About this topic
Summary "Realism" comes in many philosophical guises. One sort of realism concerns whether certain entities exist, or whether they exist independent of our minds. Realism in this metaphysical sense arises for numerous subject matters: everyday material objects, concepts, universals, mathematical objects, moral values, unobservable theoretical entities, and so on. Michael Dummett characterizes realism and anti-realism in semantic terms, suggesting that the fundamental issue is not about the existence of entities, but rather about whether statements of some specified class (such as mathematics or ethics) can have an objective truth value, independently of our means of knowing it.
Key works The diversity of realisms is discussed e.g. in Devitt 1991, Miller 2008, and Raatikainen 2014. A good systematic discussion of  realism about the external world as opposed to phenomenalism and idealism can be found in Locke 1967; see also Armstrong 1961. An already classic collection of articles for and against realism about unobservable theoretical entities, i.e. "scientific realism", is Leplin 1984. An influential recent defense is Psillos 1999; see also Devitt 1991. The realism/antirealism issue was recasted in semantic terms in Dummett 1978, 1993; see also Wright 1986Miller 2005 and Shieh 1998 are useful discussions. Devitt 1983 is a well-known critique of the Dummettian anti-realism.  
Introductions On the variety of realisms: Miller 2008; on scientific realism: Chakravartty 2011, Devitt 2005; on semantic realism and anti-realism: Miller 2005.

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  1. (2 other versions)Realism and truth.Michael Devitt - 1984 - Oxford, England: Blackwell.
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  2. Quantum Foundations of Consciousness: A Framework for Psionic Interaction and Non–Human Intelligence Integration.Mark A. Brewer - unknown
    The Hard Problem of consciousness—explaining why and how physical processes are accompanied by subjective experience—remains one of the most challenging puzzles in modern thought. Rather than attempting to resolve this issue outright, in this paper I explore whether empirical science can be broadened to incorporate consciousness as a fundamental degree of freedom. Drawing on Russellian monism and revisiting the historical “relegation problem” (the systematic sidelining of consciousness by the scientific revolution), I propose an extension of quantum mechanics by augmenting the (...)
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  3. Peirce and Generative AI.Catherine Legg - forthcoming - In Robert Lane, Pragmatism Revisited. Cambridge University Press.
    Early artificial intelligence research was dominated by intellectualist assumptions, producing explicit representation of facts and rules in “good old-fashioned AI”. After this approach foundered, emphasis shifted to deep learning in neural networks, leading to the creation of Large Language Models which have shown remarkable capacity to automatically generate intelligible texts. This new phase of AI is already producing profound social consequences which invite philosophical reflection. This paper argues that Charles Peirce’s philosophy throws valuable light on genAI’s capabilities first with regard (...)
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  4. The Preordained Quantum Universe.Eddy Keming Chen - 2023 - Nature 624:513-515.
  5. Is there a plausible realist theory of fictional characters?Andrew Wynn Owen - 2024 - Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society 30:850-858.
    The debate between realists and anti-realists about fictional entities is important partly because it connects with debates about the nature of reference. According to the descriptivist model held by Fregeans, a name has reference to an object due to the connection of that name with a description, which is met by the relevant object. According to the causal-communicative model held by Millians, a name refers in virtue of a chain of reference linking that name to a referent. In the case (...)
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  6. The Debunking Project. Developing a Framework for the Scope and Requirements of Successful Evolutionary Debunking Arguments.Philippe Biermann - 2025 - Bielefeld: Bielefeld University.
    This dissertation explores the theoretical and empirical foundations of Evolutionary Debunking Arguments (EDAs), a critical philosophical type of argument used to challenge realist positions across various domains, notably morality. The dissertation systematically analyzes how EDAs function, what they require as minimal empirical input, what their scope and limits are, and how they can be successfully applied to domains beyond morality. -/- By investigating the empirical credibility of evolutionary psychology and the epistemological consequences of belief formation through natural selection, the dissertation (...)
