Results for ' community needs'

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  1.  52
    Interdisciplinary Communication Needs to Become a Core Scientific Skill.Ralf Dahm, Jonathan Byrne & Michael A. Wride - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (9):1900101.
    Graphical AbstractAs scientific research has advanced so too has the complexity of the questions addressed. Cross-disciplinary collaborations are often the most efficient route to managing that complexity and require effective communication across boundaries. To continue driving science forward and be able to tackle global challenges, the art of good interdisciplinary communication needs to become a core skill in a scientist's portfolio.
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    “Our community needs to heal”: Using Photovoice to Explore Intergenerational Memories of Civil War with Young Central Americans in Toronto.Juan Carlos Jimenez, Morgan Poteet, Giovanni Carranza & Veronica Escobar Olivo - 2023 - Studies in Social Justice 17 (3):428-453.
    In 2020, our research collective facilitated a photovoice project titled “Picturing Our Realities: Arts-based Reflections with Central American Youth in Canada,” which brought together young, second-generation, and one-and-a-half-generation (born in another country and moved at a young age) Central American identifying people in Toronto to talk about their experiences growing up as children of immigrants. This photovoice project reveals the ways the civil war and migration process is a haunting presence in the lives of second and 1.5 generation Central American (...)
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    Conceptual Similarity and Communicative Need Shape Colexification: An Experimental Study.Andres Karjus, Richard A. Blythe, Simon Kirby, Tianyu Wang & Kenny Smith - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (9):e13035.
    Colexification refers to the phenomenon of multiple meanings sharing one word in a language. Cross‐linguistic lexification patterns have been shown to be largely predictable, as similar concepts are often colexified. We test a recent claim that, beyond this general tendency, communicative needs play an important role in shaping colexification patterns. We approach this question by means of a series of human experiments, using an artificial language communication game paradigm. Our results across four experiments match the previous cross‐linguistic findings: all (...)
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    Encouraging Emotional Conversations in Children With Complex Communication Needs: An Observational Case Study.Gabriela A. Rangel-Rodríguez, Mar Badia & Sílvia Blanch - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:674755.
    Children with complex communication needs (CCN) regularly have barriers to express and discuss emotions, and have fewer opportunities to participate in emotional conversations. The study explores and analyzes the changes after a training program focused on offering an interactive home learning environment that encouraged and modeled emotion-related conversations between a parent and a child with CCN within storybook-reading contexts. An observational design (nomothetic/follow-up/multidimensional) was used to explore and analyze the changes in the communicative interaction around emotions between mother-child. Augmentative (...)
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    Communities Need More Than Autonomy.Thomas H. Murray - 1994 - Hastings Center Report 24 (3):32-33.
  6.  15
    Meeting Community Needs.Howard Berman - 2010 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 47 (3):186-198.
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    Communities need to be equal partners in determining whether research is acceptable.Bridget G. Haire & John M. Kaldor - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (3):159-160.
    In many countries around the world, people who inject drugs remain at high risk of HIV acquisition not because effective forms of prevention are unknown, nor because they find effective prevention undesirable, but because those in charge, mainly politicians but also bureaucrats, find evidence-based practice politically unacceptable. The evidence for preventive efficacy of harm reduction strategies, most prominently needle and syringe programmes but also treatment programmes such as opiate substitution, is irrefutable.1 However, political responses to drug use issues are varied (...)
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    Disentangling contextual diversity: Communicative need as a lexical organizer.Brendan T. Johns - 2021 - Psychological Review 128 (3):525-557.
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    Color Naming Reflects Both Perceptual Structure and Communicative Need.Noga Zaslavsky, Charles Kemp, Naftali Tishby & Terry Regier - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (1):207-219.
    Systems for color naming across languages have been a fascinating topic for decades. Zaslavsky and colleagues challenge Gibson's argument that color names are shaped by patterns of communicative need. Using an information‐theoretic analysis, they show that color naming is shaped by both perceptual structure (as is usually argued) but also by communication need.
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    Remote Interpreting: Potential Solutions to Communication Needs in the Refugee Crisis and Beyond.Hanne Skaaden - 2018 - The European Legacy 23 (7-8):837-856.
