Results for ' construction à double objet'

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  1.  21
    The interplay of style, information structure and definiteness: Double indirect objects in Figuig Berber narratives.Maarten Kossmann - 2015 - Corpus 14:59-80.
    In Figuig Berber, like in many other Berber languages, it is possible to express the indirect object by a lexical expression and by a pronominal clitic in the same sentence. This construction, called “dative doubling” in the literature, is in variation with constructions that do not have a pronominal clitic. In this article, dative doubling is studied in two corpora, one written corpus (Benamara 2011), and one spoken corpus, collected by the author. It is shown that dative doubling is (...)
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    Exclusion de la synagogue et construction de l’identité croyante dans les communautés johanniques.Jean Zumstein - 2021 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 152 (4):379-393.
    Même si son déroulement historique exact demeure une énigme, l’exclusion des communautés johanniques de la synagogue a été un accélérateur décisif dans la construction de leur identité croyante. Ce processus peut être décrit d’un double point de vue. Premièrement, il s’effectue à travers une transformation du rapport à la tradition juive. Si l’autorité de la Bible hébraïque n’est pas mise en question, en revanche, les marqueurs identitaires du judaïsme synagogal (le Temple, les prescriptions de pureté rituelle, l’observance du (...)
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    Metaethical Subjectivism.Richard Double - 2006 - Routledge.
    Metaethical subjectivism, the idea that the truth or falsity of moral statements is contingent upon the attitudes or conventions of observers, is often regarded as a lurid philosophical doctrine which generates much psychological resistance to its acceptance. In this accessible book, Richard Double, presents a vigorous defense of metaethical subjectivism, arguing that the acceptance of this doctrine need have no deleterious effects upon theorizing either in normative ethics or in moral practice. Proceeding from a 'worldview' methodology Double criticizes (...)
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    La construction de l’identité catholique des jeunes filles dans un diocèse de frontière au XVIIIe siècle.Luc Oreskovic - 2006 - Clio 24:75-100.
    Au XVIIIe siècle, en Croatie habsbourgeoise, dans une région de frontière avec l’islam et l’orthodoxie, la jeune fille catholique est l’objet d’une attention particulière. À cet égard, l’instruction confessionnelle qui lui est dispensée dans le diocèse de Senj-Modruš se double d’une protection exercée par le clergé envers les menaces de prosélytisme. La surveillance des mœurs, une méfiance envers les relations interconfessionnelles, la répression des transgressions et la diffusion d’un modèle vertueux par l’iconographie chrétienne permettent de circonscrire l’individu. Ces (...)
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    Šatrovački : la construction et l’exploitation d’un corpus de verlan serbo-croate.Olivier Rizzolo - 2004 - Corpus 3.
    Le but de cet article est double. Il s’agit d'abord d'introduire des données inédites concernant un jeu de langage du serbo-croate : le šatrovački qui, à l'image du verlan connu en France, inverse les syllabes. Je présenterai aussi le chemin qui a été parcouru lors de la confection du corpus. Dans un deuxième temps, un aspect particulier du corpus, l'épenthèse de schwa, fera l'objet d'une exploitation théorique.Le premier objectif sera l’occasion de développer quelques points intéressants parmi lesquels la (...)
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    Constructional semantics on the move: On semantic specialization in the English double object construction.Timothy Colleman & Bernard De Clerck - 2011 - Cognitive Linguistics 22 (1):183-209.
    In this article we tackle the issue of diachronic variation in constructional semantics through an exploration of the (recent) semantic history of the well-established English ditransitive or double object argument structure construction. Starting from the assumption that schematic syntactic patterns are not fundamentally different from lexical items, we will show that — similar to the diachronic semantic development of lexemes — the semantics of argument structure constructions in general and that of double object constructions in particular, is (...)
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  7.  14
    The Double-Edged Sword Effect of Relational Crafting on Job Well-Being.Shanshan Li, Bin Meng & Qingjin Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Is relational crafting always beneficial? Despite the increasing research on the positive outcomes of relational crafting, some evidence still indicates its dysfunctional consequences. The current study proposed a double-edged sword effect of relational crafting on job well-being, including work dynamics and emotional exhaustion, with an integrative perspective from the resource loss and resource acquisition perspectives based on the job demands-resources model and the conservation of resources theory. By conducting a two-stage questionnaire survey on 323 employees, the results demonstrate that: (...)
