Results for ' Mission Christianity'

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  1.  37
    The Socio-Ethical Dimension of Knowledge: The Mission of Logical Empiricism.Christian Damböck & Adam Tamas Tuboly (eds.) - 2021 - Springer.
    This book studies how the relationship between philosophy, morality, politics, and science was conceived in the Vienna Circle and how this group of philosophers tried to position science as an antidote to totalitarianism and irrationalism. This leads to investigation of the still understudied views of the Vienna Circle on moral philosophy, meta-ethics, and the relationship between philosophy of science and politics. Including papers from an international group of scholars, The Socio-ethical Dimension of Knowledge: The Mission of Logical Empiricism addresses (...)
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  2. Welt und Konversation. Die theologische Begründung der Mission bei Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.Christian D. Zangger & M. Geiger - 1975 - Studia Leibnitiana 7 (1):153-156.
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    Mission Command in the Age of Network-Enabled Operations: Social Network Analysis of Information Sharing and Situation Awareness.Norbou Buchler, Sean M. Fitzhugh, Laura R. Marusich, Diane M. Ungvarsky, Christian Lebiere & Cleotilde Gonzalez - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Islam et occident: les raisons d'un conflit.Christian Delacampagne - 2003 - Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Entre Islam et Occident, le conflit existe. Il est profond. Et il n'a pas débuté le 11 septembre 2001 car - sans remonter aux Croisades - il oppose deux civilisations dont les valeurs, depuis des siècles, ne sont guère compatibles. Les orientalistes qui le nient se bercent d'illusions. Les partisans de Huntington, qui croient à la mission salvatrice de l'Occident, font tout autant fausse route. Situation d'autant plus grave que, depuis la guerre des Six jours, le conflit en question (...)
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    Armed Drones and Ethical Policing: Risk, Perception, and the Tele-Present Officer.Christian Enemark - 2021 - Criminal Justice Ethics 40 (2):124-144.
    Ethical analysis of armed drones has to date focused heavily on their use in foreign wars or counterterrorism operations, but it is important also to consider the potential use of armed drones in domestic law enforcement. Governments around the world are already making drones available to police for purposes including border control, criminal investigation, rescue missions, traffic management, and the monitoring of public assemblies. Unarmed and controlled remotely, these camera-equipped aircraft provide a powerful and mobile surveillance capacity that can be (...)
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    Le Sénat de Belgique : future Chambre de réflexion?Christian Daubie - 1978 - Res Publica 20 (4):495-534.
    In the future Belgian State, in which «communities» and «regions» are constitutionally authorized, the composition, the mission and the competences of the second Chamber, the Senate, are called in question.The «community-agreements» of Egmont and Stuyvenberg provided that the members of the regional councils should be also members of the councils of the communities and members of a Senate.His legislative roll should be limited to pass the revision of the Constitution, the bills with a special majority and to propose amendments (...)
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    Beyond Faith and Reason: The Consequences of Alasdair Maclntyre's Conception of Tradition-Constituted Rationality for Philosophy of Religion.Christian E. Early - 2002 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 19 (2):151-151.
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    A Prophetic Presence in the Margins.Jayakumar Christian - 2019 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 36 (2):53-57.
    The article sets the tone for the rest of this journal by raising some fundamental question of the relevance of the margins for theology of the local church. It explores a possible theology for the local church in the margins of our society. Purusing the theme of Jubilee as ‘presence’ rather than as activism, the author explores five themes for constructing a missiology for the local church’s in the margins. The article defines the local church in the margins of our (...)
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    Contemporary Prophetic and Deliverance Ministry Challenges in Africa.Christian Tsekpoe - 2019 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 36 (4):280-291.
    This paper contends that in Africa, the belief in the reality of the spirit world is a persistent phenomenon, which occupies a significant place in their religiosity. By building their theologies around the existential needs of the African people, the prophetic and deliverance ministries represent a contextual approach to Christianity in Africa. Nevertheless, an examination of the strengths and weaknesses of these ministries reveal that their approach may fit well into the African cultural milieu, but their emphasis is a (...)
