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  1. Stanley Samuel Harakas.Eastern Orthodox Bioethics - 1991 - Theological Developments in Bioethics, 1988-1990 1:85.
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    An Orthodox View of Philanthropy and Church Diaconia.Miltiadis Vantsos & Marina Kiroudi - 2007 - Christian Bioethics 13 (3):251-268.
    According to Orthodox theology, philanthropy refers to the love of God toward man, which man is called to imitate by loving his neighbor as himself. This love consists not just in emotions but requires specific acts of philanthropy toward our fellow man in need. The church, in keeping the commandments of Christ, has developed throughout her history a rich philanthropic work. The diaconia of the church has taken many forms, thus responding to historical change and to the specific human (...)
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    The Orthodox Church and the Transhumanist Ideas on Overcoming Death.Călin Emilian Cira - 2021 - Diakrisis Yearbook of Theology and Philosophy 4:39-45.
    For mankind, death is a great mystery. Throughout history, numerous opinions about death have been issued, in search of its cause, and many ways and means to defeat it have been attempted. Recent scientific developments have not stayed back from the challenge of studying biological life and attempting technological solutions to help people reach an advanced age that is not subject to decrepitude, and perhaps even to achieve immortality. This idea is also present in the transhumanist movement that aims to (...)
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    Orthodox ethic and the spirit of socialism: Towards substantiation of the hypothesis.Ivan Vladimirovic-Zabaev - 2012 - Filozofija I Društvo 23 (1):1-20.
    The article traces possible channels of influence of a religious factor on the formation of a specific Russian version of socialism. Using the logics of the M. Weber?s work?The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism?, I. Zabaev reveals the categories that played a dominating role in the people?s consciousness in the pre-revolutionary Russia. According to his conclusion, these categories were?obedience? and?resignation?. It was obedience and resignation that assured the salvation of an Orthodox person. In everyday life such orientations (...)
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    Orthodox Church in the Arab World 700–1700: An Anthology of Sources. Edited by Samuel Noble and Alexander Treiger.Herman Teule - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 136 (4).
    The Orthodox Church in the Arab World 700–1700: An Anthology of Sources. Edited by Samuel Noble and Alexander Treiger. Orthodox Christian Studies. Dekalb, Ill.: Northern Illinois University Press, 2014. Pp. viii + 375. $35.
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    Eastern Orthodox Agreement and Disagreement with Kenneth Collins and Jerry Walls.Gary Hartenburg - 2020 - Perichoresis 18 (5):39-54.
    In their book, Roman but Not Catholic, Kenneth Collins and Jerry Walls make the case that certain beliefs central to the Roman Catholic faith are unreasonable. This article evaluates, from the point of view of Eastern Orthodoxy, some of the arguments Collins and Walls make. In particular, it argues first that Collins and Walls are correct to criticize John Henry Newman’s theory of the development of doctrine as a reason to accept otherwise insufficiently supported Catholic doctrines. Secondly, it offers some (...)
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    What is Orthodox Christian Medicine?Alexander Nedostup - 2011 - Studies in Christian Ethics 24 (4):441-448.
    The term ‘Orthodox Christian medicine’ has become so customary among believers in Russia that the concept behind it is rarely questioned. However, it is worth articulating both for the sake of the profession and for the benefit of patients whether such a phrase is at all meaningful and if so what exactly it stands for. The following analysis, based on a public lecture, draws on the personal experience and reflections of a practicing GP and cardiologist who is also the (...)
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    Russian Orthodox Theological Anthropology of the Twentieth Century.Fr Vladimir Shmaliy - 2009 - Faith and Philosophy 26 (5):628-646.
    Russian Orthodoxy during the twentieth century presented a rich and varied body of thought about the nature of humanity and the human condition. This article surveys the major thinkers within this tradition, beginning with its background in the Slavophile movement and culminating in the work of more recent Orthodox thinkers such as Sergei Bulgakov, Georges Florovsky, Vladimir Lossky, and Alexander Schmemann.
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    Orthodox Christian Healthcare Ministry amidst the Tensions of Ecumenism.Stavros Kofinas - 2003 - Christian Bioethics 9 (1):39-55.
