Results for ' acquisition of written French'

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  1.  26
    An unknown seventeenth-century French translation of sextus empiricus.Charles B. Schmitt - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (1):69-76.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:NOTES AND DISCUSSIONS 69 in pre-Socratic scholarship. But he does not do justice to the religious mood which pervades the whole poem (a mood which is set by the prologue which casts the whole work into the form of some kind of religious revelation). The prologue is considerably more than a mere literary device, and the poem is more than logic. Generally, Jaeger9 and Guthrie are surely correct in (...)
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    Constitution d’un grand corpus d’écrits émergents et novices : principes et méthodes.Sarah De Vogüé, Natacha Espinoza, Brigitte Garcia, Marie Perini, Frédérique Sitri & Marzena Watorek - 2017 - Corpus 16.
    Constitution d’un grand corpus d’écrits émergents et novices : principes et méthodes Cette contribution propose une réflexion sur la construction d’un vaste corpus d’écrits qui permet d’approfondir notre compréhension des processus en jeu dans l’accès à la littératie dans sa diversité, au travers de la pluralité des genres et des types discursifs qui la constituent et chez des apprenants de profils divers : enfants/adultes, langue 1 / langue 2, entendants/sourds. La réflexion sur la mise en place de ce corpus s’inscrit (...)
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    The emergence of Information Structure in child speech: the acquisition of c’est-clefts in French.Morgane Jourdain - 2022 - Cognitive Linguistics 33 (1):121-154.
    Constructions marking information structure in French have been widely documented within the constructionist framework. C’est ‘it is’ clefts have been demonstrated to express the focus of the sentence. Nevertheless, it remains unclear how children are able to acquire clefts, and how they develop information structure categories. The aim of this study is to investigate the acquisition of clefts in French through the usage-based framework, to understand whether IS categories emerge gradually like other linguistic categories, and how children (...)
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    Typological constraints on the acquisition of spatial language in French and English.Maya Hickmann & Henriëtte Hendriks - 2010 - Cognitive Linguistics 21 (2).
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    Does the Claim that there are no Theories Imply that there is no History of Theories to be Written?(!).Steven French - 2024 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 55 (3):327-346.
    In There Are No Such Things As Theories (French 2020), the reification of theories is critically analysed and rejected. My aim here is to tease out some of the implications of this approach first of all, for how we, philosophers of science, should view the history of science; secondly, for how we should understand the devices that we use in our own philosophical practices; and thirdly, for how we might think about the relationship between the history of science and (...)
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    Supporting Acquisition of Spelling Skills in Different Orthographies Using an Empirically Validated Digital Learning Environment.Heikki Juhani Lyytinen, Margaret Semrud-Clikeman, Hong Li, Kenneth Pugh & Ulla Richardson - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This paper discusses how the association learning principle works for supporting acquisition of basic spelling and reading skills using digital game-based learning environment with the Finland-based GraphoLearn technology. This program has been designed and validated to work with early readers of different alphabetic writing systems using repetition and reinforcing connections between spoken and written units. Initially GL was developed and found effective in training children at risk of reading disorders in Finland. Today GL training has been shown to (...)
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    Sonority as a Phonological Cue in Early Perception of Written Syllables in French.Méghane Tossonian, Ludovic Ferrand, Ophélie Lucas, Mickaël Berthon & Norbert Maïonchi-Pino - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Many studies focused on the letter and sound co-occurrences to account for the well-documented syllable-based effects in French in visual (pseudo)word processing. Although these language-specific statistical properties are crucial, recent data suggest that studies which go all-in on phonological and orthographic regularities may be misguided in interpreting how – and why – readers locate syllable boundaries and segment clusters. Indeed, syllable-based effects could depend on more abstract, universal phonological constraints that rule and govern how letter and sound occur and (...)
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    Classical Art: A Life History.David Cast - 2019 - Arion 27 (1):171-176.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: Classical Art: A Life History DAVID CAST This is a wonderful book, rich in its purposes, wide in its range and, thanks to the author’s home institution, Christ’s College, Cambridge, lavishly illustrated with images of objects, many familiar, some less so. And it is written with an elegance and clarity that belies the depths of scholarship in its history. The first letter of the subtitle suggests the (...)