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    Thomas Aquinas and Karl Barth: An Unofficial Catholic-Protestant Dialogue ed. by Bruce L. McCormack and Thomas Joseph White.Frederick Christian Bauerschmidt - 2016 - The Thomist 80 (2):301-305.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Thomas Aquinas and Karl Barth: An Unofficial Catholic-Protestant Dialogue ed. by Bruce L. McCormack and Thomas Joseph WhiteFrederick Christian BauerschmidtThomas Aquinas and Karl Barth: An Unofficial Catholic-Protestant Dialogue. Edited by Bruce L. McCormack and Thomas Joseph White, O.P. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2013. Pp. viii + 304. $36.00 (paper). ISBN: 978-0-8028-6976-0.The essays collected in Thomas Aquinas and Karl Barth: An Unofficial Catholic-Protestant Dialogue are the fruit of a (...)
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    Social Dialogue and Media Ethics.Clifford G. Christians - 2000 - Ethical Perspectives 7 (2):182-193.
    The central question of this conference is whether the media can contribute to high quality social dialogue. The prospects for resolving that question positively in the “sound and fury” depend on recovering the idea of truth. At present the news media are lurching along from one crisis to another with an empty centre. We need to articulate a believable concept of truth as communication's master principle. As the norm of healing is to medicine, justice to politics, critical thinking to education, (...)
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    Christian NGOs in Relief and Development: One of the Church’s Arms for Holistic Mission.Brian E. Woolnough - 2011 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 28 (3):195-205.
    The development of Christian NGOs over the second half of the 20th century has been one of the great stories of the church. At a time when the evangelical church in the West had gone into reverse, away from a holistic gospel, emphasising personal salvation alone and leaving the social gospel to the more liberal and ecumenical branch of the church, individual Christians had responded to the needs of a suffering world by forming CNGOs to tackle the relief and development (...)
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  13.  47
    Christian Credentials for Roman Catholic Health Care: Medicine versus the Healing Mission of the Church.Corinna Delkeskamp-Hayes - 2001 - Christian Bioethics 7 (1):117-150.
    Corinna Delkeskamp-Hayes; Christian Credentials for Roman Catholic Health Care: Medicine versus the Healing Mission of the Church, Christian bioethics: Non-Ecum.
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  14.  67
    Early Christian Missions from Alexandria to “India”. Institutional Transformations and Geographical Identifications.Ilaria L. E. Ramelli - 2011 - Augustinianum 51 (1):221-231.
    This article first deals with Pantaenus’s mission to India, which began in Alexandria through the private initiative of Pantaenus, the teacher of Clement who was also well known to Origen. In the age of Athanasius (fourth century), another mission to India was organised in Alexandria, and this time the bishop himself took the initiative to send missionaries. Meanwhile in Alexandria the episcopacy had gained strength, and the head of the Didaskaleion – Didymus, a follower of Origen – was (...)
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    Christian ethical perspective of church and politics in Nagaland: prospects in definition, relationship, mission, and guidelines.Kerio Wetsah - 2018 - [Kohima, Nagaland]: [Kerio Wetsah].
    Articles on the history of Assamese Sikhs.
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    Christians, Muslims (and Jews) before the One God: Jean Daniélou on Mission Revisited.David Burrell - 2007 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 61 (1):34-41.
    The reflections of Jean Daniélou on the relationship of Christianity to non-Christian religions, in light of missionary activity; offer a means to assess our current situation. Using a key insight of Bernard Lonergan, this essay offers a reprise of nearly sixty years of theological practice. Recent reflections by Tariq Ramadan help us to see ways of bringing these to an institutional focus.
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    Christian Missions.Paul Carus - 1895 - The Monist 5 (2):264-281.
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  18.  41
    Christian missions and evolution of the culture of mass education in western Nigeria.S. A. Ajayi - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy and Culture 3 (2):33-54.
    The culture of mass education has become an enduring tradition in Western Nigeria. The root of this culture is traceable to the mid-nineteenth century when the Christian missionary bodies began a process of systematic evangelization, using Western education as a medium and an indispensable tool. Early converts were taught how to read the Bible in vernacular – a measure that helped produce the first widespread literate class in Western Nigeria. Thereafter, mass education was promoted through the opening of primary and (...)
