Results for ' Native Speaker'

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  1.  5
    Право На Корегування Мови: Влада Native Speaker Над Non-Native Speaker.Володимир Панов - 2021 - Вісник Харківського Національного Університету Імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Філософія. Філософські Перипетії» 65:40-50.
    Стаття присвячена питанню, як native speaker реалізує свою владу над non-native speaker. Дослідження виконано в рамках теорії лінгвістичного імперіалізму. Для розкриття цих відносин вводиться концепт права на корегування. Для описання фігур native speaker та non-native speaker звертаємося до дослідників лінгвістичного імперіалізму, зокрема Р. Філліпсона, Ю. Цуди тощо. Вказується, що стандартним поглядом на панування native speaker є соціально-економічний, де native speaker постає як фігура, довкола якої концентруються можливості економічної взаємодії (...)
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    When Native Speakers Are Not “Native‐Like:” Chunking Ability Predicts (Lack of) Sensitivity to Gender Agreement During Online Processing.Manuel F. Pulido & Priscila López-Beltrán - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (10):e13366.
    Previous work on individual differences has revealed limitations in the ability of existing measures (e.g., working memory) to predict language processing. Recent evidence suggests that an individual's sensitivity to detect the statistical regularities present in language (i.e., “chunk sensitivity”) may significantly modulate online sentence processing. We investigated whether individual chunk sensitivity predicted the online processing of gender cues, a core linguistic feature of Spanish. In a self‐paced reading task, we examined native speakers’ processing of relative clauses in which gender (...)
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  3. Native Speaker 小中高生の誤用分析. 鈴木雅光 - unknown
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    Who are the non-native speakers of English? A critical discourse analysis of global ELT textbooks.Zulma Xiomara Rueda García & Encarna Atienza Cerezo - 2020 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 30 (2):281-296.
    As the demand for English language skills among non-native speakers globally has grown steadily so too has the number of ‘global textbooks’ for ELT aimed at a world market. Concurrently, critical perspectives of the expansion of English have begun to challenge the view that native speaker contexts ‘own’ English. Based on the aforementioned, and on reflective approaches to culture, our objective is to analyze critically the representations of speakers of English as a second or foreign language offered (...)
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  5. Philosophy and the Non-Native Speaker Condition.Saray Ayala-López - 2015 - American Philosophical Association Newsletter in Feminism and Philosophy 14 (2).
    In this note, my aim is to point out a phenomenon that has not received much attention; a phenomenon that, in my opinion, should not be overlooked in the professional practice of philosophy, especially within feminist efforts for social justice. I am referring to the way in which being a non-native speaker of English interacts with the practice of philosophy.1 There is evidence that non-native speakers are often perceived in prejudiced ways. Such prejudiced perception causes harm and, (...)
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  6. Understanding Complex Sentences: Native Speaker Variation in Syntactic Competence.Ngoni Chipere - 2003 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Is native speaker variation in understanding complex sentences due to individual differences in working memory capacity or in syntactic competence? The answer to this question has very important consequences for both theoretical and applied concerns in linguistics and education. This book is distinctive in giving an historical and interdisciplinary perspective on the rule- based and experience-based debate and in supporting an integrated account. In the study reported here, variation was found to be due to differences in syntactic competence (...)
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  7. The Native Speaker is Dead!: An Informal Discussion of a Linguistic Myth with Noam Chomsky and Other Linguists, Philosophers, Psychologists, and Lexicographers.Thomas M. Paikeday & Noam Chomsky - 1985 - Mississauga, Ont. : Paikeday.
  8.  24
    Not Like a Native Speaker: On Language as a Postcolonial Experience by Rey Chow.Carli Coetzee - 2016 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 6 (2):292-296.
  9.  34
    The Unforeseen Consequences of Interacting With Non‐Native Speakers.Shiri Lev-Ari, Emily Ho & Boaz Keysar - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (4):835-849.
    Sociolinguistic research shows that listeners' expectations of speakers influence their interpretation of the speech, yet this is often ignored in cognitive models of language comprehension. Here, we focus on the case of interactions between native and non-native speakers. Previous literature shows that listeners process the language of non-native speakers in less detail, because they expect them to have lower linguistic competence. We show that processing the language of non-native speakers increases lexical competition and access in general, (...)
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    The use of okay, right and yeah in academic lectures by native speaker lecturers: Their ‘anticipated’ and ‘real’ meanings.Zarina Othman - 2010 - Discourse Studies 12 (5):665-681.