    ABSTRACTRemote interpreting, where the interpreter communicates with the interlocutors via technological solutions across geographical distance, enhances the availability of trained interpreters in the public sector and institutional discourse in general. In refugee crises, where new unexpected language needs may arise, access to skilled interpreters presents a particular challenge. RI is an apt solution in such cases. Yet, although the professionals who are in need of interpreting services within the legal and health systems embrace the option of RI, the interpreters (...)
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    Problem-guided and Interest-guided Information-seeking.Yvonne Need & Gerrit A. J. van der Rijt - 1996 - Communications 21 (4):419-432.
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    Ethics in Internet (Document).Pontifical Council for Social Communication - 2020 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 32 (1-2):179-192.
    Today, the earth is an interconnected globe humming with electronic transmissions-a chattering planet nestled in the provident silence of space. The ethical question is whether this is contributing to authentic human development and helping individuals and peoples to be true to their transcendent destiny. The new media are powerful tools for education, cultural enrichment, commercial activity, political participation, intercultural dialogue and understanding. They also can serve the cause of religion. Yet the new information technology needs to be informed and (...)
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    Evaluating community engagement in global health research: the need for metrics.Kathleen M. MacQueen, Anant Bhan, Janet Frohlich, Jessica Holzer & Jeremy Sugarman - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):1-9.
    BackgroundCommunity engagement in research has gained momentum as an approach to improving research, to helping ensure that community concerns are taken into account, and to informing ethical decision-making when research is conducted in contexts of vulnerability. However, guidelines and scholarship regarding community engagement are arguably unsettled, making it difficult to implement and evaluate.DiscussionWe describe normative guidelines on community engagement that have been offered by national and international bodies in the context of HIV-related research, which set the stage (...)
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    Information gaps as communication needs: A new semantic foundation for some non-classical logics. [REVIEW]Piero Pagliani - 1997 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 6 (1):63-99.
    Semantics connected to some information based metaphor are well-known in logic literature: a paradigmatic example is Kripke semantic for Intuitionistic Logic. In this paper we start from the concrete problem of providing suitable logic-algebraic models for the calculus of attribute dependencies in Formal Contexts with information gaps and we obtain an intuitive model based on the notion of passage of information showing that Kleene algebras, semi-simple Nelson algebras, three-valued ukasiewicz algebras and Post algebras of order three are, in a sense, (...)
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  15.  49
    The need for a clinical ethics service and its goals in a community healthcare service centre: a survey.E. Racine - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (10):564-566.
    Objectives: To assess whether according to healthcare providers, the creation of an ethics service responds to a need; assess the importance of an ethics service for healthcare providers; determine what ethics services should be offered and the preferred formats of delivery; and identify key issues to be initially dealt with by the ethics service.Design: A survey of healthcare providers in Québec’s Centre Local de Services Communautaires , healthcare institutions dedicated to community health and social services.Findings: 96 respondents agreed that (...)
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    Peer-reviewed climate change research has a transparency problem. The scientific community needs to do better.Adam Pollack, Jentry E. Campbell, Madison Condon, Courtney Cooper, Matteo Coronese, James Doss-Gollin, Prabhat Hegde, Casey Helgeson, Jan Kwakkel, Corey Lesk, Justin Mankin, Erin Mayfield, Samantha Roth, Vivek Srikrishnan, Nancy Tuana & Klaus Keller - manuscript
    Mission-oriented climate change research is often unverifiable. Therefore, many stakeholders look to peer-reviewed climate change research for trustworthy information about deeply uncertain and impactful phenomena. This is because peer-review signals that research has been vetted for scientific standards like reproducibility and replicability. Here we evaluate the transparency of research methodologies in mission-oriented computational climate research. We find that only five percent of our sample meets the minimal standard of fully open data and code required for reproducibility and replicability. The widespread (...)
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    Communicative cultures in cetaceans: Big questions are unanswered, functional analyses are needed.Todd M. Freeberg - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (2):334-334.
