Results for ' Stages on Life's Way'

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  1.  38
    Stages on life's way.Søren Kierkegaard - 1940 - New York,: Schocken Books. Edited by Walter Lowrie.
    Stages on Life's Way, the sequel to Either/Or, is an intensely poetic example of Kierkegaard's vision of the three stages, or spheres, of existence: the esthetic, the ethical, and the religious. With characteristic love for mystification, he presents the work as a bundle of documents fallen by chance into the hands of "Hilarius Bookbinder," who prepared them for printing. The book begins with a banquet scene patterned on Plato's Symposium. (George Brandes maintained that "one must recognize with (...)
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  2. Kierkegaard's Writings, Xi: Stages on Life's Way.Howard V. Hong & Edna H. Hong (eds.) - 1988 - Princeton University Press.
    Stages on Life's Way, the sequel to Either/Or, is an intensely poetic example of Kierkegaard's vision of the three stages, or spheres, of existence: the esthetic, the ethical, and the religious. With characteristic love for mystification, he presents the work as a bundle of documents fallen by chance into the hands of "Hilarius Bookbinder," who prepared them for printing. The book begins with a banquet scene patterned on Plato's Symposium. Next is a discourse by "Judge William" in (...)
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    Stages on Life’s Way. Studies by Various Persons Compiled, Forwarded to the Press, and Published.Hilarius Bookbinder - 2000 - In Søren Kierkegaard, The Essential Kierkegaard. Princeton University Press. pp. 170-186.
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    Stages on life's way: Orthodox thinking on bioethics.John Breck - 2005 - Crestwood, N.Y.: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press. Edited by Lyn Breck.
    Bioethics and the stages on life's way -- Bioethical challenges in the new millennium -- The covenantal aspect of Christian marriage -- The use and abuse of human embryos -- The sacredness of newborn life -- On addictions and family systems -- The hope of glory : from a physical to a spiritual body -- Care in the final stage of life.
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    Stages on Life's Way.Robert L. Perkins - 2000 - Mercer University Press.
    The International Kierkegaard Commentary-For the first time in English the world community of scholars systematically assembled and presented the results of recent research in the vast literature of Søren Kierkegaard. Based on the definitive English edition of Kierkegaard's works by Princeton University Press, this series of commentaries addresses all the published texts of the influential Danish philosopher and theologian. This is volume 11 in a series of commentaries based upon the definitive translations of Kierkegaard's writings published by Princeton University Press, (...)
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  6. Kierkegaard's Writings, Xi: Stages on Life's Way.Søren Kierkegaard - 1988 - Princeton University Press.
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    Stages on Life's Way. [REVIEW]Bernard W. Dempsey - 1942 - Modern Schoolman 19 (2):39-39.
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    Chapter 7. Stages on Life’s Way: Hamartia after Modernity.Daniel Greenspan - 2008 - In The Passion of Infinity: Kierkegaard, Aristotle and the Rebirth of Tragedy. De Gruyter.
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    The divine madness of romantic ideals: a reader's companion for Kierkegaard's Stages on life's way.Kevin Hoffman - 2014 - Macon Georgia: Mercer University Press.
    An unprecedented recollection -- A purportedly anonymous rhetorical flourish -- The major interruption in a minor key -- A taciturn commentary by the actual author -- An inconclusive word from the present reader.
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    Stages on Kant's Way: Aesthetics, Morality, and the Gendered Sublime.Christine Battersby - 1995 - In Peg Zeglin Brand Weiser & Carolyn Korsmeyer, Feminism and Tradition in Aesthetics. Pennsylvania State University Press. pp. 88-114.
    I shall hear address the question of whether or not feminist philosophers should accept Kantian markers for the boundary between the aesthetic and nonaesthetic realms. I shall look at the way gender operates at the point in Kant's philosophy at which the aesthetic and ethical attitudes intersect: in the experience of the sublime. As we shall see, the later developments within the Kantian system mean that women fit comfortably neither side of the aesthetic/ethical divide and, indeed, fall outside personhood altogether.
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    Stages on Sartre's Way, 1938-52.Robert Champigny - 1959 - Bloomington: iNdiana.
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  12. Persons, Person Stages, Adaptive Preferences, and Historical Wrongs.Mark E. Greene - 2023 - Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 9 (2):35-49.
