Results for ' Stoics in literature'

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  1.  32
    Stoizismus in der Europäischen Philosophie, Literatur, Kunst Und Politikstoicism in European Philosophy, Literature, Art, and Politics. A Cultural History From Antiquity to Modernity: Eine Kulturgeschichte von der Antike Bis Zur Moderne.Bernhard Zimmermann, Jochen Schmidt & Barbara Neymeyr (eds.) - 2008 - Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
    Starting from the position of the ancient Stoa, these two interdisciplinary collections examine the influence of Stoic thinkers from late antiquity to modernity. Following an introductory overview, the 42 essays examine central Stoic themes and consider their cultural significance.
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    The Stoic Tradition from Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages. I. Stoicism in Classical Latin Literature, and: The Stoic Tradition from Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages. II. Stoicism in Christian Latin Thought, and: Ethics and Human Action in Early Stoicism, and: Aristotle and the Stoics[REVIEW]Robert J. Rabel - 1988 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 26 (1):140-145.
  3.  17
    Senecan Drama and Stoic Cosmology.Thomas G. Rosenmeyer - 1989 - University of California Press.
    Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Nero's tutor and advisor, wrote philosophical essays, some of them in the form of letters, and dramas on Greek mythological topics, which since the early Renaissance have exercised a powerful influence on the European theater. Because in his essays Seneca, in his own eclectic way, subscribes to the philosophy of the Stoic school, scholars and critics have long been asking the question whether the plays, also, could be regarded as transmitters of Stoic thought. Various answers, ranging from (...)
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  4.  71
    Atoms, pneuma, and tranquillity: Epicurean and Stoic themes in European thought.Margaret J. Osler (ed.) - 1991 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This volume examines the influence that Epicureanism and Stoicism, two philosophies of nature and human nature articulated during classical times, exerted on the development of European thought to the Enlightenment. Although the influence of these philosophies has often been noted in certain areas, such as the influence of Stoicism on the development of Christian thought and the influence of Epicureanism on modern materialism, the chapters in this volume forward a new awareness of the degree to which these philosophies and their (...)
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  5.  28
    Stoizismus in der europäischen Philosophie, Literatur, Kunst und Politik: eine Kulturgeschichte von der Antike bis zur Moderne.Barbara Neymeyr, Jochen Schmidt & Bernhard Zimmermann (eds.) - 2008 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Ausgehend von den Grundpositionen der antiken Stoa erschließen die beiden interdisziplinär angelegten Sammelbände erstmals historisch und systematisch die außergewöhnlich breite Wirkungsgeschichte dieser philosophischen Schule. Sie reicht von der Spätantike über Renaissance und Humanismus bis in die Gegenwart. Die stoische Tradition prägte nicht nur Philosophie, Literatur und Politik, sondern wirkte auch auf Theologie, Kunst, Recht, Ökonomie, Psychologie und Medizin. Dabei stand das Programm ethischer Lebensorientierung im Mittelpunkt. Dem einleitenden Gesamtüberblick folgen 42 Abhandlungen, die zentrale Themen des Stoizismus und ihre Transformationen untersuchen: (...)
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  6.  63
    Eudaimonism and Theology in Stoic Accounts of Virtue.Michael Gass - 2000 - Journal of the History of Ideas 61 (1):19-37.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 61.1 (2000) 19-37 [Access article in PDF] Eudaimonism and Theology in Stoic Accounts of Virtue Michael Gass The Stoics were unique among the major schools in the ancient world for maintaining that both virtue and happiness consist solely of "living in agreement with nature" (homologoumenos tei phusei zen). We know from a variety of texts that both Cleanthes and Chrysippus, if not (...)
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  7. Stoic Philosophy.John M. Rist - 1969 - London: Cambridge University Press.
    Literature on the Stoa usually concentrates on historical accounts of the development of the school and on Stoicism as a social movement. In this 1977 text, Professor Rist's approach is to examine in detail a series of philosophical problems discussed by leading members of the Stoic school. He is not concerned with social history or with the influence of Stoicism on popular beliefs in the Ancient world, but with such questions as the relation between Stoicism and the thought of (...)
