Results for ' Species Theory'

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  1.  9
    Marx’s “SpeciesTheory and the Construction of a New Form of Human Civilization.常 婷 - 2022 - Advances in Philosophy 11 (5):1438.
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    Roger Bacon and The Origin of Species Theory - Optical Natural Philosophy in De multiplicatione specierum. 이무영 - 2021 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 97:209-239.
    로저 베이컨(Roger Bacon)의 『상형증가론』은 서유럽 후기중세에서 전개된 다양한 상 형론의 원천을 이루는 작품으로 거론되어 왔다. 그는 로베르투스 그로세테스테(Robertus Grosseteste)로 대표되는 이른바 옥스퍼드학파의 자연철학에 기반한 상형론을 전개한다 는 점에서 차후 페트루스 요한네스 올리비(Petrus Johannes Olivi)에 이르는 중세 프란치 스코회 상형론 전통의 한 주축을 형성한다. 그럼에도 지난 베이컨 연구들은 대부분 근대과 학자의 원형으로서 베이컨을 조명하는 과학사적 접근에만 의존할 뿐, 철학자 베이컨의 초 상을 그리는데 인색했던 것처럼 보인다. 특히 과학사의 관점은 베이컨의 상형론을 중세광 학이라는 제한된 틀 안에서 그것의 일부로 다루었던 까닭에 베이컨의 상형론이 (...)
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    Species Equality and the Foundations of Moral Theory.James C. Anderson - 1993 - Environmental Values 2 (4):347 - 365.
    The paper discusses various concepts of 'species equality' and 'species superiority' and the assumptions concerning intrinsic value on which they depend. I investigate what philosophers from the traditional deontological (Taylor and Lombardi) and utilitarian (Singer and Attfield) perspectives have meant by their claims for species equality. I attempt to provide a framework of intrinsic values that justifies one sense in which members of a species can be said to be superior to members of another species.
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    Jeong Eui-rim’s Theory of Liqi 理氣 and the Origin of Species’ Natures.WonSeok Lee - 2023 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 60:95-117.
    Ki Jeong-jin proposed a distinctive perspective in which the unified li 理 transforms into individual li by itself, and these individual li subsequently become the natures of distinct species. This viewpoint starkly contrasts with the Yulgok school’s theory, which posits that the unified principle differentiates through qi 氣. In response, Jeon Woo critiqued Ki Jeong-jin by adhering to the doctrines of the Yulgok school. According to him, a species’ nature is wholly attributed to the influence of qi. (...)
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    Intersubjective Engagements without Theory of Mind: A Cross-Species Comparison.Daniel D. Hutto - forthcoming - In A. Lanjouw & R. A. H. Corbey (eds.), Apes and Humans: Rethinking the Species Interface. Cambridge University Press.
    In naturalistic settings, great apes exhibit impressive social intelligence. Despite this, experimental findings are equivocal about the extent to which they are aware of other minds. At the high level, there is only negative evidence that chimpanzees and orangutans understand the concept of belief, even when simplified non-verbal versions of the ‘location change’ false belief test are used (Call & Tomasello, 1999). More remarkably, even the evidence that they are aware of simpler mental states – such as seeing – is (...)
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    Theory, practice, and epistemology in the development of species concepts.David Magnus - 1996 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 27 (4):521-545.
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    Does Species Evolution Follow Scale Laws? First Applications of the Scale Relativity Theory to Fossil and Living-beings.Jean Chaline - 2010 - Foundations of Science 15 (3):279-302.
    We have demonstrated, using the Cantor dust method, that the statistical distribution of appearance and disappearance of rodents species (Arvicolid rodent radiation in Europe) follows power laws strengthening the evidence for a fractal structure set. Self-similar laws have been used as model for the description of a huge number of biological systems. With Nottale we have shown that log-periodic behaviors of acceleration or deceleration can be applied to branching macroevolution, to the time sequences of major evolutionary leaps (global life (...)
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  8. What SPECIES can teach us about THEORY.P. D. Magnus - manuscript
    This paper argues against the common, often implicit view that theories are some specific kind of thing. Instead, I argue for theory concept pluralism: There are multiple distinct theory concepts which we legitimately use in different domains and for different purposes, and we should not expect this to change. The argument goes by analogy with species concept pluralism, a familiar position in philosophy of biology. I conclude by considering some consequences for philosophy of science if theory (...)
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    The theory that changed everything: "On the origin of species" as a work in progress.Philip Lieberman - 2018 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    The renowned cognitive scientist Philip Lieberman demonstrates that there is no better guide to the world's living--and still evolving--things than Darwin and that the phenomena he observed are still being explored at the frontiers of science. Lieberman relates the insights that led to groundbreaking discoveries in both Darwin's time and our own.