    Let’s say that an act requires Person-Affecting Justification if and only if some alternative would have been better for someone. So, Lucifer breaking Xavier’s back requires Person-Affecting Justification because the alternative would have been better for Xavier. But the story continues: While Lucifer evades justice, Xavier moves on and founds a school for gifted children. Xavier’s deepest values become identified with the school and its community. When authorities catch Lucifer, he claims no Person-Affecting Justification is needed: because the attack set (...)
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    From stage to studio: performances versus recordings in classical music.Amy Blier-Carruthers - 2024 - New York: Routledge.
    From Stage to Studio: Performances versus Recordings in Classical Music presents a cultural study of classical music-making through the analysis of live and studio performances of orchestral and operatic repertoire conducted by Sir Charles Mackerras. The close listening analysis is based on detailed research into Mackerras's private collection of over 600 reel-to-reel and cassette tapes containing recordings of over 1,000 live performances which he conducted between the 1950s and the late 1990s. This is contextualized with evidence collected during ethnographic fieldwork (...)
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  14. Setting the stage for a dialogue: Aesthetics in drama and theatre education.Alistair Martin-Smith - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (4):3-11.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Setting the Stage for a Dialogue:Aesthetics in Drama and Theatre EducationAlistair Martin-Smith (bio)For us, education signifies an initiation into new ways of seeing, hearing, feeling, moving. It signifies the nurture of a special kind of reflectiveness and expressiveness, a reaching out for meanings, a learning to learn.—Maxine Greene, Variations on a Blue Guitar1Examining the aesthetics of the complementary fields of educational drama and theatre is like looking through a (...)
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  15.  29
    Caccini's Stages: Identity and Performance Space in the Late Cinquecento Court.Michael Markham - 2012 - In Markham Michael, The Music Room in Early Modern France and Italy: Sound, Space and Object. pp. 195.
    Celebrated performer Giulio Caccini's life as a court musician throws light on the ways in which the soloist formulated and reformulated his/her own identity in order to fit within each of the spaces used for music. Tracing the documented performances associated with Caccini, one can map them onto a continuum of spaces from the most public to the most private. Caccini's successful passage into the more intimate spaces required him to re-form himself as the inheritor of the century-old tradition of (...)
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  16.  54
    Stages of life: A new metaphysics of conceptionism.David Efird & Stephen Holland - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (4):529-535.
    When a human being comes into existence is crucial in bioethics. Conceptionism is the view that a human being comes into existence at conception. The twinning argument is an influential objection to this view. All versions of the twinning argument rely on a metaphysics of material objects, namely, endurantism. Given this, a strategy for defending conceptionism against the twinning argument is to deny endurantism and adopt an alternative metaphysics of material objects. A version of this strategy which has been debated (...)
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  17.  17
    Seeing Silence.Mark C. Taylor - 2020 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    “To hear silence is to find stillness in the midst of the restlessness that makes creative life possible and the inescapability of death acceptable.” So writes Mark C. Taylor in his latest book, a philosophy of silence for our nervous, chattering age. How do we find silence—and more importantly, how do we understand it—amid the incessant buzz of the networks that enmesh us? Have we forgotten how to listen to each other, to recognize the virtues of modesty and reticence, and (...)
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    Hope(lessness) in the Stories of Abraham and Sisyphus.Gabriela Vičanová - 2025 - Sophia 64 (1):213-227.
    When looked at under the perspective of hope, existential philosophers Albert Camus and Søren Kierkegaard are typically seen as inverted images of one another: Kierkegaard embraces hope, which for him is a religious sentiment that he describes at length in Fear and Trembling through the character of Abraham. Camus – on the other hand – rejects hope, seeing both Kierkegaard and Abraham as individuals who had committed what Camus terms a ‘philosophical suicide.’ Camus’ The Myth of Sisyphus can thus be (...)
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  19.  24
    Red Sea-Red Square-Red Thread: A Philosophical Detective Story.Lydia Goehr - 2021 - Oxford University Press.
    A profoundly original philosophical detective story tracing the surprising history of an anecdote ranging across centuries of traditions, disciplines, and ideas Red Sea-Red Square-Red Thread is a work of passages taken, written, painted, and sung. It offers a genealogy of liberty through a micrology of wit. It follows the long history of a short anecdote. Commissioned to depict the biblical passage through the Red Sea, a painter covered over a surface with red paint, explaining thereafter that the Israelites had already (...)
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  20.  8
    (1 other version)Kierkegaard's Writings, Iii, Part I: Either/Or. Part I.Howard V. Hong & Edna H. Hong (eds.) - 1987 - Princeton University Press.
