Results for ' Philosophy, Minangkabau'

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  1.  13
    Epistemologi Minangkabau.Febri Yulika - 2012 - Gre Publishing.
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    The Development of the Concept of Predication in Arabic Philosophy.Mahmood Zeraatpisheh Philosophy - forthcoming - History and Philosophy of Logic:1-15.
    Predication is a central theme in Arabic logic that has undergone significant semantic transformation throughout history. This article explores the evolution of predication's scope and meaning across four successive stages. Rather than pinpointing specific historical moments—given that these transitions lack clearly defined beginnings or endings—the focus is on key propositions that enrich our understanding of predication, drawing on the classifications of thinkers such as Abū Naṣr al-Fārābī (d. 950), Athīr al-Dīn al-Abharī (d. 1262-65), Mullā Ṣadrā (d. 1635), and Muhammad Ḥusayn (...)
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    Karl-Otto Apel Transzendentale Intersubjektivität und das Defizit einer Reflexionstheorie in der Philosophie der Gegenwart'.Infragestellungen der Subjekt-Philosophie - 2002 - In Holger Burckhart & Horst Gronke (eds.), Philosophieren aus dem Diskurs. Königshausen und Neumann.
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    Marx’s repulsion and Serres’s turbulence: a Lucretian philosophy of movement.Aldo Houterman Erasmus School of Philosophy, Rotterdam & The Netherlands - forthcoming - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport:1-16.
    This article demonstrates the importance of making explicit different conceptions of movement for the philosophy of sport. In addition to the mechanistic and the Aristotelian approaches, this article presents a third, underexplored view of movement, namely that of Lucretius as interpreted by Karl Marx and Michel Serres. By exploring the similarities between Marx’s motion of repulsion and Serres’s turbulent flux, it will be argued that a Lucretian view offers a philosophy of movement that uniquely does not rely on stasis. This (...)
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    Philosophy of Science Matters: The Philosophy of Peter Achinstein.Gregory J. Morgan (ed.) - 2011 - , US: Oxford University Press.
    In this, the first book devoted to Peter Achinstein's influential work in philosophy of science, twenty distinguished philosophers, including four Lakatos award winners, address various aspects of Achinstein's influential views on the nature of scientific evidence, scientific explanation, and scientific realism. It includes short essays by Steve Gimbel and Jeff Maynes, Nancy Cartwright, Jordi Cat, Victor DiFate, Jerry Doppelt, Adam Goldstein, Philip Kitcher, Fred Kronz, Deborah Mayo, Greg Morgan, Helen Longino, John Norton, Michael Ruse, Bas van Fraassen, Stathis Psillos, Larry (...)
  6. Sektion III.Kants Praktische Philosophie - 2008 - In Valerio Hrsg v. Rohden, Ricardo Terra & Guido Almeida (eds.), Recht und Frieden in der Philosophie Kants. de Gruyter. pp. 1.
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    Works on Cartesians and Other 17th-Century Figures.Archives de Philosophie - 2003 - In Roger Ariew, Dennis Des Chene, Douglas Michael Jesseph, Tad M. Schmaltz & Theo Verbeek (eds.), Historical Dictionary of Descartes and Cartesian Philosophy. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press. pp. 293.
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  8. Politik.Politische Philosophie - 2014 - In Horst D. Brandt (ed.), Disziplinen der Philosophie. Hamburg: Meiner.
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  9. In Praise of Philosophy and Other Essays.Maurice Merleau-Ponty - 1970 - Evanston, USA: Northwestern University Press.
    In Praise of Philosophy Mister Provost, Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen: The man who witnesses his own research, that is to say his own inner disorder, ...
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    Doing Philosophy.Gerald Rochelle - 2012 - Edinburgh, Scotland: Routledge.
    First published in 2012, Doing Philosophy presents the basics of how 'to do' philosophy -- what philosophy is, how we can think, the nature of logic, some special terms -- in a straightforward and easy to understand style. Then, using questions and exercises as well as everyday examples, the author takes the reader on a wide-ranging tour of key philosophical topics which, as well as the 'standard fare' of logic, epistemology, mind, God etc., also includes ethical, social, scientific, cultural and (...)
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    Philosophy and Dealienation of Culture.Nicolito A. Gianan - 2012 - Cultura 9 (2):195-206.
    The article aims to elucidate on the notion of philosophy of culture, particularly in non-Western societies. This is exemplified by the promotion of philosophy,with its advocates and approaches, in Filipino culture. In addition, it gives an account of a type of alienation that has had a profound influence upon the Filipinoexperience, philosophical thought and practice; the so-called dealienation of culture.
