Results for ' Theology and World Christianity'

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  1.  20
    Theology of nature: Reflections on the dogmatic doctrine of creation.Christian Danz - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (3):7.
    The doctrine of creation and the knowledge of nature have come into tension in modernity. Against this background, the article discusses the basic problems of a theology of nature starting from a systematic theology of religious communication. Dogmatic statements about the world as God’s creation are not about a description of nature and reality but about a reflexive account of Christian–religious communication. The object of the doctrine of creation is thus the world-related contents of the Christian (...)
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    (2 other versions)The Contemporary Relevance of Schillebeeckx's Political Theology: On Ecclesial Participation in the Saving Work of Christ.Christiane Alpers - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 61 (1):127-140.
    In this article I explore the relation between God's absolute governance of the world and ecclesial dominion over other communities in a shared political forum that seeks the greatest good of all. On this question I compare the positions of Colin Gunton, Robert Jenson, and Edward Schillebeeckx as representatives of three distinct political theologies. Whereas Gunton's reservation regarding the participation of the church's politics in divine governance shows excessive deference to human sinfulness, Jenson on the contrary tends to absorb (...)
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    Diogenes of Babylon on Who the Deity Is: Aëtius 1.7.8 Mansfeld–Runia Reconsidered.Christian Vassallo - 2022 - Classical Quarterly 72 (2):755-763.
    In Aëtius 1.7.8 Mansfeld–Runia, Diogenes, Cleanthes and Oenopides are said to have maintained that the deity is the world-soul. However, the identity of the Diogenes whom the doxographer mentions here has long been a matter of scholarly dispute. In response to attempts to ascribe the doxa to Diogenes of Apollonia, this paper reassesses old arguments and proposes new considerations to argue that a fundamental aspect of Diogenes of Babylon's theology is at stake here.
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    Das ‚lebendig Positive‘.Christian Lührsen - 2022 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 74 (4):317-335.
    Life is a central concept in the philosophical work of Friedrich Schlegel. This study shows how life as the living positive is the key concept of his late catholic political theory of the Christian state. Thereby will be proved that not catholic dogmatism or authors influenced Schlegel in his concept but the classical German philosophers Immanuel Kant and Johann Gottfried Herder.
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    Religiöser Universalismus im Zeitalter der Nation. Friedrich von Hügel und die deutsche Geisteswelt.Christian Stoll - 2021 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 28 (2):246-298.
    The article analyzes the influence of German thought on Baron Friedrich von Hügel’s philosophy of religion. The activities of the British scholar in the networks of Catholic modernism are placed within the broader framework of the international discussion on religion around 1900. His religious universalism was shaped to a great extent by the encounter of German intellectuals from a liberal Protestant background, most notably by Rudolf Eucken, Ernst Troeltsch and Friedrich Naumann. This encounter, started during the 1890s, focussed on the (...)
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    The Metaphysics of Dante's Comedy.Christian Moevs - 2008 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Dante's metaphysics--his understanding of reality--is very different from our own. To present Dante's ideas about the cosmos, or God, or salvation, or history, or poetry within the context of post-Enlightenment presuppositions, as is usually done, is thus to capture only imperfectly the essence of those ideas. The recovery of Dante's metaphysics is essential, argues Christian Moevs, if we are to resolve what has been called "the central problem in the interpretation of the Comedy." That problem is what to make of (...)
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  7. The Cost of Discarding Intuition – Russell’s Paradox as Kantian Antinomy.Christian Onof - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing, Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 171-184.
    Book synopsis: Held every five years under the auspices of the Kant-Gesellschaft, the International Kant Congress is the world’s largest philosophy conference devoted to the work and legacy of a single thinker. The five-volume set Kant and Philosophy in a Cosmopolitan Sense contains the proceedings of the Eleventh International Kant Congress, which took place in Pisa in 2010. The proceedings consist of 25 plenary talks and 341 papers selected by a team of international referees from over 700 submissions. The (...)
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    Carnap und Heidegger.Christian Damböck - 2024 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 72 (5):656-671.
    Rudolf Carnap and Martin Heidegger shared with Max Weber the decisionist understanding of values as something that cannot be justified by scientists or philosophers. Although both accepted the challenge of modernity in this respect, they reacted in opposite ways. Carnap, along with the Vienna Circle, defended a scientific conception of the world in which science and instrumental rationality were to permeate all of life; Heidegger embarked on an understanding of metaphysics in which rationality and science were to be eliminated. (...)