    Søren Kierkegaard, the nineteenth-century Danish philosopher rediscovered in the twentieth century, is a major influence in contemporary philosophy, religion, and literature. He regarded Either/Or as the beginning of his authorship, although he had published two earlier works on Hans Christian Andersen and irony. The pseudonymous volumes of Either/Or are the writings of a young man and of Judge William. The ironical young man's papers include a collection of sardonic aphorisms; essays on Mozart, modern drama, and boredom; and "The Seducer's Diary." (...)
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  21. A Perspectival Account of Acedia in the Writings of Kierkegaard.Jared Brandt, Brandon Dahm & Derek McAllister - 2020 - Religions 80 (11):1-23.
    Søren Kierkegaard is well-known as an original philosophical thinker, but less known is his reliance upon and development of the Christian tradition of the Seven Deadly Sins, in particular the vice of acedia, or sloth. As acedia has enjoyed renewed interest in the past century or so, commentators have attempted to pin down one or another Kierkegaardian concept (e.g., despair, heavy-mindedness, boredom, etc.) as the embodiment of the vice, but these attempts have yet to achieve any consensus. In our estimation, (...)
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  22.  12
    Kierkegaard's Journals and Notebooks, Volume 2: Journals Ee-Kk.Niels Jørgen Cappelorn, Alastair Hannay, David Kangas, Bruce H. Kirmmse, Vanessa Rumble, K. Brian Söderquist & George Pattison (eds.) - 2007 - Princeton University Press.
    Søren Kierkegaard published an extraordinary number of works during his lifetime, but he left behind nearly as much unpublished writing, most of which consists of what are called his "journals and notebooks." Volume 2 of this 11-volume edition of Kierkegaard's Journals and Notebooks includes materials from 1836 to 1846, a period that takes Kierkegaard from his student days to the peak of his activity as an author. In addition to containing hundreds of Kierkegaard's reflections on philosophy, theology, literature, and his (...)
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  23.  17
    The Passion of Infinity: Kierkegaard, Aristotle and the Rebirth of Tragedy.Daniel Greenspan - 2008 - De Gruyter.
    Introduction 1 -- Ancient Greece -- Reason and the irrational : Sophocles' Oedipus tyrannus -- Psuchê : literature and moral psychology from Homer to Sophocles -- Aristotle's poetics : Oedipus and the problem of tragedy -- Psuchê redux : philosophy and the new psychology -- Psychologizing Oedipus : reason and unreason in Aristotle's ethics -- Golden age denmark -- Kierkegaard's retrieval of Greek tragedy -- Tragedy as historical idea : either/or ancient drama reflected in the modern -- Stages on (...)
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  24.  8
    Kierkegaard's Philosophy of Religion.Reidar Thomte - 2009 - Wipf and Stock Publishers.
    Reidar Thomte's Kierkegaard's Philosophy of Religion is an excellent read for students beginning their study of one of the greats of nineteenth and twentieth century philosophy. Thomte directly appropriates Kierkegaard's insightful language and discussion of the theological and philosophical issues that stimulated him, all of which are still alive and well today. This approach has the happy result that readers seeking an introduction do not have to be led through technical debates in order to approach Kierkegaard's thought. Thomte is a (...)
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  25. Kierkegaard's Concepts: Psychological Experiment.Martijn Boven - 2015 - In Steven M. Emmanuel, William McDonal & Jon Stewart, Kierkegaard's Concepts. Tome V: Objectivity to Sacrifice. Ashgate. pp. 159-165.
    For Kierkegaard the ‘psychological experiment’ is a literary strategy. It enables him to dramatize an existential conflict in an experimental mode. Kierkegaard’s aim is to study the source of movement that animates the existing individual (this is the psychological part). However, he is not interested in the representation of historical individuals in actual situations, but in the construction of fictional characters that are placed in hypothetical situations; this allows him to set the categories in motion “in order to observe completely (...)
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  26.  61
    Old Age as a Stage of Life.Jean Kazez - 2023 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 40 (3):521-534.
    The objective list account of wellbeing is usually taken to say that the same set of goods is relevant to wellbeing for any person, regardless of age. Coupled with reasonable assumptions about how goods are distributed over the lifespan, that leads to a picture of wellbeing as higher in midlife and lower in childhood and old age. I argue that a stage-relativized objective list theory is more plausible, after exploring several ways to understand the concept of a life stage. On (...)
