Results for ' Politics of Recognition'

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  1.  11
    The politics of recognition in the age of digital spaces: appearing together.Benjamin J. J. Carpenter - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book provides a philosophical analysis of the notion of selfhood that underlies identity politics. It offers a unique theory of the self that combines previous scholarly work on recognition and the phenomenology of space. The politics of identity occupy the centre of a contested terrain. Marginalised and oppressed peoples continue to seek the transformation of our shared social world and our political institutions required for their lives to be liveable. Public criticism and academic treatments of identity (...)
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    The Politics of Recognition and the Master State: Taylor and de Koninck on the Canadian Federation.Louis Finbarr Groarke - 1999 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 15:97-107.
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    Multiculturlism and the Politics of Recognition. 이상형 - 2020 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 92:255-283.
    이 글의 목적은 현대 다문화주의의 이론적 정당성을 탐구하고, 이에 대한 결론으로 새 로운 이론적 토대에 다문화주의를 정초하고자 하는 것이다. 지금까지 많은 다문화주의 옹 호자들은 자유주의나 공동체주의 맥락에서 다문화주의를 전개, 변용, 발전시켜 왔지만 오 늘날 이런 사상적 흐름은 이론적 측면에서나 현실의 다양한 맥락에서 비판받고 그 유용성 이 의심받고 있다. 1970년대 이후 다문화주의가 소수자 문제를 제기하며 사회의 실질적 평등을 위한 대안적 또는 보완적 이론으로 각광받아 왔으나, 2000년대 이후 다양한 영역 에서 다문화주의 실패가 선언되고 있다. 이런 다문화주의에 대한 비판에 직면하여 필자는 이런 원인을 (...)
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    The Politics of Recognition.Browning Gary - 2015 - Hobbes Studies 28 (1):3-17.
    _ Source: _Volume 28, Issue 1, pp 3 - 17 Hobbes and Hegel are standardly taken to be contrasting political theorists, who maintain contrasting views on philosophy, individualism, and society. However, Oakeshott’s reading of Hobbes is a reminder that Hobbes can be read in ways that reduce antagonisms between Hobbes and Hegel. Hobbes’s state of nature is an artificial device that is internally related to the significance of political artifice in rendering the social world a reasonable context for interaction just (...)
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  5. Multiculturalism: Examining the Politics of Recognition.Amy Gutmann (ed.) - 1994 - Princeton University Press.
    A new edition of the highly acclaimed book Multiculturalism and "The Politics of Recognition," this paperback brings together an even wider range of leading philosophers and social scientists to probe the political controversy surrounding multiculturalism. Charles Taylor's initial inquiry, which considers whether the institutions of liberal democratic government make room--or should make room--for recognizing the worth of distinctive cultural traditions, remains the centerpiece of this discussion. It is now joined by Jürgen Habermas's extensive essay on the issues of (...)
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  6. Global Justice and the Politics of Recognition.Burns Tony (ed.) - 2013 - London: Palgrave.
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  7. The Politics of Recognition versus the Politics of Hatred.Arran Gare - 2002 - Democracy and Nature 8 (2):261-280.
    Hatred of America expressed in the September 11th attack is more than matched by the hatred by Americans for Islamists expressed in the war on Afghanistan, the War against Terror and the threatened wars against the “Axis of Evil”. It is argued here that there is a pattern of self-reinforcing hatred operating in the world set in motion by the actions of the United States, particularly by George Bush Snr. and embraced and used by George Bush Jr. to reinforce and (...)
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  8. Hegel and the Politics of Recognition.Saul Tobias - 2006 - The Owl of Minerva 38 (1-2):101-126.
    While political philosophers have turned to Hegel’s notion of recognition in their development of a theory of identity politics, a careful reading of the Phenomenology of Spirit, and of the master-servant dialectic in particular, reveals the limits of this approach. For Hegel, recognition cannot be separated from a process of self-determination, which is as essential to the development of genuine autonomy as the affirmation of claims to recognition. This article examines the role of self-determination in the (...)
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  9. Global justice and the politics of recognition.Tony Burns & Simon Thompson (eds.) - 2013 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Two issues have been central within political philosophy in the last decade or so. The first is the debate over 'the politics of distribution versus the politics of recognition,' which is usually associated with the work of Axel Honneth and Nancy Fraser. The second is discussion of the phenomenon known as globalization, focusing on the notions of cosmopolitanism and global justice. This book explores the relationship between these two issues. It considers not only the global dimension of (...)
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  10. 23 The Politics of Recognition.Charles Taylor - 1994 - Contemporary Political Theory: A Reader.
