, the June Givanni Pan-African Cinema Archive, we explore the potentiality of archives for carving out spaces of diasporic connectivity and resistance. This archive assembles the (...)
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  3.  20
    The Relevance of Robert Sobukwe’s Pan-Africanism in Contemporary South Africa.Lauren Marx - 2017 - Theoria 64 (153):128-143.
    Presently certain catchphrases and hashtags have been circulating and trending in the public discourse such as ‘white monopoly capital’, ‘radical economic transformation’ and movements’ phrases such as ‘fees must fall’ and ‘Black First Land First’ formulated in response to issues around education, land and race specifically. However, Robert Sobukwe, intellectual giant of the pan-Africanist struggle, articulated very strong beliefs underpinning these burning societal questions from as early as the 1940s. His incarceration, banishment and ultimate death in 1978 left a political (...)
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    Pan-Africanism and Epistemologies of the South.Pascah Mungwini - 2017 - Theoria 64 (153):165-186.
    The topic of pan-Africanism today brings to the fore questions of the unfinished humanistic project of decolonisation in Africa. When Kwasi Wiredu calls for the need for conceptual decolonisation in Africa, he recognises the intellectual price the continent continues to pay as a result of conceptual confusions and distortions caused by a colonial conceptual idiom implanted in the African mind. Reflecting on the potential which the ideology of pan-Africanism holds for the continent’s future, my position is that the same passion (...)
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    The Challenges Faced by Contemporary Pan-African Intelligentsia in the Re-building of Africa.Ezekiel S. Mkhwanazi - 2017 - Theoria 64 (153):144-164.
    The African intelligentsia played a pivotal role in the anti-colonial and anti-apartheid struggle in Africa. Not only did it provide intellectual resources to the political struggle leaders but also took active part in the political leadership. Since independence, this role has diminished tremendously, as some of the intelligentsia are ‘silenced’ and others become ‘captured’ by the newly independent states. As a result, a wedge is driven between the intelligentsia and the political leadership. However, given that there is a deficit in (...)
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    Taking Aim at Long-Range: Marginalia on W.E.B. Du Bois’s Intellectual Maturation and His Root Expansion of Human Thought Through the Ideology of Pan-Africanism.Miron Javionne Clay-Gilmore - 2024 - Res Philosophica 101 (3):649-679.
    This essay conducts a diachronic examination of the thought of W.E.B. Du Bois. In so doing, it reveals a corpus that is marked by a tradition of thinking rarely acknowledged by scholars today: Black nationalism. Du Bois’s early focus on the relationship between racism and imperialism and ideological conflicts with Booker T. Washington and Marcus Garvey laid the basis for his intellectual maturation around the concept of self-determination. After synthesizing the insights of his former ideological rivals, this essay will show (...)
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    Navigating ethnicity, nationalism and Pan-Africanism – Kimbanguists, identity and colonial borders.Mika Vähäkangas - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (3):8.
    The Kimbanguists, whose church is based on the healing and proclamation ministry of Simon Kimbangu in 1921 in the Belgian Congo, challenge colonially defined borders and identities in multiple ways. Anticolonialism is in the DNA of Kimbanguism, yet in a manner that contests the colonially inherited dichotomy between religion and politics. Kimbanguists draw from holistic Kongo traditions, where the spiritual and material/political are inherently interwoven. Kimbangu’s home village, Nkamba, is the centre of the world for them, and Kongo culture and (...)
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  8. Pan‐Africanism vs. single‐origin of Homo sapiens: Putting the debate in the light of evolutionary biology.Andra Meneganzin, Telmo Pievani & Giorgio Manzi - 2022 - Evolutionary Anthropology 31 (4).
    The scenario of Homo sapiens origin/s within Africa has become increasingly complex, with a pan-African perspective currently challenging the long-established single-origin hypothesis. In this paper, we review the lines of evidence employed in support of each model, highlighting inferential limitations and possible terminological misunderstandings. We argue that the metapopulation scenario envisaged by pan-African proponents well describes a mosaic diversification among late Middle Pleistocene groups. However, this does not rule out a major contribution that emerged from a single population where crucial (...)
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    Pan-African Pandemonium: Identities, Histories, and Constellations.Bryan Mukandi - 2023 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 56 (1):33-50.