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  8.  44
    Women and Stoic ethics in early modern England.Jacqueline Broad & Diana G. Barnes - 2023 - Philosophy Compass 18 (6):e12933.
    This paper provides an overview of women's engagement with Stoic ethics in early modern England (c. 1600–1700). It builds on recent literature in the field by demonstrating that there is a positive gender‐inclusive narrative to be told about Stoic philosophy in this time—one that incorporates women's specific concerns and responds to women's lived experiences. To support this claim, we take an interdisciplinary approach and examine several different genres of women's writing in the period, including letters, poems, plays, educational texts, (...)
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  9.  33
    Faulkner the Stoic: Honor, Evil, and the Snopeses in the Snopes Trilogy.T. Allan Hillman - 2015 - Philosophy and Literature 39 (1A):260-279.
    According to the stoic philosopher Chrysippus, we are to imagine our lives by analogy to a dog that is tied to a cart. It is not up to the dog whether or not he is so tied, just as it is not up to us what our external circumstances happen to be. However, it is up to the dog whether he willingly runs along behind the cart or is unwillingly dragged, just as it is up to us to decide the (...)
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  10.  52
    Determinism and Freedom in Stoic Philosophy. [REVIEW]Thomas A. Blackson - 2000 - Review of Metaphysics 53 (4):919-919.
    In Determinism and Freedom in Stoic Philosophy, Professor Bobzien accomplishes what she describes as her “primary goal”; namely, “to establish-as far as that is possible—what the Stoic positions were, and to make them comprehensible to modern readers”. To this end, she demonstrates a scholarly command of the ancient texts and the contemporary secondary literature that places her as one of the most knowledgeable philosophers working in the history of ancient philosophy today. Moreover, as Myles Burnyeat says in his remarks (...)
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  11.  9
    The Passions in Roman Thought and Literature.Susanna Morton Braund & Christopher Gill - 1997 - Cambridge University Press.
    Essays by an international team of scholars in Latin literature and ancient philosophy explore the understanding of emotions (or 'passions') in Roman thought and literature. Building on work on Hellenistic theories of emotion and on philosophy as therapy, they look closely at the interface between ancient philosophy (especially Stoic and Epicurean), rhetorical theory, conventional Roman thinking and literary portrayal. There are searching studies of the emotional thought-world of a range of writers including Catullus, Cicero, Virgil, Seneca, Statius, Tacitus (...)
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  12. Stoic Cosmopolitanism and the Political Life.Eric Brown - 1997 - Dissertation, The University of Chicago
    Resurgent nationalisms and disputes over educational curricula have brought to the fore an old debate between cosmopolitans and patriots. The cosmopolitans emphasize our moral obligations to all human beings, while the patriots argue that our greatest moral obligations lie closer to hand, within our political community. My dissertation concerns the roots of this debate by focusing on the first philosophers in the West to devise an ethical theory which is fully committed to the strictly cosmopolitan denial that we have any (...)
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  13.  36
    The Stoic tradition from antiquity to the early Middle Ages.Marcia Lillian Colish - 1985 - Leiden: E.J. Brill.
    Stoicism in classical Latin literature--2. Stoicism in Christian Latin thought through the sixth century.
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  14.  43
    Passions of the Soul and the Humanistic Society in the Theories of Plutarch, Aristotle, the Stoics, Boethius.Archontissa Kokotsaki - 2015 - Dialogue and Universalism 25 (1):195-202.
    According to Plutarch, the theory of psychological disharmony relies on the Platonic music harmony. When Plato refers to music harmony, he means the kind of harmony where the concept of God is the source through which all beings emanate. The mental passions define the quality of human character and consequently develop the social man. As far as the Aristotelian ethical theory is concerned, morality does not condemn the passions, because it has a clear ontological and anthropological basis. The Stoics (...)
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  15.  41
    Dilthey’s and Misch’s “Nachverstehen” of the neo-stoic “natural system of the human sciences” in their unfinished projects on pantheism.Gábor Boros - 2024 - Intellectual History Review 34 (1):231-249.