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    Bonnet and Buffon: Theories of generation and the problem of species.Peter J. Bowler - 1973 - Journal of the History of Biology 6 (2):259-281.
  11.  43
    Species are real biological entities.Michael F. Claridge - 2009 - In Francisco José Ayala & Robert Arp (eds.), Contemporary debates in philosophy of biology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 91--109.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Early Species Concepts—Linnaeus Biological Species Concepts Phylogenetic Species Concepts Species Concepts and Speciation Conclusions Postscript: Counterpoint References.
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    Evolution before Darwin: theories of the transmutation of species in Edinburgh, 1804-1834.Bill Jenkins - 2019 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    1. Introduction -- 2. Edinburgh's university and medical schools in the early nineteenth century -- 3. Natural history in Edinburgh, 1779-1832 -- 4. Geology and evolution -- 5. Edinburgh and Paris -- 6. The legacy of the 'Edinburgh Lamarckians' -- 7. Conclusion.
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  13. Darwinism as a scientific theory: Professor agassiz on the origin of species.Louis Agassiz - 1967 - In Raymond Jackson Wilson (ed.), Darwinism and the American intellectual. Homewood, Ill.,: Dorsey Press.
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    Species are individuals: Theoretical foundations for the claim.Mary B. Williams - 1985 - Philosophy of Science 52 (4):578-590.
    This paper shows that species are individuals with respect to evolutionary theory in the sense that the laws of the theory deal with species as irreducible wholes rather than as sets of organisms. 'Species X' is an instantiation of a primitive term of the theory. I present a sketch of a proof that it cannot be defined within the theory as a set of organisms; the proof relies not on details of my axiomatization (...)
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    Charles Darwin's biological species concept and theory of geographic speciation: the transmutation notebooks.Malcolm J. Kottler - 1978 - Annals of Science 35 (3):275-297.
    Summary The common view has been that Darwin regarded species as artificial and arbitrary constructions of taxonomists, not as distinct natural units. However, in his transmutation notebooks he clearly subscribed to the reality of species, on the basis of the criterion of non-interbreeding. A consequence of this biological species concept was his identification of the acquisition of reproductive isolation as the mark of the completion of speciation. He developed in the notebooks a theory of geographic speciation (...)
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  16. Species: kinds of individuals or individuals of a kind.Olivier Rieppel - 2007 - Cladistics 23:373-384.
    The “species-as-individuals” thesis takes species, or taxa, to be individuals. On grounds of spatiotemporal boundedness, any biological entity at any level of complexity subject to evolutionary processes is an individual. From evolutionary theory flows an ontology that does not countenance universal properties shared by evolving entities. If austere nominalism were applied to evolving entities, however, nature would be reduced to a mere flow of passing events, each one a blob in space–time and hence of passing interest only. (...)
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    Drei Texte zur Theorie der Erkenntnis (I) und zur Species-Lehre (IIIII).Petrus Johannis Olivi - 2008 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 13 (1):171-210.
  18.  26
    Sentientist Politics: A Theory of Global Inter-Species Justice.Alasdair Cochrane - 2018 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    There is now widespread agreement that many non-human animals are sentient, and that this fact has important moral and political implications. This book is devoted to sketching what this 'sentientist politics' might look like.
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    Henry Bate's Theory of Sensible Species.Guy Guldentops - 2001 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 68 (1):75-110.
    In his remarkable study Species Intelligibilis. From Perception to Knowledge, L. Spruit succinctly outlines the main points of Henry Bate’s cognitive psychology. Spruit observes that «though endorsing a Neoplatonic innatism, he does not relinquish Peripatetic views on the impact of sensory representations in the generation of intellectual cognition». Moreover, Spruit rightly notes that Bate considers the species doctrine «a pivotal philosophical issue». However, his brief account of Bate’s theory of the sensible species is far from being (...)
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    Species intelligibilis: from perception to knowledge.Leen Spruit - 1994 - New York: Brill.
    v. 1. Classical roots and medieval discussions -- v. 2. Renaissance controversis, later scholasticism, and the elimination of the intelligible species in modern philosophy.
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  21. The Ontological Status of Species: A Study of Individuality and its Role in Evolutionary Theory.Marc F. Ereshefsky - 1988 - Dissertation, The University of Wisconsin - Madison
    Traditionally, species have been treated by biologists and philosophers as natural kinds. However, this conception of species has posed several problems for evolutionary theory. For example, biologists have been hard pressed to find traits had by all and only the members of a species. This has caused some philosophers to doubt that evolutionary theory is a scientific theory. ;In an effort to resolve such problems, Michael Ghiselin and David Hull have argued that species (...)
