Results for ' Sonderkommando'

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  1.  29
    Las fotografías del Sonderkommando: una posibilidad de reconciliación al conmemorar un evento histórico sublime.Paula Ramos Mollá - 2022 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 65:192-204.
    In this paper I consider the four images from Auschwitz analyzed by Didi- Huberman in Images in Spite of All —the so-called Sonderkommando photographs— through the lens of the “historical sublime” as proposed by historian Eelco Runia. These photographs are taken as an example of a possible reconciled aesthetic experience with an “unimaginable” past that horrifies us. Moreover, I argue that aesthetic depictions are able to champion a model of historical commemoration which makes these events imaginable again. In order (...)
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    Témoignage sur les Sonderkommandos.Shlomo Venezia - 2009 - Cités 36 (4):119-124.
    Je me souviens de mon premier jour de travail au Sonderkommando. Ils nous ont sortis de la baraque et nous ont emmenés. C’était autour de 7 heures du matin. C’était toujours les mêmes horaires. Ils nous ont conduits dans un lieu que j’avais déjà vu auparavant. Ils ont ouvert le portail et nous sommes entrés dans la cour du crématoire.Il ne fallait..
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    Religiöse Aspekte in den Zeitzeugnissen des Sonderkommandos von Auschwitz-Birkenau.Christin Zühlke - 2022 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 74 (2):174-178.
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  4.  16
    Georges Didi-Huberman, Images malgrétout.Giuseppe Di Liberti - 2006 - Rivista di Estetica 32:197-198.
    Nell’estate del 1944 alcuni membri del Sonderkommando di Auschwitz, il “comando speciale” composto da prigionieri costretti al più infame dei lavori, quello nelle camere a gas e nei crematori, riescono a strappare quattro fotografie a quella terribile realtà. In due delle quattro foto si vedono i cadaveri ammassati a bruciare, in un’altra, delle donne nude correre, spinte verso le camere a gas, mentre nell’ultima distinguiamo appena dei rami. Ma c’è molto altro in queste foto, dalle quali Did...
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    Images of the Catastrophe.Ricardo Nascimento Fabbrini - 2021 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 9 (3):21-42.
    The article investigates from the book “Images despite everything”, by Georges Didi-Huberman (2020), four remaining photographs of Crematorium V in Auschwitz-Birkenau, taken in August 1944, by the Greek Jew Alberto Errera, a member of the Sonderkommando. It is noteworthy that it is his photographic gesture invested with the most intense emotional sense (pathos) that gives his images an indicial character that effectively operates as testimony (superstes) allowing one to imagine what is considered “unimaginable” by “Holocaust metaphysicians”. Reacting to the (...)
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    Survivre à tout prix?: essai sur l'honneur, la résistance et le salut de nos âmes.Jean-Michel Chaumont - 2017 - Paris: La Découverte.
    Pendant des millénaires, il fut attendu des victimes confrontées à des circonstances extrêmes que leurs conduites se conforment à des codes d'honneur terriblement exigeants. A-t-il trahi les siens celui qui a survécu à la torture? A-t-elle trop facilement cédé celle qui a connu le viol? Ces survivants suspects ont-ils sacrifié leur honneur à leur survie? Questions traumatisantes, disent certains. Questions pourtant posées avec une surprenante récurrence pendant des siècles et des siècles, comme l'explique Jean-Michel Chaumont. Or, depuis quelques décennies, dans (...)
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  7.  30
    Out of the Dark.Georges Didi-Huberman & Gila Walker - 2020 - Critical Inquiry 47 (1):149-171.
    This essay, in the form of a letter written to director László Nemes in the immediate aftermath of viewing Son of Saul, is at once a critical reading of the film within a larger theoretical framework and a subjective emotional response to seeing on the screen something of the author’s own “most harrowing nightmares.” While bringing Nemes’s film into conversation with Maurice Blanchot, Theodor Adorno, Walter Benjamin, the Hassidic tale and ancient myths, Georges Didi-Huberman returns to his reflections in Images (...)
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  8.  25
    Eyes wide open: What the eye of history compels us to do.Robert Harvey - 2018 - Angelaki 23 (4):91-102.
    In this contribution, I plumb the depths of Georges Didi-Huberman’s abiding notion of the “eye of history” and, in particular, I explore to which responsible acts this notion might hold us. Does a reader of texts or viewer of an image have a right to claim a certain status as witness if the experience of being present at the crime is “merely” by the proxy of a text or an image? This is a fundamental ethical question and, consequently, a profoundly (...)
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