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  12. Ausland/Sanday Bibliography.Editors Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy - 2013 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 28 (1):36-39.
  13.  15
    Philosophy, Therefore, Is within Yourself.Elad Carmel - 2018 - Hobbes Studies 31 (2):166-187.
    _ Source: _Volume 31, Issue 2, pp 166 - 187 The connection that Hobbes makes between reason, method, and science renders reason a faculty that is not only natural but also acquired and even somewhat exclusive. This idea might pose a serious problem to Hobbes’s political theory, as it relies heavily on the successful use of reason. This problem is demonstrated in Hobbes’s account of the laws of nature, for which some equality in human reason is clearly needed, but Hobbes (...)
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    Philosophy as the General Theory of Critical Education.James Garrison - 1999 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 3:51-61.
    Dewey blurs the distinction between poetry and philosophy. This is clearest in his aesthetics where he affirms Matthew Arnold’s dictum that “poetry is criticism of life.” The maxim, though, fails to say “how poetry is a criticism.” The role of art in general is imagining and creating images of the actual beyond the possible that (from a moral perspective) ought to exist. One can derive an ought from an is if one understands the is of poetic possibility. Dewey asserts that (...)
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    Philosophy, Art, and Religion: Understanding Faith and Creativity.Gordon Graham - 2017 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    At a time when religion and science are thought to be at loggerheads, art is widely hailed as religion's natural spiritual ally. Philosophy, Art, and Religion investigates the extent to which this is true. It charts the way in which modern conceptions of 'Art' often marginalize the sacred arts, construing choral and instrumental music, painting and iconography, poetry, drama, and architecture as 'applied' arts that necessarily fall short of the ideal of 'art for art's sake'. Drawing on both history of (...)
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    Philosophy, Literature and the Restatement of a Few Banalities.Alan Montefiore - 1986 - The Monist 69 (1):56-67.
    “The only form of the philosophy-literature distinction which we need is one drawn in terms of the contrast between the familiar and the unfamiliar, rather than in terms of a deeper and more exciting contrast between the representational and the non-representational, or the literal and the metaphorical.” This is the first of the points urged by Richard Rorty in his article on ‘Deconstruction and Circumvention’ published in Critical Inquiry, vol. II, no. I, Sept. 1984. In what follows I shall be (...)
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    General philosophy of science.Theo A. F. Kuipers (ed.) - 2007 - London: North Holland.
    While the special volumes of the series of Handbooks of the Philosophy of Science address topics relative to a specific discipline, this general volume deals ...
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  18.  13
    Philosophy in the Present.Alain Badiou & Slavoj Žižek - 2009 - Polity.
    Two controversial thinkers discuss a timeless but nonetheless urgent question: should philosophy interfere in the world? Nothing less than philosophy is at stake because, according to Badiou, philosophy is nothing but interference and commitment and will not be restrained by academic discipline. Philosophy is strange and new, and yet speaks in the name of all - as Badiou shows with his theory of universality. Similarly, Zizek believes that the philosopher must intervene, contrary to all expectations, in the key issues of (...)
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    Heidegger, Philosophy, Nazism.Julian Young - 1997 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Since 1945, and particularly since the facts of the 'Heidegger case' became widely known in 1987, an enormous number of words have been devoted to establishing not only Heidegger's involvement with Nazism, but also that his philosophy is irredeemably discredited thereby. This book, while in no way denying the depth or seriousness of Heidegger's political involvement, challenges this tide of opinion, arguing that his philosophy is not compromised in any of its phases, and that acceptance of it is fully consistent (...)
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    (2 other versions)Philosophy and Society.Danielle Orchant - 2009 - Questions: Philosophy for Young People 9:1-2.
    An analysis as to why students do and do not like Philosophy based on modern societal issues in education. The author also reflects on the essential factor of world involvement in the study and practices of Philosophy.
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    Political Philosophy for the Global Age.Mâonica Judith Sâanchez Flores - 2005 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In a time of globalization, Political Philosophy for the Global Age provides a theoretical basis for the convergence of human values in terms of legitimate conceptions of time, language, and notions of self. Sánchez Flores reviews what she considers to be the most important positions in the current debate on political theory (liberalism, communitarianism, feminism, and postcolonialism) and also proposes her own original contribution. Sánchez Flores’s unique approach is a critique of a type of morality formulated solely on the basis (...)