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    The acquisition of referring expressions: a dialogical approach.Anne Salazar-Orvig, Geneviève de Weck, Rouba Hassan & Annie Rialland (eds.) - 2021 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    This book describes the repertoire and uses of referring expressions by French-speaking children and their interlocutors in naturally occurring dialogues at home and at school, in a wide-range of communicative situations and activities. Through the lens of an interactionist and dialogical perspective, it highlights the interaction between the formal aspects of the acquisition of grammatical morphemes, the discourse-pragmatic dimension, and socio-discursive, interactional and dialogical factors. Drawing on this multidimensional theoretical and methodological framework, the first part of the book (...)
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  10.  42
    Gerhard Schurz: Philosophy of Science—A Unified Approach.Steven French - 2015 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 46 (1):241-243.
    Professor Schurz has written a book that is ambitious in both scope and aims. It begins with an introductory chapter on the historical development and general aims of the philosophy of science itself, moves on to issues associated with establishing a basis for a unified approach to science, with extensive consideration of the conceptual toolkit required, then takes us through chapters on laws and empirical testing, the empirical evaluation of theories more generally, including issues of realism and empiricism, before (...)
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  11.  94
    The effect of first written language on the acquisition of English literacy.Alison Holm & Barbara Dodd - 1996 - Cognition 59 (2):119-147.
    The relationship between first and second language literacy was examined by identifying the skills and processes developed in the first language that were transferred to the second language. The performance of 40 university students from The People's Republic of China, Hong Kong, Vietnam and Australia were compared on a series of tasks that assessed phonological awareness and reading and spelling skills in English. The results indicated that the Hong Kong students (with non-alphabetic first language literacy) had limited phonological awareness compared (...)
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  12.  43
    Tracking irregular morphophonological dependencies in natural language: Evidence from the acquisition of subject-verb agreement in French.Thierry Nazzi, Isabelle Barrière, Louise Goyet, Sarah Kresh & Géraldine Legendre - 2011 - Cognition 120 (1):119-135.
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  13.  38
    New-feature learning: How common is it?Robert M. French & Mark Weaver - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (1):26-26.
    The fixed-feature viewpoint Schyns et al. are opposing is not a widely held theoretical position but rather a working assumption of cognitive psychologists – and thus a straw man. We accept their demonstration of new-feature acquisition, but question its ubiquity in category learning. We suggest that new-feature learning (at least in adults) is rarer and more difficult than the authors suggest.
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  14.  90
    Continuum Companion to the Philosophy of Science.Steven French & Juha Saatsi (eds.) - 2011 - Continuum.
    A one volume reference guide To The latest research in Philosophy of Science, written by an international team of leading scholars in the field.
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  15.  33
    Gender and changing foodways in England’s late-medieval bourgeois households.Katherine L. French - 2014 - Clio 40:45-67.
    À la fin de l’époque médiévale, la production et l’importation d’une nouvelle vaisselle, d’une nouvelle mode vestimentaire et d’un nouveau mobilier s’accélèrent dans les villes d’Angleterre. L’acquisition, l’usage et l’entretien d’une gamme de plus en plus large de produits manufacturés n’a pas seulement rendu plus aisée la vie des marchands et des artisans, mais les a transformés eux-mêmes. Cependant l’usage et le sens des objets – les spécialistes de la culture matérielle l’ont bien montré – n’est pas stable. Selon (...)
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  16.  74
    Correspondence, Invariance and Heuristics: Essays in Honour of Heinz Post.S. French & H. Kamminga (eds.) - 1993 - Dordrecht: Reidel.
    Fifteen essays are contained in this collection, all relating to Heinz Post ’ s article ‘ Correspondence, Invariance and Heuristics ’, also reprinted. In this article, written in the heyday of the post - positivist movement, Post aims to convince his fellowphilosophers of science to bring the issue of heuristics back to the philosophical stage. Examining a wealth of theories and models from the physics and chemistry of the last 300 years, Post extracts several strategies of theory construction of (...)
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  17.  48
    Systems Language and Organisational Discourse: The Contribution of Generative Dialogue.Petia Sice, Erik Mosekilde & Ian French - 2008 - Philosophy of Management 6 (3):53-63.
    Any approach to the study of managerial situations undertaken without reflection on the underpinning philosophy is flawed because it limits our ability to question the validity of the knowledge claimed in the analysis. The paper considers this issue and presents a philosophical reflection on the use of a systems approach to the modelling of human enterprises. It draws on insights from systems thinking, cognitive science, autopoiesis, communication theory and non-linear dynamics. These are interpreted within the context of social systems as (...)