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  8. Varieties of Consciousness under Oppression: False Consciousness, Bad Faith, Double Consciousness, and Se faire objet.Jennifer McWeeny - 2016 - In S. West Gurley & Geoff Pfeifer, Phenomenology and the Political. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield. pp. 149-63.
    What it would mean for phenomenology to move in an ontological direction that would render its relevance to contemporary political movement less ambiguous while at the same time retaining those aspects of its method that are epistemologically and politically advantageous? The present study crafts the beginnings of a response to this question by examining four configurations of consciousness that seem to be respectively tied to certain oppressive contexts and certain kinds of oppressed bodies: 1. false consciousness, 2. bad faith, 3. (...)
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    La double offrande de Lysias et Évarchis recomposée au musée de l’Acropole.Christina Vlassopoulou - 2011 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 135 (1):119-135.
    À l’occasion de l’ouverture du nouveau musée de l’Acropole, en juin 2009, certaines oeuvres archaïques ont fait l’objet d’une présentation plus complète réunissant bases inscrites et statues. C’est le cas pour la célèbre corè d’Anténor, l’Athéna dédiée par Angélitos ou la Nikè offerte en mémoire de Callimachos, mais aussi pour une oeuvre moins prestigieuse, la petite «corè aux bottines rouges » MAcr 683, replacée sur le pilier inscrit MEp 6348, comme l’avait prescrit A. Raubitschek, il y a plus de (...)
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  10. Varieties of Consciousness under Oppression: False Consciousness, Bad Faith, Double Consciousness, and Se faire objet.Jennifer McWeeny - 2016 - In S. West Gurley & Geoff Pfeifer, Phenomenology and the Political. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield. pp. 149-163.
    What it would mean for phenomenology to move in an ontological direction that would render its relevance to contemporary political movement less ambiguous while at the same time retaining those aspects of its method that are epistemologically and politically advantageous? The present study crafts the beginnings of a response to this question by examining four configurations of consciousness that seem to be respectively tied to certain oppressive contexts and certain kinds of oppressed bodies: 1. false consciousness, 2. bad faith, 3. (...)
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  11. On Double-Entry Bookkeeping: The Mathematical Treatment.David Ellerman - 2014 - Accounting Education: An International Journal 23 (5):483-501.
    Double-entry bookkeeping (DEB) implicitly uses a specific mathematical construction, the group of differences using pairs of unsigned numbers ("T-accounts"). That construction was only formulated abstractly in mathematics in the 19th century—even though DEB had been used in the business world for over five centuries. Yet the connection between DEB and the group of differences (here called the "Pacioli group") is still largely unknown both in mathematics and accounting. The precise mathematical treatment of DEB allows clarity on certain (...)
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  12.  30
    Doubling unconditionals and relative sluicing.Radek Šimík - 2020 - Natural Language Semantics 28 (1):1-21.
    Doubling unconditionals are exemplified by the Spanish example Venga quien venga, estaré contento ‘Whoever comes, I’ll be happy’. This curious and little studied construction is attested in various forms in a number of Romance and Slavic languages. In this paper, I provide a basic description of these constructions, focusing especially on Spanish, Czech, and Slovenian, and argue that they can be brought in line with analyses of run-of-the-mill unconditionals if one recognizes that the wh-structure within the unconditional antecedent is (...)
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  13.  6
    The Double Valence of Trauma in the Age of Techno-Surveillance.Ross Channing Reed - 2024 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 10 (1):180-193.
    As a philosophical counselor, I encounter many individuals who live with an almost inexpressible grief, hopelessness, and despair. This paper argues that two macro-causes of these affects are philosophical and structural. This paper sets up a distinction between (1) biotic, ontological, rational value, and (2) abiotic, hyperreal, nihilistic value. Abiotic “value” now constitutes the hemorrhagic nihilism of our time. Kant, Nietzsche, Baudrillard, and Kierkegaard will be utilized to construct the philosophical argument tracing the movement from the biotic to the abiotic. (...)
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    Double Negation as Minimal Negation.Satoru Niki - 2023 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 32 (5):861-886.
