Results for ' Perfection in literature'

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  1.  43
    Perfect Friendship: Studies in Literature and Moral Philosophy From Boccaccio to Corneille.Ullrich Langer - 1994 - Librairie Droz.
    I am grateful to the National Endowment for the Humanities for a year-long fellowship that enabled me to write major portions of this book; ...
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    Longing for perfection in late antiquity: studies on journeys between ideal and reality in pagan and Christian literature.Johan Leemans, Geert Roskam & Peter van Deun (eds.) - 2023 - Boston: Brill.
    How on Earth can Humans be perfect? The striving for perfection has always occupied a central place in ancient Greek culture. This dynamics urged the Greeks on to surpass themselves in different fields, from sculpture and architecture over athletics to philosophy. In this volume, an international group of scholars examines how the ideal of perfection was conceived and pursued in Late Antiquity, both within philosophical circles and Christianity. Their studies yield a fascinating panorama of various attempts to bridge (...)
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    The Politics of Perfection: Technology and Creation in Literature and Film.Kimberly Hurd Hale - 2016 - Lexington Books.
    This book explores the relationship between modern technological progress and classical liberalism. The compatibility of classical liberalism and technology is questioned, using fiction and film as a window into Western society’s views on politics, economics, religion, technology, and the family.
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    Text, Image, and the Problem with Perfection in Nineteenth-Century France: Utopia and Its Afterlife by Daniel Sipe.Barbara Giraud - 2017 - Utopian Studies 28 (2):362-363.
    This book investigates the turning point that occurred in the middle of nineteenth-century France when utopia shifted from its literary ambitions to a social-scientific concept aimed at laying the grounds for a better, fairer society. By using passions as the central focus, the author's aim is to circumscribe what he calls the utopian "afterlife" that characterizes fin de siècle France and evolved as dystopia later on in the twentieth century. Indeed, the scope of the book runs through a corpus representing (...)
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    The Soul’s Process of Perfection in al-Fārābī's Philosophy.Rıza Tevfik Kalyoncu - 2024 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 9 (2):1733-1768.
    This article provides a reading of al-Fārābī's (d. 950) thought on the soul in the context of the theory of perfection. Although al-Fārābī's theory of the soul has been the subject of various studies and the importance of the subject of perfection in al-Fārābī's philosophy has been revealed, how this subject pervades al-Fārābī's narrative and philosophy in general has not been shown in detail through texts with a phenomenological approach. With phenomenological approach here, the article aims to analyze (...)
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    The rhetorical function of the perfect in classical greek.Arjan Amor Nijk - 2013 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 157 (2):237-262.
    The aim of this article is both to make a contribution towards a fuller understanding of the use of the perfect in Classical Greek, and to show how this understanding can yield new insights into how a speaker uses language to adapt his presentation of past events to his present rhetorical concerns. First, the semantic value of the perfect and its different basic uses are described. Second, four principles that help accounting for the variation between the perfect and aorist are (...)
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    Forms in Early Modern Utopia: The Ethnography of Perfection by Nina Chordas.Jill Buttery - 2016 - Utopian Studies 27 (2):373-376.
    In her book Forms in Early Modern Utopia: The Ethnography of Perfection, Nina Chordas challenges the idea that early modern utopia literature is a fictional literary genre. She argues that utopia literature should be considered a conglomeration of genres with a hybrid life, that is, as both fiction and real-life phenomenon in the early modern period. Her aim is to show that the development of utopia as a genre in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries was a response (...)
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    Achieving perfection with the buddhist faith: a probe into the matter-of-fact attitude in research on religious funerary documents in China.Lizhi Xing - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (spe2):149-156.
    : In Research on Religious Funerary Documents in China, the author studies the religious funerary documents used at funerals for more than two thousand years from the Warring-States period to the present with the truth-seeking and objective attitudes. Besides some criticisms and reasonable doubts, he points out that the previous articles present a somewhat lopsided view with prejudice when the scholars interpret the existing literature. He further explores the underlying implications of the archaeological materials based on studying large numbers (...)
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    Literature in Mind: H. G. Wells and the Evolution of the Mad Scientist.Anne Stiles - 2009 - Journal of the History of Ideas 70 (2):317-339.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Literature in MindH. G. Wells and the Evolution of the Mad ScientistAnne StilesIn 1893, H. G. Wells's article "Man of the Year Million" dramatically predicted the distant evolutionary future of mankind:The descendents of man will nourish themselves by immersion in nutritive fluid. They will have enormous brains, liquid, soulful eyes, and large hands, on which they will hop. No craggy nose will they have, no vestigial ears; their (...)
