Results for ' Women soldiers'

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  1. Women Soldiers and Citizenship in Israel: Gendered Encounters with the State.[author unknown] - 2018
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    Book review: Women Soldiers and Citizenship in Israel: Gendered Encounters with the State. [REVIEW]Ayelet Harel-Shalev - 2020 - European Journal of Women's Studies 27 (3):322-325.
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    Book Review: Women Soldiers and Citizenship in Israel: Gendered Encounters with the State by Edna Lomsky-Feder and Orna Sasson-Levy. [REVIEW]Ajnesh Prasad - 2019 - Gender and Society 33 (2):329-331.
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    ”Soldier Dolls, Little Adulteresses, Poor Scapegoats, Betraying Sisters and Perfect Meat”: The Gender of the Early Phase of the Troubles and the Politics of Punishments against Women in Contemporary Irish Poetry.Katarzyna Ostalska - 2018 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 8 (8):84-106.
    This paper examines the literary representation of the beginnings of the Northern Irish Troubles with regard to a gender variable, in the selected poems by Heaney, Durcan, Boland, Meehan and Morrissey. The reading of Heaney’s “Punishment” will attempt to focus not solely on the poem’s repeatedly criticized misogyny but on analyzing it in a broader, historical context of the North’s conflict. In Durcan’s case, his prominent nationalist descent or his declared contempt for any form of paramilitary terrorism do not seem (...)
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  5. (1 other version)Bush Wives and Girl Soldiers: Women’s Lives through War and Peace in Sierra Leone.[author unknown] - 2009
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    Yearning for affection: Traumatic bonding between Korean ‘comfort women’ and Japanese soldiers during World War II.Yonson Ahn - 2019 - European Journal of Women's Studies 26 (4):360-374.
    This work analyses the complex and contentious issues of mutual affection and codependency in relationships between Korean ‘comfort women’ and Japanese soldiers during World War II. Drawing on a combination of interviews and published resources, it explores the groups’ perceptions of one another within the framework of ‘traumatic bonding’. Despite traumatic violence and stark inequalities, this article finds nuanced contributions from the parties involved. For the soldiers, the relationships provided a form of emotional relief from the violence (...)
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    Women Breaking the Silence: Military Service, Gender, and Antiwar Protest.Edna Lomsky-Feder, Yagil Levy & Orna Sasson-Levy - 2011 - Gender and Society 25 (6):740-763.
    This paper analyzes how military service can be a source of women’s antiwar voices, using the Israeli case of “Women Breaking the Silence”. WBS is a collection of testimonies from Israeli women ex-soldiers who have served in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. The WBS testimonies change the nature of women’s antiwar protest by offering a new, paradoxical source of symbolic legitimacy for women’s antiwar discourse from the gendered marginalized position of “outsiders within” the military. From (...)
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  8. Just War and Unjust Soldiers: American Public Opinion on the Moral Equality of Combatants.Scott D. Sagan & Benjamin A. Valentino - 2019 - Ethics and International Affairs 33 (4):411-444.
    Traditional just war doctrine holds that political leaders are morally responsible for the decision to initiate war, while individual soldiers should be judged solely by their conduct in war. According to this view, soldiers fighting in an unjust war of aggression and soldiers on the opposing side seeking to defend their country are morally equal as long as each obeys the rules of combat. Revisionist scholars, however, maintain that soldiers who fight for an unjust cause bear (...)
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    Contradictory Consequences of Mandatory Conscription: The Case of Women Secretaries in the Israeli Military.Orna Sasson-Levy - 2007 - Gender and Society 21 (4):481-507.
    This article examines the implications of mandatory conscription for women by studying the experience of women soldiers who serve as secretaries in the Israeli military. The author argues that the military service of the secretaries is shaped by three organizing principles: an employment principle of cheap labor, a matrimonial principle of the office wife, and a hierarchy principle that shapes the secretaries as status symbols. Employing the theory of gendered organizations, the author maintains that each one of (...)