    Demonstrating cetacean communicative cultures requires documenting vocal differences among conspecific groups that are socially learned and stable across generations. Evidence to date does not provide strong scientific support for culture in cetacean vocal systems. Further, functional analyses with playbacks are needed to determine whether observed group differences in vocalizations are meaningful to the animals themselves.
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    Familial Communication of Research Results: A Need to Know?Lee Black & Kelly A. McClellan - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (4):605-613.
    In recent years, the research participant’s family’s need, if not right, to know their disease risk has comprised a great deal of the genetic testing discourse. This most often arises in the context of clinical genetic tests for hereditary cancers, especially colorectal and breast cancer, and other genetic disorders where the presence of a genetic mutation greatly increases the likelihood of the disease’s manifestation. However, this discussion has not led to comprehensive or cohesive guidance for health care professionals or patients. (...)
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  19. Better communication between experts is needed to solve the environmental origins of birth defects.Duncan B. Sparrow - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (2):2100241.
    More than 6% of babies are born with a structural or functional defect, and many of these need special care and treatment to survive and thrive. Such defects can be inherited, arise through exposure to altered conditions or compounds in the womb, or result from a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Since the 1940s, animal experiments and epidemiological studies have identified many environmental factors that can cause particular birth defects. More recently, advances in genomics have allowed a simple genetic (...)
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    Research on the Impact of Customer Participation in Virtual Community on Service Innovation Performance— The Role of Knowledge Transfer.Jianhua Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Internet technology has given birth to continuous changes in business model and format innovation. With increasingly critical consumers, blowout development model and format innovation, enterprises are increasingly aware of the importance of customer participation in service innovation. At the same time, the development of information technology provides convenient conditions for communication between enterprises and customers, and online virtual community also provides a platform for customers to participate in the process of enterprise service innovation in an instant. Based on the (...)
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  21. We need a hundred more like him! The challenge of catechesis and new ecclesial communities.Richard Rymarz - 2016 - The Australasian Catholic Record 93 (1):56.
    Rymarz, Richard A significant challenge facing the Catholic Church today is the breakdown in traditional catechetical structures such as the close connection between parish, school and family. A consequence of this is a decline in the number of pathways open to Catholics who wish to strengthen their religious commitment. In light of this a pertinent question is: How can new structures support catechesis? This paper explores the role that New Ecclesial Communities can play in catechesis in a changed cultural milieu. (...)
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    The needs analysis of the marriage education program for Turkish Cypriot community: Development phase.Nihal Salman, Kemal Akkan Batman & Yasemin Sorakin - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:963305.
    This research is a needs analysis to develop a marriage education program to be held in the TRNC. The aim of the research is to compare the views of married and divorced individuals about marriage education and to determine their needs for marriage education. For this purpose, it has been determined in which subjects they see themselves as sufficient or inadequate, in which subjects they are willing to participate in the training and in which subjects they are unwilling. (...)
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  23. Bioethics, Communication Problems: Need for Media and Pressure Group Activism.R. Sharma - 2001 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 11 (4):102-104.
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    Overlooking Needs and Disparities -- Comment on Jeremy Waldron, Community and Property for Those Who Have Neither.Neta Ziv - 2009 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 10 (1 Forum).
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    Community food security: Practice in need of theory? [REVIEW]Molly D. Anderson & John T. Cook - 1999 - Agriculture and Human Values 16 (2):141-150.
    Practitioners and advocates of community food security (CFS) envision food systems that are decentralized, environmentally-sound over a long time-frame, supportive of collective rather than only individual needs, effective in assuring equitable food access, and created by democratic decision-making. These themes are loosely connected in literature about CFS, with no logical linkages among them. Clear articulation in a theoretical framework is needed for CFS to be effective as a guide for policy and action. CFS theory should delimit the level (...)
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    Does Communicative Competence Need To Be Re-conceptualized?Michelle Forrest - 2009 - Journal of Thought 44 (1/2):101-111.
