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  1.  28
    La sensibilité différentielle. Psychologie, éthologie et sociologie dans Instincts et institutions de Gilles Deleuze.Camille Chamois - 2023 - Dialogue 62 (2):323-355.
    This article is an analysis of a collection of articles published by Gilles Deleuze in 1953 under the direction of Georges Canguilhem. This collection, which has been little read and commented upon, sheds light on the intellectual trajectory of its author by underlining the theoretical hesitations that were his. I show that Deleuze then outlined an ambitious “psycho-sociological” project that he never fully realized. To do this, I reconstitute the psychological and ethological subtext of the book by following his sources; (...)
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  2.  20
    La perception raciste du visage d’après Félix Guattari.Camille Chamois - 2023 - Multitudes 92 (3):184-192.
    Selon Félix Guattari les systèmes de coercition matériels sont progressivement remplacés au XX e siècle par des techniques de « modelage des systèmes perceptifs », à la fois plus douces et plus prenantes. Pour rendre compte de cette théorie de la socialisation de la perception et des ses enjeux socio-politiques nous nous focalisons sur la perception du visage d’autrui en soulignant l’ensemble des biais perceptifs (notamment racistes) identifiés par Guattari. Une étude approfondie des modalités d’apprentissage perceptif permet d’actualiser une dimension (...)
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  3. « Image de la pensée » et « pensée sans image » chez Gilles Deleuze.Camille Chamois - 2025 - Philosophique 28 (28):93-110.
    This article introduces the notion of the “image of thought” that gives its title to the third chapter of Difference and Repetition. The discussion is divided into four parts. In the first part, we present the motif of the “image of thought” as developed in Nietzsche and Philosophy and Proust and Signs. In the second part, we summarize the eight postulates of the “dogmatic image of thought” presented in Difference and Repetition. In the third part, we recall that the motif (...)
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  4.  17
    L'archéologie du regard chez Michel Foucault.Camille Chamois - 2022 - Dialogue 61 (3):519-552.
    In Naissance de la clinique, Michel Foucault develops a theory of the socialization of perception called “archaeology of the medical gaze.” According to this model, the everyday gaze is conditioned by a perceptual code that determines both the features worthy of attention and the meaning to be attributed to them, called “regimes of visibility.” The aim of this article is to describe the interests and difficulties of such a project. I will show that Foucault does not develop any real theory (...)
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  5.  14
    Rapports à autrui et personnalité de base dans les premiers travaux de Mikel Dufrenne.Camille Chamois - 2021 - Dialogue 60 (2):337-358.
    This article underlines the relevance of Mikel Dufrenne's early works (published between 1946 and 1953) for contemporary social sciences. Indeed, Dufrenne was interested in American cultural anthropology, and in Abram Kardiner's concept of “basic personality” in particular. Dufrenne tested Kardiner's concept against Kant's transcendental tradition and the phenomenological theory of Mitsein (the concept of being-with). More importantly, in this article, I demonstrate that Dufrenne's project raises the psychological question of the historicity of categories of experience.
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  6.  17
    Un champ d’expérience impersonnel? L’épistémologie du cogito de Michel Tournier.Camille Chamois - 2023 - Philosophie 158 (3):40-54.
    This paper by Camille Chamois examines the role played by the notion of “impersonal” in Michel Tournier’s work. The notion is present in the title of the article “L’Impersonnalisme”; however, it is absent from the text itself. We show that Tournier’s article can be compared with three corpuses: the analysis of the “impersonal consciousness” in psychology at the beginning of the 20th century; the Sartrean theory of an “impersonal field of consciousness”; and the Deleuzian theory of a “field of experience”.
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