    This paper focuses on a neglected part of Dilthey’s œuvre that consists of papers on 16th–17th century philosophical issues. These papers are closer to interpretive articles than to original works, and so they are neither considered Dilthey’s original contributions to his own philosophy nor studied as part of the secondary literature. One of the most characteristic features of Dilthey’s philosophic style is the historical-systematic method mostly repudiated as concealing the real statement of the author “between the lines,” i.e. behind (...)
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  16.  21
    Beyond Hellenistic Epistemology: Arcesilaus and the Destruction of Stoic Metaphysics.Charles E. Snyder - 2021 - New York, NY, USA: Bloomsbury Publishing.
    Charles E. Snyder considers the New Academy's attacks on Stoic epistemology through a critical re-assessment of the 3rd century philosopher, Arcesilaus of Pitane. Arguing that the standard epistemological framework used to study the ancient Academy ignores the metaphysical dimensions at stake in Arcesilaus's critique, Snyder explores new territory for the historiography of Stoic-Academic debates in the early Hellenistic period. Focusing on the dispute between the Old and New Academy, reveals the metaphysical dimensions of Arcesilaus' arguments as essential to grasping what (...)
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  17.  96
    The Routledge Handbook of the Stoic Tradition.John Sellars (ed.) - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    The ancient philosophy of Stoicism has been a crucial and formative influence on the development of Western thought since its inception through to the present day. It is not only an important area of study in philosophy and classics, but also in theology and literature. The Routledge Handbook of the Stoic Tradition is the first volume of its kind, and an outstanding guide and reference source to the nature and continuing significance of Stoicism.
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  18.  20
    Body, Gender, Senses: Subversive Expressions in Early Modern Art and Literature.Carin Franzén & Johanna Vernqvist (eds.) - 2024 - De Gruyter.
    The body, touch and its sensations are present, sometimes viewed in contradictory ways, both expressed, visualized, and rejected, in early modern art and literature. In seven essays moving from the 16th to the mid-18th century, and from Italy and Spain to France and Sweden, this volume explores strategies used by early modern women poets, philosophers, and artists in order to create subversive expressions of the body, gender and the senses. Showing how body and soul, the carnal and the divine, (...)
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  19.  29
    What Remains of Stoic Ethics?Evelina Praino - 2020 - Symposium 24 (2):78-99.
    Among Foucault’s works on the “techniques of the self,” the importance of the Stoic doctrine of cura sui is testified by a number of essays such as The Care of the Self and The Hermeneutics of the Subject. In line with Foucault’s biopolitical thought throughout the 1970s, my core argument in this paper is that some authors of the Italian Theory develop their account of contemporary neoliberalism through the interpretation of cura sui as a form of self-enterprise. Thus, I compare (...)
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  20. Nietzsche on the passions and self-cultivation: contra the Stoics and Spinoza.Keith Ansell-Pearson - 2021 - Continental Philosophy Review 55 (3):245-265.
    Although the literature on Nietzsche is now voluminous one area where there has surprisingly been very little research concerns Nietzsche on the passions. This essay aims to correct this neglect. My focus is on illuminating Nietzsche on the passions in relation to his primary teaching on self-cultivation. To illuminate his position, I focus attention on examining his relation to Stoic teaching on the passions. If for Nietzsche the Christian mind-set involves a disturbing pathological excess of feeling, the Stoic way (...)
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  21. Disagreement and Reception. Peripatetics Responding to the Stoic Challenge.Jan Szaif - 2016 - In Reading the Past Across Space and Time: Receptions and World Literature. pp. 121-147.
    Starting from an abstract sketch of scenarios for philosophical reception stimulated by disagreement and school rivalry, part one of this chapter highlights the case of an older, marginalized position that tries to reinsert itself into the debate through radical modernization of its terminology and argumentative strategies and thereby triggers various forms of orthodox response. Part two discusses examples for this scenario extracted from some of the remains of the Peripatetic ethical literature of the late Hellenistic era (Critolaus, Arius Didymus). (...)
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  22.  42
    Methodology in the history of ideas: The case of Pierre Charron.Alfred Soman - 1974 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 12 (4):495.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Notes and Discussions METHODOLOGY IN THE HISTORY OF IDEAS: THE CASE OF PIERRE CHARRON Affanities, influences, borrowings, innovations, traditions, consistency--these are some of the key concepts of the time-honored and probably still dominant approach to the history of ideas. Scholars who seek to understand and interpret the philosophy and literature of the past in these terms tend to pay little attention to the social and institutional factors which (...)
