Results for ' Symbolism in architecture'

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  1.  89
    Monsters of Architecture: Anthropomorphism in Architectural Theory.Edward Winters & Marco Frascari - 1993 - Philosophical Quarterly 43 (171):251.
    '...deserves serious attention among new theories in architecture, and is recommended for all university architectural collections.'|s CHOICE.
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    Architecture: The Making of Metaphors.Barie Fez-Barringten - 2012 - Cambridge Scholars Press. Edited by Edward Hart.
    The authors writings are based on his lecture series presented in 1968 at Yale University called "Architecture: The Making of Metaphors" which was then published in part in Main Currents in Modern Thought, then in many other journals including research into the works of Paul Weiss, Andrew Ortony, David Zarefsky and W. J. J. Gordon.
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    Symbol and Function in Contemporary Architecture.Curtis L. Carter - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 1:15-25.
    The focus here will be on the tension between architecture’s symbolic role and its function as a space to house and present art. ‘Symbolic’ refers both to a building as an aesthetic or sculptural form and secondly to its role in expressing civic identity. ‘Function’ refers to the intended purpose or practical use apart from its role as a form of art. As an art form, it serves important symbolic purposes; its practical purposes are linked to serving individual and (...)
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    Interpreting the Scales of Justice : Architecture, Symbolism and Semiotics of the Supreme Court of India.Shailesh Kumar - 2017 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 30 (4):637-675.
    The neutrality of the art and architecture of courtrooms and courthouses has dominated the public perception in the Indian context. The courtroom design and the visual artistic elements present within these judicial places have very often been considered to be insignificant to the notions of law and justice that they reflect. As art and architecture present certain historical narratives, reflect political allegories and have significant impact on the perceptions of their viewers, they have critical socio-political ramifications. This makes (...)
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    Rights, Symbolism, and Public Policy in Fetal Tissue Transplants.John A. Robertson - 1988 - Hastings Center Report 18 (6):5-12.
    The architecture of the fetal tissue transplant controversy is similar to that of many bioethical debates, with a novel twist because of the contested status of the fetus and abortion. Respect for the needs of sick patients appears to conflict with respect for prenatal human life and larger societal concems.
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    The symbolic usage of stone beyond its function as a construction material: Example of residential architecture in Iraqi Kurdistan.Rafooneh M. Sani & Sardar S. Shareef - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (238):37-59.
    This study examines the symbolic use of stone beyond its basic function as a construction material in architecture. It investigates the meaning of stone using Iraqi Kurdistan residential architecture as a case study. The theoretical framework of the study is developed through the content analysis method, by applying Hershberger’s basic model of meaning, and by exploring Krampen’s writings on semiotics in architecture. The relevant theoretical framework was tested through systematic physical observation of selected houses in Iraqi Kurdistan (...)
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    Typographic Matchmaking in the City: Propositions for a Pluralistic Public Space = Voorstellen Voor Een Pluralistische Openbare Ruimte.Huda Smitshuijzen AbiFarès (ed.) - 2010 - Khatt Books.
    The typographic matchmaking in the city" book offers a brief range of essays that discuss the complex topic of public space from their respective authors' individual experiences and perspectives. Through specific anecdotes, they elucidate the problematics and implications of designing for 'public space' and multicultural communities. These essays frame and contextualize the research and designs presented by the five teams participating in the 'Typographic Matchmaking in the City project. They briefly shed light on the function and role of text in (...)
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    The idealization of contingency in traditional japanese aesthetics.Robert Wicks - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (3):88-101.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Idealization of Contingency in Traditional Japanese AestheticsRobert Wicks (bio)In many popular writings that date from the initial decades of the twentieth century, and also in recent scholarly studies, "Japanese aesthetics"—insofar as we can speak sweepingly of a complicated, multidimensional, and dynamic historical phenomenon—is characterized with a set of adjectives whose present linguistic entrenchment is clearly evident. Specifically we read that traditional Japanese aesthetics is an aesthetics of imperfection, (...)
