Results for ' communicative rationality'

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  1.  66
    Communicative Rationality and Desire.Roy Boyne & Scott Lash - 1984 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1984 (61):152-158.
    Over the past three years or so, Telos and New German Critique have opened a debate in which Habermas's theory of communicative rationality has been counterposed to the ‘aesthetic-sensual forms of subjectivity’ advocated by certain French theorists, who have come to be known as the ‘post-structuralists’. Among the latter, the most significant figures are Michel Foucault, Jean-Francois Lyotard, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari. This confrontation between theories of desire and theories of communicative rationality is perhaps only (...)
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    Communicative Rationality of the Maxwellian Revolution.Rinat M. Nugayev - 2015 - Foundations of Science 20 (4):447-478.
    It is demonstrated that Maxwellian electrodynamics was created as a result of the old pre-Maxwellian programmes’s reconciliation: the electrodynamics of Ampère–Weber, the wave theory of Young–Fresnel and Faraday’s programme. Maxwell’s programme finally superseded the Ampère–Weber one because it assimilated the ideas of the Ampère–Weber programme, as well as the presuppositions of the programmes of Young–Fresnel and Faraday. Maxwell’s victory became possible because the core of Maxwell’s unification strategy was formed by Kantian epistemology. Maxwell put forward as a basic synthetic principle (...)
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    Communication, Rationality, and Conceptual Changes in Scientific Theories.Peter Gärdenfors & Frank Zenker - 2015 - In Peter Gärdenfors & Frank Zenker (eds.), Applications of Conceptual Spaces : the Case for Geometric Knowledge Representation. Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This article outlines how conceptual spaces theory applies to modeling changes of scientific frameworks when these are treated as spatial structures rather than as linguistic entities. The theory is briefly introduced and five types of changes are presented. It is then contrasted with Michael Friedman’s neo-Kantian account that seeks to render Kuhn’s “paradigm shift” as a communicatively rational historical event of conceptual development in the sciences. Like Friedman, we refer to the transition from Newtonian to relativistic mechanics as an example (...)
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  4. Communicative Rationality, Pragmatist Enlightenment and the Aztec Cosmology Problem.Daniel Kurstak - 2007 - Gnosis 8 (2):1-30.
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    Communicative Rationality and Its Preconditions.Andrzej Maciej Kaniowski - 2020 - Dialogue and Universalism 30 (2):77-92.
    The idea of rational understanding lays very close to the heart of Professor Janusz Kuczyński, an advocate of universalism as well as dialogue between diverse philosophical schools and worldviews, and doctoral advisor to the present paper’s author. This idea’s theoretical conceptualisation—a conceptualisation that has proven to be convincing and adequate to the conditions of the modern world—was developed by Professor Jürgen Habermas, whose ideas and theories were also the subject of a doctoral thesis written by this paper’s author in the (...)
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  6. Communicative rationality and the challenge of systems theory.Katerina Strani - 2010 - In Colin B. Grant (ed.), Beyond Universal Pragmatics: Studies in the Philosophy of Communication. Peter Lang.
  7.  54
    Communicative rationality and inter-culturality: A symposium with Jürgen Habermas.Weidong Cao - 2001 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 1 (1):73-79.
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    Theistic Panpsychic Communicative Rationality.Maduabuchi Dukor - 2011 - Open Journal of Philosophy 1 (2):76.
    The difference between a scientific system and the non scientific system is only a matter of forms of rationality: so also the difference between empirical system and non empirical system explainable in terms of the kinds of rationality systems in their structures. Similarly, the classification of civilized cultures and primitive cultures or the black civilization and western civilization is all about forms of rationalizations. That is because the form of explanation of European Society is different from the form (...)
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  9.  16
    Analysis of Habermas’ Communication Rationality.露 荣 - 2023 - Advances in Philosophy 12 (6):1272-1276.
  10. Habermas on Persuppositions of Communicative Rationality.S. Panneerselvam - 2002 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 29 (1):1-16.
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  11. Basic Paradigm Change: Communicative Rationality Approach.Rinat M. Nugayev (ed.) - 2003 - Dom Pechati.
    Special Relativity and the Early Quantum Theory were created within the same programme of statistical mechanics, thermodynamics and maxwellian electrodynamics reconciliation. I shall try to explain why classical mechanics and classical electrodynamics were “refuted” almost simultaneously or, in more suitable for the present congress terms, why did quantum revolution and the relativistic one both took place at the beginning of the 20-th century. I shall argue that quantum and relativistic revolutions were simultaneous since they had common origin - the clash (...)