    The paradoxes of globalization and the efforts toward the establishment of a consolidated healthcare ministry have caused tensions while affording the possibility for true ecumenical dialogue. As today's societies become more pluralistic, Orthodox Christian healthcare ministry finds itself amongst these paradoxes and tensions. The content of Orthodox healthcare chaplaincy, which is centered in its Eucharistic expression, maintains a sense of catholicity and unity. This though differs from a “psychological” understanding of pastoral care, which has developed. Therefore, there is (...)
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  10.  18
    The Orthodox Church of Ukraine at the intersection of social narratives: conflict of interpretations.Yuriі Boreiko - 2020 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 91:110-126.
    The article explores the semantic potential of social narratives associated with the creation and constitution of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, which caused a interpretations conflict, marked by conflicting interpretations and differences in meanings that are applied in different contexts. The narrative arranges events in a certain time sequence, accumulates and translates meanings, individual and social experience. The presence of meanings in the interpretation of the narrative depends on the perspective, interpretation horizons and the subject's ability to analyze information (...)
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    (1 other version)Romanian Orthodox elementary denominational schools in Transylvania (1868–1921).Paul Brusanowski - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):8.
    This article presents the development of elementary schools supported by the Orthodox Church in Transylvania between 1868 and 1921. Until 1918, Transylvania belonged to Hungary. In 1918, it was united with the Kingdom of Romania. As Hungary was a particularly complex state in ethnic and confessional terms before 1918, the school system developed under the coordination and financing of the churches. The government intended to gradually replace them with schools run by communities or state. It was not until the (...)
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  12.  9
    Christianisme orthodoxe, athéisme soviétique et pratiques « animistes » du monde Russisé.Jean-Luc Lambert - 2004 - Diogène 205 (1):22-35.
    Résumé En Russie, un monothéisme – le christianisme orthodoxe – et l’athéisme dans sa version marxiste ont successivement été des systèmes de rites et de représentations d’État. Plutôt que de les opposer terme à terme, cet article propose de faire intervenir un troisième terme : les systèmes religieux locaux des minorités animistes de Russie. On examine comment le christianisme et l’athéisme ont l’un après l’autre tenté de s’implanter sur ces terrains, tout en prenant également en compte les réactions qu’ils ont (...)
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  13.  50
    Orthodox Jewish perspectives on withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining treatment.Goedele Baeke, Jean-Pierre Wils & Bert Broeckaert - 2011 - Nursing Ethics 18 (6):835-846.
    The Jewish religious tradition summons its adherents to save life. For religious Jews preservation of life is the ultimate religious commandment. At the same time Jewish law recognizes that the agony of a moribund person may not be stretched. When the time to die has come this has to be respected. The process of dying should not needlessly be prolonged. We discuss the position of two prominent Orthodox Jewish authorities – the late Rabbi Moshe Feinstein and Rabbi J David (...)
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  14.  14
    Orthodox "adjornamento": problems and prospects.Arsen Marchyschak - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 66:467-476.
    The third millennium set new requirements for the Orthodox Church, the decision of which depends on its role and place in the future. The question is whether the Church will be really catholic, universal or remain purely local. New demands of a modern man put Orthodoxy in a dilemma - whether to preserve traditionally conservative status, but whether to go through the adaptation of believers and to the requirements of modern times, as it did, for example, the Roman Catholic (...)
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    Orthodox actors and equal opportunities policies in the Republic of Moldova in the context of the transformation of post-Soviet societies.Anastasia V. Mitrofanova - 2019 - Approaching Religion 9 (1–2).
    This article examines how the key Orthodox actors in Moldova have reacted to challenging equal opportunities legislation. The author suggests, on the basis of an economic approach to religion, that under the conditions of a deregulated religious market they use various strategies to promote their agendas. The Moldovan Orthodox Church, autonomous within the Russian Orthodox Church, previously relied on making private bargains with the government; but this policy ended with the adoption of the 2013 Law on Ensuring (...)
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    Orthodox violence: “Critique of Violence” and Walter Benjamin's Jewish political theology.Udi E. Greenberg1 - 2008 - History of European Ideas 34 (3):324-333.
    This paper deals with the role of Judaism in Walter Benjamin's famous 1921 essay on violence and law, Zur Kritik der Gewalt. Despite the intense attention devoted to this essay, the role of Jewish myth in it has not yet been thoroughly explained. This study contends that the association between what Benjamin termed revolutionary violence and the Jewish messianic tradition, which plays a central role in the evaluation of Benjamin's text, is far more problematic than has hitherto been assumed, and (...)
