Results for ' Mural painting and decoration, Baroque'

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  1.  9
    Calenjixa: Macxovris tażris moxatulobebi.I. Lordkipanidze, Mzia Janjalia & Nino Mataraże (eds.) - 2011 - Tʻbilisi: Giorgi Čʻubinašvilis saxelobis Kʻartʻuli xelovnebis istoriisa da żegltʻa dacʻvis kvlevis erovnuli cʻentri.
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    Hua wai zhi yi: Han dai Kongzi jian Laozi hua xiang yan jiu.Yitian Xing - 2018 - Taibei Shi: San min shu ju gu fen you xian gong si.
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    La peinture murale minoenne, III. Méthodes et techniques d'exécution.Alain Dandrau - 2001 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 125 (1):41-66.
    This last part of the study of materials and techniques used in Minoan wall-painting discusses the execution of the actual decoration itself. After a brief reminder of our knowledge of the status of the artist and his principal tools, the main stages of the process of execution are described. It thus appears that the number and connection of these différent phases, as well as the painting techniques themselves, depend on the nature of medium used: chalk or cernent. For (...)
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    Filosofía Del Muralismo Mexicano: Orozco, Rivera y Siqueiros.Héctor Jaimes - 2012 - Plaza y Valdés Editores.
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  5. Vizantiskata estetika i srednovekovniot živopis vo Makedonija od XI i XII vek.Ivan K. Zarov - 2003 - Skopje: Tabernakul.
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    Sayu rŭl ssoda, putta: kŭrim ŭro pogo sosŏl chŏrŏm ingnŭn Pulgyo ch'ŏrhak.Ho-jin Kang - 2021 - Sŏul-si: Ch'ŏlsu wa Yŏnghŭi.
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    The painted decoration of rubens's house.Elizabeth McGrath - 1978 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 41 (1):245-277.
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    The New Zion of Ot’kht’a.Michele Bacci - 2022 - Convivium 9 (1):28-51.
    The lavra of Ot’kht’a Eklesia and its twin monastery at Parkhali are located in an isolated, mountainous area of present-day north-east Turkey, which, in the ninth-tenth century, gradually emerged as the politically de facto independent kingdom of Tao-Klarjet’i and as a stronghold of Georgian culture. Both lavras were established on the steep slopes of valleys carved by the tributaries of the Çoruh (Č’orox’i) river by Georgian monks seeking for those “deserts” that, in their opinion, God had reserved to them since (...)
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  9. Stoicism.Dirk Baltzly - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Stoicism was one of the new philosophical movements of the Hellenistic period. The name derives from the porch (stoa poikilê) in the Agora at Athens decorated with mural paintings, where the members of the school congregated, and their lectures were held. Unlike ‘epicurean,’ the sense of the English adjective ‘stoical’ is not utterly misleading with regard to its philosophical origins. The Stoics did, in fact, hold that emotions like fear or envy (or impassioned sexual attachments, or passionate love of (...)
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    The lost mappamundi at Chalivoy-Milon.Marcia Kupfer - 1991 - Speculum 66 (3):540-571.
    One of the most extensive ensembles of twelfth-century mural painting still extant in France has recently been reconstituted in the Church of Saint-Silvain at Chalivoy-Milon , a small village located about forty kilometers southwest of Bourges. During the late 1970s and 1980s, conservation work carried out under the auspices of Monuments Historiques recovered the entire chevet program , a portion of which was first discovered in February 1868. The stunning exposure of a complex, predominantly Christological cycle at Chalivoy-Milon (...)
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    The Painting "Confessions" of Nikolay Raynov.Yvanka B. Raynova - 2018 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 20 (2):201-208.
    The aim of the following paper is to show that it is not possible to penetrate into the depths of Nikolay Raynov's universe and to comprehend its wholeness, without posing and investigating the question about the origin or the foundation of his various creative occupations, i.e his novels, philosophic and theosophic writings, art history and critique, paintings, decorative design etc. This question is far too complex to be answered briefly without being simplified, and therefore two main directions will be articulated: (...)
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    Décors peints au plafond dans des maisons hellénistiques à Délos.Françoise Alabe - 2002 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 126 (1):231-263.
    Fragments of painted plaster found in the destruction layer of three first floor rooms in the House of Seals and of one first floor room of the House of the Sword had broken from the ceiling. They allow the restoration of the schema in the room of the House of the Sword and of two of the rooms in the House of Seals, the latter in colour. Composed of bands surrounding a quadrangular field, these décorations, evoking carpets stretched on the (...)