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    Being Perfect: Lawrence, Sartre, and "Women in Love".T. H. Adamowski - 1975 - Critical Inquiry 2 (2):345-368.
    To compare a novel to a work of philosophy is, admittedly, a risky exercise in analogy. When the novelist is Lawrence and the philosophical text is the ponderous and dialectical Being and Nothingness, such a comparison may seem willfully perverse and peculiarly open, insofar as it deals with Lawrence's great theme of sexuality, to his anathema of "sex in the head." Furthermore, modern criticism, especially in the Anglo-Saxon world, has tended to be wary of critical approaches that lean on notions (...)
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  11.  38
    The perfect surprise: a new analysis in dynamic epistemic logic.Leander Vignero & Lorenz Demey - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (3):341-362.
    In this article, we present a new logical framework to think about surprise. This research does not just aim to better understand, model and predict human behaviour, but also attempts to provide tools for implementing artificial agents. Moreover, these artificial agents should then also be able to reap the same epistemic benefits from surprise as humans do. We start by discussing the dominant literature regarding propositional surprise and explore its shortcomings. These shortcomings are of both an empirical and a (...)
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  12. The Burdens of Perfection: On Ethics and Reading in Nineteenth-Century British Literature[REVIEW]Andrew Miller - 2009 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 38 (2):231-235.
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    With a Diamond in His Shoe: Reflections on Jorge J. E. Gracia’s Quest for Self-Perfection.Peter A. Redpath - 2021 - Studia Gilsoniana 10 (4):997–1029.
    Jorge J. E. Gracia, was born in Cuba in 1942. At age 19, he escaped Cuba and arrived in the United States. In 2019, 58 years later, in a nation which, prior to his arrival in North America, had no major Latino cultural presence in higher education and philosophy, Gracia rose to hold the Samuel P. Capen Chair and State University of New York at Buffalo Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Comparative Literature. In this position, he became the leading (...)
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  14.  27
    Universes Without Us: Posthuman Cosmologies in American Literature.Matthew A. Taylor - 2013 - London: Univ of Minnesota Press.
    During the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, a wide variety of American writers proposed the existence of energies connecting human beings to cosmic processes. From varying points of view--scientific, philosophical, religious, and literary--they suggested that such energies would eventually result in the perfection of individual and collective bodies, assuming that assimilation into larger networks of being meant the expansion of humanity's powers and potentialities--a belief that continues to inform much posthumanist theory today. Universes without Us explores a lesser-known countertradition (...)
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    The perfect story: Anecdote and exemplarity in Linnaeus and Blumenberg.Paul Fleming - 2011 - Thesis Eleven 104 (1):72-86.
    Hans Blumenberg’s work is characterized by a seemingly insatiable predilection for anecdotes — about Thales and Pyrrhus, Goethe and Fontane, Husserl and Wittgenstein, Polgar and Jünger. This essay explores the theoretical status of anecdotes by juxtaposing Carl Linnaeus’s Nemesis Divina with Blumenberg’s Care Crosses the River, both read alongside Aristotle’s notion of exemplarity and Joel Fineman’s delineation of the anecdote as the literary-historical form for expressing contingency. As a mode of thought at the nexus of literature and experience, anecdotes (...)
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  16.  30
    Theology (Kalām) in Terms of al-Fārābī’s Metaphysics of Perfection.Rıza Tevfik Kalyoncu - 2023 - Kader 21 (1):246-269.
    This article is about the place of kalām (theology) within the general structure of al-Fārābī's metaphysics. In this framework, the article consists of two parts. The first part examines the position of metaphysics within the framework of al-Fārābī's idea of perfection. In the second part, a close reading of al-Fārābī's al-Ibāna ʿan ġarażi Arisṭuṭālīs fī kitābi mā baʿda al-ṭabīʿa is made and al-Fārābī's approach to the theoretical aspect of theology within the theory of milla is analyzed. Since al-Fārābī's theories (...)
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    Different Voices, Perfect Storms, and Asking Grandma What She Thinks: Situating Experimental Philosophy in Relation to Feminist Philosophy.Gaile Pohlhaus - 2015 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 1 (1):1-24.
    At first glance it might appear that experimental philosophers and feminist philosophers would make good allies. Nonetheless, experimental philosophy has received criticism from feminist fronts, both for its methodology and for some of its guiding assumptions. Adding to this critical literature, I raise questions concerning the ways in which “differences” in intuitions are employed in experimental philosophy. Specifically, I distinguish between two ways in which differences in intuitions might play a role in philosophical practice, one which puts an end (...)