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    Orthodox Christian Approach to the Bible.Elena Ene D.-Vasilescu - 2009 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 26 (1):40-44.
    The most common understanding of Orthodox Christianity and the attitude of its members to the Bible is that they do not read it critically. This brief article attempts to address this issue and to show that the view expressed above is a misunderstanding. In doing so, it will touch on the role of Tradition in interpreting the Bible and will also discuss the method used in such an endeavour.
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    The orthodox liturgical year and its theological structure.Dan A. Streza - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-8.
    The concept of 'liturgical year' indicates a reference to the meaning of the measuring units of civil time, and especially to the cosmic entities that determine the general rhythm of time - the sun and the moon. Interestingly, the liturgical time depends both on the structure of civil time, and, on the two discrete systems of the solar and lunar cycles, which have always been underpinnings of time measuring. The special importance and influence that the cosmical rhythms exert on the (...)
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  19.  35
    Marxisme orthodoxe ou marxisme occidental? La réception de Lukács en France dans les années 1940 et 1950.Alix Bouffard & Alexandre Feron - 2021 - Actuel Marx 69 (1):11-27.
    En France, Lukács est considéré aussi bien comme un représentant de l’orthodoxie marxiste que comme un auteur subversif fondateur de la tradition du marxisme hétérodoxe. Cet article revient sur la genèse de cette appréciation ambivalente, qui trouve ses sources dans les années 1940 et 1950. C’est durant ces années que s’élaborent les cadres et présupposés de la réception française de son œuvre, à travers une série d’épisodes dont les enjeux sont à la fois théoriques, éditoriaux et politiques : l’intervention de (...)
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    Vladimir Solovyov and Orthodox Natural Theology.Harry James Moore - 2024 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 66 (3):330-362.
    This paper examines the work of one of Russia’s greatest philosophers, Vladimir Solovyov (1853–1900), from the perspective of natural theology and attempts to distil the original natural theological arguments which we find in his work. Solovyov’s arguments are rarely presented in clarity or with a detailed critical analysis. The current paper thus hopes to offer some amendment to this unfortunate deficiency in the secondary literature. It will become evident that Solovyov’s relation to natural theology contained two distinct layers. There is, (...)
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  21.  11
    Neo-Orthodox Epistemology: Three Steps Away from Greece.Michael Arvanitopoulos - 2022 - Philotheos 22 (1):63-94.
    If there is one pivotal epistemological issue the Eastern and the Western Christian churches have agreed upon, this must be the understanding that God’s essence is inherently and conclusively unavailable to humans. This settlement is based on the shared assumption that there is no possible mode of accessing this or any essence, other than either from objective or subjective knowl­edge. Neo-Orthodoxy has preserved the heritage of Pateric apophaticism and has built upon the shared assumption its own, ecclesial accessibility instead to (...)
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  22.  22
    Orthodox arrangement of the Pochaiv Lavra in the second third of the XIX century.Ella Volodymyrivna Bystrytska - 2021 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 92:13-41.
    : A series of imperial decrees of the 1820s ordering the establishment of a Greco-Uniate Theological Collegium and appropriate consistories contributed to the spread of the autocratic synodal system of government and the establishment of control over Greek Uniate church institutions in the annexed territories of Right-Bank Ukraine. As a result, the Greco-Uniate Church was put on hold in favor of the government's favorable grounds for the rapid localization of its activities. Basilian accusations of supporting the Polish November Uprising of (...)
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  23.  36
    Orthodox Christian Bioethics.G. Eber - 1995 - Christian Bioethics 1 (2):128-152.
    We cannot ignore the multitude of differences in Christian doctrines. There are more and more divisions and autogenetic beginnings. In talking about religion, we cannot ignore these differences, especially when we are trying to help the seeker. Neither can we ignore these differences when we talk about medical ethics. Care demands that we address both religious and medical issues. We must not, however, attempt to formulate a new religious bioethics in the context of any failure to address the differences and (...)
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  24.  13
    Orthodox violence: “Critique of Violence” and Walter Benjamin's Jewish political theology.Udi E. Greenberg - 2008 - History of European Ideas 34 (3):324-333.