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    (2 other versions)Philosophy and Political Economy: In Some of Their Historical Relations.James Bonar - 1893 - New York,: Routledge.
    This classic text, first published in 1893, was the first attempt to present a view of the relations of philosophy and economics through the whole of their history. In tracing the history of this relationship the author begins by examining the work of the ancient philosophers and continues with the followers of the theory of natural law. He then explores the utilitarian economics and the ¿idealistic economics¿. This title will be of interest to students of the history of economic thought.
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    The Philosophy of Public Administration- A Holistic Approach: An Introduction for Undergraduate Students.J. S. H. Gildenhuys - 2004 - Sun Press.
    A user-friendly textbook for students and teachers, The Philosophy of Public Administration covers all aspects of the public administration and management process as an instrument of serving the public. It lays a sound foundation of the basic principles and values, and it facilitates excellence in all the varied circumstances a professional public manager/administrator may encounter in practice. An MS PowerPoint presentation is also available on CD-ROM for instruction.
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  24. Philosophy of literature by Finnish researchers: a bibliography 1968-2008.Jukka Mikkonen (ed.) - 2008 -
    This bibliography aims to gather together studies in the philosophy of literature by Finnish researchers. It consists of articles and monographs which treat i) philosophical literary theory, ii) philosophical literature, or iii) literary philosophy and philosophers’ use of literary devices. The bibliography, collected by requests of publication data and from several Finnish publication databases, is not intended inclusive. Nevertheless, it is being throughout updated, and all kinds of suggestions, updates and corrections are most welcome.
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    Philosophy and education: introducing philosophy to young people.Jana Mohr Lone & Roberta Israeloff (eds.) - 2012 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Are children natural philosophers? They are curious about the mysteries of the human experience and about questions such as the meaning and purpose of being alive and whether we can know anything at all. Pre-college philosophy takes as a starting point young people's inherent interest in large questions about the human condition. Philosophy and Education: Introducing Philosophy to Young People seeks to illuminate the ways in which philosophy can strengthen and deepen pre-college education.
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  26. Philosophy of recent times.James B. Hartman - 1966 - New York,: McGraw-Hill.
    v. 1. Readings in nineteenth-century philosophy.--v. 2. Readings in twentieth-century philosophy.
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    Philosophy and its History: Aims and Methods in the Study of Early Modern Philosophy.Mogens Lærke, Justin E. H. Smith & Eric Schliesser (eds.) - 2013 - New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    This volume collects contributions from leading scholars of early modern philosophy from a wide variety of philosophical and geographic backgrounds. The distinguished contributors offer very different, competing approaches to the history of philosophy.Many chapters articulate new, detailed methods of doing history of philosophy. These present conflicting visions of the history of philosophy as an autonomous sub-discipline of professional philosophy. Several other chapters offer new approaches to integrating history into one's philosophy by re-telling the history of recent philosophy. A number of (...)
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    In Memoriam Elena Mamchur 8 July, 1935–14 December, 2023.Andrei Paramonov Ras Institute Of Philosophy, Moscow & Russia - 2024 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 37 (1):69-73.
    Volume 37, Issue 1-2, March - June 2024, Page 69-73.
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    Philosophy for Architects.Branko Mitrovic - 2011 - Princeton Architectural Press.
    Introduction -- Plato -- Aristotle -- The rise of modernity -- Immanuel Kant -- Romanticism and historicism -- Phenomenology and hermeneutics -- Philosophes and philosophers -- Analytic philosophy -- Conclusion.
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    Irrelevant ‘Philosophy’: What is Philosophy by Philosophers.Ulrich de Balbian - 2021 - Oxford, UK: Academic.
    The tools employed might appear appropriate, the reasoning sound and argumentation valid, but the subject-matter, well one wonders what that has to do with philosophy, if anything at all? Viewing some of the topics one really wonders of the notion of philosophy is not stretched too far? So much that is passed off as philosophy itself or some kind of so-called interdisciplinary issues really appear as irrelevant. Topics from the grievance studies especially fall under this. It seems as if individuals (...)
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    Ascent: Philosophy and Paradise Lost, by Tzachi Zamir.Joe Moshenska - 2019 - Mind 128 (511):927-935.
    Ascent: Philosophy and Paradise Lost, by ZamirTzachi. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. Pp. 216.