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  27.  19
    Class Acts: Derrida on the Public Stage.Michael Naas - 2021 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Class Acts examines two often neglected aspects of Jacques Derrida's work as a philosopher, his public presentations at lectures and conferences and his teaching, along with the question of the "speech act" that links them. What, Michael Naas asks, is one doing when one speaks in public in these ways? The book follows Derrida's itinerary with regard to speech act theory across three public lectures, from 1971 to 1997, all given, for reasons the book seeks to explain, in Montreal. In (...)
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    The Two Process Model of Cognition and Kierkegaard's Stages of Life.Jörg Disse - 2013 - E-Journal Philosophie der Psychologie 19:9 p..
    My aim is to relate Søren A. Kierkegaard’s early theory of stages as described basically in “Either-Or” to the theory of interest underlying the two process model of cognition of the Canadian psychologist Keith E. Stanovich with regard to the question of the highest formal goal we can pursue in our life. On the basis of Stanovich’s distinction between type 1 and type 2 processing and Kierkegaard’s distinction between an esthetical and an ethical stage of life, I argue for (...)
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  29. Kierkegaard's Writings, Xiii: The "Corsair Affair" and Articles Related to the Writings.Edna H. Hong & Howard V. Hong (eds.) - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    The Corsair affair has been called the "most renowned controversy in Danish literary history." At the center is Søren Kierkegaard, whose pseudonymous Stages on Life's Way occasioned a frivolous and dishonorable review by Peder Ludvig Møller. Møller was associated with The Corsair, a publication notorious for gossip and caricature. The editor was Meïr Goldschmidt, an acquaintance of Kierkegaard's and an admirer of his early work. Kierkegaard struck back at not only Møller and Goldschmidt but at the paper as (...)
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    Index.M. Jamie Ferreira - 2008-10-17 - In Steven Nadler, Kierkegaard. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 197–200.
    The prelims comprise: Half‐Title Page Wiley Series Page Title Page Copyright Page Table of Contents Preface List of Abbreviations.
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    Søren Kierkegaard.David E. Cooper - 2003 - In Robert Solomon & David Sherman, The Blackwell Guide to Continental Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 43–61.
    This chapter contains sections titled: “The Category of my Whole Authorship” “The Father of Existentialism” “Becoming a Subject” “Stages on Life's Way”.
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  32. On Becoming an Adult: Autonomy and the Moral Relevance of Life's Stages.Andrew Franklin-Hall - 2013 - Philosophical Quarterly 63 (251):223-247.
    What is it about a person's becoming an adult that makes it generally inappropriate to treat that person paternalistically any longer? The Standard View holds that a mere difference in age or stage of life cannot in itself be morally relevant, but only matters insofar as it is correlated with the development of capacities for mature practical reasoning. This paper defends the contrary view: two people can have all the same general psychological attributes and yet the mere fact that one (...)
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  33.  47
    Two Roads to Ignorance. [REVIEW]Patrick Grim - 1983 - Review of Metaphysics 36 (4):953-954.
    Eliseo Vivas's intellectual life started at the political left and within the tradition of American naturalism, and has ended up somewhere to the political right and with some form of anti-naturalism. Vivas also started "with a great deal of cocksure confidence about his knowledge of the ills of society and the nature of the universe" and ended up recognizing that "he knew very little besides the fact that he did not know, because genuine knowledge about these matters does not exist". (...)
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    The literary Kierkegaard.Eric Ziolkowski - 2011 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    From Clouds to Corsair: Kierkegaard, Aristophanes, and Socrates -- The pure fool and the knight of faith: Wolfram's Parzival and the stages of existence -- From romantic aesthete to Christian analogue: Don Quixote's sallies in Kierkegaard's authorship -- Saying not quite "everything just as it is": Shakespeare on life's way -- "Sorrow's changeling": irony, humor, and laughter in Kierkegaard and Carlyle.
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    Life the Play of Life on the Stage of the World in Fine Arts, Stage-Play, and Literature.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 2001 - Springer.
    "All life upon the stage"; the Theatrum Mundi. In this volume, a seventeenth century metaphor is revisited and is seen as applying to all art in all times. In the "magic mirror of art" the human being discerns the hidden spheres of human life and commemorates and celebrates its glorious victories and mourns its ignominious defeats. Let us rediscover Art as a witness to the human predicament as well as a celebrant of humanity's most sublime moments. This is the invitation (...)