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    Hermann Cohen und Adolf Deißmann: Dokumente aus dem Nachlaß Adolf Deißmanns.Christian Nottmeier - 2002 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 9 (2):302-325.
    Adolf Deißmann (1866–1937), New Testament scholar in Heidelberg and Berlin as well as one of the most important figures in the ecumenical movement after World War I, studied with the neo-Kantian Hermann Cohen (1844–1918) in Marburg and felt a lifelong debt to him. Documents presented here from Deißmann's literary estate not only convey insight into the personal relationship between Deißmann and Cohen, but also show the connections between Cohen's philosophy and Deißmann's engagement in Friedrich Naumann's National Social Union as (...)
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    Sincretismo: Uma relação entre O catolicismo E as religiões afro-brasileiras.Alan Christian Pedroso Martins & Pedro K. Iwashita - 2018 - Revista de Teologia 11 (20):38-54.
    Theology as a science reflects the phenomena that in some way constitute the experience of faith in society, that is, looking at the world and the various periods of history with the help of the various sciences: anthropology, the sciences of religion and sociology. With the black traffic of the African continent, came the various customs lived in Africa: culture, religiosity, African myths, beliefs in the Orixás, all these elements constituted the Brazilian cultural imaginary. Thus syncretism arises as (...)
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    Richard Swinburne: Christian Philosophy in a Modern World.Nicola Mößner, Sebastian Schmoranzer & Christian Weidemann (eds.) - 2008 - ontos.
    Richard Swinburne is one of the most influential contemporary proponents of the analytical philosophy of religion. He is, above all, a traditional theist. However, his interests are very wide-ranging. He has written about nearly all central theological and philosophical issues such as epistemology, metaphysics, theory of mind and ethics. During the “Münstersche Vorlesungen 2007” students and faculty members of the Department of Philosophy at Münster University entered into a skilful and interesting discussion concerning most of Swinburne’s positions. This volume presents (...)
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    Introduction. Einleitung.Raphaële Andrault & Christian Leduc - 2018 - Studia Leibnitiana 50 (1):2.
    The importance of teleology in the 18 th century has mainly been studied from the point of view of a few specific authors. Leibniz is one of the most convinced advocates of the use of final causes in both physics and metaphysics. Despite its significance for the history of teleology, very few studies were in fact devoted to the influence of the Leibnizian doctrine during the 18 th century. However, Leibniz’s reception allows us not only to understand his own views (...)
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  13.  27
    Christ Our Light: The Expectation of Seeing God in Calvin’s Theology of the Christian Life.Carsten Card-Hyatt - 2020 - Perichoresis 18 (1):25-40.
    The beatific vision plays a prominent role in the history of Christian ethics. Reformed ethics has an ambiguous relationship to this history, on two counts. First, it offers some qualified critiques of the role of vision in ordering ethical understanding, and second, on some accounts, Reformed ethics shares some responsibility for the loss of transcendence in the modern world, and the narrowing of the ethical field that has resulted from this loss. This essay argues that the vision of God (...)
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    "That miracle of the Christian world": Origenism and Christian Platonism in Henry More.Christian Hengstermann & Henry More (eds.) - 2020 - Münster: Aschendorff Verlag.
    The present collection of essays is devoted to the Christian philosophy of the most prolific and most speculatively ambitious of the Cambridge Origenists, Henry More. Not only did More revere Origen, whom he extolled as a "holy sage" and "that miracle of the Christian world", but he also developed a philosophical system which hinged upon the Origenian notions of universal divine goodness and libertarian human freedom. Throughout his life, More subscribed to the ancient theology of the pre-existence of (...)
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  15. 'God's Adventure with the World'and 'Sanctity of Life': Theological Speculations and Ethical Reflections in Jonas's Philosophy After Auschwitz.Christian Wiese - 2008 - In Hava Tirosh-Samuelson & Christian Wiese, The legacy of Hans Jonas: Judaism and the phenomenon of life. Boston: Brill. pp. 419--460.
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    Teilhard de Chardin's Theology of the Christian in the World. By Robert L. Faricy, S. J. [REVIEW]Walter J. Stohrer - 1969 - Modern Schoolman 47 (1):79-81.