    This article demonstrates the ‘patterning’ of the ways discourse markers such as okay, right and yeah are used in academic lectures by native speaker lecturers. It presents an analysis of a) what the lecturers thought they would say and b) what they actually say in comparison to what the lecturers actually do say. In other words, it focuses on the differences between expectations of what would be said and speech, that is, what is actually said.The data comprise verbatim (...)
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    (1 other version)Comprehending non-native speakers: theory and evidence for adjustment in manner of processing.Shiri Lev-Ari - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  12. Parrots, pyrrhonists, and native speakers.David K. Glidden - 1994 - In Stephen Everson (ed.), Language: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 3. Cambridge University Press.
  13.  15
    The Influence of Form-Focused Instruction on the L2 Chinese Oral Production of Korean Native Speakers.Mo Chen & Wenya Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Form-focused instruction can help second language learners notice the forms of language, which is conducive to the acquisition of linguistic forms. Two types of FFIs had been proposed, including focus-on-formS and focus-on-form. Previously, studies on FFI in L2 classroom teaching have focused mainly on the influence of two types of FFIs on the L2 acquisition of grammar and vocabulary. The influence of FonFs and FonF on L2 oral production, however, has been addressed less often. The advantages and disadvantages of different (...)
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    Tracking Object-State Representations During Real-Time Language Comprehension by Native and Non-native Speakers of English.Xin Kang & Haoyan Ge - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The present “visual world” eye-tracking study examined the time-course of how native and non-native speakers keep track of implied object-state representations during real-time language processing. Fifty-two native speakers of English and 46 non-native speakers with advanced English proficiency joined this study. They heard short stories describing a target object either having undergone a substantial change-of-state or a minimal change-of-state while their eye movements toward competing object-states and two unrelated distractors were tracked. We found that both groups (...)
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    Difficulties of perception of sounding speech in Russian by schoolchildren-non-native speakers.Elena Alekseevna Zhelezniakova & Polina Vasilevna Novikova - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):230-235.
    The article reveals the problems of listening comprehension in a foreign-language audience, in particular, by students who are non-native speakers. The theoretical part is a brief characteristic of listening as a type of speech activity: the content of the term, its internal components – the psychophysiological mechanisms involved, the difficulties associated with them. In the practical part the authors of the article demonstrate exercises from the purposefully developed lesson on the removal of difficulties in the perception of sounding speech (...)
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    Analysis of Turkish Native Speakers’ Perception of Loan Words Borrowed from Western Languages.Yalçin Nafi - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:705-727.
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    Effect of Gender on Language Performance of American Speakers, Russian Native Speakers, and American L2 Learners of Russian in a Complaint Situation.Beata Gallaher - 2014 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 10 (2):171-195.
    The present study investigates linguistic choices and strategy selection of American speakers of English, Russian native speakers, and American L2 learners of Russian in their complaints by exploring the interaction of social factors and gender. The data was elicited through an open-ended discourse completion questionnaire and an assessment questionnaire. The qualitative analysis shows significant differences between genders in the group of Russian speakers. The major finding was that Russian males were more judgmental and direct in their complaints, but they (...)
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    Moral Foreign Language Effect on Responses to the Trolley Dilemma amongst Native Speakers of Arabic.Gabriel Andrade - 2022 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 22 (3-4):338-351.
    Trolley dilemmas have been tested cross-culturally, but only recently have researchers begun to assess the effect of responding to such dilemmas in a foreign language. Previous studies have found a Moral Foreign Language Effect in trolley dilemmas, whereby subjects who respond to these dilemmas in a foreign language, tend to offer more utilitarian responses. The present study seeks to test whether the MFLE holds amongst native speakers of Arabic. Additionally, the present study seeks to test whether the use of (...)
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    Different Neural Responses for Unfinished Sentence as a Conventional Indirect Refusal Between Native and Non-native Speakers: An Event-Related Potential Study.Min Wang, Shingo Tokimoto, Ge Song, Takashi Ueno, Masatoshi Koizumi & Sachiko Kiyama - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:806023.
    Refusal is considered a face-threatening act (FTA), since it contradicts the inviter’s expectations. In the case of Japanese, native speakers (NS) are known to prefer to leave sentences unfinished for a conventional indirect refusal. Successful comprehension of this indirect refusal depends on whether the addressee is fully conventionalized to the preference for syntactic unfinishedness so that they can identify the true intention of the refusal. Then, non-native speakers (NNS) who are not fully accustomed to the convention may be (...)
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    Editorial: The Notion of the Native Speaker Put to the Test: Recent Research Advances.Mila Vulchanova, Valentin Vulchanov, Antonella Sorace, Cristina Suarez-Gomez & Pedro Guijarro-Fuentes - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:875740.