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    Women Disarmed: The Militarization of Politics in Ireland 1913-23.Sarah Benton - 1995 - Feminist Review 50 (1):148-172.
    The movement for ‘military preparedness’ in America and Britain gained tremendous momentum at the turn of the century. It assimilated the cult of manliness — the key public virtue, which allowed a person to claim possession of himself and a nation to reclaim possession of itself. An army was the means of marshalling a mass of people for regeneration. The symbol of a nation's preparedness to take control of its own soul was the readiness to bear arms. Although this movement (...)
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    G.I. Messiahs: Soldiering, War, and American Civil Religion.Jonathan H. Ebel - 2015 - Yale University Press.
    Jonathan Ebel has long been interested in how religion helps individuals and communities render meaningful the traumatic experiences of violence and war. In this new work, he examines cases from the Great War to the present day and argues that our notions of what it means to be an American soldier are not just strongly religious, but strongly Christian. Drawing on a vast array of sources, he further reveals the effects of soldier veneration on the men and women so (...)
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    Military operations and the mind: war ethics and soldiers' well-being.Daniel Lagacé-Roy & Stéphanie A. H. Bélanger (eds.) - 2016 - Chicago: McGill-Queen's University Press.
    Offering a Canadian perspective on the emotional health of servicemen and women, Military Operations and the Mind brings together researchers and practitioners from across the country to consider the impact that ethical issues have on the well-being of those who serve. Stemming from an initiative to enhance the lives of serving members by providing them with the best education and training in military ethics before and after deployments, this volume will better inform politics and public policies and enhance the (...)
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    Images and Representations of the First French Female Soldiers (1938-1962). [REVIEW]Élodie Jauneau - 2009 - Clio 30:231-252.
    La première loi envisageant de mobiliser les femmes en cas de guerre est mise en application en 1939 en France et des femmes s’engagent pour la première fois dans l’Armée française au début de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. De 1939 à 1962, la France est en guerre sans discontinuer et les effectifs militaires féminins ne cessent d’augmenter. Cette présence féminine dans un bastion masculin, par excellence, engendre de nombreux débats et questionnements. Ces femmes doivent affronter de lourdes critiques et briser (...)
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  14. Women as Weapons of War: Iraq, Sex, and the Media.Kelly Oliver - 2007 - Columbia University Press.
    Ever since Eve tempted Adam with her apple, women have been regarded as a corrupting and destructive force. The very idea that women can be used as interrogation tools, as evidenced in the infamous Abu Ghraib torture photos, plays on age-old fears of women as sexually threatening weapons, and therefore the literal explosion of women onto the war scene should come as no surprise. From the female soldiers involved in Abu Ghraib to Palestinian women (...)
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    The ‘Different’ Experience of Women in War.Iva Apostolova - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 29:5-12.
    The question in the title involves two main issues: 1) should women enjoy the same right as men to fight in armed combat? 2) is it useful to have women-combatants?. I will argue that we need to address both issues. In other words, the issue of rights, including gender rights, is not sufficient to answer the question of the role of women in warfare, in general, and combat positions, in particular. In exploring the usefulness of women (...)
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    Weblogistan Goes to War: Representational Practices, Gendered Soldiers and Neoliberal Entrepreneurship in Diaspora.Sima Shakhsari - 2011 - Feminist Review 99 (1):6-24.
    In this article, which is based on twenty four months of combined online and off-line ethnographic research, I show the way that some Iranian diasporic bloggers use their weblogs as entrepreneurship resources during the ‘war on terror’. Through a discourse analysis of a documentary film about Weblogistan and interviews with diasporic Iranian bloggers in Toronto, I argue that Weblogistan is implicated in discourses of militarism and neoliberalism that interpellate the representable Iranian blogger as a gendered neoliberal homo oeconomicus. The production (...)