    Fiston Mujila’s Tram 83 provides a helpful point of departure for this philosophical treatment of pan-African subjectivity. His meditations on music resonate with continental and diasporic accounts of the musicality of African social organization. This in turn provides an opening into a discussion around the tension between conceptions of African identity tied to heritage and continuity on one hand, and considerations of the rupture brought about by the Middle Passage and colonialism on the other. Drawing on African philosophy and Black (...)
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  10.  25
    Pan-Bantuist Globalization and African Development.Zekeh S. Gbotokuma - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 28:77-84.
    Historically, the sub-Saharan Africans’ being-in-the-world with other peoples and nations has been characterized by a ‘Black-Out,’ or the exclusion of black Africans from full humanity and the violation of their human rights through slavery, colonization, apartheid, etc. So far globalization looks like another ‘Black-Out’ or recolonization, Westernization, homogenization, the universalization of the particular, and a jungle rather than an opportunity for all. This conception of globalization has resulted in skepticisms about, and fear of the phenomenon. Antiglobalization movements – e.g., the (...)
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  11.  67
    Some Thoughts on Caliban's Reason, Pan-African Historicism and the Rastafari.Jeanne Christensen - 2004 - CLR James Journal 10 (1):24-36.
  12.  94
    Pan‐Africanism and African‐American Liberation in a Postmodern World: A Review Essay. [REVIEW]Lewis R. Gordon - 1999 - Journal of Religious Ethics 27 (2):333-358.
    This review essay explores Josiah Young's project of developing a liberatory Pan-Africanism that is attuned to cultural diversity and Victor Anderson's advocacy of postmodern cultural criticism in African-American religious thought. After situating African-American religious thought as a branch of Africana thought, the author examines these two religious thinkers' work as an effort to forge a position on African-American religious thought--including its relation to theology--in an age where even theory is treated as a god that is about to die. At the (...)
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  13.  13
    The Afterlife of Erik Killmonger in African Philosophy.Paul A. Dottin - 2022 - In Edwardo Pérez & Timothy E. Brown (eds.), Black Panther and Philosophy. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 132–151.
    The Coates–Coogler expansion of the Wakandan afterlife in name, membership, and deed toward West African and transatlantic African diasporic ideas, concerns, and sentiments puts Erik Killmonger's last words in Black Panther into a different light. There are different metaphysical problems confronting Killmonger's postmortem existence in the Wakandan afterlife. Killmonger would have sought out theoretical alternatives less destabilizing to the prospect of continuing his existence postmortem. Wiredu's theory, quasi‐physicalism, would have alleviated some of Killmonger's substance abuse problems. Killmonger (...)
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  14.  24
    Reassessing the Relevance of the Pan-African Discourse in Contemporary International Relations.Valery B. Ferim - 2017 - Theoria 64 (153):85-100.
    Spearheaded by pan-Africanists around the beginning of the twentieth century, the pan-African movement hosted a series of Pan-African congresses. Though the main objectives of the First Pan-African Congresses were to fight against the colonisation of Africa and the oppression of black people, the messages behind pan-Africanism have evolved over time. The central theme behind these Congresses, however, is to reiterate calls that African unity is the most potent force in combating the malignant forces of neocolonialism and entrenching Africa’s place in (...)
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  15.  21
    T'Challa's Dream and Killmonger's Means.Gerald Browning - 2022 - In Edwardo Pérez & Timothy E. Brown (eds.), Black Panther and Philosophy. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 230–237.
    With technology beyond the comprehension of any other country (thanks to their supply of vibranium), Wakanda has enough power to rival any nation on Earth. T'Challa oversees this power with wisdom, leading his kingdom with benevolence. Despite Wakanda's isolationism, T'Challa views outsiders positively, and ultimately he comes to see humanity as one tribe. Killmonger's perspective is different. One way to look at Black Panther is through the lens of the Civil Rights Movement, comparing T'Challa to Dr. Martin Luther King, (...)
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    Confessing Race: Toward a Global Ecclesiology after Bonhoeffer and Du Bois.David S. Robinson - 2016 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 36 (2):121-139.
    Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s account of a transnational “confessing” church, developed with allusion to W.E.B. Du Bois, offers critical potential for addressing the problem of the global color line. To make this case, I first trace the ways in which Du Bois’s and Bonhoeffer’s German–American exchange studies contribute to their critical standpoints. Bonhoeffer’s “Protestantism without Reformation” is then examined to show that its view of American denominations is not mere German paternalism but a critique of how atomized churches can mask racial segregation, (...)