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  13.  50
    The Classic Is the Baroque: On the Principle of Wölfflin's Art History.Marshall Brown - 1982 - Critical Inquiry 9 (2):379-404.
    In the chapter on multiplicity and unity, the affective or anthropological motifs are both more complex and more interesting. Wölfflin’s initial distinction is between “the articulated system of forms of classic art and the flow of the baroque” . Imagery of fluidity pervades the chapter, for water, according to Wölfflin, “was the period’s favourite element” . “Now, and now only,” he says, “the greatness of the sea could find its representation”, and as if to inculcate this affinity he places (...)
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  14.  25
    Decor ex praesentia mali.Oleg Bychkov - 2001 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 68 (2):245-269.
    One of the important theological issues for ancient and medieval thought was to account for the existence of evil. Augustine provided an aesthetic explanation: evil exists for contrast, to let the good stand out more prominently. Thus, just as a painting that uses both dark and bright colors, the universe that contains both good and evil is beautiful as a whole. The argument was debated in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Alexander of Hales, as well as the Franciscan tradition (...)
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  15.  30
    On the Surface of Painting.Charles Harrison - 1989 - Critical Inquiry 15 (2):292-336.
    Lucas van Valckenborch’s Winter Landscape hangs in the Kinsthistorisches Museum in Vienna. It was painted four hundred years ago as one of a set of the four seasons. Measured by sales of reproductions, it is one of the most popular paintings in the museum, though it is by no means the most distinguished example of the genre to which it belongs. The picture is a snow scene. In the long series of represented planed that recede from foreground to horizon, fallen (...)
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  16.  16
    "Jade" patterns on painted ceramics of the Neolithic era.Qingyan Zheng - 2022 - Философия И Культура 7:124-138.
    Painted ceramics occupy an important place in ancient Chinese art and are the result of creative activity of people of primitive society. A large number of Neolithic patterns on ceramics are similar to those signs and symbols that were made on jade products of the same period. Such patterns resembled drawings made by hand and represented realistic and abstract ornaments, plant, zoomorphic patterns, etc. Thus, the subject of this study is the so-called "jade" patterns on painted ceramics of the Neolithic (...)
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    On Monstrously Ambiguous Paintings.James Elkins - 1993 - History and Theory 32 (3):227-247.
    Certain artworks appear to have multiple meanings that are also contradictory. In some instances they have attracted so much attention that they are effectively out of the reach of individual monographs. These artworks are monstrous.One reason paintings may become monstrous is that they make unexpected use of ambiguation. Modern and postmodern works of all sorts are understood to be potentially ambiguous ab ovo, but earlier--Renaissance and Baroque--works were constrained to declare relatively stable primary meanings. An older work may have (...)
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  18.  11
    (1 other version)The Madness of Vision: On Baroque Aesthetics.Dorothy Z. Baker (ed.) - 2013 - Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press.
    Christine Buci-Glucksmann’s__ _The Madness of Vision_ is one of the most influential studies in phenomenological aesthetics of the baroque. Integrating the work of Merleau-Ponty with Lacanian psychoanalysis, Renaissance studies in optics, and twentieth-century mathematics, the author asserts the materiality of the body and world in her aesthetic theory. All vision is embodied vision, with the body and the emotions continually at play on the visual field. Thus vision, once considered a clear, uniform, and totalizing way of understanding the material (...)
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    Inaugural Year Gifts 1984-85: An Exhibition of Selected Paintings, Works on Paper, Sculpture and Decorative Arts.Curtis Carter - unknown
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    The Madness of Vision: On Baroque Aesthetics.Christine Buci-Glucksmann - 2013 - Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press. Edited by Dorothy Zayatz Baker.
    Christine Buci-Glucksmann’s The Madness of Vision is one of the most influential studies in phenomenological aesthetics of the baroque. Integrating the work of Merleau-Ponty with Lacanian psychoanalysis, Renaissance studies in optics, and twentieth-century mathematics, the author asserts the materiality of the body and world in her aesthetic theory. All vision is embodied vision, with the body and the emotions continually at play on the visual field. Thus vision, once considered a clear, uniform, and totalizing way of understanding the material (...)
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  21.  17
    The Conservation of Murals – A New Trend in Protecting Works of Art.Tytus Sawicki - 2022 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 40:81-95.
    In recent years, a trend has emerged in the field of art conservation, the aim of which is to protect street art objects. Attempts to conserve murals face many problems. This is due to various factors – lack of time distance to this type of objects, difficulties in assessing their artistic value, frequent lack of interest of artists in the conservation of their works, material impermanence of murals, their often-occasional nature; also, the fact that most of these objects are not (...)