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  23.  14
    Greek ethical thought from Homer to the Stoics.Hilda Diana Oakeley - 1925 - [New York,: AMS Press.
  24.  55
    The Plotinian Logos and its Stoic Basis.R. E. Witt - 1931 - Classical Quarterly 25 (2):103-111.
    The purpose of the present article is to examine the use of Logos as an ontological term in the Plotinian system and to seek to trace its connexion with Stoicism. Although at first the fact that the fundamental meaning metaphysically of Logos for Plotinus is a spiritual activity due, both as created and as creator, to the desire for contemplation may appear to be an obstacle to a close resemblance with the Spermatic Logos of Stoicism, the creative aspect of the (...)
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  25. Kant's Canon, Garve's Cicero, and the Stoic Doctrine of the Highest Good.Corey Dyck - forthcoming - In Stefano Bacin & Oliver Sensen (eds.), Kant's Moral Philosophy in Context. Cambridge:
    The concept of the highest good is an important but hardly uncontroversial piece of Kant’s moral philosophy. In the considerable literature on the topic, challenges are raised concerning its apparently heteronomous role in moral motivation, whether there is a distinct duty to promote it, and more broadly whether it is ultimately to be construed as a theological or merely secular ideal. Yet comparatively little attention has been paid to the context of a doctrine that had enjoyed a place of (...)
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  26.  11
    Naturgesetz in der Vorstellung der Antike, besonders der Stoa: eine Begriffsuntersuchung.Wolfgang Kullmann - 2010 - Stuttgart: Steiner.
    English summary: The focus by individual ancient (or modern) authors in various fields (law, philosophy, science, theology, literature) on how to use the concept of natural law led to biases that this volume wants to help overcome through a preview of the 'historical depth' of the concept. Its particular charm lies in the fact that its two components (Nature and Law) stand in strong tension with each other, which to the present day does not appear to be fully resolved. (...)
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  27.  22
    Possibility and Necessity in the Time of Peter Abelard by Irene Binini.Wolfgang Lenzen - 2023 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (2):327-329.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Possibility and Necessity in the Time of Peter Abelard by Irene BininiWolfgang LenzenIrene Binini. Possibility and Necessity in the Time of Peter Abelard. Investigating Medieval Philosophy Series. Leiden: Brill, 2021. Pp. xii + 326. Hardback, $166.00.This book is an impressive work written by a young Italian scholar who received her PhD only five years ago in Pisa. It is divided into three parts. Part 1 gives a survey (...)
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  28.  53
    Work in Progress: Literary Revision as Social Performance in Ancient Rome by Sean Alexander Gurd (review).Thomas Habinek - 2013 - American Journal of Philology 134 (2):340-343.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Work in Progress: Literary Revision as Social Performance in Ancient Rome by Sean Alexander GurdThomas HabinekSean Alexander Gurd. Work in Progress: Literary Revision as Social Performance in Ancient Rome. American Classical Studies 57. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. xi + 167 pp. Cloth, $74.The New Critical approach to texts of Latin literature as well-formed artifacts comprehensible solely on their own terms has been in decline for some (...)
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    Emotion and peace of mind: From stoic agitation to Christian temptation. Richard Sorabji oxford: Oxford university press, 2000. Pp. XI, 499. [REVIEW]Bonnie Kent - 2005 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 70 (1):245–247.
    The last decade has witnessed a dramatic revival of interest in Hellenistic philosophy. No longer can one complain that scholars pitch their tents on Aristotelian turf and refuse to move beyond it. Indeed, the burgeoning literature on Hellenistic philosophy might now raise doubts about whether an author breaks any new ground. Sorabji's latest book analyzes many of the same texts and issues explored in Martha Nussbaum's The Therapy of Desire ; and he, too, argues that ancient philosophical therapy can (...)
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  30. Eudaimonia in Contemporary Virtue Ethics.Anne Baril - 2014 - In S. van Hooft, N. Athanassoulis, J. Kawall, J. Oakley & L. van Zyl (eds.), The handbook of virtue ethics. Durham: Acumen Publishing. pp. 17-27.