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    Practical Applications of the Perfection of Wisdom Sūtra and Madhyamaka in the Kālacakra Tantric Tradition.Vesna A. Wallace - 2013 - In Steven M. Emmanuel (ed.), A Companion to Buddhist Philosophy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 164–179.
    The Kālacakra tradition positions itself in the philosophical system of Madhyamaka, from whose perspective it criticizes the doctrinal tenets of Hindu philosophical schools and of Buddhist schools other than Madhyamaka. The concept of emptiness is the most essential tenet of the Kālacakratantra practice. Before analyzing the practical applications of the doctrine of emptiness in the Kālacakra tantric tradition, it may be useful to examine first the ways in which emptiness is defined and explained in this tantric system. Diverse manners of (...)
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  19. Imperfect men in perfect societies: Human nature in utopia.Gorman Beauchamp - 2007 - Philosophy and Literature 31 (2):280-293.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Imperfect Men in Perfect Societies:Human Nature in UtopiaGorman BeauchampIUtopists view man as a product of his social environment. Nothing innate in the psychic make-up of man—no inherent flaw in his nature, no inheritance of original sin—prevents his being perfected, or at least radically ameliorated, once the social structure that shapes character can be properly reordered. Utopists, in short, deny that there is such a thing as "human nature"—if, as (...)
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  20.  18
    The controversy over dilettantism and its reflection in czech decadent literature.J. Stanek - 2007 - Estetika: The Central European Journal of Aestetics; Until 2008: Estetika (Aesthetics) 44 (1-4).
    The article concentrates on a key concept of the Fin de Siecle in Europe – namely, “dilettantism” and its connection with Czech Decadent literature. Dilettantism, as explained by Paul Bourget in his essay on Ernest Renan , is characterized by the individual’s refusal to forego any possible experience by adhering to a setmode of life. The “dilettante critic” originates in the idea of the “critic as artist” as developed by Oscar Wilde, who in turn is indebted to Pater’s conception (...)
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    Cervantes in Italy: Christian Humanism and the Visual Impact of Renaissance Rome.Fernando Cervantes - 2005 - Journal of the History of Ideas 66 (3):325-350.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Cervantes in Italy:Christian Humanism and the Visual Impact of Renaissance RomeFernando CervantesToward the end of 1569, shortly after his twenty-second birthday, Miguel de Cervantes arrived in Rome to serve as chamberlain to the young monsignor Giulio de Acquaviva, soon to be made a cardinal by Pope Pius V.1 The event marked the beginning of a six-year sojourn about which surprisingly little is known with certainty. From scattered semiautobiographical references (...)
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    The Search for Perfect Science in the West.Patrick A. Heelan - 1968 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 43 (2):165-186.
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    Were Huxley’s social views constituted by his biological work, and vice versa? Progress, perfection, & social values in Julian Huxley’s biological worldview.Alison K. McConwell - 2025 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 47 (1):1-28.
    While Julian S. Huxley’s role in the Eugenics Society is well known, the ways in which his scientific research program intimately intertwined with his broader social views is sometimes overlooked. This paper analyzes Huxley’s earlier and later research centering Individual (1912) and Modern Synthesis (1942) as two case studies in the context of his larger body of work. There currently exists much exceptional literature on Huxley, which is incorporated and reviewed as much as possible. That literature explores the (...)
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  24.  39
    What is a perfect gas mixture?S. Le Vent - 2001 - Foundations of Chemistry 3 (3):227-239.
    The definition of a perfect gas mixture varies substantially within the chemistry textbook literature. A recent International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) definition is here criticised as being insufficient to cover properties traditionally associated with such mixtures. Possible supplements to the definition to rectify the deficiency are considered. An alternative definition in molecular terms is shown to be comprehensive. The paper should serve as a summary of the properties of a perfect gas mixture and of essential components (...)
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    The perfect Torah.Jacob Neusner - 2003 - Boston: Brill.
    That is addressed by the construction of large exemplary structures of comparison and contrast in the shank of the book.
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  26. On the functions of metrical dualism in M. Tsvetayeva’s verse on the basis of the poem “How perfectly deceitful life is ….” (1922).Vadim Semenov - 2012 - Sign Systems Studies 40 (1-2):231-242.