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    30. Communicative Rationality: Vorbereitende Bemerkungen zu einer Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns (Preparatory Remarks for a Theory of Communicative Action, 1971). [REVIEW]Cristina Lafont - 2018 - In Hauke Brunkhorst, Regina Kreide & Cristina Lafont (eds.), The Habermas handbook. New York: Columbia University Press. pp. 288-305.
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  13. Habermas' concept of communicative rationality.Michala Lysonkova - 2013 - Filosoficky Casopis 61 (3):323-347.
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    Gary Madison and Communicative Rationality.Paul Fairfield - 2015 - Symposium 19 (2):143-150.
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  15. Communicative behaviour and communicative rationality in the work of Jurgen Habermas.G. Smausova - 1999 - Filosoficky Casopis 47 (3):473-485.
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    Einstein's revolution: A case study in communicative rationality[REVIEW]Rinat M. Nugayev - 1999 - Foundations of Science 4 (2):155-204.
    The aim of the paper is to demonstratethat Special Relativity and the Early Quantum Theory were created within the same programme of statisticalmechanics, thermodynamics and maxwellianelectrodynamics reconciliation. I shall try to explainwhy classical mechanics and classicalelectrodynamics were ``refuted'''' almost simultaneouslyor, in more suitable terms for the present congress,why did the quantum revolution and the relativisticone both took place at the beginning of the 20-thcentury. I shall argue that the quantum andrelativistic revolutions were simultaneous since theyhad a common origin -- the (...)
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  17. A Comment on Threats and Communicative Rationality.Cristina Corredor Lanas - 2001 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 16 (1):147-166.
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    Habermas’s Social Theory and Education : Communicative Rationality as a Criterion of Educational Communication.Gi-Cheol Han - 2014 - The Journal of Moral Education 26 (2):1.
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    A Comment on Threats and Communicative Rationality.Cristina Corredor - 2001 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 16 (1):147-166.
    The article studies two especific forms of social interaction, linguistically mediated: promises and threats. Two pregnant theoretical accounts are to be considered here. Firstly, the analysis propounded within the framework of Game Theory, assuming an intentionalist account of human agency and an instrumentalist concept of rationality; and secondly, the attempt carried out by Speech Acts theorists. In the first case, it can be shown that the theoretical premisses are insufficient to offer a proper account of such basic forms of (...)
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  20. The gentle and rigorous cogency of communicative rationality.J. L. Marsh - 1992 - In James L. Marsh, John D. Caputo & Merold Westphal (eds.), Modernity and its discontents. New York: Fordham University Press. pp. 197--215.
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  21. Life World: From Religion through Demythologization, Disenchantment, Deritualization, and Deauraization to Secular Communicative Rationalization.R. J. Siebert - 1999 - Synthesis Philosophica 14 (1-2):97-126.
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    Jürgen Habermas’s Theory of Communicative Rationality.Jari I. Niemi - 2005 - Social Theory and Practice 31 (4):513-532.
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    Communicative Action and Rational Choice.Joseph Heath - 2001 - MIT Press.
    In this book Joseph Heath brings Jürgen Habermas's theory of communicative action into dialogue with the most sophisticated articulation of the instrumental conception of practical rationality-modern rational choice theory. Heath begins with an overview of Habermas's action theory and his critique of decision and game theory. He then offers an alternative to Habermas's use of speech act theory to explain social order and outlines a multidimensional theory of rational action that includes norm-governed action as a specific type.In the (...)
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  24. Habermas' social theory : the critical power of communicative rationality.Maeve Cooke - 2011 - In Karin de Boer & R. Sonderegger (eds.), Conceptions of Critique in Modern and Contemporary Philosophy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
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    The Unforced Force of the More Familiar Argument A Critique of Habermas' Theory of Communicative Rationality.Cynthia Kaufman - 1999 - Philosophy Today 43 (4):348-360.
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    Dialogue and Communicative Action – Buber’s Philosophy of Dialogue and Habermas’s Communicative Rationality.Matan Oram - 2012 - Naharaim 6 (2):269-285.
  27.  53
    Habermas on rationality: Means, ends and communication.Adrian Blau - 2022 - European Journal of Political Theory 21 (2).
    This is a constructive critique of Habermas’s account of rationality, which is central to his political theory and has sparked theoretical and empirical research across academia. Habermas and many critical theorists caricature means-ends rationality (the ability to pick good means to ends), e.g. by wrongly depicting it as egocentric. This weakens Habermas’s attempt to distinguish means-ends rationality from his hugely important and influential idea of communicative rationality (roughly, the rationality of genuine discussion). I suggest (...)