  17. Christian Philosophical Theology.Stephen T. Davis - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    Christian Philosophical Theology constitutes a Christian philosopher's look at various crucial topics in Christian theology, including belief in God, the nature of God, the Trinity, christology, the resurrection of Jesus, the general resurrection, redemption, and theological method. The book is tightly argued, and amounts to a coherent explanation of and case for the Christian world view. While the work is written from a broadly Reformed Protestant perspective and the author does not avoid controversial topics, the aim is (...)
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    Christian Systematic Theology in a World Context.Ninian Smart & Steven Konstantine - 1991
  19.  21
    Without Empire: The Invitation of Pacifism and the ‘End’ of History.Christian E. Early - 2018 - Studies in Christian Ethics 31 (2):148-159.
    This article argues that theological pacifism is best evaluated when situated in a network of practices, beliefs and biblical reading strategies that support a critique of Empire, and when mapped onto this world open up a space for living that is non-territorial and non-sacrificial, the grammar of which is governed by a political understanding of love.
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    Postmodern Theology: Christian Faith in a Pluralist World.Frederic B. Burnham - 2006 - Wipf and Stock Publishers.
    The dominant position of science in our culture has ended. In our postmodern world, belief that science will provide the answer to our problems and that progress is inevitable has been shaken, if not toppled. Optimism has been replaced by realism, creating a milieu for the development of intelligent Christian belief. Participating in the Trinity Institute's conference on ÒThe Church in a Postmodern Age, these six prominent scholars explore the breakdown of the basic tenets of the Enlightenment, the sorry (...)
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  21.  12
    Theological poverty in continental philosophy: after Christian theology.Colby Dickinson - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Colby Dickinson proposes a new political theology rooted in the intersections between continental philosophy, heterodox theology, and orthodox theology. Moving beyond the idea that there is an irresolvable tension at the heart of theological discourse, the conflict between the two poles of theology is made intelligible. Dickinson discusses the opposing poles simply as manifestations of reform and revolution, characteristics intrinsic to the nature of theological discourse itself. Outlining the illuminating space of theology, Theological Poverty in (...)
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  22.  5
    To be like children in a world come of age: Some considerations related to a christian theology of childhood.Artem Serebryakov - 2023 - Sociology of Power 35 (4):48-84.
    The article presents an analysis of the main aspects of the Christian theology of childhood based on the works of outstanding theologians of the 20th century: Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Hans Urs von Balthasar, Karl Rahner, Paul Tillich, and Jurgen Moltmann. The preoccupation with understanding the figure of the child in Western Christianity is motivated by several factors: the undeniable importance of theology as a tradition of interpreting the existential constraints of the human condition, the deep influence of Christian (...)
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  23.  15
    Theological Ethics in a Neoliberal Age: Confronting the Christian Problem with Wealth.Kevin Hargaden - 2018 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade.
    Throughout his ministry, Jesus spoke frequently and unabashedly on the now-taboo subject of money. With nothing good to say to the rich, the New Testament -- indeed the entire Bible -- is far from positive towards the topic of personal wealth. And yet, we all seek material prosperity and comfort. How are Christians to square the words of their savior with the balances of their bank accounts, or more accurately, with their unquenchable desire for financial security? While the church has (...)
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  24.  34
    Hegel & Christian Theology: A Reading of the Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion.Peter C. Hodgson - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    Peter C. Hodgson engages the speculative reconstruction of Christian theology that is accomplished by Hegel's Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion, and provides a close reading of the critical edition of the lectures. He analyses Hegel's concept of the object and purpose of the philosophy of religion, his critique of the theology of his time, his approach to Christianity within the framework of the concept of religion, his concept of God, his reconstruction of central Christian themes, and (...)
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  25.  7
    The Christian Contribution to Medieval Philosophical Theology.Scott Macdonald - 1997 - In Charles Taliaferro & Philip L. Quinn, A Companion to Philosophy of Religion. Cambridge, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 91–98.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Christianity's Influence on the Aims and Methods of Medieval Philosophy Christianity's Influence on the Content of Medieval Philosophy Christianity as an External Constraint on Medieval Philosophy Works cited.
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    Realist Christian theology in a postmodern age.Sue M. Patterson - 1999 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    This book cuts new ground in bringing together traditional Christian theological perspectives on truth and reality with a contemporary philosophical view of the place of language in both divine and wordly reality. Patterson seeks to reconcile the requirements that Christian theology should both take account of postmodern insights concerning the inextricability of language and world as well as taking God's truth to be absolute for all reality. Yet it is not simply about theological language and truth as such. (...)