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  22. The individuality of the species: A Darwinian theory? — From Buffon to Ghiselin, and back to Darwin. [REVIEW]Jean Gayon - 1996 - Biology and Philosophy 11 (2):215-244.
    Since the 1970s, there has been a tremendous amount of literature on Ghiselin's proposal that species are individuals. After recalling the origins and stakes of this thesis in contemporary evolutionary theory, I show that it can also be found in the writings of the French naturalist Buffon in the 18th Century. Although Buffon did not have the conception that one species could be derived from another, there is an interesting similarity between the modern argument and that of (...)
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    Revisiting the relation between species diversity and information theory.Julio A. Camargo - 2008 - Acta Biotheoretica 56 (4):275-283.
    The Shannon information function (H) has been extensively used in ecology as a statistic of species diversity. Yet, the use of Shannon diversity index has also been criticized, mainly because of its ambiguous ecological interpretation and because of its relatively great sensitivity to the relative abundances of species in the community. In my opinion, the major shortcoming of the traditional perspective (on the possible relation of species diversity with information theory) is that species need for (...)
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  24. Species concepts and the ontology of evolution.Joel Cracraft - 1987 - Biology and Philosophy 2 (3):329-346.
    Biologists and philosophers have long recognized the importance of species, yet species concepts serve two masters, evolutionary theory on the one hand and taxonomy on the other. Much of present-day evolutionary and systematic biology has confounded these two roles primarily through use of the biological species concept. Theories require entities that are real, discrete, irreducible, and comparable. Within the neo-Darwinian synthesis, however, biological species have been treated as real or subjectively delimited entities, discrete or nondiscrete, (...)
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  25.  29
    Species Transformation and Social Reform: The Role of the Will in Jean-Baptiste Lamarck’s Transformist Theory.Caden Testa - 2023 - Journal of the History of Biology 56 (1):125-151.
    Jean-Baptiste Lamarck is well known as a pre-Darwinian proponent of evolution. But much of what has been written on Lamarck, on his ‘Lamarckian’ belief in the inheritance of acquired characters, and on his conception of the role of the will in biological development mischaracterizes his views. Indeed, surprisingly little in-depth analysis has been published regarding his views on human physiology and development. Further, although since Robert M. Young’s signal 1969 essay on Malthus and the evolutionists, Darwin scholars have sought to (...)
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    The Progress of a Plague Species, A Theory of History.Michael F. Duggan - 2023 - Symposion: Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 10 (2):215-238.
    This article examines overpopulation as a basis for historical interpretation. Drawing on the ideas of T.R. Malthus, Elizabeth Kolbert, John Lovelock, Lynn Margulis, and Edward O. Wilson, I make the case that the only concept of ‘progress’ that accurately describes the human enterprise is the uncontrolled growth of population. I explain why a Malthusian/Gaia interpretation is not a historicist or eschatological narrative, like Hegelian idealism, Marxism, fundamentalist religion, or ‘end of history’ neoliberalism. My article also includes a discussion of the (...)
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    Have Species Become Déclassé?Arthur L. Caplan - 1980 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1980:71 - 82.
    Traditionally, species have been treated as classes or kinds in philosophical discussions of systematics and evolutionary biology. Recently a number of biologists and philosophers have proposed a drastic revision of this traditional ontological categorization. They have argued that species ought be viewed as individuals rather than as classes or natural kinds. In this paper an attempt is made to show that (a) the reasons advanced in support of this new view of species are not persuasive, (b) a (...)
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  28. Bacterial species pluralism in the light of medicine and endosymbiosis.Javier Suárez - 2016 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 31 (1):91-105.
    This paper aims to offer a new argument in defence bacterial species pluralism. To do so, I shall first present the particular issues derived from the conflict between the non-theoretical understanding of species as units of classification and the theoretical comprehension of them as units of evolution. Secondly, I shall justify the necessity of the concept of species for the bacterial world, and show how medicine and endosymbiotic evolutionary theory make use of different concepts of bacterial (...)
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    The species category as a scientific kind.Caleb C. Hazelwood - 2018 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 12):3027-3040.
    Marc Ereshefsky’s project of eliminative pluralism holds that, as there is no unifying feature among all species concepts, we ought to doubt the existence of the species category. Here, I argue that one promising strategy for saving the species category is to reframe it as a natural kind after the practice turn. I suggest situating the species category within a recent account of natural kinds proposed by Marc Ereshefsky and Thomas Reydon called “scientific kinds”. Scientific kinds (...)