    This paper deals with the role of Judaism in Walter Benjamin's famous 1921 essay on violence and law, Zur Kritik der Gewalt. Despite the intense attention devoted to this essay, the role of Jewish myth in it has not yet been thoroughly explained. This study contends that the association between what Benjamin termed revolutionary violence and the Jewish messianic tradition, which plays a central role in the evaluation of Benjamin's text, is far more problematic than has hitherto been assumed, and (...)
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    The Orthodox Church and the Minority Cults in Inter-War Romania (1918-1940).Ioan Vasile Leb - 2002 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 1 (3):131-141.
    In the context of the Union of Greater Romania, a problem specific to the development of the Romanian society and of the re-united national state was the regulation of the status or the varied religious cults. It is well known that under the Older Romanian Kingdom, the Orthodoxy was a state religion. The other cults – Lutheran, Catholic, Mosaic, and Moslem – represented small numbers of believers and had not been regulated under the law; they were tolerated. Following the Union (...)
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    Orthodox theological understanding of church-state relations in Ukraine at the time of development of Media and Information Technology.Iurii Kovalenko - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 74:197-211.
    Iurii Kovalenko.Orthodox theological understanding of church-state relations in Ukraine at the time of development of Media and Information Technology. The author, who for many years was the press-secretary to the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, considers continuity UOC position on the principles of church-state relations and their genesis in accordance with the socio-political processes taking place in Ukraine, the development of media and information technology.
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  27. Orthodox Rational Choice Contractarianism: Before and After Gauthier.Michael Moehler - 2016 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 15 (2):113-131.
    In a recent article, Gauthier rejects orthodox rational choice contractarianism in favor of a revisionist approach to the social contract that, according to him, justifies his principle of maximin proportionate gain as a principle of distributive justice. I agree with Gauthier that his principle of maximin proportionate gain cannot be justified by orthodox rational choice contractarianism. I argue, however, that orthodox rational choice contractarianism, before and after Gauthier, is still a viable approach to the social contract, although (...)
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    Orthodox justification of collective violence: An epistemological and systematic framework.Marian G. Simion - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):11.
    Using a religious studies methodology, this paper offers a detailed contextual mapping and a structural configuration of how collective violence is justified in Orthodox Christianity. The research design is explanatory, whereby the functional perspectives of doctrine, ethics and worship are all investigated and probed as phenomena of lived religion and orthopraxy. While predominantly initiatory and pedagogical, the paper also proposes a systematic platform for advanced research on this subject, by flagging contexts, themes and areas of inquiry that a researcher (...)
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    Orthodox Christian Bioethics: Some Foundational Differences from Western Christian Bioethics.H. Tristram Engelhardt - 2011 - Studies in Christian Ethics 24 (4):487-499.
    Just as the physics of Newton and Einstein are separated by foundationally different paradigms, so that key terms such as time, space, mass, and energy have different meanings in the different physics, this is also the case with respect to the various Christianities. Given different theological frameworks, the ‘same term’ can have different extensions and intensions. This essay explores the implications of the differences in the theological paradigm shaping Orthodox Christianity in contrast to Western Christianity, in particular Roman Catholicism, (...)
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    How an Orthodox Accusation Became a Source of Inspiration for Congar's pneumatology.Pablo Arteaga - 2019 - New Blackfriars 100 (1089):526-537.
    The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that due to, the so-called "accusation of Christomonism" made especially by the Orthodox observers during the Vatican II sessions, the pneumatology of French theologian Yves Congar proceeded to develop in a way that would have never happened without such a reproach. We will go through the accusation itself, its theological consequences, and then we will study the direct and indirect responses of Congar. Was Congar even aware of the effects that this (...)
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    The price of prophecy: Orthodox churches on peace, freedom, and security.Alexander F. C. Webster - 1995 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co..
    "As Eastern Europe struggles to emerge from its communist past, the public moral witness of its Orthodox Churches has assumed a special importance for those seeking a truly just world order. Yet few Americans know what these vast and ancient Christian bodies stand for, especially on crucial issues of freedom, human rights, and war and peace. In this compelling look at the Orthodox Churches in Russia, Ukraine, Romania, and the United States, Alexander F. C. Webster mines the primary (...)
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    Orthodox Wonder.Richard L. Harp - 1991 - The Chesterton Review 17 (1):33-45.
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    An Orthodox Perspective on Political Theology.Iuliu-Marius Morariu - 2018 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 17 (49):153-157.