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  22.  46
    White Fear in Universities: The Story of an Assata Shakur Mural.Susannah Bartlow - 2015 - Feminist Studies 41 (3):689.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 41, no. 3. © 2015 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 689 Susannah Bartlow White Fear in Universities: The Story of an Assata Shakur Mural No one is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them. No one will teach you your true history, teach you your true heroes if they know that knowledge will set you free. Theory without practice is just as incomplete (...)
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  23.  71
    ‘Civilizing the warlike Indians:’ A Confrontation of the Rutherford Library's Glyde Mural.Noor Iqbal - 2010 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 1 (2).
    The Glyde mural in the University of Alberta’s Rutherford Library is a testament to the history of Alberta as it was understood by white society in the 1950s. A contemporary viewer described the painting as depicting “the civilizing influences in the early life of the Province.” The prominent historical heroes in the mural represent the main institutions that were involved in this process of ‘civilizing the savages'. An artefact of modern colonial racism, it has overshadowed the threshold (...)
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  24.  30
    Moormann E.M. Divine Interiors: Mural Paintings in Greek and Roman Sanctuaries. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2011. Pp. vii + 259, illus. €55. 978908-9642615. [REVIEW]Stephanie Pearson - 2013 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 133:276-277.
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    Greater and lesser religious practices in 15th and 16th century Portuguese mural painting[REVIEW]Luís Urbano Afonso - 2010 - Cultura:11-23.
    Existem perto de 140 monumentos portugueses que ainda conservam pintura mural realizada entre os finais do século XV e os meados do século XVI. Por vicissitudes históricas diversas, a distribuição destes monumentos pelo território nacional é muito desigual, verificando-se uma concentração em templos rurais situados sobretudo no território de Entre-Douro-e- -Minho (c. 30%), em Trás-os-Montes (c. 25%) e na Beira Interior (c. 20%).A análise da iconografia destas pinturas permite tirar várias conclusões a respeito das principais devoções da época. Verifica-se (...)
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  26. Hispano-Islamic mural painting. Tradition or innovation?C. Rallo Gruss - 2003 - Al-Qantara 24 (1):109-137.
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    MARSHALL, CHRISTOPHER R. Baroque Naples and the Industry of Painting: The World in the Workbench. Yale University Press, 2016, 352 pp., 88 color + 115 b&w illus., $75.00 cloth NAPOLI, NICHOLAS J. The Ethics of Ornament in Early Modern Naples: Fashioning the Certosa di San Martino. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2015, 430 pp., 36 color + 64 b&w illus., $120.00 cloth. [REVIEW]David Carrier - 2017 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 75 (2):208-210.
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    Nikolay Raynov – Beauty with a crystalline structure.Galina Dekova - 2018 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 20 (2):209-214.
    The aim of the paper is to give a glimpse of the syncretism and complexness of the work of Nikolay Raynov and to propose an approach that would show his methods of implication of artistic historical ideas into paintings and works of decorative art. Furthermore, it is a reflection about the 130th anniversary exhibition of Raynov's paintings at the Sofia City Art Gallery1 from the perspective of its historical place in European art and its actual insight.
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    Social influence on career choice decisions of business school graduates in India - an exploratory analysis.Vandana Madhavan, Murale Venugopalan & Gyanendra Singh Sisodia - 2019 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 12 (4):463.
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    Social Influence on Career Choice Decisions of Business School Graduates in India- An Exploratory Analysis.Gynanendra Sisodia, Vandana Madhavan & Murale Venugopalan - 2019 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 1 (1):1.
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  31.  41
    The boscoreale paintings. A. barbet, A. verbanck-piérard la Villa romaine de boscoreale et ses fresques. Volume I: Description Des panneaux et restitution du décor. Volume II: Actes du colloque international organisé du 21 au 23 avril 2010 aux musées royaux d'art et d'histoire de bruxelles et au musée Royal de mariemont. Pp. 107 + 419, b/w & colour ills, b/w & colour pls. Arles/morlanwelz: Éditions errance/musée Royal de mariemont, 2013. Paper, €69. Isbn: 978-2-87772-469-2. [REVIEW]Roger Ling - 2015 - The Classical Review 65 (2):581-582.
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    The Baroque: A Term of Art.Tim Flanagan - 2023 - Terms: Ciha Journal of Art History.
    The spiritual torsion and material complexity so characteristic of Baroque aesthetics is something that extends to (or perhaps, better, issues from) the intension of the term itself. This much is evident in the sense that, since the twentieth century, various projects have proposed such notions as a medical-baroque, a postcolonial-baroque, and a digital-baroque. Beyond any given object of analysis, then, in this way the Baroque adduces the concepts by which any inquiry into objects might take (...)