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    The Incarnate Ground of Christian Faith: Toward a Christian Theological Epistemology for the Educational Ministry of the Church.Robert K. Martin - 1998 - University Press of Amer.
    The Incarnate Ground of Christian Faith is addressed precisely to the epistemological questions posed by postmodernity. It begins by issuing an extended critique of one of the major approaches to pastoral theology and Christian education--Thomas Groome's Shared Praxis Approach. Martin's incisive analysis of shared praxis concludes that its implicit subjectivism and pedagogical narrowness cannot lend intellectual plausibility to the Christian faith among a postmodern generation. For an alternative vision of a holistic and plausible faith, Martin points in a different (...)
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    Bonhoeffer and King: Their Legacies and Import for Christian Social Thought.Charles W. Christian - 2012 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 32 (2):216-218.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Bonhoeffer and King: Their Legacies and Import for Christian Social ThoughtCharles W. ChristianBonhoeffer and King: Their Legacies and Import for Christian Social Thought Edited by Willis Jenkins and Jennifer M. McBride Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2010. 304 pp. $25.00Countless books have been written about Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Martin Luther King Jr., assessing their individual leadership in the areas of social justice and theology in the twentieth century. Relatively (...)
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    Toward an evolutionary Christian theology.Karl E. Peters - 2007 - Zygon 42 (1):49-64.
    Abstract.In order to develop a single narrative of God's continuing creation that includes salvation, this essay in theological construction focuses on the idea of transformation. Using the metaphor of conceptual maps in science and religion, it weaves together ideas about evolution, God working in the world, and how humans can be brought to wholeness in community in relation to God.
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    The Judeo-Christian-Islamic heritage: philosophical & theological perspectives.Richard C. Taylor & Irfan A. Omar (eds.) - 2012 - Milwaukee, Wis.: Marquette University Press.
    The Abrahamic faiths—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—have bequeathed to the world a rich religious and cultural heritage which has been enormously influential through the centuries up to the present. While this is easily evident in the modern practices of these monotheisms, it is also profoundly present in the development of their diverse intellectual traditions with theological and philosophical insights and analyses seeking to understand and explain the nature of the presence of the divine to human beings. The present collection (...)
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    The 2001 International Buddhist Christian Theological Encounter.Donald W. Mitchell - 2002 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (1):191-193.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (2002) 101-104 [Access article in PDF] A Christian Response to Buddhist Reflections on Prayer Donald W. Mitchell Purdue University In his essay, Kenneth K. Tanaka considers two important elements of Christian prayer when he presents young Megan praying. First is the petitionary element of her prayer, and second is the relational element. Saint John Damascene expresses these same two dimensions in his classical definition of Christian (...)
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    Be sealed with the Holy Spirit: Behind the metaphor in Ephesians 1:13.Robby I. Chandra, Agustinus M. L. Batlajery & A. Christian Jonch - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (2):8.
    This study explores the phrase ‘sealed with the Holy Spirit’ of Ephesians 1:13 as a metaphor, which relates the status of the recipients with the seal. Past studies view that the metaphor teaches about covenant or unity in God’s protection, assurance, and ownership. This study hypothesises that the author uses metaphor to address the recipients who have a deeper sentiment with a seal meaning they are both Jewish and Gentile Christians but especially those who are slaves. The study combines the (...)
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  33.  21
    Immortality in the Christian Physicalistic Theology: A Critical Survey.Hasan Ahmadizade & Tayyebe Gholami - 2017 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations at University of Tabriz 11 (20):1-22.
    Physicalistic Theology is a term that has no exact definition in theologian views. In the 20th century some of Christian thinkers on theology, like Nancy Murphy and Peter van Inwagen, by accepting a Physicalistic approach on human being, tried to analyze the Christian beliefs about human identity and his immortality. This approach today is called Physicalistic Theology. According to this approach, human is not but this physical body itself and so we can simply analyze the immortality problem. (...)
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    Thinking faith after Christianity: a theological reading of Jan Patočka's phenomenological philosophy.Martin Koci - 2020 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    This book examines the work of the Czech Philosopher Jan Patočka from the largely neglected perspective of religion. Patočka is known primarily for his work in phenomenology and ancient Greek philosophy, and also as a civil rights activist and a critic of modernity. He also maintained a persistent and increasing interest in Christianity, Martin Koci shows, and indeed his first and last publications concerned religion and theology. This book examines the theological motifs in Patočka's work, and brings his (...)