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    “I think the comfort women are us”: National identity and affective historical empathy in students’ understanding of “comfort women” in South Korea.Hana Jun - 2020 - Journal of Social Studies Research 44 (1):7-19.
    This study investigates how students’ national identity affects their historical understanding by mediating their use of affective historical empathy. The research focuses on the case of “comfort women” (women forced into sexual slavery for Japanese soldiers during WWII) in South Korea—a topic in which a strong nationalist narrative dominates social and educational discourses. I conducted semi-structured, task-based group interviews with 16 high school students in South Korea. In interviews, students’ national identity mediated how they utilized four types (...)
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  18.  13
    Justice for Women in War? Feminist Ethics and Human Rights for Women.Anna T. Höglund - 2003 - Feminist Theology 11 (3):346-361.
    Despite its commonality rape in war has long been an invisible war crime. Gender-based violence has escaped sanction because it has been shielded into the private sphere. Although rape in war is a form of public violence committed by soldiers representing a state it continues to be conceived as a private crime, committed by individual men. If women's human rights are to be respected in war and in peace the imaginary border between the public and the private has (...)
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    Afterwar: Healing the Moral Wounds of Our Soldiers.Nancy Sherman - 2015 - Oup Usa.
    Drawing on in-depth interviews with service women and men, Nancy Sherman weaves narrative with a philosophical and psychological analysis of the moral and emotional attitudes at the heart of the afterwars. Afterwar offers no easy answers for reintegration. It insists that we widen the scope of veteran outreach to engaged, one-on-one relationships with veterans.
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    When Love and Violence Meet: Women's Agency and Transformative Politics in Rubaiyat Hossain's Meherjaan.Elora Halim Chowdhury - 2015 - Hypatia 30 (4):760-777.
    In official and unofficial histories, and in cultural memorializations of the 1971 war for Bangladeshi independence, the treatment of women's experiences—more specifically the unresolved question of acknowledgment of and accountability to birangonas, “war heroines” —has met with stunning silence or erasure, on the one hand, or with narratives of abject victimhood, on the other. By contrast, the film Meherjaan revolves around the stories of four women during and after the war, and most centrally the relationship between a Bengali (...)
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    2. constructions of “home,”“front,” and women's military employment in first‐world‐war Britain: A spatial interpretation.Krisztina Robert - 2013 - History and Theory 52 (3):319-343.
    In First-World-War Britain, women's ambition to perform noncombatant duties for the military faced considerable public opposition. Nevertheless, by late 1916 up to 10,000 members of the female volunteer corps were working for the army, laying the foundation for some 90,000 auxiliaries of the official Women's Services, who filled support positions in the armed forces in the second half of the war. This essay focuses on the public debate in which the volunteers overcame their critics to understand how they (...)
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    Revolutionary Spaces: Photographs of Working-class Women by Esther Bubley 1940–1943.Jacqueline Ellis - 1996 - Feminist Review 53 (1):74-94.
    This article had several purposes. First, I wanted to highlight the work of Esther Bubley, an American photographer whose documentary work for the Farm Security Administration and the Office of War Information in the early 1940s is largely unknown. Second, I wanted to show how her images complicated and undermined the traditional themes of Depression era photography in the United States, Third, by looking at her images of women, my intention was to reveal how she worked against depictions of (...)
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    Guardians and Protectors: The Volunteer Women of the Donbas Conflict.Christina Olha Jarymowycz - 2020 - Feminist Review 126 (1):106-122.
    How does war reconfigure women’s social roles and status? This article investigates how women’s volunteering during conflict can challenge gendered divisions within society and transform the binary of masculine protector and feminine protected. When the Donbas conflict erupted in Ukraine in 2014, women assumed central roles as civilian volunteers who aided populations affected by violence. They gained a high level of social status in the context of a weak state, distrusted by its populace. Based on ten months (...)