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    Toleration, Proselytizing, and the Politics of Recognition.Jean Bethke Elshtain - 2008 - In Thomas Banchoff (ed.), Religious Pluralism, Globalization, and World Politics. Oxford University Press.
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    ‘Almost the same, but not quite’: Ontological politics of recognition in modern science fiction.Ingvil Hellstrand - 2016 - Feminist Theory 17 (3):251-267.
    This article explores how issues of ‘not quite human-ness’ expose the conditions of possibility of being considered human; of human ontology. I refer to these dynamics for identifying sameness and difference as ontological politics of recognition. Tracing the genealogies of passing, I situate passing and Othering socio-political regulation and ideological frameworks for conceptualising ontology. I am particularly concerned with how the notion of ontology is bound up in questions of race and gender, and with the entanglements of technology (...)
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    Political Toleration or Politics of Recognition.Levent Köker - 1996 - Political Theory 24 (2):315-320.
  14. Introduction: Global Justice and the Politics of Recognition.Burns Tony - 2013 - In Global Justice and the Politics of Recognition. London: Palgrave. pp. 1-22.
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    Affective citizenship: feminism, postcolonialism and the politics of recognition.Monica Mookherjee - 2005 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 8 (1):31-50.
    A serious problem confronting discourses on recognition is that of showing equal respect for citizens’ diverse cultural identities whilst at the same time attending to feminist concerns. This article focuses on the complex issues emerging from the recent legislation prohibiting the Muslim veil in French state schools. I respond to these problems by defending two conditions of a postcolonial and feminist approach to the politics of recognition. This approach should be, first, transformative, in the sense of widening (...)
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    Navigating the ‘Ideology of Eros’ in the Politics of Recognition.Andrea Hurst - 2024 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 71 (181):78-97.
    This article discusses Charles Taylor's analysis of the ‘politics of recognition’, which reveals that the major versions of the latter share an ideological conception of Eros as a binding, unifying force. Such striving for oneness is seen as key to forming harmonious, just communities and nations, and ultimately global cohesion. I refer to this as the ‘ideology of Eros’. However, Taylor highlights an ironically divisive opposition concerning how to realise such oneness, based on incompatible foundational principles: ‘sameness’ and (...)
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  17. Danish cinema and the politics of recognition.Mette Hjort - 1996 - In David Bordwell Noel Carroll (ed.), Post-Theory: Reconstructing Film Studies. University of Wisconsin Press. pp. 520--532.
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    Identity and the politics of recognition.Linda Nicholson - 1996 - Constellations 3 (1):1-16.
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    Social Institutions and the Politics of Recognition: From the Reformation to the French Revolution.Anthony Burns - 2020 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This second volume continues the story told in the first by focusing on the writings of a selection of seminal thinkers in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, in England, the German speaking world and in France, ending with the debate around the French Revolution of 1789.
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    Equality and Diversity: Value Incommensurability and the Politics of Recognition.Steve Smith - 2011 - Policy Press.
    Equality, diversity and radical politics -- Value incommensurability -- Empathic imagination and its limits -- Critiquing compassion-based social relations -- Egalitarianism, disability and monistic ideals -- Equality, identity and disability -- Paradox and the limits of reason.
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  21. Multiculturalism and the Politics of Recognition By Charles Taylor. [REVIEW]David Reidy - 1995 - Auslegung 20 (1).
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    Multicultural Medicine and the Politics of Recognition.L. J. Kirmayer - 2011 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 36 (4):410-423.
    Health care services increasingly face patient populations with high levels of ethnic and cultural diversity. Cultures are associated with distinctive ways of life; concepts of personhood; value systems; and visions of the good that affect illness experience, help seeking, and clinical decision-making. Cultural differences may impede access to health care, accurate diagnosis, and effective treatment. The clinical encounter, therefore, must recognize relevant cultural differences, negotiate common ground in terms of problem definition and potential solutions, accommodate differences that are associated with (...)
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    Populism as a pathological form of politics of recognition.Joonas Pennanen & Onni Hirvonen - 2019 - European Journal of Social Theory 22 (1):27-44.
    This article combines the neo-Hegelian theory of recognition with an analysis of social pathologies to show how the populist formulations of political goals in struggles for recognition are – despite their potential positive motivating force – socially pathological. The concept of recognition, combined with the idea of social pathologies, can thus be used to introduce normative considerations into the populism analysis. In this article it is argued that, although populism is useful in the sense that it aims (...)
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    Authenticity and the Politics of Identity: A Critique of Charles Taylor's Politics of Recognition.Brenda Lyshaug - 2004 - Contemporary Political Theory 3 (3):300-320.