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  7. La estructura acto-objeto como estructura de la intelección en Scheler y Polo.Gonzalo Alonso-Bastarreche - 2014 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 50:276-293.
    Tanto Scheler como Polo aceptan la estructura acto-objeto para explicar el conocimiento intelectual. Pero no la entienden del mismo modo. Scheler defiende la prioridad del objeto (el objeto se da) y Polo la del acto (la operación presenta el objeto). Para Scheler el acto es intencional y para Polo lo es el objeto. Ambos detectan que esta estructura tiene un límite, porque el acto no es nunca el objeto. -/- Both Scheler and Polo use the act-object structure to explain the (...)
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  8. Moral parallax: challenges between dignity, AI, and virtual violence.Pablo De la Vega - 2024 - Trayectorias Humanas Trascontinentales 18:116-128.
    Virtual reality is not only a prowess of technological advancement and AI, but also an element that extends the horizons of human existence and complicates the way of approaching various phenomena of the physical world, for example, violence. Its practice in virtuality leads to a series of challenges, especially when virtual reality is considered as genuine reality. This text delves into virtual violence, the influence of AI on it and the problems that its conception implies. To analyze this phenomenon, parallax (...)
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  9. Objektiver Realismus und Korrelationismus. Die Realismus-Antirealismus-Debatte der Wissenschaftsphilosophie im Lichte des Neuen Realismus.Jan Voosholz - 2021 - Dissertation, University of Bonn
  10. New Realism: Problems and Prospects.Alexander Kanev (ed.) - 2019 - Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press.
    New Realism is a movement in philosophy initiated in 2011 by Maurizio Ferraris (University of Turin) and Markus Gabriel (University of Bonn). It has already had success in prompting debates on the perspectives for a realist turn in philosophy. Hundreds of articles pro and contra New Realism have been published, some authored by distinguished contemporary thinkers. All over the world, there have been international forums related to the movement. The main task of New Realism is to develop a theoretical alternative (...)
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  11. Individuals, Existence, and Existential Commitment in Visual Reasoning.Jens Lemanski - 2024 - Open Philosophy 7 (1):1-25.
    This article examines the evolution of the concept of existence in modern visual representation and reasoning, highlighting important milestones. In the late eighteenth century, during the so-called golden age of visual reasoning, nominalism reigned supreme and there was limited scope for existential import or individuals in logic diagrams. By the late nineteenth century, a form of realism had taken hold, whose existential commitments continue to dominate many areas in logic and visual reasoning to this day. Physical, metaphysical, epistemological, and linguistic (...)
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  12. Are Mathematical Objects ‘sui generis Fictions’? Some Remarks on Aquinas’s Philosophy of Mathematics.Daniel Eduardo Usma Gomez - 2024 - New Blackfriars 105 (5):506 - 529.
    This contribution proposes an interpretation of Thomas Aquinas’s philosophy of mathematics. It is argued that Aquinas’s philosophy of mathematics is a coherent view whose main features enable us to understand it as a moderate realism according to which mathematical objects have an esse intentionale. This esse intentionale involves both mathematicians’ intellectual activity and natural things being knowable mathematically. It is shown that, in Aquinas’s view, mathematics’ constructive part does not conflict with mathematical realism. It is also held that mathematics’ imaginative (...)
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  13. Mind as a Figment of Yours, and, Reason to Pragmatism.Louis Birla - manuscript
  14. The top-down nature of ontological inquiry: Against pluralism about top-down and bottom-up approaches.Ragnar van der Merwe - 2025 - Metaphilosophy 56 (1):35-51.
    Some philosophical pluralists argue that both a top-down and a bottom-up approach serve as equally justified methods for engaging in ontological inquiry. In the top-down approach, we start with an analysis of theory and extrapolate from there to the world. In the bottom-up approach, we begin with an empirical investigation of the world and let our theory respond accordingly. The idea is that ontological conclusions arrived at via these two equally justified methods are then also equally justified. In this paper, (...)
