Results for ' appropriation (oikeiosis)'

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  1.  57
    La part du propre dans la constitution du concept stoïcien d’appropriation.Charlotte Murgier - 2013 - Methodos 13.
    L’idée d’appropriation (oikeiōsis) constitue un concept fondamental de l’éthique stoïcienne. On en souligne l’efficacité polémique dans la controverse opposant les Stoïciens aux Épicuriens sur la fin (telos) naturelle ainsi que la portée théorique dans l’explication du développement moral et social de l’homme. Outre les difficultés rencontrées pour cerner les contours et la consistance théoriques de l’appropriation, son statut est également fortement débattu : s’agit-il d’une invention stoïcienne ou bien en trouve-t-on l’équivalent ou les linéaments dans la philosophie péripatéticienne (...)
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    Foucault Among the Stoics: Oikeiosis and Counter-Conduct.James F. Depew - 2016 - Foucault Studies 21:22-51.
    This paper explores the relation of Foucault’s notion of counter-conduct to the Stoic notion of oikeiosis. Initially, oikeisosis is set against Platonic homoiosis, specifically as discussed in the Alcibiades, which provides what Foucault calls the “Platonic model” of conduct. The paper examines what Foucault means by “care of the self” and points to its difference from the Delphic maxim “know yourself” that centered on a principle of homoiosis, or ethical transcendence. Noting how the problematic of care of the self (...)
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    Oikeiôsis in Plotinus.Daniel Regnier - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 2 (4):27-32.
    Plotinus’s debt to the Stoic thought is well documented. Not only was this debt a function of the general intellectual atmosphere in which Plotinus worked, but the philosopher frequently adopted and modified Stoic positions consciously and carefully. The concept of oikeiôsis / οἰκείωσις plays an important role in Stoic thought. Indeed, some scholars assert that it provides the very foundations for Stoic ethics and political philosophy. In the present study, we will exam Plotinus’ use of this important concept. It shall (...)
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  4. Impartiality or Oikeiôsis?Landon Frim - 2019 - Symposion: Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 6 (2):147-169.
    ‘Universal benevolence’ may be defined as the goal of promoting the welfare of every individual, however remote, to the best of one’s ability. Currently, the commonest model of universal benevolence is that of ‘impartiality,’ the notion promoted by Peter Singer, Roderick Firth, and others, that every individual (including oneself) is of equal intrinsic worth. This paper contends that the impartialist model is seriously flawed. Specifically, it is demonstrated that impartialist accounts of benevolence (1) attempt to draw positive moral conclusions from (...)
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  5. La Doctrine De L’oikeiosis Dans L’ancien Stoïcisme.Clara Acker - 2008 - Ethic@ 15 (1):105-135.
    Partindo da tese de Pembroke, segundo a qual a doutrina da oikeiosis é umapeça essencial da filosofia estóica, procuramos demonstrar que é justamenteessa doutrina, que assegura a perfeita coesão entre Física e Ética na Escolaestóica. Para os estóicos, virtude é viver segundo a Natureza, ela será odesenvolvimento de um dom natural, a oikeiosis, a capacidade de todo servivo de reconhecer a si mesmo e aquilo que lhe é apropriado. Conciliando asinterpretações de Pohlenz e de White,entendemos com Chrysippo que (...)
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    Hierocles' Concentric Circles.Ralph Wedgwood - 2023 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 62 (Summer 2022):293-332.
    Hierocles, a Stoic of the second century CE, famously deployed an image of the ‘concentric circles’ that surround each of us. The image should not be read as advocating absolute impartiality (in the style of classical utilitarianism) or as illustrating the Stoic theory of oikeiōsis. Instead, it is designed to illustrate how it is ‘appropriate to act’ in certain cases. Like other Stoics, Hierocles bases his investigation of appropriate acts on what is ‘in accordance with nature’. According to his view, (...)
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  7. Antonio Calcagno, On Political Impasse: Power, Resistance, and New Forms of Selfhood (London: Bloomsbury Press, 2022), xxii + 198pp.Antonio Calcagno - 2022 - London, UK: Bloomsbury.
    Power is classically understood as the playing out of relations between the ruler and the ruled. Political impasse is often viewed as a moment in which no clear-cut delineation of power exists, resulting in an overwhelming sense of frustration or feeling stuck in a no-win situation. The new globalised world has produced a real shift in how power works: not only has power been concentrated in the hands of very few while many millions become more oppressed by radical shortages and (...)
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    Medical and Philosophical Causality of Nutrition. About some Hippocratic Issues.Catherine Darbo-Peschanski - 2021 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 42 (1):67-93.
    After a quick overview on the specification of the causal role of the powers or faculties (δυνάμεις) in nutrition, from the Hippocratic physicians to Galen, via Aristotle, the article defines the set of questions about this process that the Hippocratic physicians leave open. It then examines how Aristotle provides some sort of indirect physical and ethical answers, while Galen openly takes the side of reappropriating the central Stoic concept of oikeiôsis in a Platonist way.
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