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    Traumatic chain: Korean–American immigrants’ transgenerational language and racial trauma in Native Speaker.Muhammad Sohail Ahmad, Shazmeen Nawaz, Zainab Bukhari, Mubashar Nadeem & Rana Yassir Hussain - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The premise of this study is to look at the intergenerational transferal of language and racial trauma of Asian immigrants in general and Korean–American immigrants in particular to a western country, the United States of America. This study investigates trauma from a psychological standpoint, based on Chang-Rae Lee’s novel Native Speaker. In describing a marker of citizenship, the novel’s title also points to who is the native language speaker and who is a native of a (...)
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    Reading and Curricula for Teaching Arabic to non-Native Speakers.Eassa Abrahem & Khaoula Ez-Zalzouli - 2024 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 29 (1):85-94.
    The article aims to shed light on teaching the Arabic language in non¬-Arab countries, especially since the Arabic language it is the main gateway to learning the Qur’an and its sciences, the current reading also aspires of the Arabic language and the reality if its teaching methods to non Arabic speakers, and the obstacles the prevent the educational process from being achieved. The article also shows the role of reading in teaching the Arabic language to non-native speakers, reading is (...)
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  23.  10
    How Pause Duration Influences Impressions of English Speech: Comparison Between Native and Non-native Speakers.Shimeng Liu, Yoshitaka Nakajima, Lihan Chen, Sophia Arndt, Maki Kakizoe, Mark A. Elliott & Gerard B. Remijn - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:778018.
    The purpose of this study was to investigate how the subjective impression of English speech would change when pause duration at punctuation marks was varied. Two listening experiments were performed in which written English speech segments were rated on a variety of evaluation items by both native-English speakers and non-native speakers (native-Chinese speakers and native-Japanese speakers). The ratings were then subjected to factor analysis. In the first experiment, the pauses in three segments were made into the (...)
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  24.  18
    Pragmatics and social meaning: Understanding under-informativeness in native and non-native speakers.Sarah Fairchild, Ariel Mathis & Anna Papafragou - 2020 - Cognition 200 (C):104171.
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  25. Examining the Translations of Forough Farrokhzad’s Selected Poems by a Native and a Non-Native Speaker Using Vinay and Darbelnet’s Model.Enayat A. Shabani - 2019 - Journal of Language and Translation 9 (1):77-91.
    This study was a Persian-English comparative translation investigation on the selected poems of Forough- Farrokhzad, an influential contemporary Iranian poet. Two English translations were analyzed: one by a native Persian speaker, Sholeh Wolpé, an Iranian poet and translator, and the other by a non-native Persian speaker, Jascha Kessler, an American poet, writer and translator. The translations were reviewed according to Vinay and Darbelnet’s(1995) model which identifies two general translation strategies: direct and oblique, resembling literal versus free (...)
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    Variation on the phoneme /tf/ in a simple of boys and girls, native speakers of Chilean Spanish.Pilar Vivar V., Marisol Henríquez B. & Andrea Cocio S. - 2021 - Alpha (Osorno) 53:293-309.
    Resumen: En la actualidad existe amplia evidencia acerca de la variación alofónica del fonema /tʃ/ en el español de Chile asociada a factores socioculturales; sin embargo, estas investigaciones se han focalizado en la población adulta. Considerando lo anterior, la presente investigación tuvo por objetivo analizar la articulación del fonema /tʃ/ en una muestra de 161 niños/as desde los 2,0 a los 3,11 años de edad residentes de la ciudad de Temuco. La muestra fue dividida según edad y NSE. Entre los (...)
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  27. Solving a Problem:First Year University Students' Difficulty in Listening to Native Speakers of English.Rowles Phillip - 2005 - Fenomenologia. Diálogos Possíveis Campinas: Alínea/Goiânia: Editora da Puc Goiás 5:149-160.