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  15. Çağdaş Metafiziğe Giriş (Metaphysik: Eine Einführung).Christof Rapp & Ibrahim Bahçi - 2021 - Runik Yayınları. Translated by İbrahim Bahçi.
    Translation of the book "Metaphysik: Eine Einführung" by Christof Rapp published in C.H. Beck Verlag.
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  16. Causality, Contingency and Ultimate Explanation: Speculative Materialism and the Foundation of a Theistic Metaphysics of Science (Nedensellik, Olumsallık ve Nihaî Açıklama: Spekülatif Materyalizm ve Teistik Bir Bilim Metafiziğinin Zemini).Ibrahim Bahçi - 2023 - Teklif Dergisi / Teklif Journal 10 (Bilim - Science).
  17. Contemporary Scientific Realism Debates (Çağdaş Bilimsel Realizm Tartışmaları).Ibrahim Bahçi (ed.) - forthcoming - Doruk Yayınları.
  18. (2 other versions)Doing philosophy: an introduction through thought experiments.Theodore Schick - 2024 - New York, NY: McGraw Hill LLC.
    This edition of Doing Philosophy An Introduction through Thought Experiments explains how philosophical problems arise and why searching for solutions is important.
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  19. Critical realism and Christianity: why no Christian should be a critical realist.Thomas A. Howe - 2025 - New York: Peter Lang.
    This book is an exposition and analysis of Critical Realism, a philosophical approach that is quickly becoming the go-to position among Christian authors. Critical Realism poses a serious threat to Christian theology. Influential Christian authors argue for Critical Realism as an essential aspect of hermeneutic methodology. Evangelical scholars claim it has great potential for biblical studies. But as Howe shows, Critical Realism is incompatible with Christian doctrine. This book shows how Critical Realism conflicts with and subverts orthodox Christian theology and (...)
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  20. Worlds, Possible and Impossible (3rd edition).Martin Vacek - forthcoming - In Hilary Nesi & Petar Milin, International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier.
    Modal phenomena in general, and modal claims in particular, present a problem for contemporary philosophers. The truth conditions of modal claims differ from those of nonemodal claims. I discuss a widely accepted strategy that posits possible and impossible worlds in order to analyze modal claims and thus systematize our intuitions about modal reality.
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  21. Offloading and Mistakes in Artifacts and Value.Christopher Frugé - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophy.
    Creators offload the construction of their artifact in that the world helps to determine the nature of their imposition in ways that can go beyond the content of their imposing activities. Extant theories of imposition fail to account for offloading by requiring match between content and product. Therefore, I develop an externalist theory that accommodates offloading by taking the imposition of mind onto world to be objectively constrained. An important kind of imposition is normativity. Focusing on personal value, what’s valuable (...)
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  22. Truth Without Truths.David Edward Liggins - 2024 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    In the context of debates about truth, nihilism is the view that nothing is true. This is a very striking and (at first) implausible thesis, which is perhaps why it is seldom discussed. _Truth Without Truths_ applies nihilism to the philosophical debates on truth and paradox, and explores how a nihilist approach to truth is a serious contender. -/- ¶ -/- David Liggins demonstrates that a strong case for nihilism about truth is available. The main grounds for taking nihilism on (...)
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  23. (1 other version)Réalisme thomiste et critique de la connaissance.Étienne Gilson - 1947 - Paris,: Librairie philosophique J. Vrin.
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  24. (1 other version)Geijutsu to sogai.Yasuhiko Sugiyama - 1964
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  25. Hegels Philosophie der Realität.Ermylos Plevrakis (ed.) - 2024 - Leiden: Brill.