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    Communication of diagnosis in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: stratification of patients for the estimation of the individual needs.Alessia Pizzimenti, Maria Cristina Gori, Emanuela Onesti, Bev John & Maurizio Inghilleri - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Doctor–patient communication about existential, spiritual and religious needs in chronic pain: A systematic review.Aida Hougaard Andersen, Elisabeth Assing Hvidt, Niels Christian Hvidt & Kirsten K. Roessler - 2019 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 41 (3):277-299.
    Research documents that many chronic non-malignant pain patients experience existential, spiritual and religious needs; however, research knowledge is missing on if and how physicians approach these needs. We conducted a systematic review to explore the extent to which physicians address these needs in their communication with chronic non-malignant pain patients and to explore the facilitators and challenges of this communication. We followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines, searching Embase, Medline, Scopus and PsycINFO. (...)
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    No need for essences. On non-verbal communication in first inter-cultural contacts.Bart Vandenabeele - 2002 - South African Journal of Philosophy 21 (2):85-96.
    Drawing on anthropological examples of first contacts between people from different cultures, I argue that non-verbal communication plays a far bigger part in intercultural communication than has been acknowledged in the literature so far. Communication rests on mutually attuning in a large number of judgements. Some sort of structuring principle is needed at this point, and Davidson's principle of charity is a good candidate, provided sufficient attention is given to non-verbal communication. There will always be more and less successful interpretations (...)
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    Need for approval in low-context and high-context cultures: A communications approach to cross-cultural ethics.Janelle Brinker Dozier, Bryan W. Husted & J. Timothy Mcmahon - 1998 - Teaching Business Ethics 2 (2):111-125.
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    “We need to talk!” Barriers to GPs’ communication about the option of physician-assisted suicide and their ethical implications: results from a qualitative study.Ina C. Otte, Corinna Jung, Bernice Elger & Klaus Bally - 2017 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 20 (2):249-256.
    GPs usually care for their patients for an extended period of time, therefore, requests to not only discontinue a patient’s treatment but to assist a patient in a suicide are likely to create intensely stressful situations for physicians. However, in order to ensure the best patient care possible, the competent communication about the option of physician assisted suicide as well as the assessment of the origin and sincerity of the request are very important. This is especially true, since patients’ requests (...)
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  32. Community of Philosophical Inquiry: citizenship in Scottish classrooms. 'You need to think like you've never thinked before.'.Claire Cassidy & Donald Christie - 2014 - Childhood and Philosophy 10 (19):33-54.
    The context for the study is the current curriculum reform in Scotland which demands that teachers enable children to become ‘Responsible Citizens’. The aim of the study was to evaluate the use of Community of Philosophical Inquiry as a pedagogical tool to enhance citizenship attributes in Scottish children in a range of educational settings. Before and after an extended series of CoPI sessions, the 133 participating children were presented with dilemmas designed to elicit responses which indicate their ability to (...)
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  33. Kierkegaard on the Need for Indirect Communication.Antony Aumann - 2008 - Dissertation, Indiana University
    This dissertation concerns Kierkegaard’s theory of indirect communication. A central aspect of this theory is what I call the “indispensability thesis”: there are some projects only indirect communication can accomplish. The purpose of the dissertation is to disclose and assess the rationale behind the indispensability thesis. -/- A pair of questions guides the project. First, to what does ‘indirect communication’ refer? Two acceptable responses exist: (1) Kierkegaard’s version of Socrates’ midwifery method and (2) Kierkegaard’s use of artful literary devices. Second, (...)
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    Why the World Needs Bioethics Communication.Travis N. Rieder, Lauren Arora Hutchinson & Jeffrey P. Kahn - 2022 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 65 (4):629-636.
    ABSTRACT:This essay argues for the importance of formalizing public engagement efforts around bioethics as something we might call "bioethics communication," and it outlines the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics' plans for engaging in this effort. Because science is complex and difficult to explain to nonexperts, the field of science communication has arisen to meet this need. The field involves both a practice and a subject of empirical research. Like science, bioethics is also complex and difficult to explain, which is (...)
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  35.  23
    The Role of Communication and Interpersonal Skills in Clinical Ethics Consultation: The Need for a Competency in Advanced Ethics Facilitation.Jane Jankowski, Cynthia Geppert & Wayne Shelton - 2016 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 27 (1):28-38.