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    Animal Rites: American Culture, the Discourse of Species, and Posthumanist Theory.Cary Wolfe & W. J. T. Mitchell - 2003 - University of Chicago Press.
    In Animal Rites, Cary Wolfe examines contemporary notions of humanism and ethics by reconstructing a little known but crucial underground tradition of theorizing the animal from Wittgenstein, Cavell, and Lyotard to Lévinas, Derrida, ...
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    A Species-Based Environmental Ethic in Hegel’s Logic of Life.Wendell Kisner - 2008 - The Owl of Minerva 40 (1):1-68.
    In this paper I will argue that Hegel’s account of the category of life in the Science of Logic provides ontological grounds for the recognition of living species along with their various ecosystems as the proper objects of ethical regard for environmental ethics. I will begin by enumerating some of the salient problems that have arisen in the more well known theoretical attempts to articulate human duties to nonhuman beings. Then after a brief discussion of Hegel’s methodology and the (...)
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    Animal Cognition: Theory and Evidence: Review of Species of Mind: The Philosophy and Biology of Cognitive Ethology by Colin Allen and Marc Bekoff. [REVIEW]William Robinson - 1998 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 4.
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    Species Inegalitarianism as a Matter of Principle.Christopher Knapp - 2009 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 26 (2):174-189.
    abstract Most critics of species egalitarianism point to its counter‐intuitive implications in particular cases. But this argumentative strategy is vulnerable to the response that our intuitions should give way in the face of arguments showing that species egalitarianism is required by our deepest, most fundamental moral principles. In this article, I develop an argument against deontological versions of species egalitarianism on its own terms. Appealing to the fundamental moral ideal of proportionality, I show that deontological species (...)
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  34. Who Loves Mosquitoes? Care Ethics, Theory of Obligation and Endangered Species.Eleni Panagiotarakou - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (6):1057-1070.
    The focus of this paper is on normative ethical theories and endangered species. To be exact, I examine two theories: the theory of obligation and care ethics, and ask which is better-suited in the case of endangered species. I argue that the aretic, feminist-inspired ethics of care is well-suited in the case of companion animals, but ill-suited in the case of endangered species, especially in the case of “unlovable” species. My argument presupposes that we now (...)
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    Sentientist politics: A theory of global inter‐ species justice. Alasdair Cochrane. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, pp. vii+162. [REVIEW]Federico Zuolo - 2020 - Constellations 27 (1):164-166.
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    Species-being for whom? The five faces of interspecies oppression.Mathieu Dubeau - 2020 - Contemporary Political Theory 19 (4):596-620.
    There is now an awakening to and recognition of the emotionally complex lives of some non-human animals. While their forms of consciousness may vary, some are indeed conscious and deserve political consideration. What that political consideration ought to be is the central topic of this article. First, I argue that interspecies justice must be understood in terms of the relationships that foster individual flourishing of all concerned. The obstacles to such flourishing are the five faces of oppression famously identified by (...)
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    Sentientist Politics: A Theory of Global Inter-Species Justice.Per-Anders Svärd - 2021 - Journal of Animal Ethics 11 (1):108-110.
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    Philip Lieberman. The Theory That Changed Everything: “On the Origin of Species” as a Work in Progress.David Young - 2019 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 3 (1):127-128.
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  39. The Ontological Status of Species and The Dilemma of New Biological Essentialism.Huitong Zhou - manuscript
    Species is one of the most basic concepts for almost all branches of biology, and it is also one of the most controversial concepts. An important aspect of "the species problem" is the question of "what the ontological status of species is". Traditionally, the answer to the issue about "the ontological status of species" is biological essentialism. Biological essentialism claims that species is a "natural kind", which argues that all and only the members of a (...)
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  40. Species and kinds: a critique of Rieppel’s “one of a kind” account of species.Thomas A. C. Reydon - 2009 - Cladistics 25 (6):660-667.
    A major issue in philosophical debates on the species problem concerns the opposition between two seemingly incompatible views of the metaphysics of species: the view that species are individuals and the view that species are natural kinds. In two recent papers in this journal, Olivier Rieppel suggested that this opposition is much less deep than it seems at first sight. Rieppel used a recently developed philosophical account of natural kindhood, namely Richard Boyd’s “homeostatic property cluster” (...), to argue that every species taxon can be conceived of as an individual that constitutes the single member of its own specific natural kind. In this paper I criticize Rieppel’s approach and argue that it does not deliver what it is supposed to, namely an account of species as kinds about which generalized statements can be made. (shrink)
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    Species and Other Evolving Lineages as Feedback Systems.Matthew J. Barker - 2019 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 11.