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  17.  12
    African isms: Africa and the globalized world.Abdul Karim Bangura (ed.) - 2021 - New York: Peter Lang.
    The impetus for this book emerged from our belief that as Africans across the globe are confronted with a myriad of challenges that have been birthed by globalization (i.e. the process of going to a more interconnected world by diminishing the world's social dimension and expansion of overall global consciousness), they must turn to their own ideas for solutions. While many books exist on individual African Isms, such as Afrocentrism, Nasserism, and Pan-Africanism, none exists that has looked at a series (...)
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  18.  10
    Understanding the Reigns of T'Challa and Killmonger through Hannah Arendt.Jolynna Sinanan - 2022 - In Edwardo Pérez & Timothy E. Brown (eds.), Black Panther and Philosophy. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 87–93.
    One of the issues for T'Challa is how to respond to the refugees from broken African states while maintaining the isolationist interests of Wakanda. By the end of the film, T'Challa embraces a more complex form of responsibility that is closer to what Hannah Arendt envisions. In the throne room Eric Killmonger says, "It's about two billion people all over the world that looks like us, but their lives are a lot harder." With Killmonger's death, T'Challa begins to direct (...)
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  19.  32
    No Hegel in the rainforest: On C.l.R. James’s existentialist reading of Wilson Harris and finding Spinoza in guyana.Christopher Ian Foster - 2021 - Angelaki 26 (5):57-71.
    If early Caribbean philosophy is characterized by its pan-African flourishes, what is less well known is its flirtations with existentialism. Although C.L.R. James’s 1965 Heideggerian reading of Wi...
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    Afropolitanism as a critique of conventional narratives of African identity and emancipation.Albert Kasanda - 2018 - Human Affairs 28 (4):379-394.
    Afropolitanism lies at the core of a debate concerning African identity, particularly on account of new configurations and flows generated by the globalization process. Proponents of this concept argue it has the capacity to better express the way Africa relates to and negotiates with the world than conventional African narratives of identity and emancipation. The paper aims at examining the relevance of this position, particularly through Mbembe’s approach to the concept and his criticism of conventional narratives of African identity and (...)
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  21.  8
    Herakleitos z Efezu.Július Špaňár - 2007 - Bratislava: Kalligram.
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    Kwame Gyekye as a Pan-Psychist.Adá Agadá - 2022 - Philosophia Africana 21 (1):28-44.
    Kwame Gyekye has been called a dualist to the extent that he accepts the ontological distinction between mind and matter, with both phenomena interacting with each other. I argue in this article that Gyekye’s presentation of the sunsum as a universal animating principle that is itself nonmaterial and irreducible to a material base warrants a second look at his philosophy of mind to determine whether he can be considered a pan-psychist and whether a pan-psychist reading can resolve the Gyekyean problem (...)
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  23.  50
    The future of artificial intelligence, posthumanism and the inflection of Pixley Isaka Seme’s African humanism.Malesela John Lamola - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (1):131-141.
    Increasingly, innovation in artificial intelligence technologies portends the re-conceptualization of human existentiality along the paradigm of posthumanism. An exposition of this through a critical culturo-historical methodology uncloaks the Eurocentric genitive basis of the philosophical anthropology that underpins this technological posthumanism, as well as its dystopian possibilities. As a contribution to obviating the latter, an Africanist civilizational humanism proclaimed by Pixley ka Isaka Seme is proffered as a plausible alternative paradigm for humanity’s technological advancement. Seme, a pan-Africanist thinker of the early (...)
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  24.  43
    Resisting the deficit model of development in Africa: Re-thinking through the making of an African national innovation system.Mammo Muchie - 2004 - Social Epistemology 18 (4):315 – 332.
    When in Africa we speak and dream of and work for, a rebirth of that continent as a full participant in the affairs of the world in the next century, we are deeply conscious of how dependent that is on the mobilisation and strengthening of the continent's resources of learning. Nelson Mandela Address at Harvard University, September, 1998 quoted in East African, September 1-7, 2003 A paradigm can, for that matter, even insulate the community from those socially important problems that (...)
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    The New Woman and ‘The Dusky Strand’: The Place of Feminism and Women's Literature in Early Jamaican Nationalism.Leah Rosenberg - 2010 - Feminist Review 95 (1):45-63.