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    The International Buddhist-Christian Theological Encounter: Twenty Years of Dialogue.Rita M. Gross - 2005 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 25 (1):3-7.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The International Buddhist-Christian Theological Encounter:Twenty Years of DialogueRita M. GrossIn a world riddled by conflict, religions must take a large part of the responsibility for initiating and perpetuating these conflicts, which often include disagreements about whose political system is favored by the deity or to whom the deity gave land. The slogan "No peace on earth until there is peace among religions" is more than true.No wonder some (...)
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    Toward a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism (review).Amos Yong - 2001 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 21 (1):157-161.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 21.1 (2001) 157-161 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Toward a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism Toward a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism. By Jacques Dupuis, S.J. Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books. 1997. xiv + 433 pp. There may not be another individual more qualified than Jacques Dupuis to write this book. He has not only spent a lifetime teaching and serving in a part (...)
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    The 1999 International Buddhist-Christian Theological Encounter.Barbara Bernstein - 2000 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (1):241-246.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (2000) 241-246 [Access article in PDF] News and Views The 1999 International Buddhist-Christian Theological Encounter Barbara BernsteinWilmette, IllinoisThe 1999 International Buddhist-Christian Theological Encounter (IBCTE), also known as the Abe-Cobb Group, met at the Westin Hotel in Indianapolis, Indiana from April 15 to April 18. There were four papers on the theme "Social Violence." This theme followed last year's, which was "Environmental Violence." Each paper was read (...)
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  38. Epilogue: Twelve theses for Christian theology in the twenty-first century in the modern theologians : An introduction to Christian theology since 1918.David F. Ford & Rachel Muers - 2007 - In David Ford, Shaping theology: engagements in a religious and secular world. Oxford: Blackwell.
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    Christian Orthodox political philosophy: a theological approach.Pavlos M. Kyprianou - 2023 - Jordanville, New York: Holy Trinity Seminary Press.
    The Church is commonly spoken of as an institutional reality, but much less frequently recognized as a spiritual and heavenly reality called by God " to make disciples of all nations." (Mt. 28:19) This modest work furthers the development of a structured and integrated Christian Orthodox political thought, whereby the Church is neither sidelined as having no relevance to this present life, nor dominated by temporal questions or popular movements at the expense of its eternal salvific mission. The author seeks (...)
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    Dialogic theology of missions as a response to the global refugee phenomenon.Shakespeare Sigamoney & Samuel K. B. Nkrumah-Pobi - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 81 (1):7.
    The legacies of colonialism on both the colonised and coloniser is one thing that our world cannot escape in contemporary times. In most of the places, colonialism came with its own form of Christianity. This colonial Christianity was based on the idea of exclusion, homogenisation and conquering the other. Thus, the combination of the ideals of colonialism and Christianity brought about a type of nationalism, which was monologic. This monologic nationalism as an ideology not only creates (...)
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    Pastoral juxtaposition in spiritual care: Towards a caregiving faith theology in an evangelical Christian context.Victor Counted & Joe R. Miller - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (1):1-10.
    The problem for many troubled youths seeking help within a Christian context is that their need for meaningful connections and spiritual growth is attached to relationships with their significant others. When needs of attachment are not adequately met due to the effect of an insecure attachment working model in a relationship with God, the teen may end up leaving the faith community seeking a new caregiver or regress into spiritual struggles, depression, anxiety, self-doubt and other negative emotions. This paper responds (...)
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  42. Theology for the End of the World.Marika Rose - 2023 - Norwich: SCM Press.
    It feels like the world is ending. In the midst of apocalyptic times it’s tempting to cling on tightly to what we still have. But what if our desire to save the world is part of the problem? -/- Theology for the End of the World suggests that in responding to the deeply entwined systems of capitalism, racism and patriarchy we should stop trying to unearth a ‘good version’ of Christianity which stands opposed to these (...)
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    Divine Fate Moral and the Best of All Possible Worlds: Origen’s Apokatastasis Panton in Cambridge Origenism and Enlightenment Rationalism.Christian Hengstermann - 2022 - Modern Theology 38 (2):419-444.