    N. Kamide introduced a pair of classical and constructive logics, each with a peculiar type of negation: its double negation behaves as classical and intuitionistic negation, respectively. A consequence of this is that the systems prove contradictions but are non-trivial. The present paper aims at giving insights into this phenomenon by investigating subsystems of Kamide’s logics, with a focus on a system in which the double negation behaves as the negation of minimal logic. We establish the negation inconsistency (...)
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  15.  29
    Double auctions with no-loss constrained traders.Nejat Anbarci & Jaideep Roy - 2018 - Theory and Decision 84 (1):1-9.
    Do hard budget constraints work in favour or against truth telling in double auctions? McAfee constructed a simple double auction mechanism, which is strategyproof and minimally inefficient, but may resort to dual prices, where the difference between prices is channelled as a surplus to the market maker, preventing MDA from achieving a balanced budget. We construct a variant of MDA in which no-loss constraints play a major positive role. Our variant of MDA is also strategyproof, as efficient as (...)
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  16. Double-access sentences and reference to states.Toshiyuki Ogihara - 1995 - Natural Language Semantics 3 (2):177-210.
    This article deals with the semantics of “double-access” sentences. They are defined as English sentences which have a past tense morpheme in the matrix clause and a present tense morpheme in a subordinate clause in the immediate scope of the matrix past tense. They receive a very peculiar interpretation, which we will refer to as a “double-access interpretation.” The episode described in the embedded clause makes reference to two times: the time referred to by the matrix predicate and (...)
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    (1 other version)Some double-valued representations of the linear groups.Yuval Ne'eman - 1983 - Foundations of Physics 13 (4):467-480.
    We review the mathematical theory ofSL(n, R) and its double-covering group $\overline {SL} (n,R)$ , especially forn = 2, 3, 4. After discussing a variety of physical applications, we show that $\overline {SL} (3,R)$ provides holonomic curved space (“world”) spinors with an infinite number of components. We construct the relevant holonomic “manifield” and discuss the gravitational interaction of a proton as an example.
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    Free Double Ockham Algebras.Manuel Abad & J. Patricio Díaz Varela - 1999 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 9 (1):173-183.
    The variety O2 of double Ockham algebras consists of the algebras (A ∨, ∧, f,g 0,1) of type (2,2,1,1,0,0) where (A; ∨, ∧,f, 0,1) and (A; ∨, ∧,g 0,1) are Ockham algebras. In [16], M. Sequeira introduced several subvarieties of O2. In this paper we give a construction of free double Ockham algebras on a partially ordered set. We also describe free objects for the subvarieties of O2 considered in [16].
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  19.  12
    Processus de co-construction et rôle de l’objet biface en recherche collaborative.Corinne Marlot, Marie Toullec-Thery & Marc Daguzon - 2017 - Revue Phronesis 6 (1-2):21-34.
    Our study has two concerns. The first falls under the methodological aspect of collaborative research : how researchers and teachers introduce each other to the world of the other and at their respective referents? What are the characteristics of their interactions, how do they facilitate mutual understanding? The second falls within the terms of the partnership : how to negotiate the subject of mutual concern, that is to say what will become both object of research and object of training? This (...)
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  20.  43
    Double sequences, almost Cauchyness and BD-N.Josef Berger, Douglas Bridges & Erik Palmgren - 2012 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 20 (1):349-354.
    It is shown that, relative to Bishop-style constructive mathematics, the boundedness principle BD-N is equivalent both to a general result about the convergence of double sequences and to a particular one about Cauchyness in a semi-metric space.
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  21.  19
    Correlation Analysis of Sprint Performance and Reaction Time Based on Double Logarithm Model.Jing Zhang, Xin-Yu Lin & Su Zhang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-11.
    In sprint track events, the starting reaction time is an important professional capacity of the athletes, and it is closely related to their performance. This study examines the reaction time and the results of the male and female sprinters participating in the World Athletics Championships from 2011 to 2019 in the 100 m, 200 m, 100 m, and 110 m hurdles. The researchers used least squares estimation, multivariate analysis of variance, and other methods and theories to construct a double (...)
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  22. How to discount double-counting when it counts: Some clarifications.Deborah G. Mayo - 2008 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 59 (4):857-879.