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  18.  5
    The Oxford Handbook of Modern French Philosophy.Daniel Whistler & Mark Sinclair (eds.) - 2024 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    French philosophy is an internationally celebrated national philosophical tradition, and this Oxford Handbook offers a comprehensive approach to its history since 1800. The Handbook features essays written by renowned international specialists, illuminating key movements and positions, themes and thinkers in nineteenth-, twentieth- and even twenty-first-century French philosophy. The volume takes into account developments in recent historical scholarship by broadening the notion of Modern French Philosophy in two ways. Whereas recent approaches in the field have often ignored (...)
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  19.  39
    Indifference and Envy: The Anthropological Analysis of Modern Economy.Paul Dumouchel - 2003 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 10 (1):149-160.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:INDIFFERENCE AND ENVY: THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF MODERN ECONOMY Paul Dumouchel University ofQuébec-Montréal 1. Girard and economics René Girard himself has not written very much on economics, at least explicitly. Though his works are full ofinsights into and short remarks on the sacrificial origin of different economic phenomena or the way in which mimetic relations and commercial transactions are often intertwined and act upon each other.1 Unlike religion, (...)
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  20. Computational Modeling in Cognitive Science: A Manifesto for Change.Caspar Addyman & Robert M. French - 2012 - Topics in Cognitive Science 4 (3):332-341.
    Computational modeling has long been one of the traditional pillars of cognitive science. Unfortunately, the computer models of cognition being developed today have not kept up with the enormous changes that have taken place in computer technology and, especially, in human-computer interfaces. For all intents and purposes, modeling is still done today as it was 25, or even 35, years ago. Everyone still programs in his or her own favorite programming language, source code is rarely made available, accessibility of models (...)
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  21.  21
    Early Modern Philosophy Reconsidered.Peter A. French (ed.) - 2011 - Boston, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Early Modern Philosophy Reconsidered: Essays in Honor of Paul Hoffman is an international collection of essays from both well-established and younger scholars. In keeping with the example of Hoffman's own work, the essays are written in the spirit of promoting serious philosophical engagement with the historical figures they discuss. Among the philosophers whose views are explored in the collection are Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Berkeley, and Kant."--Publisher's website.
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  22. (1 other version)Less Radical Enlightenment: A Christian wing of the French Enlightenment.Eric Palmer - 2017 - In Steffen Ducheyne (ed.), The Ashgate Research Companion to the Radical Enlightenment. Ashgate.
    Jonathan I. Israel claims that Christian ‘controversialists’ endeavoured first to obscure or efface Spinozism, materialism, and non-authoritarian free thought, and then, in the early eighteenth century, to fight these openly, and desperately. Israel appears to have adopted the view of enlightenment as a battle against what Voltaire has called ‘l’infâme’, and David Hume has labelled ‘stupidity, Christianity, and ignorance’. These authors’ barbs were launched later in the century, however, in the period of the high Enlightenment, following polarizing controversies of mid-century. (...)
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  23.  31
    “‘Beans from Rochel and Manioc from Prince's Island”: West Africa, French Atlantic Commodity Circuits, and the Provisioning of the French Middle Passage’.Bertie R. Mandelblatt - 2008 - History of European Ideas 34 (4):411-423.
    Based on seventeenth- and eighteenth-century accounts written by and for slavers, this article investigates the provisioning of the French Middle Passage. As the transatlantic trade in African captives developed, foodstuffs for the feeding of both Europeans and Africans figured prominently in a specifically Atlantic system of commodity exchanges. The trade in foodstuffs depended most heavily on African subsistence systems encountered along the coasts of West Africa, but a surprising quantity of French and other European foodstuffs were embarked (...)
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  24.  71
    The Sartre–Camus Quarrel and the Fall of the French Intellectual.William E. Duvall - 2011 - The European Legacy 16 (5):579-585.
    Over the past thirty years, the disappearance, if not the death, of the intellectual in France has been the focus of significant conversation and debate. Yet a good bit earlier, two writers who epitomized that very figure of the intellectual, Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus, in works written after their bitter break, seemed to have already sensed this decline. The present essay explores what Camus's novel La Chute [The fall] and Sartre's autobiography Les Mots [The words] share thematically and, (...)
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  25.  17
    ‘Let’s Bless our father, Let’s adore God’: the nature of God in the prayers and hymns to God of the French Revolutionary deists.Joseph Waligore - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 84 (3):216-234.
    While many scholars have realized that the Enlightenment period was much more religious than previously thought, the deists are still seen as basically secular figures who believed in a distant and inactive deity. This article shows that the hundred and thirteen French Revolutionary deists who wrote prayers and hymns to God believed in a caring, loving, and active deity. They maintained that God wanted people to be free, and so God actively helped the French Revolution by leading the (...)