    This essay analyzes the prominent role played by first wave feminism and by women writers between 1898-1903 as the Jamaica Times articulated a broad-based, middle class nationalism and launched a campaign to establish a Jamaican national literature. Largely overlooked, this archival material is significant because it suggests a subtle yet significant modification of anglophone Caribbean feminist, literary and nationalist historiography: first wave feminism was not introduced to Jamaica exclusively through black nationalist organizations in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, (...)
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  26.  19
    The Mind of Africa.W. E. Abraham - 1962 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    William Abraham studied Philosophy at the University of Ghana, and even more Philosophy at Oxford University. Thereafter, he gained permission to take part in the competitive examination and interview for a fellowship at All Souls' College. The examination was once described, with some exaggeration, as 'the hardest exam in the world!' It included a three-hour essay. Following his success in becoming the first African fellow of All Souls, his interest in African politics quickly developed into a Pan-African perspective. The Mind (...)
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  27.  25
    Catholic Education in the Service of Africa.A. C. F. Beales & Pan-African Catholic Education Conference - 1967 - British Journal of Educational Studies 15 (3):320.
  28. Beyond Ontological Blackness: An Essay on African American Religious and Cultural Criticism.Victor Anderson & Josiah Ulysses Young - 1999 - Journal of Religious Ethics 27 (2):331-358.
    This review essay explores Josiah Young's project of developing a liberatory Pan-Africanism that is attuned to cultural diversity and Victor Anderson 's advocacy of postmodern cultural criticism in African - American religious thought. After situating African - American religious thought as a branch of Africana thought, the author examines these two religious thinkers' work as an effort to forge a position on African - American religious thought--including its relation to theology--in an age where even theory is treated as a god (...)
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    In service of the western World: Global citizenship education within a Ghanaian elite context.Adam Howard, Patrick Dickert, Gerald Owusu & DeVaughn Riley - 2018 - British Journal of Educational Studies 66 (4):497-514.
    This article employs postcolonial perspectives to examine the possibilities and limitations of drawing on Pan-African ideas to establish practices and meanings for global citizenship education at an elite secondary school in Ghana. In this examination, the authors explore the ways in which the school’s interventions to reinforce sameness/unity produce different understandings of global citizenship between students from different social class backgrounds. The article addresses how the school attempts to dissociate students from their native cultures for the purpose of teaching them (...)
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    No Elder Left Behind: The Role of Environmental Justice in Geriatrics and Palliative Care.Zamina Z. Mithani, Lydia S. Dugdale & Cynthia X. Pan - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (3):44-47.
    We wish to extend the concepts in Ray and Cooper’s (2024) article entitled “The Bioethics of Environmental Injustice: Ethical, Legal, and Clinical Implications of Unhealthy Environments” to palliat...
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    Utopias of Change: Werewere Liking’s Paroles-Actes.Sara Tagliacozzo - 2004 - European Journal of Women's Studies 11 (3):381-396.
    The theatre of Werewere Liking, a writer and artist from Cameroon, is a very interesting case of synthesis between her theoretical reflections on gender in postcolonial Africa and the aesthetic and social experimentation of a Pan-African ideal by the artists’ community she founded in 1985 in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. For almost 20 years Liking’s theatre has been a tool of cultural intervention on African societies, aimed to resist the hegemony of a masculine, nationalist colonial discourse.
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    #ProtectBlackWomen and Other Hashtags: Using Amílcar Cabral’s Resistance and Decolonization Framework as an Ethic for Obligations Between Black Agents.Corey Reed - 2022 - CLR James Journal 28 (1):203-225.
    For those who subscribe to a pro-Black political ideology, like that of Pan-Africanism or Black Nationalism, is there a specific moral obligation between Black agents to protect one another against intersectional/multidimensional oppressions? Africana people are often subjugated to other forms of domination outside of anti-Black racism exclusively. When examining offenses against Black women, queer Black people, poor Black people, etc., both Black Nationalist and Pan-Africanist ethics suggest a moral obligation of protection to all Africana people, but there are varying ways (...)
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    Fear of a Black Museum.Charles F. Peterson - 2022 - In Edwardo Pérez & Timothy E. Brown (eds.), Black Panther and Philosophy. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 247–255.