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    A Response to Günter Figal’s Aesthetic Monism: Phenomenological Sublimity and the Genesis of Aesthetic Experience.GermanyIrene Breuer Irene Breuer Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Dipl-Ing Arch: Degree in Architecture Phil), Then Professor for Architectural Design Germanylecturer, Phenomenology at the Buwdaad Scholarship Buenos Airesto Midlecturer for Theoretical Philosophy, the Support of the B. U. W. My Research Focus is Set On: Ancient Greek Philosophy Research on the Reception of the German Philosophical Anthropology in Argentina Presently Working on Mentioned Research Subject, French Phenomenology Classical German, Architectural Theory Aesthetics & Design Cf: Https://Uni-Wuppertalacademiaedu/Irenebreuer - 2025 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1):151-170.
    This paper aims to pay tribute to Figal’s comprehensive and innovative analysis of the artwork and beauty, while challenging both his realist position on the immediacy of meaning and his monist stance that reduces sublimity to beauty. To enquire into the origin of aesthetic feelings and sense, and thus, to break the hermeneutic circle, we first trace the origin of this reduction to the reception of Burke’s concept of the sublime by Mendelssohn and Kant. We then recur to Husserl and (...)
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  10. Formal Coherence in Emanuel Bach's "Auferstehung".Alton Thompson - 1999 - Dissertation, Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University
    Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach's grand cantata, Karl Wilhelm Rammlers Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt Jesu displays a masterful integration of features. This study first surveys the work's historical background, genesis, and early history, then examines both libretto and music for distinguishing characteristics of architecture, philosophical outlook, symbolism, rhetorical approach, and genre. A detailed analysis of seven sonata-style movements then reveals Bach's achievement of artistic unity across every level of scale. His techniques include: a treatment of music and text which synthesizes (...)
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  11. Le symbolisme du temple et le nouveau temple.G. Chalvon-Demersay - 1994 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 82 (2):165-192.
    Le symbolisme du temple court d'un Testament à l'autre, non sans de profondes transformations. Dans toutes les religions, le sanctuaire est conçu comme le centre du cosmos, point de rencontre du ciel et de la terre, et sa construction reflète la cosmogenèse. Le Temple de Jérusalem, qui a pu subir l'influence des anciens cultes cananéens et des civilisations voisines, n'échappe pas à cette loi générale. Mais la perspective historique et eschatologique, qui caractérise la foi yahviste, recouvre les symbolismes cosmologiques. On (...)
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  12. The Crystal order that is most concrete: The Wittgenstein house.Hui Zou - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (3):22-32.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Crystal Order That Is Most Concrete:The Wittgenstein HouseHui Zou (bio)IntroductionIn the instruction of architectural history, some historical references have to be mentioned in terms of the relationship between building and language. In Chapter I, Book II, of The Ten Books on Architecture, the ancient Roman theorist Vitruvius discussed the "origin of the dwelling house." According to him, the "primitive hut" originated from the gathering of men around (...)
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  13.  32
    Heaven's Fractal Net: Retrieving Lost Visions in the Humanities.William Joseph Jackson - 2004 - Indiana University Press.
    "Fractal" is a term coined by mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot to denote the geometry of nature, which traces inherent order in chaotic shapes and processes. Fractal concepts are part of our emerging vocabulary and can be useful in identifying patterns of human behavior, culture, and history, while enhancing our understanding of the nature of consciousness. According to William J. Jackson, the more one studies fractals, the more apparent their connections to the humanities become. In the recursive patterns of religious music, in (...)
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    On the Ageing of Objects in Modern Culture: Ornament and Crime.Bjørn Schiermer - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (4):127-150.
    The article seeks to develop a new conceptual framework suitable for analysing the ageing processes of objects in modern culture. The basic intuition is that object experience cannot be analysed separately from collective participation. The article focuses on the question of the ‘timeless’ nature of modernist design and seeks to understand why modernist objects age more slowly than other objects. First, inspired by the late Durkheim’s account of symbolism, I turn to the experiential effects of collective embeddedness. Second, I (...)