    The issues of double-counting, use-constructing, and selection effects have long been the subject of debate in the philosophical as well as statistical literature. I have argued that it is the severity, stringency, or probativeness of the test—or lack of it—that should determine if a double-use of data is admissible. Hitchcock and Sober ([2004]) question whether this ‘severity criterion' can perform its intended job. I argue that their criticisms stem from a flawed interpretation of the severity criterion. Taking their (...)
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  23.  18
    Les Empires berbères: constructions et déconstructions d'un objet historiographique.Mehdi Ghouirgate - 2024 - De Gruyter.
    This work compares medieval and modern Arabic sources relating to the Berber Empires (11th-13th centuries) with the way in which European studies have apprehended this topic against the backdrop of the emergence of orientalism and the expansion of France in the Maghreb. Indeed, the invocation and then the study of the Berber Empires served to characterize a great Other of proximity : the Maghreb at once so close and yet so different. Studying this past therefore amounted to giving perspectives to (...)
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  24.  19
    Jeu de parquet et combinaisons, ou la double patrimonialisation d’un objet et de ses savoirs mathématiques.Lisa Boutin Rougetet - 2022 - Philosophia Scientiae 26:91-122.
    L’objectif de cet article est de rendre compte de la création et de la transmission d’un savoir mathématique lié aux combinaisons par le biais d’un support matériel particulier : les pavés mi-partis. Ces derniers sont des carrés du plan divisés par une diagonale en deux parties de couleur différente. Tour à tour objet d’ornement, objet de réflexion mathématique à partir du xviiie siècle grâce au Mémoire sur les combinaisons du père Truchet à l’Académie royale des sciences, objet (...)
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    Updating constructions: additive effects of prior and current experience during sentence production.Malathi Thothathiri & Natalia Levshina - 2023 - Cognitive Linguistics 34 (3-4):479-502.
    While much earlier work has indicated that prior verb bias from lifelong language experience influences language processing, recent findings highlight the fact that verb biases induced during lab-based exposure sessions also influence processing. We investigated the nature of updating, i.e., how prior and current experience might interact in guiding subsequent sentence production. Participants underwent a short training session where we manipulated the bias of known English dative verbs. The prior bias of each verb for the double-object (DO) versus the (...)
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  26.  29
    La fonction symbolique et la construction des représentations : La dynamique communicationnelle EGO/alter/objet.Sandra Jovchelovitch & Birgitta Orfali - 2005 - Hermes 41:51.
    Alors que la plupart des recherches sur la psychologie sociale des représentations soulignent les aspects symboliques et communicationnels de ces dernières, une tendance subsiste qui consiste à concevoir les processus représentationnels en termes uniquement cognitifs comme si l'essentiel d'une représentation était articulé à une tentative de re-présenter le monde environnant. L'accent mis sur cette fonction des représentations, qui décalquerait en quelque sorte le monde extérieur, a instillé un courant anti-représentationnel qui a desservi la notion de représentation elle-même. Sur ce point, (...)
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    The Double Jeopardy of Feeling Lonely and Unimportant: State and Trait Loneliness and Feelings and Fears of Not Mattering.Sarah E. McComb, Joel O. Goldberg, Gordon L. Flett & Alison L. Rose - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    There have been recent concerns about an “epidemic of loneliness” during the pandemic, given the pervasiveness of loneliness in the population and its harmful effects on health and well-being. Therefore, it is important to establish the correlates of loneliness. The purpose of the current study was to explore how loneliness relates to a construct termed mattering, which is the feeling of being important to other people. Mattering was assessed with multiple measures in the current study (e.g., mattering in general, fears (...)
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  28.  22
    The Double Legacy of Bernalism in Science Diplomacy.Gerardo Ienna - 2022 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 45 (4):602-624.
    Recent debates in the history of science aimed at reconstructing the history of scientific diplomacy have privileged the analysis of forms of diplomacy coming from above. Instead, the objective of this paper is to raise awareness of these debates by looking at attempts at scientific diplomacy from below. Such a shift in perspective might allow us to observe the impact of marginalized social agents on the construction of international diplomatic choices. This article particularly focuses attention on how the legacy (...)
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    Calling Forth History's Mocking Doubles.Haley Konitshek - 2017 - Hypatia 32 (3):660-678.