    The museum of the colonial moment fused the expansion of knowledge and global contact of North Atlantic powers with the aggressive nationalist pride of their hegemonic positions, building national, cultural, and racial identity through framing. How does Black Panther use the museum scene to illustrate a fear of Black museums and the problems of existence observed through the philosophies of Black existentialism and Africana phenomenology? Killmonger's questioning of Wakanda reveals the truth and effect of Wakanda's isolationist history. Yet, Wakanda (...)
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    Black Panther’s Rage: Sovereignty, the Exception and Radical Dissent.Neal Curtis - 2019 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 32 (2):265-281.
    Black Panther, directed by Ryan Coogler, became one of the highest grossing films of all time. It also received a lot of critical attention for its direct engagement with black experience and black politics. It speaks to the legacy of slavery and the exploitation of African-Americans and the ongoing post-colonial struggle represented most starkly by the Black Lives Matter Movement. However, the film was also criticised for supposedly leaving that radical black politics behind, even demonising it in its lead antagonist, (...)
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  35. Role of Haiti in U.S. Independence and Expansion: A Cross-National Perspective.Marjorie Calixte-Hallworth - 2024 - Asian Journal of Basic Science and Research 6 ( Issue 3):139-144.
    This article examines the crucial, yet frequently neglected, contribution of Haiti to the United States' quest for independence and territorial expansion. It explores Haiti's influence on U.S. foreign policy and economic strategies from a cross-national perspective, focusing on key historical events such as the American Revolution and the Louisiana Purchase. Despite Haiti's significant role, mainstream media and historical narratives have largely downplayed these connections, diminishing its impact on the U.S. trajectory. The article also contextualizes current issues, noting the racism faced (...)
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    Motivational Melancholia: Nathalie Etoke’s Rethinking of Subjective Agential Praxis.Samantha Kostmayer - 2020 - Journal of World Philosophies 5 (1):266-269.
    This review seeks to evaluate and navigate the theoretical terrain in which author Nathalie Etoke engages new modes of reflection on old problems of anti-black violence and erasure. Melancholia Africana: The Indispensable Overcoming of the Black Condition is a fairly short and accessible text devoted to rethinking paradigms of subjectivity in ways that animate our individual and collective responsibility. She offers theoretical but practical interventions invigorated by the indisputable vitality of Black arts, particularly music and literature. She deftly combines rigorous (...)
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  37. Pan-Africanism and the African Diaspora in Europe.Michael McEachrane - 2020 - In Reiland Rabaka (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Pan-Africanism. Routledge. pp. 231-248.
    This chapter outlines the philosophy of the Pan-African conferences 1900–1945 and situates Pan-Africanism in a European context. It presents Pan-Africanism as part of European history and realities and as a conceptual framework for the African diaspora in Europe. It calls for reframing European histories and realities in ways that are neither racially exclusive nor nationalistic.
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    Delayed probabilistic risk attitude: a parametric approach.Jinrui Pan, Craig S. Webb & Horst Zank - 2019 - Theory and Decision 87 (2):201-232.
    Experimental studies suggest that individuals exhibit more risk aversion in choices among prospects when the payment and resolution of uncertainty are immediate relative to when it is delayed. This leads to preference reversals that cannot be attributed to discounting. When data suggest that utility is time-independent, probability weighting functions, such as those used to model prospect theory preferences, can accommodate such reversals. We propose a simple descriptive model with a two-parameter probability weighting function where one of these parameters depends on (...)
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    The influence of context upon learning and recall.S. Pan - 1926 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 9 (6):468.
  40. Brahmāṇḍa-darśana.Paṅkaja Śāṃ Joshī - 2008 - Vaḍodarā: Yajña Prakāśana.
    Writings on Hindu cosmology and science.
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    Wiping away the Tears of the Ocean.Mogobe Ramose - 2017 - Theoria 64 (153):22-57.
    This article distinguishes between pan-Africanism and pan-Africanness. It argues that the history of pan-Africanism is replete with achievements but that the achievements could have been more and radical if the movement had from its inception adopted pan-Africanness, manifesting itself as ubuntu, as its point of departure. It focuses on epistemic and material injustice and suggests that there cannot be social justice without epistemic justice. The pursuit of the latter ought to lead to giving up one’s life if necessary, for the (...)