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    Baroque Art: The Jesuit Contribution.Rudolf Wittkower & Irma B. Jaffe - 1973 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 31 (4):557-558.
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    Metalogical Decorations of Logical Diagrams.Lorenz Demey & Hans Smessaert - 2016 - Logica Universalis 10 (2-3):233-292.
    In recent years, a number of authors have started studying Aristotelian diagrams containing metalogical notions, such as tautology, contradiction, satisfiability, contingency, strong and weak interpretations of contrariety, etc. The present paper is a contribution to this line of research, and its main aims are both to extend and to deepen our understanding of metalogical diagrams. As for extensions, we not only study several metalogical decorations of larger and less widely known Aristotelian diagrams, but also consider metalogical decorations of another type (...)
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    David Frankel: Middle Cypriot White Painted Pottery: an Analytical Study of the Decoration. (Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology, 42.) Pp. x + 140; 19 figs. Gothenburg: Åström, 1974. Paper, Kr. 40. [REVIEW]John Boardman - 1976 - The Classical Review 26 (2):294-294.
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    Baroque representation.Barbara Ives Beyer - 1954 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 12 (3):360-365.
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    The baroque s-t-o-r-m: A study in the limits of the culture-epoch theory.Alden Buker - 1964 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 22 (3):303-313.
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    A baroque "moment" in the French contemporary theater.Leo O. Forkey - 1959 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 18 (1):80-89.
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    Baroque Rhetoric: A Concept at Odds with Its Setting.Wilbur Samuel Howell - 1982 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 15 (1):1 - 23.
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  40. Art as "Night": An Art-Theological Treatise.Gavin Keeney - 2010 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Written over the course of two months in early 2008, Art as "Night" is a series of essays in part inspired by a January 2007 visit to the Velázquez exhibition at the National Gallery of Art, London, with subsequent forays into related themes and art-historical judgments for and against theories of meta-painting. Art as "Night" proposes a type of a-historical dark knowledge crossing painting since Velázquez, but reaching back to the Renaissance, especially Titian and Caravaggio. As a form (...)
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  41.  18
    The decorations for archduke Leopold William's state entry into antwerp.Hans Vlieghe - 1976 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 39 (1):190-198.
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  42. Paintings of Music.Michelle Liu - 2022 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 80 (2):151-163.
    Paintings of music are a significant presence in modern art. They are cross-modal representations, aimed at representing music, say, musical works or forms, using colors, lines, and shapes in the visual modality. This article aims to provide a conceptual framework for understanding paintings of music. Using examples from modern art, the article addresses the question of what a painting of music is. Implications for the aesthetic appreciation of paintings of music are also drawn.
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    Global Objects: Toward a Connected Art History.G. Thomas Tanselle - 2024 - Common Knowledge 30 (2):202-204.
    This thoughtful, learned, well-written, extensively illustrated, and heavily documented study deserves to be regarded as a landmark in art history. Traditional art history has dealt for the most part with the “fine arts” (chiefly painting, drawing, sculpture, and architecture), whereas other human creations that take physical form (such as furniture, ceramics, textiles, and metal and glass items), whether utilitarian or decorative (or both at once), are considered “craft” or “applied art” and are studied by folklorists, anthropologists, and archaeologists and (...)
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  44.  56
    The decoration of the new palace of westminster, 1841-1863.T. S. R. Boase - 1954 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 17 (3/4):319-358.
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    Baroque Typographies: Literature/History/Philosophy (review).Robert T. Corum - 1993 - Philosophy and Literature 17 (2):355-356.
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    The baroque from the viewpoint of the literary historian.Helmut Hatzfeld - 1955 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 14 (2):156-164.
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    The baroque from the point of view of the art historian.John Rupert Martin - 1955 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 14 (2):164-171.
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    Baroque: Is it datum, hypothesis, or tautology?John H. Mueller - 1954 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 12 (4):421-437.
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    Tausend Blüten.Hans-Jörg Rheinberger - 2001 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 9 (2):65-79.
    This essay takes issue with an Allegory of Vision from the beginning of the 17th century. It is part of a cycle of five paintings on the five senses jointly produced by Jan Brueghel the Elder and Peter Paul Rubens around 1617, and it belongs now to the permanent collection of the Museo del Prado. The description deliberately concentrates on the botanical elements of the painting. In the first and the last part of the paper, I offer an interpretation (...)
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    Classical themes in the decoration of the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence.Nicolai Rubinstein - 1987 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 50 (1):29-43.
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