Results for ' Maçn-Thos-Klu-Sgrub'

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  1.  6
    Maṅ-thos-klu-sgrub-rgya-mtshoʼi gsuṅ skor =.Maṅ-Thos Klu-Sgrub - 1999 - [Kathmandu]: Sa-skya Rgyal-yoṅs Gsuṅ-rab Slob-gñer-khaṅ.
    On Tibetan Buddhist doctrines and philosophy according to Sa-skya-pa tradition.
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  2. Kā ri kā tsa ba.Mgon-Po Klu-Sgrub - 2016 - In Thub-Bstan-Brtson-ʼgrus (ed.), Rtags rigs kyi rnam gzhag Dge tshul Kā ri kā rtsa ʼgrel bcas bzhugs so. Bylakuppe: Snga-ʼgyur rig-mdzod rtsis-ʼphrul sde-tshan.
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  3. Dbu maʼi zab gnad sñiṅ por dril baʼi legs bśad klu sgrub dgoṅs rgyan: lectures on the profound import of Madhyamika philosophy. Dge-ʼdun-Chos-ʼphel - 1983 - Gangtok, Sikkim: Palace Monastery. Edited by Zla-ba-bzaṅ-po.
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  4. Dbu maʼi zab gnad sñiṅ por dril baʼi legs bśad Klu sgrub dgoṅs rgyan: a treatise reconciling various philosophical traditions on the basis of Madhyamika dialectic based on the exegesis of A-mdo Dge-ʼdun-chos-ʼphel. Zla-ba-bzaṅ-po - 1982 - Leh: D.T. Tashigang. Edited by Dge-ʼdun-Chos-ʼphel.
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  5. Kinh Trường Thọ Diệt Tội Hộ Chư Đồng Tử Đà La Ni.Thiện Thông (ed.) - 1996 - [Vietnam]: Giáo hội Phật giáo Việt Nam.
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    Politischer Pessimismus: Negative Weltkonstruktion Und Politische Handlungsmöglichkeit Bei Carl Schmitt, Michel Foucault Und Giorgio Agamben.Jan-Paul Klünder - 2017 - Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.
    »Pessimismus« - Das Schlagwort Pessimismus verleitet dazu, auf weitere Definitionsversuche zu verzichten. Ausgehend vom wissenschaftlichen Diskurs über Pessimismus entwickelt Jan-Paul Klünder deshalb ein idealtypisches Kategoriensetting dieses diffusen und vielschichtigen Begriffs, um die Werke von Carl Schmitt, Michel Foucault und Giorgio Agamben nicht nur zu vergleichen, sondern ebenso mit der Kontingenz ihrer jeweiligen Wirklichkeitskonstruktion zu konfrontieren. Dabei zeigt sich ein widersprüchliches Verhältnis von Optimismus und Pessimismus in allen drei Theorien, wodurch deutlich wird, wie sich pessimistische Momente in den Gesamtzusammenhang dieser Weltbeschreibungen (...)
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    Die Profetisme tydens die sestiende eeu.Thos Dreyer - 1947 - HTS Theological Studies 4 (1).
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  8. Rje-btsun Grags-pa-bśad-sgrub kyi mdzad paʾi grub mthaʾ, sa lam daṅ Stoṅ-ʾkhor Źabs-druṅ gi mdzad paʾi don bdun cu bcas.Grags-Pa-BśAd-Sgrub - 1995 - Bylakuppe, Mysore District, Karnataka State, India: Ser-smad dpe mdzod khaṅ. Edited by ʾjam-Dpal-Dge-ʾdun-Rgya-Mtsho.
    Explanation of the philosophical position (siddhānta) of the Vaibhāṣika, Sautrāntika, Yogācārya, and Mādhyamika schools of Buddhism.
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    Die Rolle der Massenmedien im Demokratisierungsprozeß am Beispiel Tansania.Jörgen-Erik Klußmann - 1993 - Communications 18 (2):201-214.
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  10. Seele, Vernunft, Glaube : die psychologischen Grundlagen der Religion.Martin Klüners - 2020 - In Religion und Sinn. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
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    Operationalismus.Jürgen Klüver (ed.) - 1971 - [Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt]: Frommann-Holzboog.