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  19. Christian World Missions.William K. Anderson - unknown
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    Christian mission in contemporary Asia.Vinay Samuel - 1998 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 15 (3):1-4.
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    Philosophical Horizons: P4/WC and Anti-Racism in Memphis, TN.Jonathan Wurtz & Kronsted Christian - 2021 - In Stephen Kekoa Miller (ed.), Intentional Disruption: Expanding Access to Philosophy. Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press. pp. 91-111.
    Memphis, Tennessee is the Blackest city with a Philosophy for/with Children (P4/WC) program in the United States, making it a unique site of engagement for practitioners. The city faces deeply historically rooted structural problems that continue to manifest themselves, in housing, food security, hate crimes, police brutality, workplace inequality, and segregation; all of which are present in our classrooms where we practice P4C. In this chapter, we illustrate some of the challenges we have faced while practicing P4/WC in Memphis, and (...)
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  22. Mission as inculturation+ cultural translation of religious concepts especially with regard to Christian missions.T. Manikkam - 1981 - Journal of Dharma 6 (2):190-196.
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  23. Christian Missions and the Judgment of God.David M. Paton - 1953
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    Christian Mission in Colombia: Protestant paradox and Catholic continuities.Stephen Armet - 2003 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 20 (1):47-54.
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  25. Missional Economics: Biblical Justice and Christian Formation.[author unknown] - 2018
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  26. Understanding Christian Mission: Participation in Suffering and Glory.[author unknown] - 2013
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  27. Christian mission and indian religious pluralism.Swami Vikranth - 1981 - Journal of Dharma 6 (2):151-166.
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  28. Christian Missions as Affected by Liberal Theology.J. W. Burton - 1908 - Hibbert Journal 7 (2):400-404.
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  29. Picturing Christian Witness: New Testament Images of Disciples in Mission.Stanley H. Skreslet - 2006
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    Missional churches: identical global ‘plants’ or locally grown ‘flowers’?: Christian A. Schwarz's ‘Natural Church Development’ revisited.Rene Erwich - 2004 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 21 (3):180-191.
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    Christianity Encountering World Religions: The Practice of Mission in the Twenty-First Century (review).Gavin D'Costa - 2011 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 31:235-238.
  32.  13
    Christian Missions.J. M. Thoburn - 1895 - The Monist 5 (2):264-281.
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  33. Christian Mission in the Midst of Violence. [REVIEW]Domenic Marbaniang - 2014 - Journal of the Contemporary Christian 6.
    The 2013 FOIM (Fellowship of Indian Missiologists) Conference was hosted at Punalur, Kerala. 12 papers from this conference were compiled and published in Christian Mission in the Midst of Violence under the editorship of Dr. Joy Thomas SVD, director of Ishvani Kendra of Pune and Secretary of FOIM and Dr. Siga Arles, director of the Centre for Contemporary Christianity of Bangalore.
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    A Taste of Armageddon: A Virtue Ethics Perspective on Autonomous Weapons and Moral Injury.Massimiliano Lorenzo Cappuccio, Jai Christian Galliott & Fady Shibata Alnajjar - 2022 - Journal of Military Ethics 21 (1):19-38.
    Autonomous weapon systems could in principle release military personnel from the onus of killing during combat missions, reducing the related risk of suffering a moral injury and its debilita...
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    Financializing the soul: Christian microfinance and economic missionization in Colombia.Rebecca C. Bartel - 2021 - Critical Research on Religion 9 (1):31-47.
    Microfinance is the vanguard of financialization today. This is especially true in Colombia, where microfinance rivals any other type of formal credit. Entangled with Colombia’s micro-financialization is the phenomenon of microfinance corporations in joint ventures with Christian organizations that broker their microfinance programs. These faith-based corporations temper the surge in microfinance with ascetic discipline and the infusion of an entrepreneurial spirit. Economic discipline, say the microfinanciers, is required for what is referred to as ‘financial literacy’ and ‘financial inclusion’ programs that (...)