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    Korean “Comfort Women”: The Intersection of Colonial Power, Gender, and Class.Pyong Gap Min - 2003 - Gender and Society 17 (6):938-957.
    During the Asian and Pacific War, the Japanese government mobilized approximately 200,000 Asian women to military brothels to sexually serve Japanese soldiers. The majority of these victims were unmarried young women from Korea, Japan’s colony at that time. In the early 1990s, Korean feminist leaders helped more than 200 Korean survivors of Japanese military sexual slavery to come forward to tell the truth, which has further accelerated the redress movement for the women. One major issue in (...)
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  25. Kant's categorical imperative, the value of respect, and the treatment of women.Marcus Schulzke - 2012 - Journal of Military Ethics 11 (1):26-41.
    This paper explores the relevance of Kant's categorical imperative to military ethics and the solution it suggests for improving the treatment of women in the military. The second formulation of the categorical imperative makes universal respect for humanity a moral requirement by asserting that one must always treat other people as means in themselves and never as merely means to an end. This principle is a promising guide for military ethics and can be reconciled with the acts of violence (...)
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    Cross-Border Trafficking in Nepal and India—Violating Women’s Rights.Tameshnie Deane - 2010 - Human Rights Review 11 (4):491-513.
    Human trafficking is both a human rights violation and the fastest growing criminal industry in the world. This article examines cross-border trafficking of girls and women in Nepal to India. It gives a brief explanation of what is meant by trafficking and then looks at the reasons behind trafficking. In Nepal, women and children are trafficked internally and to India and the Middle East for commercial sexual exploitation or forced marriage, as well as to India and within the (...)
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    Thank You for Hearing My Voice – Listening to Women Combat Veterans in the United States and Israeli Militaries.Shir Daphna-Tekoah, Ayelet Harel-Shalev & Ilan Harpaz-Rotem - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The military service of combat soldiers may pose many threats to their well being and often take a toll on body and mind, influencing the physical and emotional make-up of combatants and veterans. The current study aims to enhance our knowledge about the combat experiences and the challenges that female soldiers face both during and after their service. The study is based on qualitative methods and narrative analysis of in-depth semi-structured personal interviews with twenty military veterans. It aims (...)
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    The Many-Headed Hydra.Peter Linebaugh & Marcus Rediker - 2008 - Multitudes 33 (2):63.
    This article is the introduction of the volume The Many-Headed Hydra. The Hidden History of the Revolutionary Atlantic, to be published by Amsterdam, a historical investigation of the multi-ethnique class which formed the cheap workforce which made possible the rising of capitalism and of modern transatlantic economy, since the beginning of 17th century. A motley crowd made by merchants, pirates, workers, women, soldiers, convicted criminals, religious radicals, etc. developed forms of resistence and mutual cooperations, in order to escape (...)
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    The New Political Infamy and the Sacrilege of Feminism.Drucilla Cornell - 2004 - Metaphilosophy 35 (3):313-329.
    : This essay is about women being crucial to the constitution of the state and the construction of the ideal of the nation. It argues that the role of actual women as reproducers of the nation and as iconic representations of mythological figures at the helm of nation building is bound up with a certain psychical fantasy of woman. It argues further that Women in Black and other political activist groups have developed embodied feminist politics that not (...)
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    Essays on the Foundations of Aristotelian Political Science. [REVIEW]Peter Simpson - 1993 - Review of Metaphysics 47 (1):156-157.
    This book consists of an introduction by Carnes Lord and nine essays: Stephen Salkever on Aristotle's social science; Cames Lord on Aristotle's anthropology; Abram Shulsky on Aristotle's economics; Josiah Ober on Aristotle's sociology of class, status, and Order; David O'Connor on Aristotle's conception of justice; Stephen Salkever on Plato and Aristotle on women, soldiers, and citizens; Waller Newell on Aristotle on monarchy; Barry Strauss on Aristotle on Athenian democracy; and Richard Bodéus on Aristotle on law and regime.