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  26.  11
    Palimpsestic political thought: the intellectual impact of the French succession crisis, 1584.Sophie Nicholls - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (4):569-586.
    The seminal works of Jean Bodin (c.1530–96) and François Hotman (c.1524–90), the Six livres de la République, and the Francogallia, were written and re-written over the turbulent course of the French wars of religion (1562–1629). Whilst conventionally these works are understood to represent fixed, and opposing, theories of monarchy (absolutist versus constitutionalist), this article explores them as they transformed in response to the changing circumstances of French politics, and especially the succession crisis of 1584. Theories of (...)
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  27.  39
    The Aesthetic Thought of the French Enlightenment. [REVIEW]N. P. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (3):531-531.
    The author states in his preface that he has not undertaken a history of aesthetic thought during the French Enlightenment, nor an intellectual history of French aesthetics, nor a synthesis of eighteenth-century French thought on aesthetics, nor a history of eighteenth-century French art. What he has attempted to do is to outline doctrines of French aesthetic thought during the eighteenth century. The term doctrine is perhaps not too strong here because some of these writers were (...)
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  28. Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology Including Many of the Principal Conceptions of Ethics, Logic, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Religion, Mental Pathology, Anthropology, Biology, Neurology, Physiology, Economics, Political and Social Philosophy, Philology, Physical Science, and Education; and Giving a Terminology in English, French, German, and Italian. Written by Many Hands and Edited by James Mark Baldwin, with the Co-Operation and Assistance of an International Board of Consulting Editors.James Mark Baldwin - 1960 - P. Smith.
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    An analysis of some evidential structures in essays written by students of French as a foreign language.Elisabeth Miche - 2015 - Discourse Studies 17 (2):226-240.
    In this article, we perform an evidential analysis of three types of construction taken from essays written by students of French as a foreign language: the shown source, the quoted source and borrowed knowledge. The issue with these constructions, which refer to passages from a book, is knowing the extent to which they have an evidential value because, within the context of our analysis, the source and the knowledge reference overlap. We defend an evidential reading of these segments (...)
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  30.  1
    Less Radical Enlightenment: A Christian wing of the French Enlightenment.Eric Palmer - 2017 - In Steffen Ducheyne (ed.), The Ashgate Research Companion to the Radical Enlightenment. Ashgate.
    Jonathan I. Israel claims that Christian ‘controversialists’ endeavoured first to obscure or efface Spinozism, materialism, and non-authoritarian free thought, and then, in the early eighteenth century, to fight these openly, and desperately. Israel appears to have adopted the view of enlightenment as a battle against what Voltaire has called ‘l’infâme’, and David Hume has labelled ‘stupidity, Christianity, and ignorance’. These authors’ barbs were launched later in the century, however, in the period of the high Enlightenment, following polarizing controversies of mid-century. (...)
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    The Gates of Horn: A Study of Five French Realists.Harry Levin - 1966 - Oxford University Press USA.
    `Written with elegance and irony, the book is a searching enquiry into realism in the novel... ' Leon Edel.
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  32.  42
    Exaggeration of Language-Specific Rhythms in English and French Children's Songs.Erin E. Hannon, Yohana Lévêque, Karli M. Nave & Sandra E. Trehub - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:196258.
    The available evidence indicates that the music of a culture reflects the speech rhythm of the prevailing language. The normalized pairwise variability index (nPVI) is a measure of durational contrast between successive events that can be applied to vowels in speech and to notes in music. Music–language parallels may have implications for the acquisition of language and music, but it is unclear whether native-language rhythms are reflected in children's songs. In general, children's songs exhibit greater rhythmic regularity than adults' (...)
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  33.  20
    Becoming a written word: Eye movements reveal order of acquisition effects following incidental exposure to new words during silent reading.Holly S. S. L. Joseph, Elizabeth Wonnacott, Paul Forbes & Kate Nation - 2014 - Cognition 133 (1):238-248.
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  34.  18
    Modeling Input Factors in Second Language Acquisition of the English Article Construction.Helen Zhao & Jason Fan - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:653258.
    Based on the Competition Model, the current study investigated how cue availability and cue reliability as two important input factors influenced second language (L2) learners' cue learning of the English article construction. Written corpus data of university-level Chinese-L1 learners of English were sampled for a comparison of English majors and non-English majors who demonstrated two levels of L2 competence in English article usage. The path model analysis in structural equation modeling was utilized to investigate the relationship between the input (...)