    The article discusses the notion of metrical dualism as a phenomenon of the reader’s perception of verse. The author analyzes the prosody and metrics of Marina Tsvetayeva’s poems “Неподражаемо лжет жизнь” (“How perfectly deceitful life is ….”, 1922). However, the aim of this study is not to interpret the metre of Tsvetayeva’s verse, but rather to obtain a model of reading verse and thus show how the reader’s perception of metre changes. Thus, the author consciously has not considered the metric (...)
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    Anatomy of a Ḍākinī: Female Consort Discourse in a Case of Fourteenth-Century Tibetan Buddhist Literature.Kali Cape - 2021 - Journal of Dharma Studies 3 (2):349-371.
    In the wake of the brave voices of the #metoo movement, Buddhist responses to sexual abuse have led to important questions about Buddhist sexual ethics and the female consort in Tibetan cultures. One issue raised by current debates is the question of who is an appropriate consort, a discourse that has historical precedent. These debates highlight the gaps left by the understudied history of consorts in Tibetan tantric communities. This research addresses that history through a study of female consort discourse (...)
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  28. Kantian Ethics, Dignity and Perfection.Paul Formosa - 2017 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    In this volume Paul Formosa sets out a novel approach to Kantian ethics as an ethics of dignity by focusing on the Formula of Humanity as a normative principle distinct from the Formula of Universal Law. By situating the Kantian conception of dignity within the wider literature on dignity, he develops an important distinction between status dignity, which all rational agents have, and achievement dignity, which all rational agents should aspire to. He then explores constructivist and realist views on (...)
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  29.  32
    Moral Perfection as the Counterfeit of Virtue.Thorian R. Harris - 2023 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 22 (1):43-61.
    It is sometimes assumed that the best people—those whom it would be appropriate to admire and emulate—ought to be free of all moral defects. Numerous contemporary scholars have attributed this assumption to the early Confucian philosophers with moral perfection said to be a necessary condition for sagehood. Drawing upon the early Confucian literature I will argue in support of two claims. The first is that the early Confucians did not insist on the moral perfection of the sage; (...)
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  30.  22
    Creating `The Perfect Body': A Variable Project.Lee Monaghan - 1999 - Body and Society 5 (2-3):267-290.
    Using qualitative data, this article makes a substantive and formal contribution to the growing academic literature on bodybuilding and the sociology of the body. Placing a question mark against existing knowledge claims, it argues theories ascribing bodybuilding to antecedent predispositions are not sufficient when accounting for the ongoing variable project of creating `the perfect body'. It is asserted that physique bodybuilding (as opposed to weight-training) in the late 1990s could be independent of the `masculinist imagery' of `the muscular body' (...)
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  31.  52
    Morality and the Self in Robert Musil's The Perfecting of a Love.Catherine Wilson - 1984 - Philosophy and Literature 8 (2):222-235.
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    The philosopher's joke: essays in form and content.Richard A. Watson - 1990 - Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    This unorthodox volume of related literary-philosophical essays is sure to ruffle a few feathers by making merry with the styles of philosophy fashionable today, and in each of the last four decades. Beginning with a strictly formalistic treatment of the relationship of perfection of form to truth of content in literature, Watson (author of the widely reviewed work, The Philosopher's Diet) comes full circle to a concluding essay in which the content of life is unraveled as a pig's (...)
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  33.  24
    The Role of Khilāfiyāt and Juristic Disputations in the Emergence of Juristic Method in Usūl Literature.Hacer Yetki̇n - 2023 - Kader 21 (1):350-377.
    It is widely acknowledged that two methods of writing have emerged in the history of usūl literature: Juristic method (usūl al-fuqahā) and theological method (usūl al-mutakallimīn). Although there are some attempts to determine the typical features of these methods, we do not have a comprehensive explanation regarding the criteria of this distinction, the motivation behind it and the period when these methods have become prevalent. This paper aims to shed light to certain dimensions of the issue and focuses especially (...)
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  34.  65
    The Knowability Paradox, perfectibility of science and reductionism.Massimiliano Carrara & Davide Fassio - unknown
    A logical argument known as Fitch’s Paradox of Knowability, starting from the assumption that every truth is knowable, leads to the consequence that every truth is also actually known. Then, given the ordinary fact that some true propositions are not actually known, it concludes, by modus tollens, that there are unknowable truths. The main literature on the topic has been focusing on the threat the argument poses to the so called semantic anti-realist theories, which aim to epistemically characterize the (...)
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    Rational Mastery, the Perfectly Free Man, and Human Freedom.Yakir Levin - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (3):1253-1274.