    This paper proposes a new and testable view about the nature of species and other evolving lineages, according to which they are feedback systems. On this view, it is a mistake to think gene flow, niche sharing, and trait frequency similarities between populations are among variables that interact to cause some further downstream variable that distinguishes evolving lineages from each other, some sort of “species cohesion” for example. Instead, gene flow, niche sharing, similarities between populations, and other causal (...)
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    Species, Humans, and Transformations.Enoch Lambert - unknown
    Do biological species have essences? The debate over this question in philosophy of biology exhibits fundamental confusion both between and within authors. In What to Salvage from the Species Essentialism Debate, I argue that the best way forward is to drop the question and its terms in order to make progress on two issues: how to individuate species taxa; and how to make sense of changes in explanatory frameworks across the Darwinian historical divide. I further argue that (...)
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    (1 other version)Bill Jenkins, Evolution Before Darwin. Theories of the Transmutation of Species in Edinburgh, 1804–1834.Koen B. Tanghe - 2020 - Journal of the History of Biology 53 (1):203-207.
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  44. Review of Darwin's theory on the origin of species[REVIEW]Asa Gray - 1967 - In Raymond Jackson Wilson (ed.), Darwinism and the American intellectual. Homewood, Ill.,: Dorsey Press.
  45. Reparations after species extinctions: An account of reparative interspecies justice.Anna Wienhues & Alfonso Donoso - 2024 - Journal of Social Philosophy:1-21.
    While anthropogenic species extinctions can be considered morally problematic for a range of reasons, they can also be described as a problem of interspecies justice. That is the focus of this paper in which we argue that human-caused species extinctions can be integrated within a non-anthropocentric account of reparative justice that is significantly similar to how reparation is understood within political theory at large. An account such as this faces a series of difficulties, such as how to (...)
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  46. The species problem and its logic: Inescapable ambiguity and framework-relativity.Steven James Bartlett - 2015 - Willamette University Faculty Research Website, ArXiv.Org, and Cogprints.Org.
    For more than fifty years, taxonomists have proposed numerous alternative definitions of species while they searched for a unique, comprehensive, and persuasive definition. This monograph shows that these efforts have been unnecessary, and indeed have provably been a pursuit of a will o’ the wisp because they have failed to recognize the theoretical impossibility of what they seek to accomplish. A clear and rigorous understanding of the logic underlying species definition leads both to a recognition of the inescapable (...)
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  47. A Radical Solution to the Species Problem.Michael T. Ghiselin - 1974 - Systematic Zoology 23 (4):536–544.
    Traditionally, species have been treated as classes. In fact they may be considered individuals. The logical term “individual” has been confused with a biological synonym for “organism.” If species are individuals, then: 1) their names are proper, 2) there cannot be instances of them, 3) they do not have defining properties, 4) their constituent organisms are parts, not members. “ Species " may be defined as the most extensive units in the natural economy such that reproductive competition (...)
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  48. Biological species: Natural kinds, individuals, or what?Michael Ruse - 1987 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 38 (2):225-242.
    What are biological species? Aristotelians and Lockeans agree that they are natural kinds; but, evolutionary theory shows that neither traditional philosophical approach is truly adequate. Recently, Michael Ghiselin and David Hull have argued that species are individuals. This claim is shown to be against the spirit of much modern biology. It is concluded that species are natural kinds of a sort, and that any 'objectivity' they possess comes from their being at the focus of a consilience (...)
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    Species Counterpoint: Darwin and the Evolution of Forms.Randall Everett Allsup - 2006 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 14 (2):159-174.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Species Counterpoint:Darwin and the Evolution of FormsRandall Everett AllsupMy intention is to tell of bodies changed to different forms; the gods, who made the changes, will help me—or so I hope—with a poem that runs from the World's beginning to our own days.1I.A recent article in a progressive monthly magazine asked by way of a thesis, "Whose music is the blues?" Under the title, the tag line read, (...)
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    Species Problems and Beyond: Contemporary Issues in Philosophy and Practice.John S. Wilkins, Igor Pavlinov & Frank Zachos (eds.) - 2022 - Boca Raton: CRC Press.
    Species, or ‘the Species Problem’, is a topic in science, in the philosophy of science, and in general philosophy. There is not one, but many, species problems, and these are dealt with in this volume. Species are often thought of as units of biology, to be used in ecology, conservation, classification, and theory. The chapters in this book present opposing views on the current philosophical and conceptual issues of the Species Problem in biology. -/- (...)
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