    This essay evaluates Charles Taylor's defence of a politics of recognition in light of his broader account of modern identity and the self. I argue that his call for a politics of recognition betrays what is most ethically promising in his own account of modern subjectivity – namely, its emphasis on and affirmation of inner multiplicity. The first part of the paper identifies the ways in which his account of the self affirms inner multiplicity. The second (...)
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  25. Subjects of Empire: Indigenous Peoples and the ‘Politics of Recognition’ in Canada.Glen S. Coulthard - 2007 - Contemporary Political Theory 6 (4):437-460.
    Over the last 30 years, the self-determination efforts and objectives of Indigenous peoples in Canada have increasingly been cast in the language of ‘recognition’ — recognition of cultural distinctiveness, recognition of an inherent right to self-government, recognition of state treaty obligations, and so on. In addition, the last 15 years have witnessed a proliferation of theoretical work aimed at fleshing out the ethical, legal and political significance of these types of claims. Subsequently, ‘recognition’ has now (...)
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  26. Feminism as Revolutionary Practice: From Justice and the Politics of Recognition to Freedom.Marieke Borren - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (1):197-214.
    In the 1980s extra-parliamentary social movements and critical theories of race, class, and gender added a new sociocultural understanding of justice—recognition—to the much older socioeconomic one. The best-known form of the struggle for recognition is the identity politics of disadvantaged groups. I argue that there is still another option to conceptualize their predicament, neglected in recent political philosophy, which understands exclusion not in terms of injustice, more particularly a lack of sociocultural recognition, but in terms of (...)
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  27. The Politics of Exclusion and Inclusive Recognition: Unveiling Social and Epistemic Injustice.Ovett Nwosimiri - 2024 - Philosophia Africana 23 (1):29-42.
    The subject of personhood has received substantial discussion in contemporary African philosophy where communitarianism happens to be the dominant approach. In his new book Menkiti’s Moral Man, Oritsegbubemi Anthony Oyowe enters this discussion as a repentant critic of Ifeanyi Menkiti’s version of communitarianism, the plausibility of which he attempts to defend with compelling arguments and interpretations. In this book, especially in chapter 4, Oyowe addresses the subject of women’s social recognition and inclusion in the African community. In view of (...)
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  28. Dismantling the Face: Pluralism and the Politics of Recognition.Simone Bignall - 2012 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 6 (3):389-410.
    Plural expressions of ‘belonging’ in postcolonial and multicultural societies give particular emphasis to a politics of cultural recognition. Within nations, diverse communities call for acknowledgement of their aspirations, for fair representation in public life and for protection of the distinctive cultural practices and beliefs that define and help to sustain minoritarian identities. Recognition is also important for group self-concept and cohesion, and so plays a vital role in the creation of stable platforms for political resistance. This essay (...)
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    2 Identity, diversity and the politics of recognition.Morag Patrick - 2000 - In Noël O'Sullivan (ed.), Political theory in transition. New York: Routledge. pp. 33.
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  30. Social Contract Theory and the Politics of Recognition in Hegel's Political Philosophy.Allen Patten - 2001 - In Robert R. Williams (ed.), Beyond Liberalism and Communitarianism: Studies in Hegel's Philosophy of Right. State University of New York Press. pp. 167--84.
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  31. Chapter Nine The Politics of Recognition and an Ideology of Multiculturalism Tim Soutphommasane.Tim Soutphommasane - 2007 - In Julie Connolly, Michael Leach & Lucas Walsh (eds.), Recognition in politics: theory, policy and practice. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 155.
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    Social Contract Theory and the Politics of Recognition in Hegel's Political Philosophy.Alan Patten - 2001 - Proceedings of the Hegel Society of America 15:167-184.
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    Equality and Diversity: Value Incommensurability and the Politics of Recognition.Mark Hardy - 2013 - Ethics and Social Welfare 7 (1):104-106.
  34. The ethics of authenticity and multiculturalism and the politics of recognition'by Charles Taylor.L. Vogel - 1993 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 1 (2):325-335.
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  35. The politics of suffering and recognition : Foucault contra Honneth.Lois McNay - 2012 - In Miriam Bankovsky & Alice Le Goff (eds.), Recognition theory and contemporary French moral and political philosophy: reopening the dialogue. New York: distributed exclusively in the USA by Palgrave Macmillan.
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  36. History and the politics of recognition.Dipesh Chakrabarty - 2007 - In Keith Jenkins, Sue Morgan & Alun Munslow (eds.), Manifestos for history. New York: Routledge.
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    Social Institutions and the Politics of Recognition: From the Reformation to the French Revolution.Tony Burns - 2020 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This second volume continues the story told in the first by focusing on the writings of a selection of seminal thinkers in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, in England, the German speaking world and in France, ending with the debate around the French Revolution of 1789.