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    Political Philosophy in the Twentieth Century: Authors and Arguments.Catherine H. Zuckert (ed.) - 2011 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book demonstrates the rich diversity and depth of political philosophy in the twentieth century. Catherine H. Zuckert has compiled a collection of essays recounting the lives of political theorists, connecting each biography with the theorist's life work and explaining the significance of the contribution to modern political thought. The essays are organized to highlight the major political alternatives and approaches. Beginning with essays on John Dewey, Carl Schmitt and Antonio Gramsci, representing the three main political alternatives - liberal, fascist (...)
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  33.  14
    A philosophy for future generations: the structure and dynamics of transgenerationality.Tiziana Andina - 2022 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Antonella Emmi.
    If societies, like institutions, are built to endure, then the bond that exists between generations must be considered. Constructing a framework to establish a philosophy of future generations, Tiziana Andina explores the factors that make it possible for a society to reproduce over time. Andina's study of the diachronic structure of societies considers the never-ending passage of generations, as each new generation comes to form a part of the new social fabric and political model. Her model draws on the anthropologies (...)
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    A philosophy of art: in light of classical principles.Kevin Albert Wall - 1982 - Palo Alto: Solas Press.
    Some think of art as opposed to philosophy and science, and indeed sometimes opposed to morality. Here, Wall explores the fundamental ways of pursuing aesthetics, speculation, science, mathematics, and morality. Conceptually these are not opposed. He illustrates the ideas with reference to an array of ancient and modern thinkers.
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    Philosophy and sociology of science: an introduction.Stewart Richards - 1983 - New York: Blackwell.
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    Philosophy and Wisdom research.Ulrich de Balbian - 2018 - London: Create Space.
    ISBN-13: 978-1985686632 (CreateSpace-Assigned) ISBN-10: 1985686635 BISAC: Philosophy / Criticism A conceptual exploration of the umbrella notion Wisdom, as well as dimensions, characteristics and components of the idea of wisdom as suggested by experimental philosophy, neurosciences and other studies and a comparison of the notion of wisdom with those of knowledge, truth, insight and understanding and in different cultures and periods. Contemporary research and discussions of wisdom on a wisdom list by researchers.
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    Philosophy and the Historical Perspective ed. by Marcel van Ackeren and Lee Klein.Sandra Lapointe - 2020 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 58 (4):830-832.
    Philosophy and the Historical Perspective contains fourteen chapters, each of which is an attempt to enrich our conception of the relationship of analytical philosophy to history. Some chapters seek insight from the philosophical canon: Robert Pippin offers an insightful discussion of Hegel's historiographical methodology, and Brian Leiter presents aspects of Nietzsche's. Many of the chapters set research agendas that would deserve entire volumes. For instance, van Ackeren asks whether there are transhistorical philosophical problems, and Thomas Grundmann what philosophical progress looks (...)
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    The Philosophy of Boris Hessen: Scientific Revolution and the Materialist Dialectic.Sean Winkler - 2022 - Rowman & Littlefield.
    This book articulates Soviet philosopher Boris Hessen's groundbreaking analysis of socioeconomic development, technological progress, and natural scientific theory; reassesses Hessen's legacy to the history and philosophy of science; and reflects on Hessen's enduring significance in today's world of social inequality and technological progress.
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    Philosophy of Science and Sociology: From the Methodological Doctrine to Research Practice.Edmund Mokrzycki - 1983 - Boston: Routledge.
    Originally published in 1983. This book concentrates on the impact of philosophy of science on sociology and other disciplines. It argues that the impact of the philosophy of science on sociology from the rise of the Vienna Circle until the mid-1980s resulted in a deep-reaching and, in the author’s view, undesirable methodological reorientation in sociology.
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    Comparisons in the history of philosophy: a review of The metaphysics of Margaret Cavendish and Anne Conway: monism, vitalism, and self-motion. [REVIEW]Peter West Philosophy & United Kingdom - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (3):693-697.
    Volume 32, Issue 3, May 2024, Page 693-697.
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  41. Philosophy and the Front Line of Science.Tuomas K. Pernu - 2008 - The Quarterly Review of Biology 83 (1):29-36.
    According to one traditional view, empirical science is necessarily preceded by philosophical analysis. Yet the relevance of philosophy is often doubted by those engaged in empirical sciences. I argue that these doubts can be substantiated by two theoretical problems that the traditional conception of philosophy is bound to face. First, there is a strong normative etiology to philosophical problems, theories, and notions that is difficult to reconcile with descriptive empirical study. Second, conceptual analysis (a role that is typically assigned to (...)
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    Philosophy of Liberation in the North American Context.Kate Lindemann - 1994 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 1 (2):25-32.