    Hortense Spillers ends “Mama's Baby, Papa's Maybe” with a provocative suggestion: “Actually claiming the monstrosity … ‘Sapphire’ might rewrite after all a radically different text for female empowerment.” In this article, I knead the material, representational, and performative powers operating through conceptually separate and yet deeply entangled contested terrains: the “real,” or the scene of “actual mutilation,” whose high crimes against the flesh coincide with the construction of the “symbolic.” Through Baradian performativity, I read Spillers's theorization on the name (...)
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  30. Imaginary construction and lessons in living forward.Viktoras Bachmetjevas - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (3):470-483.
    ABSTRACT It is commonly argued that Kierkegaard’s famous observation that life can be understood backward, but must be lived forward excludes the possibility of intellectual preparation to life. This article suggests the view that, while it is not the case that Kierkegaard has an elaborate vision of thinking about the possibilities of life one faces, he engages the notion of imaginary construction [experimentere] to propose existential prototypes for mental exploration that prepare us for life lived forward. It is concluded (...)
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    “Brought up to Live Double Lives”: Intelligence and Espionage as Literary and Philosophical Figures in Ciaran Carson’s Exchange Place and For All We Know.Grzegorz Czemiel - 2021 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 11:35-50.
    The article examines the figure of the spy—alongside themes related to espionage—as employed in two books by the Northern Irish writer Ciaran Carson : the volume of poems For All We Know and the novel Exchange Place. Carson’s oeuvre is permeated with the Troubles and he has been hailed one of key writers to convey the experience of living in a modern surveillance state. His depiction of Belfast thematizes questions of terrorism, the insecurity and anxiety it causes in everyday life, (...)
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  32.  27
    The construction of value through work-integrated learning.Elzbieta Sanojca & Emmanuel Triby - 2022 - Revue Phronesis 11 (1-2):202.
    La pédagogie est constitutive d’une relation de formation portée par une intention de développement de la personne mobilisant une configuration de savoirs afin d’inscrire cette personne dans un parcours de développement. La mise en oeuvre de cette relation dans une situation organisée et instrumentée produit la matière du développement, en réalité ce qui fait la valeur de la formation. L’alternance est une manière particulière d’organiser ce processus de valorisation. Dans cette contribution est analysé un dispositif faisant cohabiter deux populations en (...)
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    Le double sens de la communauté morale : la considérabilité morale et l’agentivité morale des autres animaux.Christiane Bailey - 2014 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 9 (3):31-67.
    Christiane Bailey | : Distinguant deux sens de « communauté morale », cet article soutient que certains animaux appartiennent à la communauté morale dans les deux sens : ils sont des patients moraux dignes de considération morale directe et équivalente, mais également des agents moraux au sens où ils sont capables de reconnaître, d’assumer et d’adresser aux autres des exigences minimales de bonne conduite et de savoir-vivre. Au moyen de la notion d’« attitudes réactives » développée par Peter F. Strawson, (...)
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  34. On The (Double) Bind of Representation: From Gregory Bateson to Wim Wenders.Carmelo Marabello & Martino Doni - 2009 - World Futures 65 (8):596-604.
    What follows is the elaboration of a series of discussions held by the two authors at a seminar during which we tried to “read” Wim Wenders's Lisbon Story starting from Gregory Bateson's double bind theory. These discussions then developed into writings that were intertwined, hybridized, corrected, extended, and cut. We experimented directly with the game of relationships, the “mess that works” of the difficult distinction between map and territory, between epistemology and cinematography. Emerging from general considerations on cinema is (...)
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  35. Constructional morphology of photoreceptor patterns in percomorph fish.H. J. Meer - 1992 - Acta Biotheoretica 40 (1).
    The frequently occurring photoreceptor patterns in fish are explained using functional and environmental demands in a geometric model. The shape of the double cone provides a number of constructional properties leading to a limited number of appropriate configurations. The probability of their occurrence is estimated from the degree to which the combination of properties of each configuration meets specific environmental light conditions. A row pattern of merely double cones is especially suitable for vision in a dim homochromatic environment; (...)