    In the contemporary virtue ethics literature, eudaimonia is discussed far more often than it is defined or fully articulated. It was introduced into the contemporary virtue ethics literature by philosophers who work in ancient philosophy, and who are familiar with the work of ancient eudaimonists (where the ancient eudaimonists are typically thought to include Plato, the Stoics, and (especially) Aristotle). Yet, predictably, among philosophers who study ancient philosophy, there is not consensus, but rather lively debate, about what (...)
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  31.  19
    The Life of Wisdom in Rousseau's Reveries of the Solitary Walker.Thomas L. Pangle - 2023 - Cornell University Press.
    The Life of Wisdom in Rousseau's "Reveries of the Solitary Walker" is the first complete exegesis and interpretation of Rousseau's final and culminating work, showing its full philosophic and moral teaching. The Reveries has been celebrated as a work of literature that is an acknowledged acme of French prose writing. Thomas L. Pangle argues that this aesthetic appreciation necessitates an in-depth interpretation of the writing's complex and multileveled intended teaching about the normatively best way of life—and how essential this (...)
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  32.  36
    Horace and the Dialectic of Freedom: Readings in Epistles 1 (review).Barbara K. Gold - 1996 - American Journal of Philology 117 (2):335-338.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Horace and the Dialectic of Freedom: Readings in Epistles 1Barbara K. GoldW. R. Johnson. Horace and the Dialectic of Freedom: Readings in Epistles 1. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1993. xiv 1 172 pp. Cloth, $27.50. (Townsend Lectures)A colleague once expressed shock that I was reading Horace’s Epistles. They are, she said, the most boring works in all of Latin literature. It seems likely that this was not (...)
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  33.  43
    Disjunctions and Natural Philosophy in Marcus Aurelius.Benjamin Harriman - 2019 - Classical Quarterly 69 (2):858-879.
    In hisMeditations, Marcus Aurelius repeatedly presents a disjunction between two conceptions of the natural world. Either the universe is ruled by providence or there are atoms. At 4.3, we find perhaps its most succinct statement: ἀνανεωσάμενος τὸ διεζευγμένον τό⋅ ἤτοι πρόνοια ἢ ἄτομοι (recall the disjunction: either providence or atoms). The formulation of the disjunction differs; at 7.32, being composed of atoms is contrasted with a stronger sort of unity (ἕνωσις) that may survive death. In 10.6 and 11.18 Marcus simply (...)
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  34. Epistemic Luck in Stoicism.Pavle Stojanović - 2022 - Ancient Philosophy 42 (1):273-289.
    The Stoics thought that knowledge depends on a special kind of appearances which they called ‘apprehensive’, which are by definition true. Interestingly, Sextus Empiricus reports in M 7.247 that they held that there are appearances that are true but that are not apprehensive because they are true merely by chance and thus cannot constitute knowledge. I believe that this suggests that the Stoics were aware of what is in modern literature known as the problem of epistemic luck. (...)
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  35.  8
    Seneca’s Presence in Pliny’s Epistle 1. 12.Spyridon Tzounakas - 2011 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 155 (2):346-360.
    In his exitus letter on the death of Corellius Rufus, Pliny attempts to present his dead friend with Stoic characteristics. Not only does Corellius follow the Stoic view on suicide in the case of an incurable disease, but also he is implicitly compared to the Stoic sapiens. This is greatly facilitated by allusions to Seneca’s Epistulae Morales, and in particular to epistle 85, where the sapiens is described and dolor is presented as indifferent to the pursuit of virtus. These allusions (...)
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  36.  49
    Philosophie in Bildern: Von Giorgione bis Magritte (review).Christopher Forlini - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (3):459-460.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 39.3 (2001) 459-460 [Access article in PDF] Reinhard Brandt. Philosophie in Bildern: Von Giorgione bis Magritte. Hamburg: Dumont, 2000. Pp. 470. Paper, NP. Reinhard Brandt, professor for Philosophiegeschichte, offers in his latest book a multi-faceted history of philosophy and art through his detailed interpretations of major paintings in the European tradition, beginning with Giorgione's "The Three Philosophers" and a young Raphael's "The Dream (...)