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    The Role of Stained Glass in the Sacred Visual Semiosis of Religious Buildings in Crimea.Кузнецова-Бондаренко Е.С Котляр Е.Р. - 2022 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 10 (10):12-24.
    The subject of the study is the role of stained glass in the visual semiosis of religious buildings in Crimea. The object of the study is the stained glass decor of the sacred architecture of the Crimea. The research uses the methods of cultural (hermeneutic and semiotic) and artistic (idiographic and structural) analysis of stained glass art in the sacred space of Crimean architecture, the method of analysis of previous studies, the method of synthesis in conclusions regarding the (...)
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    Sacred geometry: your personal guide.Bernice Cockram - 2020 - New York, NY: Wellfleet Press.
    With In Focus Sacred Geometry, learn the fascinating history behind this ancient tradition as well as how to decipher the geometrical symbols, formulas, and patterns based on mathematical patterns. People have searched for the meaning behind mathematical patterns for thousands of years. At its core, sacred geometry seeks to find the universal patterns that are found and applied to the objects surrounding us, such as the designs found in temples, churches, mosques, monuments, art, architecture, and nature. Learn the fundamental (...)
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    Symbolism in Religion and Art.Charles Thomas Taylor - 2007 - Upa.
    All of Charles Thomas Taylor's previous writings have attempted to reveal the universal rational foundation that undergirds all of the various ethical, political, and economic systems that best nurture human existence. With a latent recognition that the presence of symbolism in other areas of human concern, such as in religion or the fine arts, essentially communicates ethical value, Taylor presents his new book to consider the current relevance or irrelevance of religion and art for the ethical life.
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  18. "Jan van Eyck's Arnolfini Portrait": Business as Usual?Linda Seidel - 1989 - Critical Inquiry 16 (1):55-86.
    This essay had its beginnings in my desire to reexamine the Arnolfini portrait from the perspective of Giovanna Cenami, the demure young woman who stands beside the cloaked and hated man on the fifteenth-century panel in London. Even though she shares the formal prominence with the man in Jan van Eyck’s unprecedented composition, she has been paid scant attention in the literature on the painting. I anticipated, as I began my work that inspection of the female subject of the panel (...)
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    The Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age. [REVIEW]D. R. - 1981 - Review of Metaphysics 34 (3):626-628.
    Dame Frances Yates is highly respected as a reliable guide through the eclectic labyrinths of Renaissance intellectual history, and her latest book is a further exploration of themes now thoroughly familiar to those who have followed her work. It is difficult to convey in a phrase the unity of a life’s study that links theatre architecture, memory devices, iconology, French academies, hermetic thought, royal processions, rosicrucian symbolism, Jacobean drama, and, now, the cabalistic tradition in a convincing chain of (...)
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    Flexibility in architecture and its relevance for the ubiquitous house.Alexander Ćetković - 2012 - Technoetic Arts 10 (2-3):213-219.
    One of the important modernist terms – flexibility – offers the introduction of time and of the unknown as parameters in design. Yet the development of flexibility in modern architecture shows also the ambivalent relationship between architecture and the user – the objective of incorporating flexibility in archi-tecture. The span between introducing the freedom of choice and expression and the reality of totally controlled spaces and movements shows the range of interpretations of this subject. By looking at the (...)
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  21. Refinements in architecture.P. A. Michelis - 1955 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 14 (1):19-43.
  22.  35
    Sound symbolism in Chinese children’s literature.Xiaoxi Wang - 2022 - Cognitive Linguistics 33 (1):95-120.