  12. Čhutyư̄n thī tǣktāng kap kānkhlīkhlāi pom khwāmkhatyǣng.Monthirā Rāthō - 2016 - In Pakō̜n Limpanusō̜n & SuradēT ChōT'udomphan (eds.), Thokthīang rư̄ang khunkhā. Krung Thēp: Wiphāsā.
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  13. The Nature and Significance of the Argument for Immortality in the Phaedrus.Thos M. Robinson - 1968 - Apeiron 2 (2):12.
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    Leibnizian Conservation in d’Alembert’s Traité de dynamique.Tzuchien Tho - 2019 - In Julia Weckend & Lloyd Strickland (eds.), Leibniz’s Legacy and Impact. New York: Routledge. pp. 129-164.
  15. Mechanism: Mathematical Laws.Tzuchien Tho - 2020 - Encyclopedia of Early Modern Philosophy and the Sciences.
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    Aristotle's Use of Analogia.Thos M. Olshewsky - 1968 - Apeiron 2 (2):1.
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    Bod kyi tshad maʼam tshad maʼi sñiṅ po bsdus grwaʼi gźuṅ lugs kyi go don daṅ khyad chos brjod pa blo gsal ʼjug ṅogs. Klu-Rgyal-ʼbum - 1988 - Lanzhou: Kan-suʼu Źin-chen Źin-hwa dpe khaṅ gis bkrams.
    On the history, structure, and importance of the elementary Buddhist logic and dialectrical studies in Tibet.
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  18. Kommentar zu Jörn Rüsens Beitrag "Die roten Fäden im Gewebe des Geschichte".Martin Klüners - 2020 - In Religion und Sinn. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
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    Religion und Sinn.Martin Klüners - 2020 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. Edited by Jörn Rüsen.
    In modern times, religion seems to have taken leave of itself to the extent that, conversely, the scientific, rational view of the world has taken on this task. Apparently there is an exclusive relationship between the two, which makes peaceful and equal coexistence more or less impossible. In this volume of the "Philosophy and Psychology in Dialogue" series, Martin Klüners and Jörn Rüsen analyze the role religion plays in human existence and life. While Klüners interprets religion historically as a "pre-scientific" (...)
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  20. Ho allos kosmos.Thōmas P. Lalapanos - 1973
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    Patient ohne Verfügung: das Geschäft mit dem Lebensende.Matthias Thöns - 2016 - München: Piper.
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  22. The Equivalence of Hypotheses and Dynamical Causation.Tzuchien Tho - 2017 - In Vis Vim Vi: Declinations of Force in Leibniz’s Dynamics. Basel: Springer International Publishing.
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  23. volume two. Dreaming.Christina Thomsen Thörnqvist & Juhana Toivanen - 2022 - In Christina Thomsen Thörnqvist & Juhana Toivanen (eds.), Forms of Representation in the Aristotelian Tradition. Volume Two: Dreaming. Boston: BRILL.
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    Forms of Representation in the Aristotelian Tradition. Volume two: Dreaming.Christina Thomsen Thörnqvist & Juhana Toivanen (eds.) - 2022 - Boston: Brill.
    "The trilogy Forms of Representation in the Aristotelian Tradition investigates how Aristotle and his ancient and medieval successors understood the relation between the external world and the human mind. It gives an equal footing to the three most influential linguistic traditions - Greek, Latin, and Arabic - and offers insightful interpretations of historical theories of perception, dreaming, and thinking. This first volume focuses on sense perception and discusses philosophical questions concerning the external senses, their classification, and their functioning, from Aristotle (...)
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    2. What Is Post-Cantorian Thought? Transfi nitude and the Conditions of Philosophy.Tzuchien Tho - 2012 - In Sean Bowden & Simon Duffy (eds.), Badiou and Philosophy. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 19-38.
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    Notes and Emendations on Aeschylus Sept. C. Thebas (I.).Thos G. Tucker - 1889 - The Classical Review 3 (03):102-106.
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    Notes on Aeschylus.Thos G. Tucker - 1892 - The Classical Review 6 (05):193-.
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  28. Mechanical Philosophy: Reductionism and Foundationalism.Tzuchien Tho - 2020 - Encyclopedia of Early Modern Philosophy and the Sciences.
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    Vis Vim Vi: Declinations of Force in Leibniz’s Dynamics.Tzuchien Tho - 2017 - Basel: Springer International Publishing.