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  37. Terms for Eternity. Αἰώνιος and ἀίδιος in Classical and Christian Authors.Ilaria L. E. Ramelli & David Konstan - 2007; 2011; 2013 - Gorgias.
    What is truly timeless? This book explores the language of eternity, and in particular two ancient Greek terms that may bear the sense of eternal : aiônios and aïdios. This fascinating linguistic chronicle is marked by several milestones that correspond to the emergence of new perspectives on the nature of eternity. These milestones include the advent of Pre-Socratic physical speculation and the notion of limitless time in ancient philosophy, the major shift in orientation marked by Plato s idea of a (...)
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  38. Eudaimonism and the Appeal to Nature in the Morality of Happiness.John M. Cooper - 1995 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 55 (3):587-598.
    Recent scholarship has steadily been opening up for philosophical study an increasingly wide range of the philosophical literature of antiquity. We no longer think only of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, and their pre-Socratic forebears, when someone refers to the views of the ancient philosophers. Julia Annas has been one of the philosophers most closely engaged in the renewed study of Hellenistic philosophy over the past fifteen years, enabling herself and other scholars to acquire the necessary ground-level knowledge of the (...)
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  39.  24
    Academic Skepticism in Hume and Kant: A Ciceronian Critique of Metaphysics by Catalina González Quintero (review).Zuzana Parusniková - 2023 - Hume Studies 48 (2):346-350.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Academic Skepticism in Hume and Kant: A Ciceronian Critique of Metaphysics by Catalina González QuinteroZuzana ParusnikováCatalina González Quintero. Academic Skepticism in Hume and Kant: A Ciceronian Critique of Metaphysics. Cham: Springer, 2022. Pp. 268. Hardcover. ISBN: 978-3-030-89749-9. £99.99.This book is a valuable contribution to the rapidly expanding field of research into the formative impact of ancient skepticism on early modern philosophy. This new paradigm was introduced several decades (...)
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    Nihilistic Cosmology and Catonian Ethics in Lucan's Bellum Civile.R. Sklenar - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (2):281-296.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Nihilistic Cosmology and Catonian Ethics in Lucan’s Bellum CivileR. Sklenár*For many years, a powerful communis opinio dominated the scholarly literature on Lucan: that the poet is not merely influenced by Stoicism but is himself a committed Stoic, who expounds his doctrines both in his own voice and in the speeches of Cato. 1 The obvious difficulty with this argument is that Cato’s Stoic ideal defies reconciliation with some (...)
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  41. Problems in Stoicism.A. A. Long (ed.) - 1971 - London,: Athlone Press.
    The original publication was an important spur to the subsequent renewal of interest in the study of stoicism, and is here reprinted not only because literature on the subject is still scarce, but because it has continued to be heavily referred to long after it had gone out of print. The ten essays were presented at a seminar at the University of London. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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    Sovereign Love and Atomism in Racine's Berenice.Ellen McClure - 2003 - Philosophy and Literature 27 (2):304-317.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 27.2 (2003) 304-317 [Access article in PDF] Sovereign Love and Atomism in Racine's Bérénice Ellen Mcclure ALTHOUGH CRITICS HAVE NOTED links between the new science of the seventeenth century and the works of La Fontaine and Molière, 1 a similar influence of Epicureanism or even Cartesianism upon French classical tragedy is harder to trace. No two areas of seventeenth-century cultural life would seem farther apart (...)
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    The Wax and the River Metaphors in Ovid’s Speech of Pythagoras and Plato’s Theaetetus.Peter Kelly - 2019 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 163 (2):274-297.
    In the Speech of Pythagoras fromMetamorphoses15, Ovid uses a metaphor of how wax can be stamped with new images to illustrate how theanimacan remain substantially the same while altering in shape when undergoing transmigration. Shortly after he describes how all things are in a state of flux, and compares the flow of time to the movement of a river. In Plato’sTheaetetus, Socrates, in an extended analogy, tells us to imagine that the ψυχή contains a block of wax, upon which are (...)