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    The Rise of Public Woman: Woman's Power and Woman's Place in the United States, 1630-1970.Glenna Matthews - 2010 - Oxford University Press.
    This richly woven history ranges from the seventeenth century to the present as it masterfully traces the movement of American women out of the home and into the public sphere. Matthews examines the Revolutionary War period, when women exercised political strength through the boycott of household goods and Elizabeth Freeman successfully sued for freedom from enslavement in one of the two cases that ended slavery in Massachusetts. She follows the expansion of the country west, where a developing frontier (...)
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    ‘War in the Home’: An Exposition of Protection Issues Pertaining to the Use of House Raids in Counterinsurgency Operations.Cecilia M. Bailliet - 2007 - Journal of Military Ethics 6 (3):173-197.
    House raids represent the genre of military acts which fall within the grey zone of war and peace ? counterinsurgency, post-conflict operations, or phase IV operations (a.k.a. Operations Other Than War) ? in which the Geneva Conventions and their Protocols may reveal protection gaps. This article reviews accounts of the execution of house raids contained in the military literature and compares them to the testimony of soldiers and observers recorded in the media. It assesses the relevant provisions of humanitarian (...)
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    Kobieta na arenie.Magdalena Baran - 2020 - Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki 21:253-266.
    For centuries, women involved in armed operations, wearing uniforms and supporting the army in other ways are among the guarantors of freedom of societies, nations, cultures and generations. Their attitudes towards war, as well as the ways in which they perceive and describe it, make an important contribution to studying this issue. When describing female soldiers, the author analyses their attitudes, motives, the specificity of their stories, as well as their significance for the war narrative.
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    Gendered Exposure, Gendered Response: Exposure to Wartime Stressors and PTSD in Older Vietnamese War Survivors.Nguyen Huu Minh, Kim Korinek, Miles O. Kovnick & Yvette Young - 2022 - Gender and Society 36 (5):704-734.
    Growing numbers of women in militaries worldwide, coupled with vast segments of women within war-affected populations globally, raise questions about gender as it structures trauma exposure, posttraumatic stress disorder, and other mental health consequences of war. In this study, we investigate the gendered associations between early-life wartime stress exposures and PTSD symptoms in older adulthood using data from the 2018 Vietnam Health and Aging Study, a unique data set documenting multiple dimensions of health and wartime stress exposures within (...)
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    Femmes dans la guerre aujourd'hui.Giselle Donnard - 2007 - Multitudes 2 (2):209-217.
    The fate of women in times of war has always been considered something a non-issue, buried as it was, and made banal as part and parcel of the lot of civilian population in general, since women were non-combatants. But looking at more recent conflicts we can no longer pretend that women are in a home front of sorts, as opposed to soldiers in battle, because there is no home front anymore, and women are now right (...)
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  36. (1 other version)Rape as a Weapon of War.Claudia Card - 1996 - Hypatia 11 (4):5 - 18.
    This essay examines how rape of women and girls by male soldiers works as a martial weapon. Continuities with other torture and terrorism and with civilian rape are suggested. The inadequacy of past philosophical treatments of the enslavement of war captives is briefly discussed. Social strategies are suggested for responding and a concluding fantasy offered, not entirely social, of a strategy to change the meanings of rape to undermine its use as a martial weapon.
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  37. War as a disaster. Its psychological consequences.Liuba Yamila Peña Galbán, Arnaldo Espíndola Artola, Jorge Cardoso Hernández & Tomás González Hidalgo - 2007 - Humanidades Médicas 7 (3).
    En más de 100 conflictos bélicos que se han producido en los últimos diez años, más del 80 por ciento de las víctimas son civiles. Se ha producido un desarrollo acelerado en las investigaciones concernientes a las consecuencias psico-sociales de la guerra en la población civil, la cual es el blanco principal de las víctimas en la guerra contemporánea. Este trabajo constituye una revisión bibliográfica sobre la guerra como desastre, acerca de los conceptos “modernos” de “guerra total”, desastre y las (...)