    This paper examines the coherence of Spinoza’s combined account of freedom, reason, and the affects and its applicability to real humans in the context of the perfectly free man Spinoza discusses towards the end of part 4 of the Ethics. On the standard reading, the perfectly free man forms the model of human nature and thus the goal to which real humans should aspire. A recently proposed non-standard reading, however, posits that the perfectly free man should not be considered the (...)
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    Are We Obliged to Enhance for Moral Perfection?Alfred Archer - 2018 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 43 (5):490-505.
    Suppose, we could take a pill that would turn us into morally better people. Would we have a duty to take such a pill? In recent years, a number of philosophers have discussed this issue. Most prominently, Ingmar Persson and Julian Savulescu have argued that we would have a duty to take such a pill. In this article, I wish to investigate the possible limits of a duty to take moral enhancement drugs through investigating the related question of whether it (...)
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  37.  3
    Perfection and becoming: a study of the metaphysical core of Hegel's aesthetics.Changjiang Xing - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    In Hegel's aesthetics, the element of speculative philosophy is always a notorious aspect that attracts the most complaints from modern art criticism. The book, however, justifies the intelligibility in art in light of Hegel's philosophy of metaphysics. The author explores the philosophical motivations of Hegelian aesthetics, its underlying logic, the relationship between metaphysical core and artistic expression, as well as the contemporary significance and value of metaphysicalised theories of art exemplified by Hegelian aesthetics. Through elucidating the metaphysical core implicit in (...)
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  38. The Logic of Rational Play in Games of Perfect Information.Giacomo Bonanno - 1991 - Economics and Philosophy 7 (1):37-65.
    For the past 20 years or so the literature on noncooperative games has been centered on the search for an equilibrium concept that expresses the notion of rational behavior in interactive situations. A basic tenet in this literature is that if a “rational solution” exists, it must be a Nash equilibrium. The consensus view, however, is that not all Nash equilibria can be accepted as rational solutions. Consider, for example, the game of Figure 1.
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    Introduction to Special Issue of Literature and Aesthetics: Before Pangaea: New Essays in Transcultural Aesthetics.Eugenio Benitez - 2005 - Literature and Aesthetics 15 (1):7-11.
    Aesthetics presents a confusing domain for a philosopher. Its territory seems like an Empedoclean cosmos: a ceaselessly dynamic interchange of mixtures, at times resisting division, at times fracturing into an incomprehensible manifold. There may be no truth in aesthetics at all. Perhaps there is not even much truth about it. Some think of aesthetics primarily as a cultural or political phenomenon, others manage to reduce it to history (indeed, to a history that is over, and therefore safe). Still others investigate (...)
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    In search of (non)sense.Elżbieta Chrzanowska-Kluczewska & Grzegorz Szpila (eds.) - 2009 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    [...] it would seem natural to assume that the disciplines of literary studies and linguistics should by rights converge regularly to exchange views as each pursues its own goals. Is such a convergence possible on the question of sense and nonsense? James W. Underhill (this volume) The contributors to the present volume have focused their attention on two sets of problems that are leitmotifs in all the articles gathered. Firstly, should literary semantics - the linguistic study of texts/discourses marked with (...)
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    Messiahs and Machiavellians: Depicting Evil in the Modern Theatre.Paul Corey - 2008 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    _Messiahs and Machiavellians_ is an innovative exploration of “modern evil” in works of early- and late-modern theatre, raising issues about ethics, politics, religion, and aesthetics that speak to our present condition. Paul Corey examines how theatre—which expressed a key political dynamic both in the Renaissance and the twentieth century—lays open the impulses that instigated modernity and, ultimately, unparalleled levels of violence and destruction. Starting with Albert Camus’ _Caligula_ and Samuel Beckett’s _Waiting for Godot_, then turning to Machiavelli’s _Mandragola_ and Shakespeare’s (...)
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  42.  23
    " It's not true, but I believe it": Discussions on jettatura in Naples between the End of the Eighteenth and Beginning of the Nineteenth Centuries.Francesco Paolo de Ceglia - 2011 - Journal of the History of Ideas 72 (1):75-97.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:“It’s not true, but I believe it”: Discussions on jettatura in Naples between the End of the Eighteenth and Beginning of the Nineteenth CenturiesFrancesco Paolo de CegliaIntroduction: What is Jettatura?Non è ci credo (“It’s not true... but I believe it”) is the title of a comedy by the Italian actor and playwright, Peppino De Filippo, younger brother of the more famous Eduardo, which was staged for the first time (...)