    Iconicity is a fundamental property of spoken and signed languages. However, quantitative analysis of sound-meaning association in Chinese has not been extensively developed, and little is known about the impact of sound symbolism in children’s literature. As sound symbolism is supposed to be a universal cognitive phenomenon, this research seeks to investigate whether iconic structures of Mandarin are embodied in native Chinese speakers’ language experience. The paper describes a case study of Chinese storybooks with the goal of testing (...)
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    Symbolism in handwriting.Annette Poizner - 2011 - Semiotica 2011 (185):113-122.
    Although semioticians routinely examine the use of signs and symbols in everyday life, they rarely explore symbols embedded within handwriting. Graphology, , is an academic discipline that has practitioners analyzing graphic features of handwriting in order to discern the personality of the writer. Graphologists perform a “semiotic read” of signatures, often demonstrating how writers inadvertently express their interests, affiliations or emotional issues by embedding symbols within handwritten script. Handwriting samples are reproduced in order to demonstrate this phenomenon and to introduce (...)
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  24.  16
    Symbolism in Religion and Literature.Rollo May - 1962 - Philosophy of Science 29 (1):98-99.
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  25. Shamanic Symbolism in Salish Indian Rituals.Wolfgang Jilek & Louise Jilek-Aall - 1982 - In Ino Rossi (ed.), The Logic of culture: advances in structural theory and methods. South Hadley, Mass.: J.F. Bergin Publishers. pp. 127--136.
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    Color Symbolism in Ukrainian Political Discourse of the Beginning of the 21st Century.Nataliya Semchynska-Uhl - 2006 - Semiotics:142-151.
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    Symbolism in art.Louis Arnaud Reid - 1961 - British Journal of Aesthetics 1 (3):185-191.
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    (1 other version)Symbolism in Weakness: Jesus Christ for the Postmodern Age.Jean‐Pierre Fortin - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (4):n/a-n/a.
    The postmodern emphasis on human finitude encourages the reconsideration of religious traditions, and more particularly of Christianity. The doctrine of a vulnerable God dying on a cross speaks to postmodern civilization. Jesus Christ infuses transcendence into the realm of immanence by assuming the human predicament to its bitter end. The present essay critiques the recent attempts of deconstructionist philosopher John D. Caputo and systematic theologian Roger Haight to provide postmodern expositions for the Christian doctrine on the person of Jesus Christ. (...)
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    Fruit Symbolism In Ottoman Visual Culture: An Evaluation In Regards The Traditional Stil-Life Paintings.Deniz Calisir - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 3:65-86.
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  30.  18
    Christ Symbolism in Faulkner.Francis L. Kunkel - 1965 - Renascence 17 (3):148-156.
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    Knowing the East (review).Patti M. Marxsen - 2006 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 26 (1):229-231.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Knowing the EastPatti M. MarxsenKnowing the East. By Paul Claudel. Translated by James Lawler. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2004. 136 pp.Fifty years after his death, Paul Claudel (1868–1955) is remembered for many things. Not only was he a major twentieth-century poet and playwright, he was an astute observer of Dutch, Spanish, and Japanese art. Not only was he the brother of sculptor Camille Claudel, he was a (...)
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    The Statue of Augustus from Prima Porta, the Underground Complex, and the Omen of the Gallina Alba.Jane Clark Reeder - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (1):89-118.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Statue of Augustus from Prima Porta, the Underground Complex, and the Omen of the Gallina AlbaJane Clark ReederThe new excavations of the villa of Livia at Prima Porta have focused attention on the architecture and art of this imperial villa. The statue of Augustus from Prima Porta and the garden paintings from the underground complex have long been the most famous exemplars of their types. Recently new (...)
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  33.  26
    Phenomenal symbolism in art.P. J. Hughesdon - 1920 - Mind 29 (114):186-206.
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    Water Symbolism in Hindu Culture.Piyali Mitra - 2023 - In Mrittika Basu & Rajarshi DasGupta (eds.), Indigenous and Local Water Knowledge, Values and Practices. Singapore: Springer Nature. pp. 39-46.