    Review of Kristina Stoeckl, Ingeborg Gabriel, Aristotle Papanikolau, eds., Political Theologies in Orthodox Christianity. Common Challenges – Divergent Positions,, Edinburgh: T&T Clark and Bloomberg, 2017.
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    Orthodox Christianity and War.Jovan Babić - 2021 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (11):39-57.
    The subject of this article is the Orthodox Christianity’s approach to war. Christians of other denomination have developed an elaborate theory of war, so-called “Just War Theory” (JWT), which has also been accepted by non-Christians and even secular thinkers regarding the nature and justification of war. A vast literature has been produced in a dire attempt to render perfect the world by insisting on the claim that war is the act of punishment for breaking the law. The result is (...)
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    Unorthodox confession, orthodox conscience: aesthetic authority in the underground.Sharon Lubkemann Allen - 2007 - Studies in East European Thought 59 (1):65-85.
    Dostoevskij’s underground parody of confession paradoxically recovers an Orthodox morality by constructing an unorthodox model of authority and authorship. The authenticity and authority of underground discourse are both contingent on self-conscious parody, which also mediates Orthodox community or sobornost’. This essay critically reconsiders ethical, aesthetic and cultural dimensions of the self-conscious interpolation of literary and religious discourses in Dostoevskij’s Notes from Underground. Arguing with and against Bakhtinian readings, it re-examines the underground narrator’s secularized, Romanticized sensibilities, cynical critique of (...)
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    Time’s Direction and Orthodox Quantum Mechanics: Time Symmetry and Measurement.Cristian Lopez - 2022 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 53 (4):421-440.
    It has been argued that measurement-induced collapses in Orthodox Quantum Mechanics generates an intrinsic (or built-in) quantum arrow of time. In this paper, I critically assess this proposal. I begin by distinguishing between an intrinsic and non-intrinsic arrow of time. After presenting the proposal of a collapse-based arrow of time in some detail, I argue, first, that any quantum arrow of time in Orthodox Quantum Mechanics is non-intrinsic since it depends on external information about the measurement context, and (...)
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  37. On Orthodox Panentheism.Jeremiah Carey - forthcoming - Religious Studies.
    Panentheism is the position that the world is in some sense ‘in’ God, and God ‘in’ the world, without the world being identical to God. Thus, it tries, like what I call mainstream theism and against pan- theism, to protect the transcendence of God, while giving greater emphasis to his immanence in creation than the former. I aim to explicate an approach that I call Orthodox Panentheism. The word ‘orthodox’ is to be read in two ways. First, the (...)
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    Christian Orthodox political philosophy: a theological approach.Paulos M. Kyprianou - 2023 - Jordanville, New York: Holy Trinity Seminary Press.
    The Church is commonly spoken of as an institutional reality, but much less frequently recognized as a spiritual and heavenly reality called by God " to make disciples of all nations." (Mt. 28:19) This modest work furthers the development of a structured and integrated Christian Orthodox political thought, whereby the Church is neither sidelined as having no relevance to this present life, nor dominated by temporal questions or popular movements at the expense of its eternal salvific mission. The author (...)
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    An Orthodox Historicism?Jack A. Bonsor - 1990 - Philosophy and Theology 4 (4):335-350.
    This essay suggests the possible form of an orthodox historicism. The essay begins by examining the historicism of Heidegger and Gadamer. It then proposes how a theology might appear which places the faith in conversation with this historicism.
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    Orthodox Christianity and gender through a religion-as-lived perspective.Ruth Illman - 2020 - Approaching Religion 10 (2).
    Book review of Kupari, Helena, and Elina Vuola, 2020. Orthodox Christianity and Gender. Dynamics of Tradition, Culture and Lived Practice.Routledge Studies in Religion. Open access publication: 214 pp.
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    Orthodox Christian Philosophy in Byzantium.John P. Anton & B. N. Tatakis - 1956 - Journal of Philosophy 53 (11):366.
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    Orthodox Christianity, Soviet Atheism and 'Animist' Practices in the Russianized World.Jean-Luc Lambert - 2005 - Diogenes 52 (1):21-31.
    In Russia a monotheism - Orthodox Christianity - and atheism in its Marxist version have succeeded each other as state systems of rites and representations. Rather than contrasting one with the other, term with term, this paper proposes to bring in a third term: the local religious systems of Russia’s animist minorities. We examine how Christianity and atheism tried one after the other to get established there and also consider the reactions they encountered. The analysis as planned is undertaken (...)