    In his account of his Düsseldorf conversations with G.E. Lessing shortly before the latter’s death in 1781, F.H. Jacobi records the Enlightenment poet and philosopher’s allusion to the Kabbalistic philosophy of Henry More, whom he cited in support of his shocking Spinozist creed of the hen kai pan. Origen’s first Christian philosophy hinges upon a conviction of universal divine goodness which cannot but share its riches with beings capable of participating in it by virtue of their own free will. From (...)
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    Contemporary Prophetic and Deliverance Ministry Challenges in Africa.Christian Tsekpoe - 2019 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 36 (4):280-291.
    This paper contends that in Africa, the belief in the reality of the spirit world is a persistent phenomenon, which occupies a significant place in their religiosity. By building their theologies around the existential needs of the African people, the prophetic and deliverance ministries represent a contextual approach to Christianity in Africa. Nevertheless, an examination of the strengths and weaknesses of these ministries reveal that their approach may fit well into the African cultural milieu, but their emphasis is (...)
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    Taking Other Religions Seriously: Some Ironies in the Current Debate on a Christian Theology of Religions.Gavin D'Costa - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (3):519-529.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:TAKING OTHER RELIGIONS SERIOUSLY: SOME IRONIES IN THE CURRENT DEBATE ON A CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY OF RELIGJ:ONS * 1GAvIN D'CosTA West London Institute of Higher E'ducation Isleworth, Middlese111 HE QUESTION oi Christian attitudes to the world eligions is becoming increasingly important. An lnterpretatwn of Religion is emblematic of a growing trend, which runs across 1denominational lines, that attempts fo take other,religions seriously. John Hick.argues that for most of (...)
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    Conference on Pure Land Buddhism in Dialogue with Christian Theology.James Fredericks - 2002 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (1):201-202.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (2002) 201-202 [Access article in PDF] Conference on Pure Land Buddhism in Dialogue with Christian Theology James Fredericks Loyola Marymount University As Charlie Parker devotees will attest, improvisation at its most thrilling, if not its most ingenious, is often the result of careful planning. Cannot something similar be said of interreligious dialogue? All our planning and study are best put to use when they suddenly (...)
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    What Has Hybridity Got to Do with Ecology? What Christian-Buddhist Hybridity-as-Hermeneutical-Lens Can Suggest to the Theological Conversation on Ecology.Julius-Kei Kato - 2022 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 42 (1):105-117.
    Abstractabstract:This essay offers some insights that "hybridity" utilized as a hermeneutical paradigm might contribute to the wider theological conversations going on about the global ecological crisis. The hybridity in question here is—what can be expressed as a—"Christian-Buddhist hybridity." That refers to a sensibility that seriously takes into consideration the two spiritual–religious traditions of Christianity and Buddhism as a "hybrid way" to view the world in general and spiritual–religious–theological themes in particular.This study will argue that, despite the significant gains (...)
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    Does Copernicus Help? Reflections for a Christian Theology of Religions.J. J. Lipner - 1977 - Religious Studies 13 (2):243 - 258.
    I want to consider in this paper a question that is looming large in the theology of most world religions, not least in the Christian tradition. The following discussion will be confined to the Christian standpoint, though I hope mutatis mutandis the main points will be seen to apply to other religious perspectives as well. Specifically then, this question can be ex–pressed in two ways. We may ask, in the context of the contemporary dialogue situation, how is the (...)
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    Faithful Persuasion: In Aid of a Rhetoric of Christian Theology by David S. Cunningham.Aidan Nichols - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (2):353-354.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 353 proportionalism that Finnis's theological argument exploits. In this regard, there is no moral theory, good or bad, which overreaches so far as proportionalism does. Princeton University Princeton, New Jersey ROBERT P. GEORGE Faithful Persuasion: In Aid of a Rhetoric of Christian Theology. By DAVID S. CUNNINGHAM. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1991. Pp. xvii + 312. $29.95 (cloth) ; $16.95 (paper). The relation (...)
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    Proceedings of the 1998 International Buddhist-Christian Theological Encounter.Barbara Fields Bernstein & Brian Muldoon - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):193-197.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Proceedings of the 1998 International Buddhist-Christian Theological EncounterBarbara Fields Bernstein and Brian MuldoonThe 1998 International Buddhist-Christian Theological Encounter, the continuation of the Cobb-Abe group, met in Indianapolis, Indiana, from May 1 to 3, 1998. Following the reading of a statement from Prof. Masao Abe in which he stated his regret at not being able to attend this important gathering and his hope that the encounter would begin to address (...)
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