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    Do we always see the forest before the trees? The global precedence effect in English native speakers with Roman and Thai Navon letters.Rebecca Watts & Heather Winskel - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  29. Native over foreign speakers.Elizabeth S. Spelke & Emmanuel Dupoux - unknown
    Infants learn from adults readily and cooperate with them spontaneously, but how do they select culturally appropriate teachers and collaborators? Building on evidence that children demonstrate social preferences for speakers of their native language, Experiment 1 presented 10- month-old infants with videotaped events in which a native and a foreign speaker introduced two different toys. When given a chance to choose between real exemplars of the objects, infants preferentially chose the toy modeled by the native (...). In Experiment 2, 2.5-year-old children were presented with the same videotaped native and foreign speakers, and played a game in which they could offer an object to one of two individuals. Children reliably gave to the native speaker. Together, the results suggest that infants and young children are selective social learners and cooperators, and that language provides one basis for this selectivity. (shrink)
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    Heritage Speakers as Part of the Native Language Continuum.Heike Wiese, Artemis Alexiadou, Shanley Allen, Oliver Bunk, Natalia Gagarina, Kateryna Iefremenko, Maria Martynova, Tatiana Pashkova, Vicky Rizou, Christoph Schroeder, Anna Shadrova, Luka Szucsich, Rosemarie Tracy, Wintai Tsehaye, Sabine Zerbian & Yulia Zuban - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    We argue for a perspective on bilingual heritage speakers as native speakers of both their languages and present results from a large-scale, cross-linguistic study that took such a perspective and approached bilinguals and monolinguals on equal grounds. We targeted comparable language use in bilingual and monolingual speakers, crucially covering broader repertoires than just formal language. A main database was the open-access RUEG corpus, which covers comparable informal vs. formal and spoken vs. written productions by adolescent and adult bilinguals with (...)
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    Sins of omission are more likely to be forgiven in non-native speakers.Sarah Fairchild & Anna Papafragou - 2018 - Cognition 181 (C):80-92.
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    Rey Chow. Not Like a Native Speaker: On Languaging as a Postcolonial Experience. New York: Columbia University Press, 2014. 192 pp. [REVIEW]Sonali Thakkar - 2017 - Critical Inquiry 43 (4):912-914.
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    The “Native English Speaker” as Indigenous Replacement: California English Learner Classification Policies and Settler Grammar Expressions of Immigrant Nationhood.Funie Hsu - 2020 - Educational Studies 56 (3):233-247.
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    Fluent Speakers of a Second Language Process Graspable Nouns Expressed in L2 Like in Their Native Language.Giovanni Buccino, Barbara F. Marino, Chiara Bulgarelli & Marco Mezzadri - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    A Study of Native Spanish Speakers' Writing in English for Teachers.Todd O. Williams - 2003 - Inquiry: The Journal of the Virginia Community Colleges 8 (1).
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    Semantic effects on the perception of emotional prosody in native and non-native Chinese speakers.Cheng Xiao & Jiang Liu - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    While previous research has found an in-group advantage (IGA) favouring native speakers in emotional prosody perception over non-native speakers, the effects of semantics on emotional prosody perception remain unclear. This study investigated the effects of semantics on emotional prosody perception in Chinese words and sentences for native and non-native Chinese speakers. The critical manipulation was the congruence of prosodic (positive, negative) and semantic (positive, negative, and neutral) valence. Participants listened to a series of audio clips and (...)
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    Acoustic Correlates of English Lexical Stress Produced by Chinese Dialect Speakers Compared to Native English Speakers.Xingrong Guo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:796252.
    English second language learners often experience difficulties in producing native-like English lexical stress. It is unknown which acoustic correlates, such as fundamental frequency (F0), duration, and intensity, are the most problematic for Chinese dialect speakers. The present study investigated the prosodic transfer effects of first language (L1) regional dialects on the production of English stress contrasts. Native English speakers (N = 20) and Chinese learners (N = 60) with different dialect backgrounds (Beijing, Changsha, and Guangzhou dialects) produced the (...)
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    The Effect of Chinese Proficiency on Determining Temporal Adverb Position by Native Japanese Speakers Learning Chinese.Katsuo Tamaoka & Jingyi Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:783366.
    The present study aimed to investigate how native Japanese speakers learning Chinese choose preferred positions for temporal adverbs depending on their level of Chinese proficiency. A naturalness judgment task conducted on native Chinese speakers showed that the most natural position for Chinese temporal adverbs was before the subject and that placement after the locative prepositional phrase was incorrect. The same task applied to native Japanese speakers found the most natural position for Japanese temporal adverbs was also before (...)
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    Blind Speakers Show Language-Specific Patterns in Co-Speech Gesture but Not Silent Gesture.Şeyda Özçalışkan, Ché Lucero & Susan Goldin-Meadow - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (3):1001-1014.
    Sighted speakers of different languages vary systematically in how they package and order components of a motion event in speech. These differences influence how semantic elements are organized in gesture, but only when those gestures are produced with speech, not without speech. We ask whether the cross-linguistic similarity in silent gesture is driven by the visuospatial structure of the event. We compared 40 congenitally blind adult native speakers of English or Turkish to 80 sighted adult speakers as they described (...)
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  40. Native Language Attrition or Expansion? Considerations About Lexical Reverse Transfer: A Case Study.Zofia Chłopek - 2024 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 69 (1):459-487.