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  28. The Critique of Ideology Revisited: A Žižekian Appraisal of Habermas's Communicative Rationality.Ricardo Camargo Brito - 2008 - Contemporary Political Theory 7 (1):53-71.
    Since the advent of a post-structuralist ethos, the assertion of a notion of truth, conceived as an infallible point d’appui from which a given social order could be evaluated as ideological or non-ideological, seems no longer possible. As Rorty has pointed out ‘[we can now] see ourselves as never encountering reality except under a chosen description as…making worlds rather than finding them’. However, we could still legitimately ask whether or not an inevitable condition of the ‘post-modern world’, that is, a (...)
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  29. Argumentative Discourse, Good Reasons, and Communicative Rationality.Matthias Kettner - 1999 - In Julian Nida-Rümelin (ed.), Rationality, Realism and Revision. pp. 331--338.
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    The Rationality of Human Communication.Karl-Otto Apel - 1995 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 18 (1):1-25.
    In what follows I wish to raise and eventually to suggest an answer to the following question: What is the rationality of human communication? Why should we ask this question? By way of a first approach I would place the problem within the context of the so called “pragmatic turn” of analytic philosophy, i.e. within a context in which the concept of the rationality of logical syntactics and logical semantics of language systems has been integrated into, or superseded (...)
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    (1 other version)Paradigms, rationality, and partial communication.William H. Austin - 1972 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 3 (2):203-218.
    Summary Critics have said that Kuhn's account of scientific revolutions represents them as subjective and irrational processes, in which mystical conversions and community pressures rather than good reasons determine choices between theories. Kuhn rejects the charge, insisting that there is partial communication among proponents of competing paradigm candidates and their arguments are rational though not coercive. The critics reply that in fact Kuhn's position entails total non-communication and irrationality. A Kuhnian account of partial communication is thus necessary. Kuhn's attempt to (...)
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    Communication and rational justification: A phenomenological stance.Pol Vandevelde - 2001 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 27 (6):55-79.
    As a response to the common criticism that phenomenology is handicapped by its descriptive faith, this article outlines a program for showing what a rational justification can be from a phenomenological perspective. The phenomenological position defended here stands between Rorty's thesis of objectivity in solidarity and Habermas's view of rationality through universal claims. In the first part of the article, I show how a justification of a stance, an action, or a behavior can only make appeal to standards and (...)
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  33.  45
    Basic Paradigm Change The Conception of Communicative Rationality.R. M. Nugaev - 2002 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 41 (2):23-36.
    The problem of the theoretical reconstruction of the process of scientific paradigm change is by no means a new one in the philosophy and sociology of science. Nevertheless, one cannot say that its investigation has reached the point at which an overwhelming majority of specialists would agree at least about exactly how and in what directions it is necessary to move forward. Notwithstanding this circumstance, one can specify a certain set of basic questions that are recognized as such by the (...)
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  34. From the eclipse of reason to communicative rationality and beyond.Peter Uwe Hohendahl - 2001 - In Peter Uwe Hohendahl & Jaimey Fisher (eds.), Critical theory: current state and future prospects. New York: Berghahn Books.
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    Communication and rationality.Georg Meggle - 2002 - Manuscrito 25 (2):291-312.
    Communication can mean many different things. As far as Communicative Action is concerned, here we distinguish between Communication Attempts, Successful Communicative Action and Understood but Unsuccessful Communicative Action, as well as whether the respective actions already have a regular meaning. What are the respective rationality presuppositions? This is resolved for all the above concepts of Communicative Action. As is the case for all actions, Communicative Actions also require us to differentiate between various rationality (...)
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    Rationality, Ethical Incommensurability and Existential Communication.T. Brian Mooney - unknown
    This section of the conference addressed a series of interdisciplinary themes on the issues of rational incommensurability, ethical perspectives and strategies for existential communication. Rather than attempting to answer a set of specific questions presenters were asked to provide a series of meditations on the three themes. Seven presenters provided deeply interesting and varied perspectives on the topics and their inter-relations from multi-disciplinary perspectives. There was considerable time given over to discussion and this proved especially fruitful and enlightening.
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  37.  13
    Religion, rationality, and community: sacred and secular in the thought of Hegel and his critics.Robert Gascoigne - 1985 - Boston: M. Nijhoff.
    This study is an attempt to examine the relationships between religious belief and the humanism of the Enlightenment in the philosophy of Hegel and of a group of thinkers who related to his thought in various ways during the 1840's. It begins with a study of the ways in which Hegel attempted to evolve a genuinely Christian humanism by his demonstration that the modern understanding of man as a free and rational subject derived its strength and validity from the union (...)