    Despite the emphasis on 'concept' and 'idea', Hegel never fails to utilize the term 'reality' as well throughout his work. This is particularly noteworthy, as Hegel does not discuss this term in a separate chapter, unlike other semantically related concepts such as 'being', 'existence', 'actuality', 'objectivity', and of course 'concept' and 'idea'. The contributions of this volume track Hegel's numerous but scattered mentions of reality and reconstruct the overlooked yet cohesive Hegelian philosophy of reality, overall shedding new light on the (...)
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  26. (1 other version)The matter of the mind: philosophical essays on psychology, neuroscience, and reduction.Maurice Kenneth Davy Schouten & Huibert Looren de Jong (eds.) - 2012 - Malden, MA: Blackwell.
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  27. (1 other version)Chasing reality: strife over realism.Mario Bunge - 2014 - Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
    Chasing Reality deals with the controversies over the reality of the external world. Distinguished philosopher Mario Bunge offers an extended defence of realism, a critique of various forms of contemporary anti-realism, and a sketch of his own version of realism, namely hylorealism. Bunge examines the main varieties of antirealism - Berkeley's, Hume's, and Kant's; positivism, phenomenology, and constructivism - and argues that all of these in fact hinder scientific research. Bunge's realist contention is that genuine explanations in the sciences appeal (...)
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  28. Retiring Popper: Critical realism, falsificationism, and the crisis of replication.Robert Archer - 2024 - Theory and Psychology 34 (5):561-584.
    The recent so-called crisis of replication continues to dominate psychology’s methodological landscape. It is argued here that the apparent renaissance of Popperian thinking that characterises some of the key responses to the crisis of replication is fundamentally flawed. In essence, there is a serious lack of any sustained and rigorous treatment of ontology that underpins much of the current debate about replication and Popper’s falsificationist approach. The overriding problem is that the replication debate reflects the methodologist tendency for mainstream psychologists (...)
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  29. Truth.Chase Wrenn - 2014 - Malden, MA: Polity Press.
    Surveys a full range of theories of the nature of truth and evaluates their philosophical costs and benefits.
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  30. Unreal beliefs: an anti-realist approach in the metaphysics of mind.Poslajko Krzysztof - 2024 - London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Krzysztof Poslajko offers a novel version of an anti-realist view about beliefs, rejecting the extreme proposal of eliminativism that claims beliefs do not exist. He argues we should rather say that beliefs exist, but they are not real. By arguing for the antirealist view as a revision of our common-sense view about the nature of mind, Poslajko makes the case for adopting a pragmatic metaphilosophy when we deal with philosophical questions about belief.
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  31. The world's desires.Edgar A. Ashcroft - 1905 - Chicago,: The Open Court Publishing Co..
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  32. Nominalism and the Infinite Knowledge It Implies.Beppe Brivec - manuscript
    Being able to apply grue-like predicates would allow one to instantly solve an infinite number of mysteries (historical, scientific, etc.). In this paper I’ll give three examples. It is still a mystery whether George Mallory and Andrew Irvine managed to reach the summit of Mount Everest in 1924. The predicate “greverest” applies to an object if either the object is green and Mount Everest was scaled in 1924, or the object is not green and Mount Everest was not scaled in (...)
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  33. (1 other version)Uṣūl-i falsafah-i ravish-i riʼālism.Muḥammad Ḥusayn Ṭabāṭabāʼī - 1954 - Qum: Chāpkhānah-i Dār al-ʻIlm. Edited by Murtaz̤á Muṭahharī.
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  34. Social kind realism as relative frame manipulability.Yorgos Karagiannopoulos & Alexios Stamatiadis-Bréhier - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (6):1655–1679.
    In this paper we introduce the view that realism about a social kind K entails that the grounding conditions of K are difficult (or impossible) to manipulate. In other words, we define social kind realism in terms of relative frame manipulability (RFM). In articulating our view, we utilize theoretical resources from Epstein’s (Epstein, The ant trap: Rebuilding the foundations of the Social Sciences. Oxford University Press, 2015) grounding/anchoring model and causal interventionism. After comparing our view with causal and principle-based (Tahko, (...)