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    Book review: Multicultural Politics of Recognition and Postcolonial Citizenship. [REVIEW]Nicolas Pirsoul - 2020 - Thesis Eleven 159 (1):136-138.
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    The Role of Recognition in Kelsen's Account of Legal Obligation and Political Duty.David Ingram - 2022 - Austrian Journal of Political Science 51 (3):52-61.
    Kelsen’s critique of absolute sovereignty famously appeals to a basic norm of international recognition. However, in his discussion of legal obligation, generally speaking, he notoriously rejects mutual recognition as having any normative consequence. I argue that this apparent contradiction in Kelsen's estimate regarding the normative force of recognition is resolved in his dynamic account of the democratic generation of law. Democracy is embedded within a modern political ethos that obligates legal subjects to recognize each other along four (...)
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  40. On Habermas and Difference: Critical Theory and the "Politics of Recognition'.Simpson Lorenzo C. - 2000 - In Lewis Edwin Hahn (ed.), Perspectives on Habermas. Open Court Publishing. pp. 323-338.
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    Tactics of Appropriation and the Politics of Recognition in Late Modern Democracies.Rosemary J. Coombe - 1993 - Political Theory 21 (3):411-433.
    Walking down the street in Toronto one day in 1987, pedestrians were surprised to see a message flashing across an electronic billboard. “Lesbians fly Air Canada” it repeatedly signaled. The next day the message was gone. A gay rights group broadcast the phrase, but their communication terminated abruptly when Air Canada threatened to apply for an injunction to stop the group from using its name.
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    Theory and Practice in the Politics of Recognition and Misrecognition.Wendy Martineau, Nasar Meer & Simon Thompson - 2012 - Res Publica 18 (1):1-9.
    Theory and Practice in the Politics of Recognition and Misrecognition Content Type Journal Article Pages 1-9 DOI 10.1007/s11158-012-9181-7 Authors Wendy Martineau, School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies, University of Bristol, 34 Tyndalls Park Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 1TY, UK Nasar Meer, School of Arts and Social Sciences, Northumbria University, Lipman Building, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8ST UK Simon Thompson, Department of Arts, University of the West of England, Frenchay, Bristol BS16 1QY, UK Journal Res Publica Online (...)
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    Tactics of Appropriation and the politics of Recognition in late Modern Democracies'.Coombe Rosemary - 1993 - Political Theory 21 (3):412.
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    The Politics of Misrecognition: A Feminist Critique.Claudia Leeb - 2009 - The Good Society 18 (1).
    For the past decade and a half, social and political thinkers have appropriated the Hegelian trope of a "struggle for recognition" to generate theories that lead to a democratic politics of inclusion. The different strands within the "politics of recognition" debate share the conviction that "recognition" is a central human good and the precondition for justice in pluralist societies. However, in this article, I show that recognition theorists, instead of creating a democratic politics (...)
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    Chapter 6. The Slippery Slope: Multiculturalism as a Politics of Recognition.Patchen Markell - 2003 - In Bound by Recognition. Princeton University Press. pp. 152-176.
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    Democratic Equality and Indigenous Electoral Institutions in Oaxaca, Mexico: Addressing the Perils of a Politics of Recognition.Alejandro Anaya Muñoz - 2005 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 8 (3):327-347.
    Abstract In 1995, the constitution of the Mexican state of Oaxaca was reformed to recognise indigenous usages and customs for the election of municipal governments. This recognition is problematic from a normative perspective, as women, new?comers and dwellers in municipal sub?units are disenfranchised in a good number of indigenous municipalities of the state. Nevertheless, this article argues against a summary assessment of the (presumably illiberal) consequences of this recognition policy. Following James Tully, it advocates an intercultural, dialogical and (...)
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    The place of property in the politics of recognition.Volker Heins - 2009 - Constellations 16 (4):579-592.
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    CSR politics of non‐recognition: Justification fallacies marginalising criticism, society, and environment.Peter Norberg - 2020 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (4):694-705.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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    Parity of Esteem and the Politics of Recognition.Simon Thompson - 2002 - Contemporary Political Theory 1 (2):203-220.
    This article begins from the premise that, in contemporary conditions of immense cultural, social and ethnic diversity, a just and stable political order must be one in which all citizens are able to enjoy due recognition. In order to determine what form such a politics of recognition must take in practice, the article focuses on the case of Northern Ireland. More specifically, it examines the principle of ‘parity of esteem’ which forms the keystone of the Belfast Agreement (...)
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  50. Reconceiving Recognition: Towards a Cumulative Politics of Recognition.Tamar Malloy - 2013 - Journal of Political Philosophy 22 (4):416-437.
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