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    The Final Stage of Hegel’s Philosophy of Geist : - The Return of Geist and ‘Ruhe in Gott’ -. 전광식 - 2018 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 85:41-72.
    As we know, the whole system of Hegel 's thought is based totally on the self-development process of the Geist. In other words, according to dialectical scheme of neoplatonism which Proclus systematized as a triad, μονή-πρόοδος-ἐπιστροφή, Hegel says that the Geist remains in himself, comes out from himself, and then returns to himself. With this process of self-development of the Geist, Hegel tries to explain the realities in general such as nature, history, art, religion, and philosophy. This process of the (...)
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  37.  8
    Kierkegaard's Writings, X: Three Discourses on Imagined Occasions.Howard V. Hong & Edna H. Hong (eds.) - 1993 - Princeton University Press.
    Three Discourses on Imagined Occasions was the last of seven works signed by Kierkegaard and published simultaneously with an anonymously authored companion piece. Imagined Occasions both complements and stands in contrast to Kierkegaard's pseudonymously published Stages on Life's Way. The two volumes not only have a chronological relation but treat some of the same distinct themes. The first of the three discourses, "On the Occasion of a Confession," centers on stillness, wonder, and one's search for God--in contrast to (...)
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  38. Philosophy as a Way of Life: Albert Camus and Pierre Hadot.Matthew Lamb - 2011 - Sophia 50 (4):561-576.
    This paper compares Pierre Hadot’s work on the history of philosophy as a way of life to the work of Albert Camus. I will argue that in the early work of Camus, up to and including the publication of The Myth of Sisyphus, there is evidence to support the notions that, firstly, Camus also identified these historical moments as obstacles to the practice of ascesis, and secondly, that he proceeded by orienting his own work toward overcoming these obstacles, and thus (...)
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    The Racial Discourses of Life Philosophy: Négritude, Vitalism, and Modernity.Donna V. Jones - 2010 - Columbia University Press.
    In the early twentieth century, the life philosophy of Henri Bergson summoned the _élan vital_, or vital force, as the source of creative evolution. Bergson also appealed to intuition, which focused on experience rather than discursive thought and scientific cognition. Particularly influential for the literary and political Négritude movement of the 1930s, which opposed French colonialism, Bergson's life philosophy formed an appealing alternative to Western modernity, decried as "mechanical," and set the stage for later developments in postcolonial theory and vitalist (...)
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    Beyond Morality and Ethical Life.Roberto Frega - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Research 40:63-96.
    This article critically examines two central concepts in normative theory—ethical life and morality—by comparing the pragmatist approach with that of Critical Theory. This is done by way of a close scrutiny of Axel Honneth’s reading of the pragmatist philosophers John Dewey and George H. Mead. This focus on Honneth’s use of pragmatism serves as a port of entry to provide a comparative analysis of pragmatism and Critical Theory’s approaches to normativity. As I intend to show, Honneth’s troubles with making sense (...)
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    The Seduction of Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855).Martin Cohen - 2008 - In Martin Cohen & Raul Gonzalez, Philosophical Tales: Being an Alternative History Revealing the Characters, the Plots, and the Hidden Scenes That Make Up the True Story of Philosophy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 179–187.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Philosophical Tale.
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    A better way of dying: how to make the best choices at the end of life.Jeanne Fitzpatrick - 2010 - New York: Penguin Books. Edited by Eileen M. Fitzpatrick.
    Advanced directives and living wills have improved our ability to dictate end-of-life care, but even these cannot guarantee that we will be allowed the dignity of a natural death. Designed by two sisters-one a doctor, one a lawyer-and drawing on their decades of experience, the five-step Compassion Protocol outlined in A Better Way of Dying offers a simple and effective framework for leaving caretakers concrete, unambiguous, and legally binding instructions about your wishes for your last days. Meant for people in (...)
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    (1 other version)A Kierkegaard anthology.Søren Kierkegaard - 1946 - Princeton, N.J.,: Princeton University Press. Edited by Robert W. Bretall.
    The Journals, 1834-1842 -- Either/Or -- Two edifying discourses -- Fear and trembling -- Repetition -- Philosophical fragments -- Stages on life's way -- Concluding unscientific postscript -- The present age -- Edifying discourses in various spirits -- The works of love -- The point of view for my work as author -- The sickness unto death -- Training in Christianity -- Two discourses at the Communion on Fridays -- The Journals, 1850-1854 -- The attack upon "Christendom" -- (...)