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  44.  6
    The Representation of Psychological War-Related Traumas in the Literary Works of Contemporary Burundian and Ukrainian Writers: African and European Perspectives.Audace Mbonyingingo, Olena Moiseyenko & Dmytro Mazin - 2023 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 10:89-119.
    The article explores the representation of psychological traumas afflicted by war in contemporary literary writing by Burundian (African) and Ukrainian (European) authors who were witnesses of the events described in their works. Based on the existing linguistic and psychological theoretical approaches to the phenomenon of a mental wound, a comparative perspective is provided on the nature, literary, and linguistic manifestations of psychological trauma in Burundian novels by Antoine Kaburahe and Marie-Therese Toyi, presenting the tragic, but stoic experience during the civil (...)
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    Die zweite Definition der Philosophie der alexandrinischen neuplatonischen Schule in den Werken des Niketas Stethatos.Georgios Diamantopoulos - 2021 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 114 (3):1013-1036.
    This paper presents Niketas Stethatos’ use of the definition of philosophy as “knowledge of human and divine things”. The definition, of Stoic origin, was elaborated by the Neoplatonic school of Alexandria together with five other definitions, and was adopted by the Church Fathers. The first part discusses aspects of the definition’s history in ancient, Patristic, and Byzantine literature until the eleventh century, which indicates Stethatos’ uniqueness. The second part presents the definition in his works, with emphasis on its relation (...)
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  46.  85
    The structured self in Hellenistic and Roman thought.Christopher Gill - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Christopher Gill offers a new analysis of what is innovative in Hellenistic--especially Stoic and Epicurean--philosophical thinking about selfhood and personality. His wide-ranging discussion of Stoic and Epicurean ideas is illustrated by a more detailed examination of the Stoic theory of the passions and a new account of the history of this theory. His study also tackles issues about the historical study of selfhood and the relationship between philosophy and literature, especially the presentation of the collapse of character in Plutrarch's (...)
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  47. The question of the Freedom of Will in Epictetus.Marina Christodoulou - 2009 - Dissertation, The University of Edinburgh
    Stoic philosophers had to face the accusation of incoherence, self-contradiction and Paradoxes since ancient times. Plutarch in his Moralia writes against them; Cicero devotes a separate work on stoic paradoxes. Even in contemporary Literature there are still discussions on the possibility of such an incoherence and existence of paradoxes in the stoic theory. At first glance, stoic Cosmology gives the impression to both accept a kind of Determinism, and at the same time it undoubtedly argues for the moral agent’s (...)
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    Morals and Villas in Seneca's Letters: Places to Dwell.John Henderson - 2007 - Cambridge University Press.
    John Henderson focuses on three key Letters visiting three Roman villas, and reveals their meaning as designs for contrasting lives. Seneca brings the philosophical epistle to Latin literature, creating models for moralizing which feature self-criticism, parody, and animated revision of myth. The Stoic moralist wrests writing away from Greek gurus and texts, and recasts it into critical thinking in Latin terms, within a Roman context. The Letters embody critical thinking on metaphor and translation, self-transformation and cultural tradition.
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    Socrate dans la littérature de l’ancienet du moyen stoïcisme.Francesca Alesse - 2001 - Philosophie Antique 1 (1):119-135.
    In order to stress their Socratic inheritance, the Stoics, in their writings - dialogues, collections of maxims or « memorabilia » –, either drew upon the ancient Socratic literature or quoted Socratic sayings in their own moral treatises. Their authorities were not only Xenophon and Plato’s dialogues, but the works of Antisthenes and Aeschines of Sphettos, minor trends in ancient Socratic literature, such as Phaedo or Simon, and part of the later Socratic literature, in particular Diogenes (...)
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    Anthony David Nuttall 1937-2007.Laurence Lerner - 2009 - In Lerner Laurence (ed.), Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 161, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, VIII. pp. 313.
    Anthony David Nuttall, a Fellow of the British Academy, was born on April 25, 1937, and grew up in Hereford. He attended Hereford Grammar School and then Watford Grammar School, where he received a thorough, old-fashioned classical education. Nuttall then went to Merton College in the University of Oxford, where he met his lifelong friend Stephen Medcalf. In 1962, he was appointed lecturer in English at the new University of Sussex, rising to professor ten years later, and in 1978 he (...)
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