    A bi- or multilingual repertoire is a complex and dynamic system of languages (Herdina & Jessner, 2002; Herwig, 2001; Larsen-Freeman & Cameron, 2008; Stotz & Cardoso, 2022) which interact with each other and with the conceptual system (Kroll & Stewart, 1994; Pavlenko, 2009). Importantly, fluent and regularly used native languages are not spared from the influence of later acquired non-native ones. The paper presents the results of a case study conducted with a native speaker of Polish (...)
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  41. The native language of social cognition.Elizabeth S. Spelke - unknown
    What leads humans to divide the social world into groups, preferring their own group and disfavoring others? Experiments with infants and young children suggest these tendencies are based on predispo- sitions that emerge early in life and depend, in part, on natural language. Young infants prefer to look at a person who previously spoke their native language. Older infants preferentially accept toys from native-language speakers, and preschool children preferentially select native-language speakers as friends. Variations in accent are (...)
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    Perception of accent in bilingual French/American-English children by native adult speakers.Ranka Bijeljac-Babic, Chloé Lehoucq, Thierry Nazzi & Lionel Granjon - 2021 - Cognition 213 (C):104639.
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    Native Word Order Processing Is Not Uniform: An ERP Study of Verb-Second Word Order.Susan Sayehli, Marianne Gullberg, Aaron J. Newman & Annika Andersson - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Studies of native syntactic processing often target phrase structure violations that do not occur in natural production. In contrast, this study examines how variation in basic word order is processed, looking specifically at structures traditionally labelled as violations but that do occur naturally. We examined Swedish verb-second and verb-third word order processing in adult native Swedish speakers, manipulating sentence-initial adverbials in acceptability judgements, in simultaneously recorded event-related potentials to visually presented sentences and in a written sentence completion task. (...)
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    Musical experience modulates categorical perception of lexical tones in native Chinese speakers.Han Wu, Xiaohui Ma, Linjun Zhang, Youyi Liu, Yang Zhang & Hua Shu - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The Influence of the Pinyin and Zhuyin Writing Systems on the Acquisition of Mandarin Word Forms by Native English Speakers.Rachel Hayes-Harb & Hui-Wen Cheng - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Age of Onset and Dominance in the Choice of Subject Anaphoric Devices: Comparing Natives and Near-Natives of Two Null-Subject Languages.Elisa Di Domenico & Ioli Baroncini - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:379082.
    Several studies have highlighted the role of cross- linguistic influence in determining the over-use of overt subject pronouns in near- native speakers of a null- subject language as Italian. In this work we inquire on the role of other factors, such as age of onset of exposure and dominance with respect to the choice of subject anaphoric devices in two null-subject languages by bilingual speakers. In order to do so we first single out two languages, Italian and Greek, which (...)
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  47. Explicit but Not Implicit Memory Predicts Ultimate Attainment in the Native Language.Miquel Llompart & Ewa Dąbrowska - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The present paper examines the relationship between explicit and implicit memory and ultimate attainment in the native language. Two groups of native speakers of English with different levels of academic attainment (i.e., high vs. low) took part in three language tasks which assessed grammar, vocabulary and collocational knowledge, as well as phonological short-term memory (assessed using a forward digit-span task), explicit associative memory (assessed using a paired-associates task) and implicit memory (assessed using a deterministic serial reaction time task). (...)
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  48. Are cantonese speakers really descriptivists? Revisiting cross-cultural semantics.Barry Lam - 2010 - Cognition 115 (2):320–32.
    In an article in Cognition, Machery, Mallon, Nichols, and Stich [Machery et al., 2004] present data which purports to show that “East Asian” native Cantonese speakers tend to have descriptivist intuitions about the referents of proper names, while “Western” native English speakers tend to have causal-historical intuitions about proper names. Machery et al take this finding to support the view that some intuitions, the universality of which they claim is central to philosophical theories, vary according to cultural background. (...)
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    Deontological issues, language ideologies and reflexivity in linguistics: Native competence ivs/i scientific knowledge?Valelia Muni Toke - 2011 - Pragmatics and Society 2 (2):205-233.
    Given the fact that ‘native’ speakers and linguists both can be considered as experts in language, the specificity of their knowledge of language needs to be described. The reflexive discourses they respectively produce seem to indicate a difference in the perception of temporality and in the capacity of acknowledging ignorance. In this respect, the present paper analyzes two kinds of data: Guidelines produced by linguists acting as experts for language analysis in asylum cases, and elicited interviews collected in the (...)
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    What is French for déjà vu? Descriptions of déjà vu in native French and English speakers.Jonathan Fortier & Chris J. A. Moulin - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 36:12-18.
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