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  36. Object-Oriented France: The Philosophy of Tristan Garcia.Graham Harman - 2012 - Continent 2 (1):6-21.
    continent. 2.1 (2012): 6–21. The French philosopher and novelist Tristan Garcia was born in Toulouse in 1981. This makes him rather young to have written such an imaginative work of systematic philosophy as Forme et objet , 1 the latest entry in the MétaphysiqueS series at Presses universitaires de France. But this reference to Garcia’s youthfulness is not a form of condescension: by publishing a complete system of philosophy in the grand style, he has already done what none of (...)
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    History's forgotten doubles.Ashis Nandy - 1995 - History and Theory 34 (2):44-66.
    The historical mode may be the dominant mode of constructing the past in most parts of the globe but it is certainly not the most popular mode of doing so. The dominance is derived from the links the idea of history has established with the modern nation-state, the secular worldview, the Baconian concept of scientific rationality, nineteenth-century theories of progress and, in recent decades, development. This dominance has also been strengthened by the absence of any radical critique of the idea (...)
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    Analyse sémiotique de l’index de livre : Étude de la construction complexe et unique d’un paratexte.Lyne da Sylva - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (243):229-279.
    Résumé Le présent article décortique, avec une approche sémiotique, l’index que l’on retrouve à la fin d’un livre. L’objectif est double : faire ressortir les processus de signification en jeu dans l’index et reconnaître la création sémiotique réalisée par l’analyste documentaire. L’index est un assemblage de signes, soit les vedettes, les localisateurs ainsi que diverses caractéristiques de la représentation spatiale ; leur signifiant renvoie à leur signifié respectif. L’index dans sa totalité représente un texte sémiotique, d’un genre spécifique, et (...)
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    La construction du bonheur.Robert Misrahi - 2012 - Lormont: Le Bord de l'eau. Edited by Dominique-Emmanuel Blanchard.
    La Construction du bonheur est, à la fois, un livre et un film... Les deux objets sont, ici, matériellement présents. Mais les deux peuvent être pris séparément. Dans l'un comme dans l'autre y apparaît Robert Misrahi sous des éclairages et des angles changeants. A l'écrit, Robert Misrahi, s'il commence par revenir sur son oeuvre livresque, consacré au bonheur et au philosophe eudémonique Spinoza, c'est afin de planter le décor. Très vite il en arrive à l'image. Car c'est là le (...)
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    Film Noir as Point de Capiton : Double Indemnity , Structure and Temporality.Ben Tyrer - 2013 - Film-Philosophy 17 (1):96-114.
    Reading noir and Lacan together can establish a structural corollary between the function of the signifier 'noir' in film criticism and the retroactive function of the point de capiton in Lacan's theory of language. Furthermore, at a narrative level, the function of the point de capiton can also be found in the retroactive constructions of film noir flashbacks. It is therefore possible to say that a retroactive 'noir temporality' is also the temporality of the Symbolic order. This article explores the (...)
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    La construction discursive des identités dans la parole des évêques catholiques du Congo : Présentation et perspectives d’une recherche en cours.Ignace Ndongala Maduku - 2015 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 71 (3):431-455.
    Ignace Ndongala Maduku | : Cet article entend vérifier la plausibilité sociale et politique de la parole épiscopale. Il a pour objet un Message de l’épiscopat congolais qu’il approche à partir de l’analyse du discours tel que systématisé par Ruth Amossy et Patrick Charaudeau. Il examine la visée persuasive, les modes d’argumentation et de légitimation de la parole épiscopale. Il rend compte de la manière dont les évêques congolais construisent leur identité et celle de leur auditoire ainsi que de (...)
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  42. Subject: Construct or Acting Being? The Status of the Subject and the Problem of Solipsism in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus.Włodzimierz Heflik - 2011 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 1 (1):49-68.
    In his Tractatus and Notebooks 1914-1916, Wittgenstein develops some themes concerning the nature of the subject, transcendentalism, solipsism and mysticism. Though Wittgenstein rejects a naive, psychological understanding of the subject, he preserves the idea of the metaphysical subject, so-called “philosophical I”. The present investigations exhibit two ways of grasping the subject: (1) subject as a boundary (of the world); (2) subject (I) as the world. The author of the paper aims to analyze different methods of conceiving the subject, both logical (...)
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    Robust Optimization for Integrated Construction Scheduling and Multiscale Resource Allocation.Qian Li, Sha Tao, Heap-Yih Chong & Zhijie Sasha Dong - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-17.