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  35.  15
    Liaison in the Interphonology of Contemporary French (IPFC) learner corpus.Isabelle Racine & Sylvain Detey - 2016 - Corpus 15.
    Ce chapitre présente le projet « Interphonologie du français contemporain » (IPFC), qui vise à constituer et analyser une large base de données de français langue étrangère produit par des apprenants de diverses L1. Nous illustrons ensuite la méthodologie adoptée dans le projet à travers le phénomène de la liaison. Après avoir exposé les enjeux de la liaison pour le français L2, nous présentons une étude préliminaire des réalisations de liaisons par des apprenants hispanophones et japonophones en lecture de texte (...)
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  36.  48
    What is Language Development?: Rationalist, Empiricist, and Pragmatist Approaches to the Acquisition of Syntax.James Russell - 2004 - Oxford University Press.
    Language development is one of the major battle grounds within the humanities and sciences. This book presents, for the first time, an impartial account of the three dominant theories of language development. Written to be accessible for those within developmental psychology, philosophy, and linguistics, the book provides the reader with the information they need in order make up their own mind about this much debated issue.
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  37. Are elementary particles individuals? A critical appreciation of Steven French and Décio Krause's identity in physics: A historical, philosophical, and formal analysis.Don Howard - unknown
    Steven French and Décio Krause have written what bids fair to be, for years to come, the definitive philosophical treatment of the problem of the individuality of elementary particles in quantum mechanics and quantum field theory. The book begins with a long and dense argument for the view that elementary particles are most helpfully regarded as non-individuals, and it concludes with an earnest attempt to develop a formal apparatus for describing such non-individual entities better suited to the task (...)
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  38.  44
    Asymmetric interference in 3‐ to 4‐month‐olds' sequential category learning.Denis Mareschal, Paul C. Quinn & Robert M. French - 2002 - Cognitive Science 26 (3):377-389.
    Three‐ to 4‐month‐old infants show asymmetric exclusivity in the acquisition of cat and dog perceptual categories. The cat perceptual category excludes dog exemplars, but the dog perceptual category does not exclude cat exemplars. We describe a connectionist autoencoder model of perceptual categorization that shows the same asymmetries as infants. The model predicts the presence of asymmetric retroactive interference when infants acquire cat and dog categories sequentially. A subsequent experiment conducted with 3‐ to 4‐month‐olds verifies the predicted pattern of looking (...)
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    The use of the relational function of address pronouns in L2 French before and after study abroad: do interaction and exposure to media make a difference?Emmanuella Annan, Catherine Collin & Cyrille Granget - 2021 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 19.
    This study focuses on the acquisition of the two basic relational functions of the French address pronouns: tu for solidarity with friends and vous for deference with an unknown person or a known person with higher social status. Previous research has found that L2 learners of French become more target-like in their choice between tu and vous when they spend time in a French community. This is due to the fact that study-abroad offers L2 learners exposure (...)
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    Contribution to the Correction of the Public's Judgments on the French Revolution.J. G. Fichte, Jeffrey Church & Anna Marisa Schön - 2021 - SUNY Press.
    The reception history of the French Revolution in France and England is well documented among Anglophone scholars; however, the debate over the Revolution in Germany is much less well known. Fichte's Contribution played an important role in this debate. Presented here for the first time in English, Fichte's work provides a distinctive synthesis of Locke's "possessive individualism," Rousseau's general will, and Kant's moral philosophy. This eclectic blend results in an unusual rights theory that at times veers close to a (...)
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    The written representation of negation.David R. Olson - 1997 - Pragmatics and Cognition 5 (2):235-252.
    While negatives are fundamental to the functioning of human languages and while they are acquired extremely early by children, there is some evidence that an aware-ness of the logical and representational functions of negation is late to develop and may depend in part on the invention of notational means for representing it. This hypothesis is explored by reference to the presence or absence of notations for negation in the world's writing systems, the acquisition of notational devices for representing negation (...)
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    Representation and the Body of Power in French Academic Painting.Amy M. Schmitter - 2002 - Journal of the History of Ideas 63 (3):399-424.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 63.3 (2002) 399-424 [Access article in PDF] Representation and the Body of Power in French Academic Painting Amy M. Schmitter [Figures] Reputation of power, is Power... Hobbes, Leviathan, Bk. I, ch. x Introduction It seems natural, even obvious, to distinguish between representations and what they are representations of. A picture of a dog is no more a dog than the word "dog" (...)