    This book presents a systematic reconstruction of Leibniz’s dynamics project (c. 1676-1700) that contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of the concepts of physical causality in Leibniz’s work and 17th century physics. It argues that Leibniz’s theory of forces privileges the causal relationship between structural organization and physical phenomena instead of body-to-body mechanical causation. The mature conception of Leibnizian force is not the power of one body to cause motion in another, but a kind of structural causation related to the (...)
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    Extracting indices from Japanese legal documents.Tho Thi Ngoc Le, Kiyoaki Shirai, Minh Le Nguyen & Akira Shimazu - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 23 (4):315-344.
    This article addresses the problem of automatically extracting legal indices which express the important contents of legal documents. Legal indices are not limited to single-word keywords and compound-word keywords, they are also clause keywords. We approach index extraction using structural information of Japanese sentences, i.e. chunks and clauses. Based on the assumption that legal indices are composed of important tokens from the documents, extracting legal indices is treated as a problem of collecting chunks and clauses that contain as many important (...)
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    Sets, Set Sizes, and Infinity in Badiou's Being and Event.Tzuchien Tho - 2020 - Filozofski Vestnik 41 (2).
    This paper argues that Cantorian transfinite cardinality is not a necessary assumption for the ontological claims in Badiou’s L’Être et l’Événement (Vol. 1). The necessary structure for Badiou’s mathematical ontology in this work was only the ordinality of sets. The method for reckoning the sizes of sets was only assumed to follow the standard Cantorian measure. In the face of different and compelling forms of measuring non-finite sets (following Benci and Di Nasso, and Mancosu), it is argued that Badiou’s project (...)
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  32. The philosophy of an educator.Thos Blanchard Stowell - 1920 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 1 (2):35.
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  33. Khwāmčhing khō̜ng chīwit =.Suwit Thō̜ngsīkēt - 2008 - [Nakhon Si Thammarat]: Khana Manutsayasāt læ Sangkhommasāt, Mahāwitthayālai Rātchaphat Nakhō̜n Sī Thammarāt. Edited by Pānthip Phō̜dī.
    Life and philosophy in relation to religious aspects.
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    'Anonymus Aurelianensis Iii' in Aristotelis Analytica Priora: Critical Edition, Introduction, Notes, and Indexes.Christina Thomsen Thörnqvist (ed.) - 2014 - Boston: Brill.
    Christina Thomsen Thörnqvist’s edition of the Anonymus Aurelianensis III – the earliest known Latin commentary on Aristotle’s Prior analytics –, offers the critical text and a systematic comparison with the ancient Greek commentary tradition.
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  35. Mein schaffen als künstler-philosoph.Johannes Franz Thöne - 1930 - Strassburg: [Selbstverlag].
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  36. Main Thoughts of Buddhist Ch 'an in China and Oriental Culture'.Hoang Thi Tho - 2003 - In Keli Fang (ed.), Chinese Philosophy and the Trends of the 21st Century Civilization. Commercial Press. pp. 290.
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    Photčhanānukrom ʻAngkrit-Thai pratyā.Čhētsadā Thō̜ngrungrōt - 2014 - Krung Thēp: Samnakphim Sǣng Dāo.
    Encyclopedia on philosophy and English-Thai dictionary of philosophical terms.
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    Politics and the Void: Giorgio Agamben and Slavoj Žižek on the State of Emergency.Tzuchien Tho - 2006 - Radical Philosophy Today 2006:139-154.
    Although working through different traditions in European philosophy, the works of Giorgio Agamben and Slavoj Žižek have recently focused on issues surrounding the “state of emergency” that characterizes our age of increasing humanitarianism and global “police” actions. By investigating parallels in their separate diagnoses of our current political tendencies, this paper examines their suggestions for a political program of the future. Beginning with the paradoxes revealed in the ontological referent implied in “universal human rights,” this investigation will examine the contemporary (...)
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    (1 other version)The Consistency of Inconsistency.Tzuchien Tho - 2008 - Symposium 12 (2):70-92.
    Alain Badiou’s reception in the English-speaking world has centred on his project of a “mathematical ontology” undertaken in Being and Event. Its reception has raised serious concerns about how mathematics could be relevant to concrete situations. Caution must be taken in applying mathematics to concrete situationsand, without making explicit the equivocal senses of “consistency” as it operates in Badiou’s thought, this caution cannot be precisely applied. By examining Being and Event as well as looking backwards at his first philosophical work, (...)