    This research investigates an integrated problem of construction scheduling and resource allocation. Inspired by complex construction practices, multi-time scale resources are considered for different length of terms, such as permanent staff and temporary workers. Differing from the common stochastic optimization problems, the resource price is supposed to be an uncertain parameter of which probability distribution is unknown, but observed data is given. Hence, the problem here is called Data-Driven Construction Scheduling and Multiscale Resource Allocation Problem. Based on (...)
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  44. Constructing the context through goals and schemata: top-down processes in comprehension and beyond.Marco Mazzone - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
    My main purpose here is to provide an account of context selection in utterance understanding in terms of the role played by schemata and goals in top-down processing. The general idea is that information is organized hierarchically, with items iteratively organized in chunks—here called “schemata”—at multiple levels, so that the activation of any items spreads to schemata that are the most accessible due to previous experience. The activation of a schema, in turn, activates its other components, so as to predict (...)
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    Social Constructivism and Beyond. On the Double Bind Between Politics and Science.Matthias Lievens & Anneleen Kenis - 2017 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 21 (1):81-95.
    Moving beyond the post-political framing of the climate change debate, scholars have tried to show that scientific practice is based on politically significant forms of social construction. While sympathizing with this attempt, this paper questions their use of the term ‘political’. Drawing on post-foundational political theory and focusing on the example of climate denialism, it argues that the relation between science and the political constitutes a double bind: while upholding an original distinction between science and the political is (...)
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    The Quivis Construction in Biblical Hebrew.Nili Samet & Emmanuel Mastey - 2023 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 143 (4):767-784.
    We discuss the evolution of the distributive double noun (quivis) in biblical Hebrew. This construction developed from an asyndeton in Classical Biblical Hebrew (e.g., איש איש) into a syndeton in Late Biblical Hebrew (e.g., איש ואיש), a process that makes it an important diachronic marker in classifying and analyzing these two varieties of the language.
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    Bilingual processing of verbal and constructional information in English dative constructions: effects of cross-linguistic influence.Xueyan Liu, Yunchuan Chen & Hyunwoo Kim - 2022 - Cognitive Linguistics 33 (4):701-726.
    This study investigated the role of cross-linguistic influence in L2 learners’ integration of a verb and a construction during online English sentence processing. In a self-paced reading task, L1-English speakers and Chinese-L1 learners of English read the English double-object and prepositional dative constructions with verbs whose Chinese translation equivalents are either compatible or incompatible with each dative form. When including only a subset of trials for which participants provided expected translations for the target sentences (i.e., translating the English (...)
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    Classical and constructive hierarchies in extended intuitionistic analysis.Joan Rand Moschovakis - 2003 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 68 (3):1015-1043.
    This paper introduces an extension A of Kleene's axiomatization of Brouwer's intuitionistic analysis, in which the classical arithmetical and analytical hierarchies are faithfully represented as hierarchies of the domains of continuity. A domain of continuity is a relation R(α) on Baire space with the property that every constructive partial functional defined on {α : R(α)} is continuous there. The domains of continuity for A coincide with the stable relations (those equivalent in A to their double negations), while every relation (...)
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  49. Society as Constructed Ontology?F. Grote - 2015 - Constructivist Foundations 10 (2):217-218.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Ontology, Reality and Construction in Niklas Luhmann’s Theory” by Krzysztof C. Matuszek. Upshot: The question of whether contingency can be limited concerns the foundations of sociological systems theory as a theory of cognition. This commentary argues that while such limits may seem plausible and apparent at first, they would consequentially give rise to an ontological notion of society within society. Rather, the commentary proposes to understand the limits identified in the target article as (...)
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  50. World spinors—Construction and some applications.Yuval Ne'eman & Djordje Šijački - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (8):1105-1122.
    The existence of a topological double-covering for the GL(n, R) and diffeomorphism groups is reviewed. These groups do not have finite-dimensional faithful representations. An explicit construction and the classification of all\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} SL\overline {SL} \end{document}(n, R), n=3,4 unitary irreducible representations is presented. Infinite-component spinorial and tensorial\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} SL\overline {SL} \end{document} fields, “manifields”, are introduced. Particle content of the ladder manifields, as (...)
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