    Metaphorically and metaphysically, the Hindu ancient mythologies refer to water as the container of life, strength, and eternity. The cult of water is described in the Vedic literature and followed on vividly in the Puranic literature. Water is one of the five elements of nature. The “wash away sins” quality of water is associated with the power of sanctity and cosmological connotation so much so that the rivers are revered as remover of pollution. Rivers in India are personified as female (...)
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    Astronomical Symbolism in the Mithraic Religion.J. D. North* - 1990 - Centaurus 33 (2):115-148.
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    Practical ethics in architecture and interior design practice.Sue Lani W. Madsen - 2023 - New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. Edited by Dana E. Vaux & David Wang.
    Practical Ethics in Architecture and Interior Design Practice presents the basics of design practice through ethical scenarios, ushering design students into real-world experiential learning. Each chapter begins with a detailed story involving a complicated set of practical and ethical dilemmas, exemplifying those encountered each day in the world of professional practice. Practice-based topics such as contracts and project delivery methods, marketing design services, cross-cultural collaboration, virtual connectivity, social justice and sustainable design, soft skills, and other related professional practice themes (...)
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    (1 other version)Ambiguity in Architecture.Christoph Baumberger - 2009 - In G. Ernst, O. Scholz & J. Steinbrenner (eds.), Nelson Goodman: From Logic to Art. Ontos. pp. 293--319.
    Buildings are frequently described as ambiguous and, indeed, they often involve the ambivalence associated with ambiguous symbols. In this paper, I develop a theory of architectural ambiguity within the framework of a Goodmanian symbol theory. Based upon Israel Scheffler’s study of verbal and pictorial ambiguity, I present a theory of denotational ambiguity of buildings which distinguishes four types of ambiguity: elementary ambiguity, interpretation-ambiguity, multiple meaning and metaphor, which proves to be a special case of multiple meaning. Denotationally ambiguous buildings are (...)
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  38.  16
    Symbolism in the works of art of jianzhi 剪纸 Jinzhou district.Jianye Wan - 2022 - Философия И Культура 4:50-59.
    This article examines the symbolism contained in the works of Jianzhi art. As a simple folk art, papercutting in Jinzhou has its own aesthetic and educational style that penetrates the hearts of people and raises them to a higher spiritual level. Jianzhi can represent the spiritual worldview of a certain era in the region. Among the symbolic images, images of animals, plants, figures, objects, hieroglyphs and patterns were studied. Jianzhi's works of art are combinations of various patterns, shapes and (...)
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    Time Symbolism in Gourd Representations used in Chinese Culture and Art.Lingling Peng & Yang Geng - 2017 - Cultura 14 (1):59-70.
    A gourd is a sort of pumpkin whose shell is frequently used to keep food and water. Gourds are also used as kitchen utensils, musical instruments or decoration. This paper draws attention to the time framework in gourd image representations, which symbolize universality and immortality as well as the positive notions of regeneration and emptiness. By analyzing the artistic expressions in the form of gourd representations reflected in literature and art, this paper reveals the complex notion of time in Chinese (...)
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    Religious Symbolism in Cinema: "Barbie".Oleksandr Pasichnik & Eugene Piletsky - 2023 - Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Philosophy 2 (9):36-39.
    B a c k g r o u n d. Genre-wise the article is a form of publication of analytical conclusions resulting from researching religious symbolism within the movie. The material for interpretation was derived from mass media, in particular cinematography. The article describes religious symbolism within the movie "Barbie" (2023). It is made apparent that the wide array of religious symbols in modern cinema requires a new approach. M e t h o d s. Issues with defining (...)
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  41.  10
    Metaphors in Architecture and Urbanism: An Introduction.Andri Gerber & Brent Patterson (eds.) - 2013 - Columbia University Press.
    Architecture and urbanism seem to be »weak« disciplines, constantly struggling for a better understanding of their nature and disciplinary borders. The huge amount of metaphors appearing in the discourse of both not only reference to their creative nature but also indicate their weakness and the missing piece strengthening their own understanding: a definition of space for architecture and of city for urbanism. But using metaphors in this field implies a problem - though metaphors achieve to bring opposites together, (...)