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    Philosophy of life in Soviet Russia: the works of Evgeniya Gertsyk.К. В Ворожихина - 2023 - Philosophy Journal 16 (2):115-126.
    The focus of the study is the problem of “entry” or “penetration” of pre-revolutionary philosophy into Soviet philosophy. On the example of the oeuvre of E.K. Gertsyk, the au­thor of “Memoirs” on the philosophers and writers of the religious and philosophical re­vival at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries, the translator of the works of F. Nietzsche, J. Huysmans, F. von Baader and others, the thinker who created her own version of the philosophy of life, it is shown how a (...)
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    In Search of the Good: A Life in Bioethics by Daniel Callahan, and: Why the Church Needs Bioethics: A Guide to the Wise Engagement with Life’s Challenges ed. by John F. Kilner, and: Respecting Life: Theology and Bioethics by Neil Messer.Andrea Vicini - 2015 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 35 (1):196-199.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:In Search of the Good: A Life in Bioethics by Daniel Callahan, and: Why the Church Needs Bioethics: A Guide to the Wise Engagement with Life’s Challenges ed. by John F. Kilner, and: Respecting Life: Theology and Bioethics by Neil MesserAndrea Vicini SJIn Search of the Good: A Life in Bioethics By Daniel Callahan (edited by Arthur Caplan) CAMBRIDGE, MA: MIT PRESS, 2012. XVII + 206 PP. $29.00Why (...)
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    A Study of the Characteristic of Religious Thinking in a Seventh Stage of Kohlberg’s Moral Development Theory -with Emphasis on the concept of Self-Denial-. 송선영 - 2018 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (119):25-44.
    This paper aims to explore the characteristic of religious and moral thinking in stage 7 in Kohlberg’s theory. The main question is why he considered and suggested stage 7 beyond stage 6 of justice in the scheme of moral stages. As it is known, there are three levels –preconventional, conventional, postconventional morality- in which six stages are divided in moral development. In Kohlberg’s scheme, the main goal of moral development is to realize that an agent decides to think (...)
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  47. Becoming Bamboo: Western and Eastern Explorations of the Meaning of Life.Robert E. CARTER - 1992 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 37 (2):113-115.
    The many problems we face in today's world -- among them war, environmental destruction, religious and racial intolerance, and inappropriate technologies -- demand that we carefully re-evaluate such issues as our relation to the environment, the nature of progress, ultimate purposes, and human values. These are all issues, Robert Carter explains, that are intimately linked to our perception of life's meaning. While many books discuss life's meaning either analytically or prescriptively, Carter addresses values and ways of meaningful living (...)
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    Free Will: Art and power on Shakespeare's stage.Richard Wilson - 2013 - Manchester: Manchester University Press.
    Free Will: Art and Power on Shakespeare's Stage is a study of theatre and sovereignty that situates Shakespeare's plays in the contraflow between two absolutisms of early modern England: the aesthetic and the political. Starting from the dramatist's cringing relations with his princely patrons, Richard Wilson considers the ways in which this 'bending author' identifies freedom in failure and power in weakness by staging the endgames of a sovereignty that begs to be set free from itself. The arc of Shakespeare's (...)
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    Caregivers’ perception of teenagers’ dignity in end of life stages: A phenomenological study.Fateme Mohammadi, Khodayar Oshvandi, Masoud Khodaveisi, Fatemeh Cheraghi, Tayebeh Hasan Tehrani, Arash Khalili & Hazel Kyle - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (1):121-132.
    Introduction: Maintaining patient dignity in a caregiving environment is one of the most important moral responsibilities for caregivers. Nonetheless, there are vulnerable groups, specifically teenagers, who in their final stages of life are prone to their dignity being threatened. Moreover, dignity is an abstract concept and there is no studies done on teenagers’ dignity in the final stages of life available in Iran.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe the caregivers’ experiences regarding teenagers’ dignity in the (...)
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  50.  39
    Becoming Bamboo: Western and Eastern Explorations of the Meaning of Life.Robert Edgar Carter - 1992 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    The many problems we face in today's world -- among them war, environmental destruction, religious and racial intolerance, and inappropriate technologies -- demand that we carefully re-evaluate such issues as our relation to the environment, the nature of progress, ultimate purposes, and human values. These are all issues, Robert Carter explains, that are intimately linked to our perception of life's meaning. While many books discuss life's meaning either analytically or prescriptively, Carter addresses values and ways of meaningful living (...)
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