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    How Do I Save My Honor?: War, Moral Integrity, and Principled Resignation.William F. Felice - 2009 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    How Do I Save My Honor? is a powerful exploration of individual moral responsibility in a time of war. When individuals conclude that their leaders have violated fundamental ethical principles, what are they to do? Through the compelling personal stories of those in the U.S. and British government and military who struggled with these thorny issues during the war in Iraq, William F. Felice analyzes the degrees of moral responsibility that public officials, soldiers, and private citizens bear for the (...)
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    Maternal Megalomania: Julia Domna and the Imperial Politics of Motherhood by Julie Langford (review).Lien Foubert - 2014 - American Journal of Philology 135 (4):678-682.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Maternal Megalomania: Julia Domna and the Imperial Politics of Motherhood by Julie LangfordLien FoubertJulie Langford. Maternal Megalomania: Julia Domna and the Imperial Politics of Motherhood. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013. xiv + 203 pp. 20 black-and-white figs. Cloth, $55.It is now well-established that, through various media, imperial propaganda was aimed at different groups in Roman society. Ever since Jaś Elsner’s influential publication (Art and the Roman (...)
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  40. Humanitarian intervention: Loose ends.Fernando R. Tesón - 2011 - Journal of Military Ethics 10 (3):192-212.
    Abstract The article addresses three aspects of the humanitarian intervention doctrine. It argues, first, that the value of sovereignty rests on the justified social processes of the target state ? the horizontal contract. Foreign interventions, even when otherwise justified, must respect the horizontal contract. In contrast, morally objectionable social processes (such as the subjection of women) are not protected by sovereignty (intervention, of course, may be banned for other reasons). In addition, tyrants have no moral protection against interventions directed (...)
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    The transformation of sexual work in 20th-century korea.John Lie - 1995 - Gender and Society 9 (3):310-327.
    In this article, the author traces the transformation of sexual work, or prostitution, in 20th-century Korea. The author stresses the power relations that create and sustain the changing social organization of sexual work. The traditional, state-organized female entertainers, kisaeng, waned with the collapse of the Yi dynasty. During their colonia rule, the Japanese enhanced the commercialization of sexuality and conscripted Korean women as sexual “comforters” for soldiers. In the postwar period, the U.S. military presence played a preponderant role (...)
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  42. Sigrid Combüchen´s modern tale Parsifal (1998): Time and Narrative compared with Heliodorus´Aethiopica.Bo S. Svensson - 2011 - In Marília P. Futre Pinheiro & Stephen J. Harrison (eds.), Fictional Traces: Receptions of the Ancient Novel, Volume 1. Barkhuis Publishing & Groningen University Library. pp. 217-226.
    Time and narratice technique compared. Two novelists, Heliodorus, 3rd century author of the novel Aethiopica and Sigrid Combüchen, contemporary Swedish novelist using a dystopian Europe around 2050 as a scenic setting. In both stories girls and women are captured and killed by soldiers. Both narrators are external to the story being told, presented in the past tense. But Combüchen´s narrator adopts it as a confession, and a turning point in his career as a commanding general, characterized by"double-bind".
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    Assessing Ethical Reasoning among Junior British Army Officers Using the Army Intermediate Concept Measure (AICM).David I. Walker, Stephen J. Thoma & James Arthur - 2021 - Journal of Military Ethics 20 (1):2-20.
    Army Officers face increased moral pressure in modern warfare, where character judgement and ethical judgement are vital. This article reports the results of a study of 242 junior British Army officers using the Army Intermediate Concept Measure, comprising a series of professionally oriented moral dilemmas developed for the UK context. Results are suggestive of appropriate application of Army values to the dilemmas and of ethical reasoning aligning with Army excellence. The sample does slightly less well, however, for justification than for (...)