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  36. The Christian Mission Today.[author unknown] - 1960
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  37. Ecclesiology and Mission after Crete I: Illustration in the Light of the Documents Relations of the Orthodox Church with the Rest of the Christian World and The Mission of the Orthodox Church in Today’s World.Doru Marcu - 2018 - Acta Missiologiae 6 (1):35-45.
    There is an internal connection between ecclesiology, the teaching about the Church that we call academic ecclesiology, and mission, which is the inner heart of the Church and becomes visible through different practices. For the Orthodox Church involved in the ecumenical movement, there is a struggle to balance ecclesiology (theology) with ecumenical mission and dialogue (practice) in a divided Christian world. Nevertheless, the recent Synod of Crete (June 2016) addressed some important elements of this struggle. I have in (...)
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    John Locke, Christian mission, and colonial America.Jack Turner - 2011 - Modern Intellectual History 8 (2):267-297.
    John Locke was considerably interested and actively involved in the promotion of Protestant Christianity among American Indians and African slaves, yet this fact goes largely unremarked in historical scholarship. The evidence of this interest and involvement deserves analysis—for it illuminates fascinating and understudied features of Locke's theory of toleration and his thinking on American Indians, African slaves, and English colonialism. These features include (1) the compatibility between toleration and Christian mission, (2) the interconnection between Christian mission and (...)
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    Mission to the Gentiles: The construction of Christian identity and its relationship with ethics according to Paul.Tobias Nicklas & Herbert Schlögel - 2012 - HTS Theological Studies 68 (1).
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  40. A History of Christian Missions.S. Neil - 1965
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  41.  26
    Christian Mission and Interreligious Dialogue: Mutually Exclusive or Complementary?William R. Burrows - 1997 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 17:119.
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    How many Jews became Christians in the first century? The failure of the Christian mission to the Jews.David C. Sim - 2005 - HTS Theological Studies 61 (1/2).
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    Leadership development: Effective tool for urban Christian missions in the 21st century in Nigeria.Akinyemi O. Alawode - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):1–5.
    Urban Christian missions battle with many challenges in this 21st century, such that there is a need for a strategic plan to do missions in the cities. Over the years, missions' emphasis has focused on village missions and underdeveloped places. However, there is a clarion call to shift attention to urban Christian missions in recent times because the world is witnessing a massive migration of people from villages to cities for greener pastures. Christian missions' opportunities are evident in the cities (...)
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    Contemporary problems of muslim-Christian relationship in indonesia: Case of proselytizing-mission and worship building.Zuly Qodir - 2021 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 16 (2):105-129.
    The issues of religious proselytization as well as the construction of house of worship are of main contentious topics inciting tensions between religious adherents, particularly between the minority Christians and the majority Muslims in contemporary Indonesia. This article discusses these two inter-religious problems and poses a question to extent that the competition between Muslim and Christians, both in their missionary activities and the building of new house of worship, inflicting inter-religious relation in contemporary Indonesia. Taken some cases as points of (...)
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    Japan's Encounter with Christianity: The Catholic Mission in Pre-Modern Japan.Paul O. Ingram & Neil S. Fujita - 1992 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 12:283.
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  46. Practicing Witness: A Missional Vision of Christian Practices.[author unknown] - 2011
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    Politics in Christian missions.Akinyemi O. Alawode - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1).
    For decades, the mobilisation of Christian missions has encountered a number of setbacks and barriers because of several factors and elements that pose severe impediments to the conduct of missionary activities. Amongst these factors and elements, the involvement of politics in the activities of the Christian missions is prominent. The goal of the Christian missions is to expand the kingdom of God, as well as the salvation and restoration of lost souls, while the goal of politics is to secure power (...)
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  48. (1 other version)Supporting Asian Christianity’s Transition from Mission to Church: A History of the Foundation for Theological Education in South East Asia.[author unknown] - 2010
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  49. The Early Christians: Their World Mission and Self-Discovery.Ben F. Meyer - 1986
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    Tradition, Modernity and Christian Mission in Asia.Corrie Acorda - 1993 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 10 (4):18-19.
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