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    Green symbolism in the genetic modification debate.Ian M. Scott - 2000 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 13 (3-4):293-311.
    The character of the current controversy over geneticallymodified (GM) agriculture, typified by protesters' use of emotivesymbolism, has been largely inspired by the Green movement'snon-governmental organizations and political parties. This articleexplores the deeper philosophical and spiritual motivations of the Greenmovement, to inquire why it is implacably opposed to GM agriculture. TheGreen movement's anti-capitalism, exemplified by the hate-symbol statusof Monsanto as the company pioneering GM crops, is viewed within thewider context of alienation in the modern era. A complex of meanings isseen in (...)
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  43. Symbolism in Africa.M. U. Nabofa - forthcoming - Religious Studies: Cambridge.
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    Symbolism in science and philosophy.Wilbur M. Urban - 1938 - Philosophy of Science 5 (3):276-299.
    Is metaphysics possible? From the beginning of our present sophisticated era we have continually been compelled to ask this question. For myself I confess to a growing impatience with this and like questions. I hold with Kant that metaphysics is a Naturanlage, that should all science pass away and should we revert to barbarism, there would still be metaphysics. I am also disposed to think that should mankind develop in the opposite direction, should we become the supermen or the angels (...)
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  45. Ethics versus aesthetics in architecture.Maurice Lagueux - 2004 - Philosophical Forum 35 (2):117–133.
    The paper proposes a distinction between ethical problems internal to the practice of a discipline and ethical problems external to it. It argues that ethical problems encountered in architecture are typically of the former kind, in contrast, for example, to bioethical problems. From this point of view, it discusses the state of other arts and surveys various 19th and 20th century positions concerning ethics in architecture. It illustrates that, where architecture is concerned, ethics is closely related to (...)
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    Symbolism in the Plato scholia.Robert S. Brumbaugh - 1968 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 31 (1):1-11.
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    Symbolism in the Russian visual art in the era of Art Nouveau: analytical overview in the light of latest research.Olga Sergeevna Davydova - 2021 - Философия И Культура 12:10-24.
    The subject of this article is the works of the Russian artists of the late XIX – early XX centuries in the context of problematic of symbolism and Art Nouveau, as well as the scientific foundation that has developed as yet in studying this topic. Research methodology is based on the conceptual synthesis of classical art history approaches towards the analysis of artistic material with the theoretical interdisciplinary methods of humanities, such as iconology and hermeneutics, as well as the (...)
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    Sound symbolism in sighted and blind. The role of vision and orthography in sound-shape correspondences.Roberto Bottini, Marco Barilari & Olivier Collignon - 2019 - Cognition 185 (C):62-70.
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    Symbolism in Religion and Literature. [REVIEW]A. B. J. - 1960 - Review of Metaphysics 14 (1):177-178.
    This book contains ten excellent essays on symbolism, its nature and function in art, society, religion, science, and psychoanalysis. Six of the essays were originally in 1958 in a special issue of "Daedalus"; of the remainder there is a selection from Whitehead's Symbolism: Its Meaning and Effect, and three original contributions of value, of which Erich Kahler's essay on "The Nature of Symbolism" is outstanding.--J. A. B.
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    Optimal grip on affordances in architectural design practices: an ethnography.Erik Rietveld & Anne Ardina Brouwers - 2017 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 16 (3):545-564.
    In this article we move beyond the problematic distinction between ‘higher’ and ‘lower’ cognition by accounting for so-called ‘higher’ cognitive capacities in terms of skillful activities in practices, and in terms of the affordances exploited in those practices. Through ethnographic research we aim to further develop the new notion of skilled intentionality by turning to the phenomenon of the tendency towards an optimal grip on a situation in real-life situations in the field of architecture. Tending towards an optimal grip (...)
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