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    Cassandra and other selections from Suggestions for thought.Florence Nightingale - 1992 - New York: New York University Press. Edited by Mary Poovey.
    "An impressively reasoned and startlingly unorthodox treatise on religion." - Belles Lettres Florence Nightingale (1820-1920) is famous as the heroine of the Crimean War and later as a campaigner for health care founded on a clean environment and good nursing. Though best known for her pioneering demonstration that disease rather than wounds killed most soldiers, she was also heavily allied to social reform movements and to feminist protest against the enforced idleness of middle-class women. This original edition provides (...)
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  45. Devils and angels in almodóvar's talk to her.Robert Pippin - unknown
    dimension is actually “the typical.”[i] There would seem to be little typical about a world of comatose women, a barely sane, largely delusional male nurse, a woman bullfighter, and a rape that leads to a “rebirth” in a number of senses. But comatose women, the central figures in Almodóvar’s Talk to Her, are, oddly, very familiar in that mythological genre closest to us: fairy tales. Both Snow White and Sleeping Beauty are comatose women who endure, “non-consensually” we (...)
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    Addendum to “Rape as a Weapon of War”.Claudia Card - 2018-04-18 - In Criticism and Compassion. Oxford, UK: Wiley. pp. 27–29.
    Sex crimes in war can be racist as well as misogynist, insofar as they have or are meant to have the consequence of hindering the reproductive continuation of a people. Both castration and forced impregnation can have this consequence. Historically, martial castration has been not only of men but also predominantly by men. The idea that rape symbolizes domination is, of course, compatible with the idea that castration symbolizes domination. Reports of forced castration also raise questions about the idea that (...)
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    Sexual Violence in Europe in World War II, 1939—1945.Jeffrey Burds - 2009 - Politics and Society 37 (1):35-73.
    Focusing in particular on the German-Soviet war in the East, this article explores variations in patterns of sexual violence associated with armed forces in Europe during and immediately after World War II. Besides soldier violence perpetrated against civilian populations, a significant role was also played by irregular forces: most notably, by partisan guerrillas and civilian vigilantes. Ethnic nationalist partisan forces perpetrated especially brutal sexual violence against women and girls of “enemy” nationalities. Likewise, after liberation civilian reprisals were fairly common (...)
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    Inappropriate regret.Claire Pouncey - 2009 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 16 (3):233-234.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Inappropriate RegretClaire Pouncey (bio)Keywordsanxiety, inappropriate guilt, moral sentiments, supererogation, regretThis delightful and provocative vignette has many interesting clinical facets, and I thank Dr. Bailey for his candid introspection. For me, this essay calls attention to an asymmetry in our culture, in which women tend to feel more comfortable than men in expressing anxieties about our unpredictable and often dangerous world. Women's fears, however, often are dismissed or (...)
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  49.  17
    Logiḳah be-peʻulah =.Doron Avital - 2012 - Or Yehudah: Zemorah-Bitan, motsiʼim le-or.
    Logic in Action/Doron Avital Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide (Napoleon Bonaparte) Introduction -/- This book was born on the battlefield and in nights of secretive special operations all around the Middle East, as well as in the corridors and lecture halls of Western Academia best schools. As a young boy, I was always mesmerized by stories of great men and women of action at fateful cross-roads of decision-making. Then, like as (...)
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  50.  10
    Erictho and Demogorgon: Poetry against Metaphysics.David Quint - 2020 - Arion 28 (2):1-40.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Erictho and Demogorgon: Poetry against Metaphysics DAVID QUINT Epic without the gods? The Roman poet Lucan (39–65 ce) created a secular counter-epic inside classical epic, removing the genre’s usual pantheon of Olympian deities and replacing them with Fortune. His Bellum civile (titled De bello civili in manuscripts, alternately titled Pharsalia) a poem about the conflict between Julius Caesar and Pompey, thereby delegitimizes the emperors who succeeded the dying Roman (...)
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