    Clinical ethics consultants (CECs) often face some of the most difficult communication and interpersonal challenges that occur in hospitals, involving stressed stakeholders who express, with strong emotions, their preferences and concerns in situations of personal crisis and loss. In this article we will give examples of how much of the important work that ethics consultants perform in addressing clinical ethics conflicts is incompletely conceived and explained in the American Society of Bioethics and Humanities Core Competencies for Healthcare Ethics Consultation and (...)
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    (1 other version)Epistemic appropriation and the ethics of engaging with trans community knowledge in the context of mental healthcare research.Francis Myerscough, Lydia Schneider-Reuter & Mirjam Faissner - 2024 - Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities in Medicine 19 (1):1-11.
    Mental healthcare research increasingly focuses the needs of trans people and, in doing so, acknowledges knowledge and epistemic resources developed in trans communities. In this article, we aim to raise awareness of an ethical issue described by Emmalon Davis that may arise in the context of engaging with community knowledge and epistemic resources: the risk of epistemic appropriation. It is composed of two harms (1) a detachment of epistemic resources developed in the originating community and (2) a (...)
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    Gender and sustainable livelihoods: linking gendered experiences of environment, community and self.Wendy Harcourt - 2017 - Agriculture and Human Values 34 (4):1007-1019.
    In this essay I explore the economic, social, environmental and cultural changes taking place in Bolsena, Italy, where agricultural livelihoods have rapidly diminished in the last two decades. I examine how gender dynamics have shifted with the changing values and livelihoods of Bolsena through three women’s narratives detailing their gendered experiences of environment, community and self. I reflect on these changes with Sabrina, who is engaged in a feminist community-based organization; Anna, who is running an alternative wine bar; (...)
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    How Inclusive Interactive Learning Environments Benefit Students Without Special Needs.Silvia Molina Roldán, Jesús Marauri, Adriana Aubert & Ramon Flecha - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Growing evidence in recent years has led to an agreement on the importance and benefits that inclusive education has for students with special educational needs (SEN). However, the extension and universalization of an inclusive approach will also be enhanced with more evidence on the benefits that inclusion has for all students, including those without SEN. Based on the existing knowledge that learning interactions among diverse students are a key component of educational inclusion, the aim of this study is to (...)
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    “Just what needed to be done”:: The political practice of women community workers in low-income neighborhoods.Nancy A. Naples - 1991 - Gender and Society 5 (4):478-494.
    This article offers a reconceptualization of “the political” from the standpoint of women working in and for low-income neighborhoods, with special emphasis on the contradictions between their actions as community workers and their understandings of the political aspects of their work. The author also examines how their gender and race identity influenced their political consciousness and practice. The date are drawn from in-depth interviews with forty-two perdominantly African American and Puerto Rican women from New York City and Philadelphia who (...)
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    Getting Beyond the Narratives: An Open Letter to the Activist Community.John Michael Greer - 2018 - Anthropology of Consciousness 29 (2):147-165.
    This is my response to a book, Globalize Liberation, edited by David Solnit and published in 2004. Media activists James John Bell and Patrick Reinsborough sent me a copy and asked for my thoughts about it; the result turned into an essay of some length, which got a certain amount of exposure and discussion online. Looking at the travails of progressive activism since its publication, I find very little that needs revision, except the tone of relative optimism expressed toward (...)
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    (1 other version)‘Wicked problems’, community engagement and the need for an implementation science for research ethics.James V. Lavery - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (3):163-164.
    In 1973, Rittel and Webber coined the term ‘wicked problems’, which they viewed as pervasive in the context of social and policy planning.1 Wicked problems have 10 defining characteristics: they are not amenable to definitive formulation; it is not obvious when they have been solved; solutions are not true or false, but good or bad; there is no immediate, or ultimate, test of a solution; every implemented solution is consequential, it leaves traces that cannot be undone; there are no criteria (...)
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  42. Needs of a New Age Community.J. Bennett - 1993 - Utopian Studies 4 (1):229-230.