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  43. Pascal Engel is professor of philosophy at the Universite de Paris IV-Sorbonne (Paris). He is a member of the Institut Universitaire de France, and former Presi-dent of the Societe de Philosophic Analytique, the French branch of ESAP. He teaches philosophy of logic, of language, and of mind and has written a number of articles and books in these areas, including The Norm of Truth (1991), David. [REVIEW]Anthonie Meijers - 1999 - In Belief, Cognition, and the Will. Tilburg [The Netherlands]: Tilburg University Press. pp. 6--113.
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    Corrigendum to “Becoming a written word: Eye movements reveal order of acquisition effects following incidental exposure to new words during silent reading” [Cognition 133/1 (2014) 238–248]. [REVIEW]Holly S. S. L. Joseph, Elizabeth Wonnacott, Paul Forbes & Kate Nation - 2015 - Cognition 134 (C):257.
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    A Contrastive Instrumental Study of Prosody in French and English with Didactic Applications.M. Cling & F. Fredet - 1987 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía:287-343.
    Reported is a study of French & Eng prosody. A list of items was developed which allowed the closest possible transposition between langs (eg, a photograph/une photographie). The items were placed in carrier phrase of the type It's a .../C'est une ... Ss were asked to read each sentence with neutral, emphatic, & surprised intonation. Ss were French & US students (N = 1 each). In a second phase, French-speaking students were asked to repeat the Eng sentences (...)
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    Regimes of Visibility: Representing Violence against Women in the French Banlieue.Sarah Dornhof - 2011 - Feminist Review 98 (1):110-127.
    Recent discussions about violence against women have shifted their attention to specific forms of violence in relation to migration and Islam. In this article, I consider different modes of representing women's experiences in French immigrant communities. These representations relate to the French feminist movement Ni Putes Ni Soumises (neither whore nor submissive), a movement that in the early 2000s deplored both the sustained degradation of certain banlieue neighborhoods and also the charges and restrictions that this entails, particularly for (...)
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    What Is the Influence of Morphological Knowledge in the Early Stages of Reading Acquisition Among Low SES Children? A Graphical Modeling Approach.Pascale Colé, Eddy Cavalli, Lynne G. Duncan, Anne Theurel, Edouard Gentaz, Liliane Sprenger-Charolles & Abdessadek El-Ahmadi - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:306247.
    Children from low-SES families are known to show delays in aspects of language development which underpin reading acquisition such as vocabulary and listening comprehension. Research on the development of morphological skills in this group is scarce, and no studies exist in French. The present study investigated the involvement of morphological knowledge in the very early stages of reading acquisition (decoding), before reading comprehension can be reliably assessed. We assessed listening comprehension, receptive vocabulary, phoneme awareness, morphological awareness as (...)
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    Science in Eighteenth-Century French Literary Fiction: A Step to Modern Science Fiction and a New Definition of the Human Being?Arnaud Parent - 2022 - Acta Baltica Historiae Et Philosophiae Scientiarum 10 (1):78-103.
    In eighteenth-century France, scientific progress and its spreading met a growing interest among public, an enthusiasm that was to be reflected in literature. Fictional works including scientific knowledge in their narrative made their appearance, paving the ground for a genre promised to a growing success in the following centuries—science fiction. The article presents three eighteenth-century French literary works, each one centered on a different domain of science: Voltaire’s Micromégas, Charles-François Tiphaigne’s Amilec, or the Seeds of Mankind and François-Félix Nogaret’s (...)
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    Radical Cartesianism: The French Reception of Descartes (review).Richard A. Watson - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (3):415-416.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.3 (2003) 415-416 [Access article in PDF] Tad M. Schmaltz. Radical Cartesianism: The French Reception of Descartes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Pp. xiv + 288. Cloth, $65.00.More than fifty years ago Richard H. Popkin urged historians of philosophy to work on secondary figures in philosophy, in part for their own sake, but also because the true shape of philosophy and the (...)
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    Émigrés: French Words That Turned English.David Bellos - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (3):459-460.
    Etymologies are often entertaining, but it is not always obvious what they mean. Take the case of Old Frankish *sal, meaning a single-roomed dwelling. The word was taken over by speakers of Vulgar Latin as sala, and by 1100 CE it had become a word of Anglo-Norman French, since in The Song of Roland it crops up as sale, meaning the living area of a castle. Some time later, it wandered into Italian. Renaissance architects wanted to make a new (...)
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