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    Vanities of the Eye: Vision in Early Modern European Culture (review).I. I. Dallas G. Denery - 2010 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (1):103-104.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Vanities of the Eye: Vision in Early Modern European CultureDallas G. Denery IIStuart Clark. Vanities of the Eye: Vision in Early Modern European Culture. Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. Pp. xi + 415. Cloth, $75.00.A popular and pervasive historical narrative links the Renaissance development of linear perspective with Europe’s transition from a pre-modern to an early modern society. Erwin Panofsky gave this narrative its definitive form early (...)
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    Taking the Russo-Williamson thesis seriously in the social sciences.Virginia Ghiara - 2022 - Synthese 200 (6).
    The Russo Williamson thesis (RWT) states that a causal claim can be established only if it can be established that there is a difference-making relationship between the cause and the effect, and that there is a mechanism linking the cause and the effect that is responsible for such a difference-making relationship (Russo & Williamson, 2007). The applicability of Russo and Williamson’s idea was hugely debated in relation to biomedical research, and recently it has been applied to the social sciences (Shan (...)
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    Nature in Medieval Thought: Some Approaches East & West (review).André Goddu - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (4):585-587.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 39.4 (2001) 585-587 [Access article in PDF] Chumaru Koyama, editor. Nature in Medieval Thought: Some Approaches East & West. Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters. Leiden: Brill, 2000. Pp. xiv + 183. Cloth, $65.00. The subtitle of this volume is misleading. The Japanese scholars represented (Koyama, Y. Iwata, and B. R. Inagaki) were all trained in Western medieval philosophy and are highly (...)
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    In search of the sense and the senses: Aesthetic education in germany and the united states.Alexandra Kertz-Welzel - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (3):102-114.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:In Search of the Sense and the Senses:Aesthetic Education in Germany and the United StatesAlexandra Kertz-Welzel (bio)The dream that art is able to humanize human beings is very old. One person fascinated by this idea claimed:The creative artist educates and perfects through his work the nation's capacity for appreciation, just as conversely the general feeling for art thus developed and sustained creates the fruitful soil which is the condition (...)
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    The Myth of Sisyphus: Renaissance Theories of Human Perfectibility.Elliott M. Simon - 2007 - Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
    The myth of Sisyphus symbolizes the archetypal process of becoming without the consolation of absolute achievement. It is a poignant reflection of idealized aspirations and actual limitations of the human condition. It is also a prominent framing text for the interpretation of classical and patristic literature, medieval allegorical and alchemical interpretations of mythology, and humanist philosophical, educational, and utopian ideologies, and erotic and heroic theories of human perfectibility. Sisyphus defines the modalities of human transcendence in classical and Christian terms; (...)
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  48.  56
    Sartre's conception of historiality and temporality: The Quest for a motive in Camus' the stranger and Sartre's dirty hands.Adrian van den Hoven - 2005 - Sartre Studies International 11 (s 1-2):207-221.
    Neither the apparently cold-blooded murder of a complete stranger, the central event in The Stranger, nor Hugo's murder of Hoederer in Dirty Hands—a political assassination or crime of passion, depending on how one views it—can be considered unusual acts, in literature or in life. The topic of murder has itself created an extremely popular genre: the detective novel or "whodunit," which has become a huge industry and has aficionados everywhere, Sartre being one. In French theater, the topic of political (...)
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    Vanities of the Eye: Vision in Early Modern European Culture (review).Dallas G. Denery Ii - 2010 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (1):103-104.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Vanities of the Eye: Vision in Early Modern European CultureDallas G. Denery IIStuart Clark. Vanities of the Eye: Vision in Early Modern European Culture. Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. Pp. xi + 415. Cloth, $75.00.A popular and pervasive historical narrative links the Renaissance development of linear perspective with Europe’s transition from a pre-modern to an early modern society. Erwin Panofsky gave this narrative its definitive form early (...)
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    Praise without Perfection: A Dilemma for Right-Making Reasons.Paulina Sliwa - 2015 - American Philosophical Quarterly 52 (2).
    When you don’t know what to do, you’d better find out. Sometimes the best way to find out is to ask for advice. And when you don’t know what the right thing to do is, it’s sometimes good to rely on moral advice. This straightforward thought spells serious trouble for a popular and widespread approach to moral worth: on this approach, agents deserve moral praise for a right action only if they are acting on right-making reasons. The first part of (...)
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