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    What Does the Epidemic of Childhood Obesity Mean for Children with Special Health Care Needs?Paula M. Minihan, Sarah N. Fitch & Aviva Must - 2007 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 35 (1):61-77.
    Although the obesity epidemic appears to have affected all segments of the U.S. population, its impact on children with special health care needs has received little attention. “Children with special health care needs” is a term used in the U.S. to describe children who come to the attention of health care providers and policy makers because they need different services and supports than other children. Government, at both the federal and state levels, has long felt a particular responsibility (...)
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    Reconstructing Communities in the Context of Large Refugee Populations: Impact assessment, policy development and research needs.Jane Travis & Steve Hucklesby - 2002 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 19 (2):97-107.
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    Responsiveness to Host Community Health Needs.Alex John London - unknown
    There is near universal agreement within the scientific and ethics communities that a necessary condition for the moral permissibility of cross-national, collaborative research is that it be responsive to the health needs of the host community. It has proven difficult, however, to leverage or capitalize on this consensus in order to resolve lingering disputes about the ethics of international medical research. This is largely because different sides in these debates have sometimes provided different interpretations of what this requirement (...)
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    Promoting trans patient autonomy in surgical preparation for phalloplasty and metoidioplasty: results from a community-based cross-sectional survey and implications for preoperative assessments.Leo L. Rutherford, Elijah R. Castle, Noah Adams, Logan Berrian, Linden Jennings, Ayden Scheim, Aaron Devor & Nathan J. Lachowsky - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-12.
    Some transgender and nonbinary people undergo phalloplasty and/or metoidioplasty as part of their medical transition process. Across surgical disciplines, a variety of resources are used to assist patients who are preparing for surgeries, including educational materials, workshops, peer support, and lifestyle changes. For gender-affirming surgeries, patients undergoing assessments to discern whether they are ready to undergo the surgery, and to assist them in achieving preparedness when needed. Little research investigates what resources are useful in helping patients to feel prepared to (...)
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    Mothers' Life-Worlds in a Developing Context when a Child has Special Needs.Eve Hemming & Jacqui Akhurst - 2009 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 9 (1):1-12.
    This South African study investigates the lived experiences of a group of isiZulu mothers of children diagnosed with multiple disabilities. Data collection from regular focus group discussions proceeded with the assistance of a translator skilled in working in isiZulu and English. The phenomenological approach employed revealed the mothers' philosophical acceptance of their child's disability. Issues of concern to the women that emerged include the effects of the child's disability on their lives, the treatment options for their children, and their perceptions (...)
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  48. Call for Paper: Environmental Sustainability Needs Humanities.Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - 2024 - Discover Sustainability.
    Value systems, goals, beliefs, and worldviews need to be changed to leverage the sustainability transformation within the human society, as they define how humans interact with nature, generate knowledge and technologies, and utilize natural and artificial resources. Therefore, the humanistic values of this era demand the inclusion of environmental sustainability, and building an eco-surplus culture is essential for the social transition away from eco-deficit dystopia. The Topical Collection welcomes viewpoints, reviews, and theoretical and empirical work.
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  49. Singularity Humanities -Singularity robot is a member of human community.Daihyun Chung - 2017 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 131:189-216.
    [Abstract] Suppose that the Big Bang was the first singularity in the history of the cosmos. Then it would be plausible to presume that the availability of the strong general intelligence should mark the second singularity for the natural human race. The human race needs to be prepared to make it sure that if a singularity robot becomes a person, the robotic person should be a blessing for the humankind rather than a curse. Toward this direction I would scrutinize (...)
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    On Community.Leroy S. Rouner - 1991
    The individualism and restless mobility of modernity have become disorienting and frightening. Our nostalgia for premodern times when natural bonds to kith and kin were unshakable continues to surface, most recently in the popular phenomenon of support groups. On Community examines this crucial philosophical issue of community for the postmodern mind by presenting 13 readable, original essays by some of the top experts currently working on this problem. The first four essays, by Eliot Deutsch, R. W. Hepburn, Hilary (...)
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