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  35. Conferralism.Anand Vaidya & Michael Wallner - 2024 - In Kathrin Koslicki & Michael J. Raven, The Routledge Handbook of Essence in Philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 472-486.
    In this article we survey Ásta’s (2008, 2013) conferralist account of essence, which provides a broadly anti-realist picture of essence. We first offer some thoughts on the difference between realist and anti-realist accounts of essence in general. Then we present Ásta’s notion of a conferred property and sketch her conferralist account of essence. Finally, we examine some critical questions conferralism faces.
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  36. Emotion and Ethics in Virtual Reality.Alex Fisher - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    It is controversial whether virtual reality should be considered fictional or real. Virtual fictionalists claim that objects and events within virtual reality are merely fictional: they are imagined and do not exist. Virtual realists argue that virtual objects and events really exist. This metaphysical debate might appear important for some of the practical questions that arise regarding how to morally evaluate and legally regulate virtual reality. For instance, one advantage claimed of virtual realism is that only by taking virtual objects (...)
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  37. Perspectivismes métaphysiques.Camille Chamois (ed.) - 2024 - Paris: Vrin.
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  38. Laws of Physics.Eddy Keming Chen - 2024 - Cambridge, United Kingdom : New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Despite its apparent complexity, our world seems to be governed by simple laws of physics. This volume provides a philosophical introduction to such laws. I explain how they are connected to some of the central issues in philosophy, such as ontology, possibility, explanation, induction, counterfactuals, time, determinism, and fundamentality. I suggest that laws are fundamental facts that govern the world by constraining its physical possibilities. I examine three hallmarks of laws-simplicity, exactness, and objectivity-and discuss whether and how they may be (...)
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  39. Density Matrix Realism.Eddy Keming Chen - 2024 - In Michael E. Cuffaro & Stephan Hartmann, Open Systems: Physics, Metaphysics, and Methodology (2025: Oxford University Press). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Realism about quantum theory naturally leads to realism about the quantum state of the universe. It leaves open whether it is a pure state represented by a wave function, or an impure (mixed) one represented by a density matrix. I characterize and elaborate on Density Matrix Realism, the thesis that the universal quantum state is objective but can be impure. To clarify the thesis, I compare it with Wave Function Realism, explain the conditions under which they are empirically equivalent, consider (...)
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  40. Book Review: Jocelyn Benoist. Von der Phänomenologie zum Realismus. Die Grenzen des Sinns. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. 2022, 177 S. [REVIEW]Victor Portugal - 2023 - Phainomenon 36 (1):111-119.
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  41. An Organic System Open to an Intelligible Reality: The Concept of Method in Antonio Rosmini.Lucia Bissoli - 2024 - Religions 15 (5):535.
    Oftentimes, reality seems to us a chaos that we try to control with our theories. This article starts from the antithetic standpoint, inspired by Antonio Rosmini’s works: reality is intelligible, and originates our thinking. From this perspective, any research that tries to reach the truth is determined by the real, not the contrary. Moreover, interdisciplinarity, far from being a solipsistic enterprise, aims at achieving truth and guaranteeing scientific advancement. Here, we analyze the distinctive character of Rosminian encyclopedism and his principles (...)
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  42. Realism and Social Kinds in Conceptual Amelioration.Cyrill Mamin - 2024 - In Piotr Stalmaszczyk, Conceptual Engineering: Methodological and Metaphilosophical Issues. Brill. pp. 205-226.
    I outline and defend a limited realism in socio-political conceptual amelioration (RSCA). RSCA claims that, in some cases, socio-political concepts are ameliorated to represent parts of a concept-independent reality more accurately. My main aim is to dissolve a seeming dilemma for RSCA: Whereas social kinds are mind-dependent (i.e. depending on human thought and action), realism implies that the kinds represented are ontologically independent of the concepts representing them. To dissolve this dilemma, I suggest considering two different roles concepts play concerning (...)