    This paper utilizes concepts from the works of Paulo Freire and other Latin American philosophers of liberation to formulate a philosophy of liberation in a North American context. Since many North Americans experience a double consciousness, that is, both oppressor and oppressed consciousness, our liberating task is quite complex. This study offers both a philosophical framework and an example of the process of demythologizing one aspect of North American consciousness, the consciousness of privilege.
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  43. Philosophy of Action.Alfred R. Mele - 2003 - In Kirk Ludwig (ed.), Contemporary Philosophy in Focus: Donald Davidson. Cambridge University Press.
    The basic subject matter of the philosophy of action is a pair of questions: (1) What are actions? (2) How are actions to be explained? The questions call, respectively, for a theory of the nature of action and a theory of the explanation of actions. Donald Davidson has articulated and defended influential answers to both questions. Those answers are the primary focus of this chapter.
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    Philosophy and Cognitive Science: Categories, Consciousness, and Reasoning: Proceeding of the Second International Colloquium on Cognitive Science.Andy Clark, Jesus Ezquerro & ‎Jesús M. Larrazabal (eds.) - 1996 - Dordrecht and Boston: Boom Koninklijke Uitgevers.
    This book presents the Proceedings of the Second International Colloquium on Cognitive Science, held at San Sebastian in May, 1991, to discuss from an interdisciplinary point of view topics which are at the intersection of philosophy and cognitive science. With a total of eleven papers from leading scholars in the field, the volume provides many different theoretical approaches to the study of Categories, Consciousness and Reasoning. The book is addressed to researchers, specialists, advanced students and scholars in the fields of (...)
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    The Philosophy of mind.Jonathan Glover (ed.) - 1976 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Farrell, B. A. The criteria for a psycho-analytic interpretation.--Gardiner, P. Error, faith, and self-deception.--Cohen, G. A. Beliefs and roles.--Deutsch, J. A. The structural basis of behaviour.--Hampshire, S. Feeling and expression.--Putnam, H. The mental life of some machines.--Davidson, D. Psychology as philosophy.--Nagel, T. Brain bisection and the unity of consciousness.--Williams, B. The self and the future.--Parfit, D. Personal identity.
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  46.  24
    On the Practical Philosophy of Law.Yongliu Zheng - 2019 - Archiv Fuer Rechts Und Sozialphilosphie 105 (4):508-522.
    Practical philosophy of law is a theory about concrete existence of law which holds that due to the asymmetry between existing law and social facts and case facts, the existing law needs to be developed in a reflective manner through application and this is the inevitable process of mutation from law 1.0 to law 2.0. Practical philosophy of law is founded on the generative thinking of practical philosophy, and distinct from other philosophies of law hereof.
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    Dictionary of philosophy.Mario Bunge - 1999 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Defines the concepts, problems, principles, and theories that are used in modern philosophy.
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  48. Moral Philosophy.Michael LeBuffe - 2014 - In Daniel Kaufman (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Seventeenth Century Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 451-485.
    Dramatic changes in the understanding of nature and turbulent debates in religion marked seventeenth century moral philosophy. Many of the most important works of the century were attempts to defend new moral concepts or to recast old ones, as a way of responding to new doctrines in religion, epistemology, ad metaphysics. Many others were attempts to show that traditional conceptions of value, or elements of them, did not after all require revision. Moral concepts depend, or might be taken to depend, (...)
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    Philosophy as Meaningful Science.Margret E. Grebowicz - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 17:29-35.
    Both Husserl and Popper share the sentiment that philosophy should model itself after something called "science," despite their differing attitudes toward the Galilean tradition. I begin by describing their respective approaches to the problem of objectivity by examining their accounts of the origins of science in Husserl's Vienna Lecture and Popper's Conjectures and Refutations. Each of them explicitly takes up the problem of objectivity in The Origin of Geometry and Epistemology Without a Knowing Subject, respectively, and it is here that (...)
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    Philosophy and Rhetoric in Dialogue: Redrawing Their Intellectual Landscape.Gerard A. Hauser (ed.) - 2007 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    _Philosophy and Rhetoric, _one of Penn State Press’s longest-running journals, was conceived at a time of immense philosophical upheaval: rhetoric as a field of study—first dismissed by Descartes—was being reexamined after decades of neglect. Now, nearly forty years later, _Philosophy and Rhetoric _continues to hold pride of place in this reinvigorated discipline. The brainchild of Penn State professors Carroll Arnold and Henry Johnstone, _Philosophy and Rhetoric_ boasts work from dozens of international luminaries from a broad spectrum of specializations. To commemorate (...)
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