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    Equivocation in the Foundations of Leibniz's Infinitesimal Fictions.Tzuchien Tho - 2012 - Society and Politics (2):63-87.
    In this article, I address two different kinds of equivocations in reading Leibniz’s fictional infinite and infinitesimal. These equivocations form the background of a reductive reading of infinite and infinitesimal fictions either as ultimately finite or as something whose status can be taken together with any other mathematical object as such. The first equivocation is the association of a foundation of infinitesimals with their ontological status. I analyze this equivocation by criticizing the logicist influence on 20th century Anglophone reception of (...)
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  41. The Immanent Contingency of Physical Laws in Leibniz’s Dynamics.Tzuchien Tho - 2019 - In Rodolfo Garau & Pietro Omodeo (eds.), Contingency and Natural Order in Early Modern Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 289-316.
    This paper focuses on Leibniz’s conception of modality and its application to the issue of natural laws. The core of Leibniz’s investigation of the modality of natural laws lays in the distinction between necessary, geometrical laws on the one hand, and contingent, physical laws of nature on the other. For Leibniz, the contingency of physical laws entailed the assumption of the existence of an additional form of causality beyond mechanical or efficient ones. While geometrical truths, being necessary, do not require (...)
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    Actual and Ideal Infinitesimals in Leibniz’s Specimen Dynamicum.Tzuchien Tho - 2016 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 5 (1):115-142.
    This article aims to treat the question of the reality of Leibniz’s infinitesimals from the perspective of their application in his account of corporeal motion. Rather than beginning with logical foundations or mathematical methodology, I analyze Leibniz’s use of an allegedly “instantiated” infinitesimal magnitude in his treatment of dead force in the Specimen Dynamicum. In this analysis I critique the interpretive strategy that uses the Leibnizian distinction, drawn from the often cited 1706 letter to De Volder, between actual and ideal (...)
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  43. How to study power and collective agency : social movements and the politics of international aid.Håkan Thörn - 2014 - In Stina Hansson, Sofie Hellberg & Maria Stern (eds.), Studying the agency of being governed. New York: Routledge.
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  44. Introduction, Chronology and Historiography.Tzuchien Tho - 2017 - In Vis Vim Vi: Declinations of Force in Leibniz’s Dynamics. Basel: Springer International Publishing.
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    What is (not) Leibniz’s Ontology? Rethinking the Role of Hylomorphism in Leibniz’s Metaphysical Development.Tzuchien Tho - 2015 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 4 (1):79-103.
    A central controversy in the reception of Leibniz’s philosophy, not only during his lifetime, but also in the immediately posthumous period and more recently, concerns the role that substantial forms play in Leibniz’s ontology. Interpreters like Garber argue that the Leibnizian defense of the quasi-Scholastic substantial forms in the 1680’s-1690’s demonstrate an ontology of corporeal substance irreducible to an idealist ontology. On the other hand interpreters like Adams argue that corporeal substances reduce to a fully idealist ontology and that this (...)
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  46. Potentia, actio, vis: the Quantity mv2 and its Causal Role.Tzuchien Tho - 2018 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 100 (4):411-443.
    This article aims to interpret Leibniz’s dynamics project through a theory of the causation of corporeal motion. It presents an interpretation of the dynamics that characterizes physical causation as the structural organization of phenomena. The measure of living force by mv2 must then be understood as an organizational property of motion conceptually distinct from the geometrical or otherwise quantitative magnitudes exchanged in mechanical phenomena. To defend this view, we examine one of the most important theoretical discrepancies of Leibniz’s dynamics with (...)
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  47. Vis viva in a Monadic World.Tzuchien Tho - 2017 - In Vis Vim Vi: Declinations of Force in Leibniz’s Dynamics. Basel: Springer International Publishing.
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  48. Fictions at work: The real qualities of fictional quantities.Tzuchien Tho - manuscript
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    Kwangsi. [REVIEW]Thos V. Kiernan - 1943 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 18 (2):355-357.
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    The Wild Seventies. [REVIEW]Thos F. Meehan - 1941 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 16 (3):547-548.
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