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  43. Realizem, ki osvobaja: eseji o svobodi in vzgoji.Martin Sušnik - 2023 - Ljubljana: Družina d. o. o..
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  44. Critical realism and the Christian scriptures: foundations and readings.Joseph K. Gordon (ed.) - 2023 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Marquette University Press.
    This collection of chapters, from an international group of theologians and scripture scholars, engages the hermeneutical insights of Bernard Lonergan and those influenced by him to both advance theoretical discussions concerning the interpretation of Christian Scripture and to demonstrate the usefulness of such hermeneutical insights through applied readings of specific biblical texts.
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  45. A study of the realistic movement in contemporary philosophy.Matthew Thompson McClure - 1912 - [Staunton, Va.,: The McClure Co., Inc. Printers].
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  46. Zhi shi, luo ji yu jia zhi: Zhongguo xin shi zai lun si chao de xing qi.Weixi Hu - 2002 - Beijing: Qing hua da xue chu ban she.
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  47. Sex or Gender Is Binary Due To Definiens Per Negationem.J. Camlin - manuscript
    This perspective asserts the existence of only two sexes/genders, male and female, based on not only biological and reproductive processes but also from claims of non-binary or transgender identities as defined through negation which rely on the binary concept of sex/gender. Thus, individuals claiming identities on the "gender/sex spectrum" are again defining themselves through negation (definiens per negationem). This perspective suggests that the diversity of gender experiences, (the sex or gender spectrum) is defined by what individuals are not rather than (...)
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  48. Problem intersubiektywności przedmiotu poznania w immaterializmie George’a Berkeleya.Bartosz Żukowski - 2012 - Ruch Filozoficzny 69 (2):227-242.
    "The Problem of Intersubjectivity in Berkeley’s Immaterialism" The paper discusses the issue of intersubjectivity in Berkeley’s early philosophy. In the course of metaphysical analysis I argue that it is not possible to save within Berkeleian metaphysics intersubjectivity of the object of cognition and the unity of the world of experience, either in version of its strict identity or by taking perfect likeness as a criterion of its identity.
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  49. Esse est percipi? Metafizyka idei George'a Berkeleya (Esse est percipi? George Berkeley’s Metaphysics of Ideas).Bartosz Żukowski - 2012 - Kęty: Marek Derewiecki Press.
    Mimo ujmującej prostoty filozofia Berkeleya pozostaje przedmiotem niekończących się sporów interpretacyjnych. Toczą się one przede wszystkim wokół dwóch ściśle związanych ze sobą zagadnień. Po pierwsze, od dziesiątków lat spór między badaczami dotyczy kwestii właściwej klasyfikacji berkeleyowskiej filozofii – zażarte debaty wywołuje pytanie o to, czy należy uznać ją za system idealistyczny czy raczej realistyczny? Powodu do tego sporu dostarczył sam Berkeley, który redukując cały świat doświadczenia do zespołu istniejących jedynie w umyśle idei, zarazem wielokrotnie zapewniał, że owo upodmiotowienie rzeczywistości nie (...)
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  50. Metafizyczne uwarunkowania immaterializmu Berkeleya.Bartosz Żukowski - 2009 - Ruch Filozoficzny 66 (3):453-469.
    "Metaphysical Conditions of the Berkeleian Immaterialism" This paper discusses metaphysical conditions of the Berkeleian immaterialism. First, the abstract concept of existence is demonstrated to be inadequate for Berkeley’s metaphysics. The core of the argumentation involves showing that any attempt to establish immaterialism on the basis of the theory of existence cannot succeed without accepting the constitutiveness of idea’s mode of existence and rejecting the autonomy of an object in relation to its mode of existence. Second, it is shown that Berkeley’s (...)
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