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    Protecting Communities in Research: From a New Principle to Rational Protections.Ezekiel J. Emanuel & Charles Weijer - unknown
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  39.  84
    The Theory of Communicative Action: Reason and the Rationalization of Society.Jürgen Habermas - 1991 - Polity.
    Here, for the first time in English, is volume one of Jurgen Habermas's long-awaited magnum opus: The Theory of Communicative Action. This pathbreaking work is guided by three interrelated concerns: to develop a concept of communicative rationality that is no longer tied to the subjective and individualistic premises of modern social and political theory; to construct a two-level concept of society that integrates the 'lifeworld' and 'system' paradigms; and to sketch out a critical theory of modernity that (...)
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  40.  51
    “A Community of Rational Beings”. Kant’s Realm of Ends and the Dinstinction between Internal and External Freedom.Herlinde Pauer-Studer - 2016 - Kant Studien 107 (1):125-159.
    This paper proposes a new account of the relationship between Kant’s ethics and Kant’s philosophy of right. I reject the claim of some philosophers that Kant’s Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals cannot offer a foundation for Kant’s philosophy of right. While I agree that the basic principles of Kant’s philosophy of right cannot be deduced from Kant’s ethical Categorical Imperatives, I try to show that we find in Kant’s Groundwork the normative resources for grounding his philosophy of right. My (...)
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  41.  29
    Health Communication, Public Mistrust, and the Politics of “Rationality”.Sara M. Bergstresser - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (4):57-59.
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    Egoism, rationality and community.Steven M. Sanders - 1981 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 13 (2):51–60.
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    The Rationality of Biofuel Certification: A Critical Examination of EU Biofuel Policy.A. J. K. Pols - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (4):667-681.
    Certification for biofuels has been developed to ensure that biofuel production methods adhere to social and environmental sustainability standards. As such, requiring biofuel production to be certified has become part of EU policy through the 2009 renewable energy directive, that aims to promote energy security, reduce emissions and promote rural development. According to the EU RED, in 2020 10 % of our transport energy should come from renewable sources, most of which are expected to be biofuels. In this paper I (...)
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  44.  42
    Egoism, rationality and community in moral education: A postscript.Helen Freeman - 1980 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 12 (1):49–64.
  45.  22
    Conceptualizing a Practical Discourse Survey Instrument for Assessing Communicative Agency and Rational Trust in Educational Policymaking.Darron Kelly - 2023 - Educational Theory 73 (2):258-272.
    How might a theory of communicative rationality be applied to policymaking to secure the morally justifiable administration of public education? In answer, Darron Kelly uses conceptual resources found in Habermasian practical discourse to outline development of a survey instrument. The survey is designed to measure constituent satisfaction with actual conditions of educational policymaking. To do this, the survey operationalizes and quantifies the epistemic conditions of inclusion, participation, truthfulness, and noncoercion. Once captured, analysis of these conditions in actual cases (...)
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  46. Sense, Communication, and Rational Engagement.Imogen Dickie & Gurpreet Rattan - 2010 - Dialectica 64 (2):131-151.
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    Argumentation as Rational Persuasion in Doctor-Patient Communication.Sara Rubinelli - 2013 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 46 (4):550-569.
    The purpose of this article is to present a case for the value of argumentation as an instrument of rational persuasion in doctor-patient (and general health professional–patient) communication. By doing so, I also emphasize the value of argumentation theory—as a body of knowledge devoted to the study of argumentation—both to enrich the study of doctor-patient communication and to enhance its quality by contributing to dedicated training courses for health professionals and patient education interventions. Argumentation is used in health professional–patient interactions, (...)
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  48.  26
    “Expert rationality” vs. “language communities”: The case of bioethics.Jenneth Parker - 1995 - Res Publica 1 (2):207-212.
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    Towards a Communication-Concept of Rational Collective Will-Formation. A Thought-Experiment.Jürgen Habermas - 1989 - Ratio Juris 2 (2):144-154.
    Contractarian theories are meant to settle the issue of when political authority meets the conditions of rational legitimacy. The author addresses the same issue, but using different premises and a different conceptual frame. He takes as his point of departure the two basic problems which rational collective will‐formation refers to ‐ conflict‐resolution and goal attainment. He then introduces the codes of law and power, with which such will‐formation can be institutionalized. The legitimation gap that then still remains open can be (...)
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    Communicating numeric quantities in context: implications for decision science and rationality claims.David R. Mandel - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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