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    Most Orthodox Empire?Moritz Maurer - 2024 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 144 (1):63-82.
    This article explores a specific case of premodern social thought, the Middle Persian Zoroastrian system of estates, MP pēšagān, sg. pēšag, which originated in Sasanian Iran, and its link to the social position of priests in the empire. It is argued that Zoroastrian religious experts tried to impose a totalizing system of social organization and heuristic possibility in a situation characterized by competition for resources in a tributary society. Against a widely held belief, it will be shown that this system (...)
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    The Addition of Orthodox Voices to (Western) Political Theology.Jonathan Cole - 2020 - Studies in Christian Ethics 33 (4):549-564.
    This review article examines the recent and welcome addition of Orthodox voices to a politico-theological discourse that has long been dominated by Catholic and Protestant perspectives. The value of Orthodox political theology to wider ecumenical discussion of politics and theology rests in the unique insights it is able to bring to common questions, such as the Orthodox Church’s place and role in liberal democracies, by virtue of its unique political contexts (post-Communism, Byzantine historical legacy) and theological paradigms (...)
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    The glocalizations of Eastern Orthodox Christianity.Victor Roudometof - 2013 - European Journal of Social Theory 16 (2):226-245.
    This article introduces the notion of multiple glocalizations as a means of analysing Christianity’s historical record and argues that multiple glocalizations are constitutive of the intertwining between religion and historical globalization. It proposes that four concrete forms of glocalization can be observed: vernacularization, indigenization, nationalization and transnationalization. Each of these offers different combinations of universal religiosity and local particularism. The salience of this interpretation is demonstrated through a cursory analysis of the historical record of Christianity’s fragmentation. It is argued that (...)
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  46. Does orthodox quantum theory undermine, or support, scientific realism?Nicholas Maxwell - 1994 - Philosophical Quarterly 44 (171):139-157.
    It is usually taken for granted that orthodox quantum theory poses a serious problem for scientific realism, in that the theory is empirically extraordinarily successful, and yet has instrumentalism built into it. This paper stand this view on its head. I argue that orthodox quantum theory suffers from a number of serious (if not always noticed) defects precisely because of its inbuilt instrumentalism. This defective character of orthdoox quantum theory thus undermines instrumentalism, and supports scientific realism. I go (...)
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    From Orthodox Messianism to the Doctrine of the "World Revolution": Continuity or a Radical Break with the Past?Tatsiana Gerardovna Rumyantseva - 2021 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 25 (2):328-339.
    In the 16th century, Moscow proclaimed itself to be the the third Rome and discovered the special way or Russian Orthodox Messianism doctrine. Since the mid-nineteenth century, the idea of Russia's unique global historical role went beyond exclusively church discussions, and the idea of Moscow as the Third Rome acquired an important place in the structure of imperial ideology. Even after a break with the past, after the 1917 October Revolution, the country did not abandon the idea of Messianism, (...)
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    Orthodox Perspectives on In Vitro Fertilization in Russia.Roman Tarabrin - 2020 - Christian Bioethics 26 (2):177-204.
    The views on in vitro fertilization within Russian Orthodox Christian society are diverse. One reason for that variation is the ambiguity found in “The Basis of the Social Concept,” the document issued in 2000 by the Russian Orthodox Church and considered to be the primary guidelines for determining the Church’s stance on bioethics. This essay explores how the treatment of infertility reconciles with the Orthodox Christian faith and what methods of medical assistance for infertility may be appropriate (...)
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    Die orthodoxe Kirche des Ostens im Spiegel der deutschen evangelischen Kirchenzeitungen während der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts.Wilhelm Kahle - 1960 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 12 (3):219-241.
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    Uniate /vs./ Orthodox: What Lays behind the Conflict? A conflict analysis.Delia Despina Dumitrica - 2002 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 1 (3):99-114.
    The current paper investigates the Romanian Uniate/ Orthodox conflict from the perspective of peace and conflict studies, making use of an interpretation of Johan Galtung’s conflict theory and his proposed analysis tools. The aims are to contribute to a more comprehensive and multilateral understanding of this conflict in a wider context than the ideological one and hopefully to suggest some of the means of attenuating the conflict.
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