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    Modern Trends in American Diplomacy.S. Chao-Ying Pan - 1938 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 13 (3):442-457.
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    Navadravyavimarśaḥ.Satīśacandra Paṇḍā - 2008 - Balasore: Available at S.D. College.
    On the fundamentals of Vaiśeṣika and Nyaya philosophy.
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    The Lolo of Liang Shan.E. H. S., Lin Yüeh-hua, Ju-shu Pan & Lin Yueh-hua - 1961 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 81 (4):463.
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    Decolonising knowledge production on Africa: why it’s still necessary and what can be done.Gordon Crawford, Zainab Mai-Bornu & Karl Landström - 2021 - Journal of the British Academy 9 (s1):21-46.
    Contemporary debates on decolonising knowledge production, inclusive of research on Africa, are crucial and challenge researchers to reflect on the legacies of colonial power relations that continue to permeate the production of knowledge about the continent, its peoples, and societies. Yet these are not new debates. Sixty years ago, Ghana’s first president and pan-Africanist leader, Dr Kwame Nkrumah, highlighted the importance of Africa-centred knowledge. Similarly, in the 1980s, Claude Ake advocated for endogenous knowledge production on Africa. But progress has been (...)
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    Pan-African Linguistic and Cultural Unity.Simphiwe Sesanti - 2017 - Theoria 64 (153):10-21.
    Contrary to the view that Africa is populated by many ethnic groups whose cultures and languages have no relation to one another, scientific research, as opposed to impressionistic arguments, points to the fact that African languages are connected, and by extension, demonstrate African cultural connectivity and unity. By making reference to both African and European scholars, this article demonstrates pan-African linguistic and cultural unity, and echoes pan-Africanist scholars’ call for African linguistic and cultural unity as a basis for pan-Africanism and (...)
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    Rethinking Fanon: the continuing dialogue.Nigel C. Gibson (ed.) - 1999 - Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books.
    Nearly forty years after his death, social philosopher Frantz Fanon remains a towering intellectual figure. Born in Guadeloupe and trained as a psychologist in France, Fanon rejected his French citizenship to join the Algerian liberation movement in the 1950s. A brilliant scholar who developed the theory that some neuroses are socially generated, Fanon's revolutionary works—The Wretched of the Earth, Toward the African Revolution, and Black Skin, White Masks—spurred an African intellectual awakening. The rebirth of Fanonism today in universities and the (...)
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    Metacognitions associated with reproductive concerns: A cross-sectional study of young adult female cancer survivors in China.Pan Pan Xiao, Si Qing Ding, Ying Long Duan, Xiao Fei Luo, Yi Zhou, Qin Qin Cheng, Xiang Yu Liu, Jian Fei Xie & Andy S. K. Cheng - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveCancer and its treatments affect patients’ fertility potential. This study examined the prevalence of reproductive concerns and their relationship with metacognitions among Chinese young adult female cancer survivors.MethodsA total of 318 YAFCS completed an online survey from March to December 2021. Participants reported sociodemographic characteristics, reproductive concerns and metacognitions. Reproductive concerns were measured using the Reproductive Concerns after Cancer scale, and metacognitions were measured by the Short Form of Metacognitions Questionnaire. We used Pearson correlation analysis to examine associations between metacognitions (...)
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    Kwame Nkrumah.Anju Aggarwal - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 28:5-11.
    African philosophy in the twentieth century is largely the work of African intellectuals under the influence of philosophical traditions from the colonial countries. Among them are few names such as Amilcar Cabral, Franz Fanon, Kwame Nkrumah, and Julius Nyerere etc. This paper is an attempt to analyze the politicalphilosophy of Nkrumah, first President of Republic of Ghana in West Africa. The paper argues that from the African political and economic point of view Nkrumah advocated a socialist system created out of (...)
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  50. “Start Stabbing Before the Soup Cools Down”.Miron Clay-Gilmore - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy Review.
    In this essay, I fill this gap in knowledge by arguing that the central object of Fanonian dialectics is violence (anticolonial guerilla warfare), the achievement of the decolonized Black nation and the eventual creation of a new anti-colonial (Pan-African) world order over and against its dialectical negation: Neo-colonialism via colonial counterinsurgency. Furthermore, I argue that Fanon’s dialectical thought helped lay the basis for the emergence of a new theory of revolution against US empire coined by Huey P. Newton as intercommunalism. (...)
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